Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (2024)

This guide will show you how to get the rarest machine resources in Horizon Forbidden West – a full catalog with high-quality images, detailed descriptions and information on where and how to get all of them!

Table of contents

  • What are resources for in Horizon Forbidden West
  • How to Farm Machines Easier
  • How to find Apex Machines
  • Machine Types List and Locations

What are resources for in Horizon Forbidden West

Resources are the items that you can use to buy, sell, or upgrade your gear in Horizon Forbidden West. Some of them can be found pretty much anywhere while others require going to a specific location or defeating a powerful machine.

Like with weapons and outfits, resources have different rarities which are an indicator of how hard they are to find. The ascending order would be grey (Common), green (Uncommon), blue (Rare), purple (Very Rare), and orange (Legendary).

How to Farm Machines Easier

Below is a quick collection of helpful tips to allow you to farm resources easier and be able to upgrade your gear faster.

Get Extra Help

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Override a Fire Clawstrider and set it on aggressive mode, it will destroy smaller machines without much problem and provide very valuable help when fighting the stronger ones.

For this to be effective you must wear the Legendary Tenakth Tactician Outfit. Its perks will make the Clawstrider a true machine killer. If possible, upgrade it at least to level IV to unlock the additional stats.

Quick Spawning Enemies

Instead of having to look for multiple machine locations you can pick a single one, defeat the machine, use quick travel to any point on the map, and then quick travel back to that spot.

The machine will spawn again. The machine version will vary between regular and Apex, it might take a few tries before getting the Apex version.

Have a Good Arsenal

Because of the nature of the task, you are going to need a considerable amount of weapons. Have a method to deal consistent damage of each element. All of them will be extremely useful at least a couple of times.

You can’t beat every enemy with brute force, don’t sleep on tripwires and adhesive ammo. They are incredibly useful when facing the strongest Apex machines in the game.

If possible, have two or three good high tier outfits with different stats that can be switched depending on which machine you are fighting. The extra resistance stats against specific types of damage might make the difference between success and failure.

We have full catalogs of the three most popular weapons, the Bows. Take a look and choose the best bow for each machine type and learn how to extract the resources out of it:

Hunter Bows Catalog

Warrior Bows Catalog

Sharpshot Bows Catalog

Lower the Difficulty (we do not recommend this)

If you just want to gather resources without having to spend hours fighting machines you can just choose to play in Easy Difficulty. This makes everything quicker but please note that enemies will not present any real challenge.

In this difficulty, the Easy Loot option is enabled. When any machine is killed, all external resource components that are still attached are added to the loot inventory.

We do not recommend using this method, because the game is meant to be enjoyed and lowering its difficulty directly contradicts that goal.

How to find Apex Machines

Apex machines are the most powerful versions. They are tougher and stronger than standard machines and you can identify them by their black-plated armor.

They are easier to find during night time but it’s also possible to spot them during the day, for practical purposes I recommend that you only search for them at night.

Shelters allow you to skip as many in-game hours as you want so even if the night is over you can just go to a shelter and skip time until it’s completely dark again. This way you won’t have to wait an entire day before continuing your hunt.

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (5)

Apex machines are the source of the rarest components in the game, which are required to upgrade Legendary Weapons and Outfits. Because of this, this guide focuses only on the Apex version of the listed machines.

Machine Types List and Locations

In the catalog below you will see information about each machine describing its appearance, strengths, weaknesses, where to find them, how to defeat them and what resources they drop.

If you want to learn more about gear, weapons, and how they work make sure to check ourHorizon Forbidden West Gearing Guide.

Click on a thumbnail to view high resolution images of the machine, locations where you can find it, tips how to defeat it, what resources you can get out of it and how to extract them successfully.

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Stalkers are small compared to the other machines on this list but don’t let this fool you. These feline-like machines hunt in small packs, and are equipped with mines, a cannon, and a stealth generator that make them formidable enemies.

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You can find Stalkers Southeast of Lowland’s Path.

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How to defeat it

Apex Stalkers are weak against Plasma Damage but strong against Fire, Purgewater, and Acid Damage.

Stalkers are very good at controlling the terrain. They will mine the area and surround you while in stealth, usually at least two of them will be attacking from different angles. Tripwires are great to protect your blind spots and to detect them.

Stalkers don’t need to physically attack you, as they have a Dart Gun on their backs that can shoot from medium distances. Try to detach it so they are forced to get closer.

The most important thing is to remove their Stealth Generator, which is located behind the front legs. Once you’ve done this, it will be a lot easier to deal with them.

Valuable Resources List

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from an Apex Stalker by looting its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
Like Crystal Braiding, you can get it by defeating and looting an Apex Stalker. Its drop rate is 50%.

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Apex Stalker Heart
You can only get an Apex Stalker Heart after defeating an Apex Stalker and looting its body. Its drop rate is 67%.

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Stalker Mine Launcher
Use Tear damage to detach both Mine Launchers from a Stalkers body.

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Stalker Stealth Generator
Every Stalker has a Stealth Generator. Use any ammo that deals Tear damage to remove it.


A machine that appears to be based on a Saber Tooth Tiger, it has sharp claws and a mounted cannon which make it dangerous at both close and medium distances.

Ravagers can hunt alone but they’re usually in groups with other machines, either more Ravagers or bigger machines like Behemoths or Bellowbacks. Individually they are not super dangerous but things can go bad very quickly if fighting two or more.

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Ravager sites can be found East of the Dry Yearn Relic Ruins and East of Sky’s Sentry.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (34)

How to defeat it

Apex Ravagers are weak against Plasma Damage but strong against Frost and Shock Damage.

The first thing that you must do is use any weapon with Tear damage to remove the Ravager’s cannon. This will force the Ravager to get close to you, its melee attack is very telegraphed and easy to dodge when you learn to time it.

The easiest way to destroy it is by grabbing the removed cannon and shooting the Ravager with its own weapon, destroying the Blaze Canisters located on its back might buy you enough time to do so.

Valuable Resources List

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from an Apex Ravager after defeating the machine and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can get Volatile Sludge from an Apex Ravager after defeating the machine and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 50%.

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Apex Ravager Heart
You get the Apex Ravager Heart after defeating an Apex Ravager and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 65%.


These big, mechanical Crocodiles are always near bodies of water but they are more than capable of fighting in solid ground. Despite their size and shape, Snapmaws are unexpectedly fast and can deal a lot of damage with their jaws and tail.

The number of Snapmaws will vary but you can expect to find between one and three. Snapmaws are easy to deal with as long as you fight them on land and most importantly, if you keep your distance.

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You can find Snapmaw sites Northwest of Scalding Spear and West of The Bulwark. The number of Snapmaws varies, you can find 1-3 in one spot.

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How to defeat it

Apex Snapmaws are weak against Fire Damage but strong against Purgewater and Acid Damage.

You want to draw Snapmaws out of the water, just remember to always keep your distance, it can be hard to move if you get cornered.

The Metalbite Sac will cause an Acid explosion when destroyed, it is located right under the jaws, it is very easy to hit.

The easiest spots to hit are the four Dispersal tanks located on its back but to do a huge amount of damage you can use Plasma ammo to hit the two Glowblast Canisters that are behind its head.

Valuable Resources List

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Apex Snapmaw Heart
You can get the Apex Snapmaw Heart after defeating an Apex Snapmaw and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 59%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can get Volatile Sludge after defeating an Apex Snapmaw and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 49%.


Just like Baboons, Clamberjaws are very aggressive and dangerous despite their small size. They always hunt in groups and have multiple attacks that can make them very hard to deal with.

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There are Clambjeraw sites Northeast of the Zenith Base and Northeast of Tide’s Reach.

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How to defeat it

Despite being small compared to many other machines, Clamberjaws can be very annoying to face. They are always in packs of three to five members, can climb trees or boulders, and also shoot multiple projectiles with their Tail Dusters.

The first thing you should worry about is getting rid of those Tail Dusters, the animation that occurs when getting hit by multiple of their projectiles might stun you for a little bit and that means certain death on the higher difficulties.

Destroy the two Concussion Sacs on the right and left side of a Clamberjaw’s head. This will create a small explosion and disable the concussion attacks.

Always keep moving and use trees, rocks, or human structures to your advantage, whether it’s for cover or to get the high ground. Hit the Purgewater Canisters located on the back of an Apex Clamberjaw with Purgewater ammo to create a chain reaction. The Purgewater Hunter Bow is the best option for this occasion.

Patience is key when facing a group of Clamberjaws, don’t despair if the fight takes too long, be methodical, and never stop moving.

Valuable Resources List

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Clamberjaw Tail Duster
To get a Clamberjaw Tail Duster you must detach it from the machine before defeating it, otherwise it will be destroyed. Any bow with Tear damage will do. You can get this component from any Clamberjaw.

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Apex Clamberjaw Heart
You can get the Apex Clamberjaw Heart only after defeating an Apex Clamberjaw and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 54%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can get Volatile Sludge after defeating an Apex Clamberjaw and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 51%.


Rollerbacks are a combination of an Armadillo with an Ankylosaurus. It can roll while being coiled, meaning that it can attack while also defending itself. It’s not among the most dangerous machines in Horizon Forbidden West, but its design makes it a very unique opponent.

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Rollerback sites are located North of the Runner’s Wild Relic Ruins and West of Thornmarsh.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (51)

How to defeat it

Apex Rollerbacks are weak against Frost Damage but strong against Shock and Acid Damage.

The biggest concern when fighting a Rollerback is the Gravity Generator located on its back. It can reattach armor plates that have been torn off so you should prioritize it, just try to be at a safe distance because it produces a shockwave when it’s destroyed.

Make sure to destroy the Sparkers that are under its tail with Shock ammo to cause a chain reaction. Remove its tail to obtain the Hammer Tail component.

This machine relies on physical attacks so as long as it doesn’t rolls over you it should be fine. Using a Ropecaster to immobilize it is a very good way to remain safe and find a clear shot for the areas that are almost impossible to hit when it’s rolling.

Valuable Resources List

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Volatile Sludge
You can get Volatile Sludge from an Apex Rollerback after defeating and looting it from its body.

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Apex Rollerback Heart
You get the Apex Rollerback Heart after defeating an Apex Rollerback and looting it from its body.

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Volatile Sludge from an Apex Rollerback by detaching its Gravity Generator or by looting it from its body, this component persists after the machine is defeated. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Hammer Tail
You must detach this component with Tear damage before killing the machine, otherwise it will be destroyed. Every Rollerback has one Hammer Tail.


Rockbreakers are deadly machines that are as annoying as they are powerful. They move underground and it’s impossible to outrun them by foot, if you’re not alert they will surprise you.

They are lone hunters but other machines can be very close to them. From a small group of Burrowers to a pack of Ravagers.

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Thereare two Rockbreaker sites located in the Stillsands next to each other.

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How to defeat it

Apex Rockbreakers are weak against Fire Damage but strong against Frost and Shock Damage.

Destroy all four claws to prevent the Rockbreaker from going underground. You can use Adhesive Ammo or a Ropecaster to make this easier.

There are two Blaze Sacs under its belly, destroy them to cause an explosion and disable its Fire attacks.

The Exhaust Port located on the lower back is indestructible but since it is a weak spot you can abuse this by focusing this area.

If you are fighting them in an open area, try to find a big rock or structure where you can stand. They can’t reach you there with their underground attack. This can also provide cover against their ranged attacks.

Valuable Resources List

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Apex Rockbreaker Heart
You get the Apex Rockbreaker Heart after defeating an Apex Rockbreaker and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Rockbreaker Mining Claw
You must detach it with Tear damage before defeating the machine or it will be destroyed. Every Rockbreaker has a total of four mining claws, one for each extremity.

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Volatile Sludge
You can get Volatile Sludge after defeating a Rockbreaker and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get a Rockbreaker Luminous Brainstem you must defeat it and loot the component from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Crystal Braiding
You can only get it after defeating a Rockbreaker and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 28%.


Behemoths are bulky, slow machines. They’re usually surrounded by other machines but their threat level isn’t comparable to the toughest machines in this catalog. Bigger than Ravagers or Clamberjaws but small compared to a Tremortusk or Slaughterspine.

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A Behemoth convoy is wandering the Stillsands, please note that there are other machines guarding it. Another Behemoth site is located Southwest of the Raintrace Salvage Contractor.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (65)

How to defeat it

Apex Behemoths are weak against Frost and Acid Damage but strong against Shock and Plasma Damage.

Behemoths can pick and hurl objects with their Force Loader, this is probably the most annoying attack of this machine. Remove the Force Loader that’s located on both sides of the Behemoth’s body, right behind its head.

There are two Blaze Canisters behind the Force Loader, shoot it with Fire Ammo to trigger an explosion.

Behemoths are not agile or very fast, but they can do a lot of damage if they manage to get close to you, especially if the Force Loader is still functional.

Valuable Resources List

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Behemoth Force Loader
You must detach this component before defeating the machine, otherwise it will be destroyed.

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from a Behemoth after defeating and looting its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Apex Behemoth Heart
You get the Apex Behemoth Heart after defeating an Apex Behemoth and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get Luminous Brainstem from an Apex Behemoth you must defeat and loot its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
Like most of the previous components, you have to defeat a Behemoth and loot its body to get the Volatile Sludge. Its drop rate is 50%.


There’s nothing scarier than a Dreadwing at night. Their radars, stealth generators, and ability to drain stamina make these giant bat-like machines one of the most dangerous enemies in Horizon Forbidden West.

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A Dreadwing site is located between No Man’s Land and the Stillsands, far Southwest of the Cauldron MU.

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How to defeat it

Apex Dreadwings are weak against Plasma Damage but strong against Fire, Frost, and Purgewater Damage.

You must be decisive even before engaging a Dreadwing, its Radar emits a pulse that will reveal nearby enemies, even stealth ones. The moment you’re in range of the pulse, the Dreadwing will begin its attack.

Always keep your eyes focused on an Apex Dreadwing, or it will reposition when going on stealth mode without you noticing, especially since you are likely going to fight it at night.

Dreadwings can attack from a distance or fly directly at you. Finding something to take cover like a small structure will make everything easier.

The Radar is the first thing you must get rid of, Tear damage will do the job. It is located on the Dreadwing’s Tail. Doing so will prevent the Dreadwing from disrupting your Focus signal.

Detonate the two Acid Canisters located under the Dreadwings Radar, when the Corroding State is applied, use something like Advanced Explosive Spikes to hit weak spots and do a lot of damage.

There are two Glowblast Canisters very close to the Dreadwing’s body, hitting them with Plasma Ammo will create a Plasma chain reaction. Remember that Apex Dreadwings are weak to Plasma Damage so this can definitely make the difference. It is not easy to hit them but it’s a risk worth taking.

Valuable Resources List

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding by removing a Dreadwing’s Flash Blinders or by looting it from its body. The drop rates are 50% and 28% respectively.

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Volatile Sludge
There are three Volatile Sludge sources: Looting the dead body or detaching the Stamina Drain Container and the Damage Dampener Container. The drop rates are 50%, 100%, and 100% respectively.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get an Apex Dreadwing’s Luminous Brainstem you must defeat the machine and loot it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Apex Dreadwing Heart
You get the Apex Dreadwing Heart after defeating an Apex Dreadwing Heart and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Dreadwing Metal Fang
Use Tear damage to remove this component. Dreadwing’s fangs look like two massive teeth located close to its eyes. This component is destroyed when the machine dies.


A Tideripper looks like a Plesiosaurus, but unlike the ancient marine reptiles, they can be in both water and land. Tiderippers’ massive size equals their power and threat level, you won’t find a deadlier water machine.

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One Tideripper Site is in the far South of no Man’s Land, there are usually three Tiderippers in this spot. The last one is located Southwest of Thornmarsh and only a single Tideripper swims in this area.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (80)

How to defeat it

Apex Tiderippers are weak against Frost and Shock Damage but strong against Fire and Purgewater Damage.

Use any weapon with Tear damage to remove the Tidal Disc located on a Tideripper’s back to disable its Water Spin attack. You can also do this with its tail to disable its tail attacks. By removing both of these components you will significantly reduce the reach of the Tideripper.

Use Acid Ammo to destroy the Acid Canisters and induce the Corroded State. When this happens, use something that deals explosive damage to hit some weak spots and deal as much damage as possible.

Always try to lure a Tideripper out of the water. Big rocks, structures, or high ground are great for providing cover against Tideripper’s attacks.

Valuable Resources List

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Luminous Brainstem
You can get a Tideripper’s Luminous Brainstem by looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Apex Tideripper Heart
You get the Apex Tideripper Heart after defeating an Apex Tideripper and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can get it after defeating the machine and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 51%.

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Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from three different sources: Looting its body or removing the Purgewater Cannon and Tidal Disc before killing the Tideripper. The drop rates are 28%, 50% and 10% respectively.

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Tideripper Tail Fin
There are two ways to get a Tideripper Tail Fin, the first one is by destroying the Processing Capsule located on a Tideripper’s head. The second one is by detaching a Tideripper’s tail. Both components will get destroyed when the machine dies.


Inspired by the Alligator Snapping Turtle, Shellsnappers can become a nightmare to face for any unprepared players. Don’t get fooled by its appearance, Shell-Snappers are extremely aggressive and their massive defenses make them incredibly tough to defeat.

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The Shellsnapper site is located Northeast of the Dry Yearn Relic Ruins.

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How to defeat it

Apex Shellsnappers are weak against Frost and Acid Damage but strong against Fire and Plasma Damage.

Use Acid Ammo to shoot the Acid Canisters located on the shell, this will trigger the Corroded State. The Shellsnappers’ armor will be reduced, use powerful weapons like Spike Throwers or Boltblasters to deal as much damage as possible.

Try to remove one of the Frost Blasters located on the edges of its shell. You can use them against it, they are particularly good against the Apex Shellsnappers due to their weakness against Frost Damage.

The Kynetic Dynamo is an energy storage used to build up devastating attacks. It is very well protected but removing the armor plates that cover it will provide a method to do a lot of damage. Since it can’t be destroyed you can hit it repeatedly until the machine dies.

The Chillwater Sac is on a Shellsnapper’s belly, sometimes it will be the only easy-to-hit spot. It will explode when destroyed.

Valuable Resources List

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Crystal Braiding
You can loot Crystal Braiding from a Shellsnapper’s body. Its drop rate is 28%.

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Shell-Snapper Shell Bolt
You can only get this component by using Tear damage to remove them from a Shellsnapper’s shell.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get a Shellsnapper’s Luminous Brainstem you can loot it from its body or by removing the Processing Capsule. The drop rates are 28% and 16% respectively.

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Volatile Sludge
You can only get Volatile Sludge from a Shell-Snapper by removing its Refining Core, this component is destroyed when the machine dies. Its drop rate is 36%.


Stormbirds reign the skies of Horizon Forbidden West, they are huge, fast, and very powerful. They will attack on sight but their range of vision is smaller compared to the Dreadwing’s. Stormbirds can be found near mountains or in high altitudes where a storm is forming.

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You can find a Stormbird West of the Arena and Southest of Sky’s Sentry. It doesn’t appear on the map but it’s there. The only issue is that this spot is also occupied by a Dreadwing. You will have to fight an Apex Dreadwing and Apex Stormbird at the same time.

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How to defeat it

Apex Stormbirds are weak against Acid and Plasma Damage but strong against Fire, Frost, and Shock Damage.

Use Tear damage to destroy the six Wing Thrusters and disable its dive attack. It might dive a few times before you’re able to eliminate all six, when this happens you should never stop moving.

There are two acid canisters that can be shot with Acid Ammo to apply the Corroding State. You can use any weapons that deal Explosive Damage, Stormbirds’s armor isn’t that strong so even if your shots aren’t incredibly precise they will still do decent damage.

Destroy the Stormbird’s Storm Cannon with Tear damage. It’s located in the center of the Stormbird’s body. Doing this will disable its Shock attacks.

There are two Glowblast Canisters near the tail, hitting them with Plasma Damage will trigger a big explosion.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (95)

Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from a Stormbird by detaching the Wing Thrusters or looting the machine’s body. Its drop rates are 67% and 100% respectively.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get Luminous Brainstem from an Apex Stormbird you must defeat it and then loot the body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Apex Stormbird Heart
You can only get an Apex Stormbird Heart after defeating an Apex Stormbird and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can only get it after defeating the machine and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 49%.

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Stormbird Cannon
You can only get a Stormbird Cannon by detaching it before killing the machine.


Thunderjaws are two-legged massive, heavily armored, combat machines that resemble the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are extremely aggressive and have multiple attacks with an unexpectedly long range.

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You can find Thunderjaws in almost every environment. There are usually smaller machines near them, like Burrowers or Redeye Watchers.

There’s a Thunderjaw site in the Stillsands, Southwest of Hidden Ember. And another Southeast of Cliffwatch.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (102)

How to defeat it

Apex Thunderjaws are weak against Acid Damage but strong against Fire, Frost, Shock, Purgewater, and Plasma Damage.

Use acid ammo to build up the Corroding State, then use Tear Damage to remove the Disc Launcher, Tail, Rapidfire Canon, and Radar.

When facing an Apex Thunderjaw, blow up the Fire and Acid Canisters located at the back and bottom of the machine to deal even more damage.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (103)

Thunderjaw Tail
A Thunderjaw’s tail is destroyed when the machine dies, you must use Tear damage to remove it before defeating the machine. You can get it from every Thunderjaw in the game.

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Crystal Braiding
You can only get it by using Tear damage to destroy a Thunderjaw’s Rapidfire Cannon, located next to the head. It will be destroyed unless you detach it before the machine dies. Its drop rate is 50%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get a Thunderjaw’s Luminous Brainstem you must use Tear damage to remove the Radar that’s located between the neck and torso. It will be destroyed unless you detach it before the machine dies. Its drop rate is only 11%.

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Apex Thunderjaw Heart
You get the Apex Thunderjaw Heart after defeating an Apex Thunderjaw and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
You can only get it after defeating the machine and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 50%.


There are two bear-like machines in Horizon Forbidden West. The first one is the Frostclaw, a medium-sized enemy that lives in cold areas.

It hunts on its own but there are machines like Burrowers, Clawstriders, and even Scorchers nearby. This machine will attack on sight but you have to get fairly close before it detects you.

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The Frostclaw Site is located North of the Bulwark. There might be a Scorcher, Clawstriders and Burrowers nearby.

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How to defeat it

Apex Frostclaws are weak to Fire and Shock Damage but strong against Frost Damage.

Destroy the Chillwater Unit to trigger an explosion and disable all Frost attacks. Once you do this it will only be able to do physical attacks. This is a great opportunity to use Shock or Fire Tripwires in combination with a Warrior Bow to quickly trigger an elemental state.

Use Tear damage to destroy the Chillwater Sac to trigger another explosion, it is located on the shoulders of the Frostclaw.

Hit the sparkers with Shock Ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. If it’s too hard to hit them there’s always the option to use Adhesive Ammo or Tripwires to immobilize it and have a clear shot.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (110)

Volatile Sludge
There are two sources for Volatile Sludge: The first one is the Chillwater Unit located in the machine’s chest. The second one is by looting its body. The drop rates are 100% and 50% respectively.

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Apex Frostclaw Heart
You can only get it after defeating an Apex Frostclaw Heart and looting its body. Its drop rate is 67%

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Luminous Brainstem
You can get an Apex Frostclaw’s Luminous Brainstem by defeating it and looting the body. Its drop rate is 67%.


Scorchers look like wolves but unlike them, they do not hunt in packs. As their name suggests it, their main way of fighting is by using fire attacks to incinerate everything in their path. They are similar to a Ravager in terms of size and threat level.

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The first Scorcher site is Southwest of the Breached Rock Rebel Camp. The second one isn’t that far from there, West of the Bulwark to be precise.

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How to defeat it

Apex Scorchers are weak against Purgewater Damage but strong against Frost and Shock Damage.

Since Apex Scorchers are only weak to Purgewater it’s a good idea to use the Purgewater Hunter Bow.

Destroy the Power Generator located on the back of the Scorcher, it looks like a small tale. This will trigger a small explosion.

Use Tear damage to remove the Mine Launcher from the Scorcher’s back and use it to cover a small area. This will protect you if the Scorcher attempts to attack directly.

Shoot the Glowblast Canisters with Plasma Ammo, it is located under the Mine Launcher. Doing so will create an elemental explosion.

Scorcher’s ears can detect previously spotted enemies. This means that if you want to hide in the middle of the battle, it will be able to track you down.

Valuable Resources List

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Apex Scorcher Heart
You can only get it by defeating an Apex Scorcher Heart and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 51%.

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Crystal Braiding
You can get it by defeating the Apex Scorcher and looting the body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
There are two ways to obtain Luminous Brainstem from an Apex Scorcher, by looting its body or from the Power Generator. The drop rates are 16% and 15% respectively.

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Scorcher Scanning Ear
Use Tear damage to detach both Scanning Ears, they will be destroyed if not detached when the machine dies.


Slitherfangs are giant mechanical cobras, with many ways to attack at close, medium and large distances they are among the most adaptable and powerful machines in Horizon Forbidden West. As a combat machine, their aggression and threat levels are over the top.

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (120)


There are Slitherfang sites located North of Scalding Spear and North of Hidden Ember in the Stillsands. They can be hiding underground and if this is the case, they will emerge only after you get close to them so be careful.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (122)

How to defeat it

Apex Slitherfangs are weak against Fire and Plasma Damage but strong against Frost, Shock, Purgewater,and Acid Damage.

Apex Slitherfangs can shoot acid from large distances, they can even hit you in the air when riding a Sunwing. To disable these attacks you must detach the Metalbite Sac with Tear damage.

Hit the Acid Canisters located under the Metalbite Sac with Acid Ammo to induce the Corroding State, take this opportunity to hit weak spots like the Earthgrinder. There are also Glowblast and Purgewater Canisters that you can hit to trigger an elemental state but these two are in harder-to-hit spots.

Slitherfangs are very fast and powerful, their movement is unique compared to the other machines so you have to be very careful when facing them. Sitherfangs can move freely in every terrain, and big rocks or structures can provide temporary cover but unless it’s a perfect spot, I wouldn’t suggest staying there for more than a minute.

Removing the Shock Orbs located at the back of the Slitherfang’s tail will grant you a heavy weapon that could be useful against it. Using heavy weapons is a double-edged sword, they can do lots of damage but at the same time you are very vulnerable when carrying them. Consider carefully if the risk is worth it.

The Data Nexus is both indestructible and a weak spot, hitting it multiple times will deal a lot of damage. The only problem is that it’s right in the back of the Slitherfang, and a machine of this level will rarely turn its back on you. To solve this problem you can use Adhesive Ammo or Tripwires to immobilize the machine for a few seconds.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (123)

Crystal Braiding
You can get it by defeating the machine and looting its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Apex Slitherfang Heart
You get the Apex Slitherfang Heart only after defeating an Apex Slitherfang and looting it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To obtain Luminous Brainstem from an Apex Slitherfang you can loot it from its body or get it after detaching a resource container. The drop rates are 100% and 10% respectively.

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Slitherfang Earthgrinder
You can only get a Slitherfang’s Earthgrinder by detaching it with Tear damage before killing the machine, otherwise it will be destroyed.

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Volatile Sludge
To get Volatile Sludge from an Apex Slitherfang you can just loot it from its body. Its drop rate is 100%.


These Mammoth-like machines have a massive size which makes them extremely slow but don’t let this fool you, with thick armor plates, multiple cannons, and sharp tusks they are moving fortresses.

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You can find a Tremortusk in the Stillsands, West of Hidden Ember to be precise. Another one is far Southeast of the Bulwark, close to the Breached Rock Rebel Camp.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (130)

How to defeat it

Apex Tremortusks are weak against Shock Damage but strong against Purgewater and Plasma Damage.

As stated above, Tremortusks are very immobile but this is compensated by their multiple long-range attacks with area damage. Moving constantly when facing them is something that you should always do.

Their four tusks are deadly, use Tear damage to get rid of them as soon as possible. Doing so will reduce the risk of receiving lethal damage if the Tremortusk manages to get close to you.

The next thing you should worry about are the two Plasma Cannons near its mouth and the Shock Cannon mounted on its back. These are their most powerful ranged attacks, both of them have a considerable range, and the Shock Cannon covers a medium area. Hiding behind an object for too long isn’t something that I’d recommend.

There are Chillwater Canisters near the tusks, shot them with Frost Ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. It’s a hard spot to hit so I would suggest that you shoot at it only after getting rid of the most important components.

Tripwires and adhesive ammo are fantastic to immobilize this juggernaut and have a clear shot at the Heat Sinks. They are both weak spots and indestructible, hitting them multiple times will result in a lot of damage.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (131)

Volatile Sludge
There are two sources of Volatile Sludge when fighting an Apex Tremortusk. The first one is looting the body and the second one is by detaching the Amplifying Sac. The drop rates are 50% and 100% respectively.

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Apex Tremortusk Heart
You can only get an Apex Tremortusk Heart by defeating an Apex Tremortusk and looting its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get a Tremortusk’s Luminous Brainstem you must tear the Processing Capsules or defeat and loot its body. Its drop rates are 11% and 100% respectively.

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Crystal Braiding
Detach the Salvo Cannons or loot the Tremortusk’s body. The drop rates are 50% and 100% respectively.

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Tremortusk Tusk
Use Tear damage to detach all four Tremortusk Tusks. This component is destroyed when the machine dies.


Frostclaw’s bigger and stronger “brother”. Fireclaws’ size might make them appear to be less dangerous than some of the bigger machines but this couldn’t be more wrong. They are extremely dangerous and persistent enemies.

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You can find two Fireclaw sites very close to each other. The first one is East of Thornmarsh and the second is Southeast of the first site.

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How to defeat it

Apex Fireclaws are weak to Frost Damage but strong against Fire and Shock Damage.

Fireclaws’ size allows them to follow you pretty much everywhere. They are not that fast but if they manage to corner you it can be very hard to get away.

Hit the Chillwater Canister with Frost Ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. Take this chance to hit the Blaze Unit and Blaze Sac, destroying both components inflicts a permanent Burning state. It will also disable all its fire attacks with the exception of its claws.

Since its arsenal is very limited, getting rid of the fire attacks is going to make everything a lot easier. Just make sure to always keep a safe distance.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (138)

Volatile Sludge
You can get it from the Blaze Unit or by looting it from its body. The drop rates are 50% and 100% respectively.

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Apex Fireclaw Heart
You can only obtain an Apex Fireclaw Heart after defeating and looting an Apex Fireclaw. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
Defeat and loot an Apex Fireclaw to get Luminous Brainstem. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Crystal Braiding
Getting Crystal Braiding from an Apex Fireclaw is done by defeating it and looting the body. Its drop rate is 28%.


This Spinosaurus-like enemy is the perfect combat machine. Armed to the teeth, fast, resistant to multiple elements, and with melee and ranged attacks, the Slaugherspine is the true definition of an Apex Predator.

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One Slaughterspine is Southwest of Sky’s Sentry, there are redeye watchers with it. The second one is alone wandering the coast, Northwest of Thornmarsh. Sometimes Rebels will attack and kill it, if you spot them make sure to eliminate them before they take down your prey.

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Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (144)

How to defeat it

Apex Slaughterspines are weak against Frost and Purgewater Damage but strong against Fire, Shock, Acid and Plasma Damage.

Slaughterspines fight primarily with different Plasma attacks, their Plasma Energizers charge up and release devastating attacks. Because of this, it’s essential that you get rid of as many weapons as possible.

The Plasma Earthblaster is on the Slaughterspine’s belly, it launches homing payloads on the ground. If possible, try to always look where you’re stepping. I know this isn’t easy because how much attention you must pay to this enemy but it can save you from a very unfortunate accident.

The Plasma Spine Launchers are located on the spines, use Tear damage to detach them. This is a usable heavy weapon, just keep in mind that finding the window to use it might be difficult because how slow it is to move and attack when carrying a weapon of this type.

The Spinetail Lancer is another detachable weapon that’s located on a Slaughterspines Tail. It shoots Plasma beams which can be fired from long distances.

Blaze Canisters are located along the upper side of a Slaughterspine’s tail. Shoot them with Fire Ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. This is particularly strong against Apex Slaughterspines due to their natural weakness to fire.

There’s an Antenna under the spines, it will call nearby machine reinforcements and trust me, the last thing you want to do when facing an Apex Slaughterspine is worrying about other machines.

Never underestimate the speed or reach of a Slaughterspine, use structures, rocks and high ground as cover or to be at a prudent distance but never assume that you are completely safe. This is a mistake that could lose you the battle.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (145)

Apex Slaughterspine Heart
You can only acquire an Apex Slaughterspine Heart by defeating an Apex Slaughterspine. Its drop rate is 100%.

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Volatile Sludge
There are two different sources for Volatile Sludge. By looting its body or by tearing the Plasma Earthblaster. The drop rates are 50% and 100% respectively.

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Crystal Braiding
Like the Volatile Sludge, the Crystal Braiding can also be obtained by looting the body of an Apex Slaughterspine and by tearing the Plasma Earthblaster. But in this case, both drop rates are 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get a Slaughterspines Luminous Brainstem you must use Tear damage to detach the Processing Capsule or by looting its body. The drop rates are 15% and 100%.


These Frog-like machines are part of the Burning Shores DLC. They are far from being as deadly as a Slaughterspine or Slitherfang but they can be the most annoying machine if you don’t pay attention to your surroundings.

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Bileguts are part of the Burning Shores DLC, you will only find them in the new map area. There are two Bilegut sites very close to Fleet’s End, one is at the North of the Island and the second all the way down at the South. You must complete Cauldron Theta, only after that they will start spawning.

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (150)

How to defeat it

Apex Bileguts are weak against Purgewater and Plasma Damage but strong against Fire, Frost, and Acid Damage.

Bileguts have the unique ability to spawn other machines. These machines are called Stingspawns, their number can increase to the point that it will be almost impossible to focus on the Bilegut. To prevent this from happening you must destroy the Egg Launcher located on a Bilegut’s back.

Check the nearby areas for any Stingspawn eggs that were already there. Try to eliminate as much as them before engaging the Bilegut.

Shoot the Blaze Sac with Fire Ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. Destroying the Adhesive Sac doesn’t have an elemental effect but it will still explode and deal a small amount of damage.

You can also hit the Purgewater Canisters with Purgewater ammo to trigger an elemental explosion. Bileguts are very mobile and it can be hard to aim acurrately at a small canister, try using Tripwires or Adhesive Ammo to immobilize them.

Valuable Resources List

Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (151)

Crystal Braiding
You can get Crystal Braiding from an Apex Bilegut by looting its body. Its drop rate is 29%.

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Volatile Sludge
To get obtain Volatile Sludge you can decide to loot the body or get it from the Blaze and Adhesive Sacs. The drop rates are 51%, 100%,and 100% respectively.

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Apex Bilegut Heart
You can only get an Apex Bilegut Heart after defeating an Apex Bilegut and looting its body. The drop rate is 100%.

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Luminous Brainstem
To get an Apex Bilegut’s Luminous Brainstem you can defeat the machine and loot its body. Its drop rate is 100%.

Table of contents

  • What are resources for in Horizon Forbidden West
  • How to Farm Machines Easier
    • Get Extra Help
    • Quick Spawning Enemies
    • Have a Good Arsenal
    • Lower the Difficulty (we do not recommend this)
  • How to find Apex Machines
  • Machine Types List and Locations
    • Stalkers
    • Ravagers
    • Snapmaws
    • Clamberjaws
    • Rollerbacks
    • Rockbreakers
    • Behemoths
    • Dreadwings
    • Tiderippers
    • Shellsnappers
    • Stormbirds
    • Thunderjaws
    • Frostclaws
    • Scorchers
    • Slitherfangs
    • Tremortusks
    • Fireclaws
    • Slaughterspines
    • Bileguts
Horizon Forbidden West Machine Resources Farming Guide (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.