NationStates • View topic - World Bowl 47 (2024)

The Allamunnic States is dead, long live Teref*cke. More detail to be added later.

General Information

Nation Full Name: The Federation of Teref*ckien Republics
Nation Informal Name: Teref*cke (Pronounced "Teh-Reh-Foo-Sheh")
Population: approx. 500 million
Languages: Teref*ckien (creole), Allamunnic (English), Eonese (Astur-Leonese)
Capital: Ottonia (executive), Langreus (Legislative), Innsboro (Administrative)
Largest Cities: Dunnmaar, Onneria, Ohmory, Koppenhulm, Spaal, Staalburg

Team Nicknames: The Regulars (legacy nickname), the Herd, Blue & White

RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: Yes; please use the notes, though; players are shown in depth-chart order.
Godmod scoring events: Yes, but keep it reasonable.
RP injuries to my players: Yes, but limit severity to game-ending; I will decide severity beyond that.
Godmod Injuries to my players: Yes, but see above proviso.
Suspend my players: Yes, but keep it reasonable; the team is meant to be fairly disciplined, so it should take something exceptional to make a character act out like that.
Godmod suspension events: Yes, but see above proviso.
Godmod other events: Please TG me about what you have in mind. I am also reachable on the NSSport Discord.

Style Modifier: +0

Coaching Staff

Head Coach & General Manager: Torren Tormundsun (Age: 45) - When the call went out to reconstitute the Regulars leading up to World Bowl 47, the person who stepped forward, having maintained contact with the national team’s players and staff during the difficult hiatus, was former national team fullback and odd-jobs coach Torren Tormundsun. Tormundsun, even as a player, was a jack of many skills and prided himself on doing often thankless jobs with aplomb to clear the way for his teammates, and he's brought an adaptable, enthusiastic energy to the new team.

Offensive Coordinator: Odie Iarlsun (Age: 43) - A literally-towering figure on the sideline, long-time national team tight-end and all-around role-player Udun Jarlsun has taken over as the offensive coordinator and general offensive skills coach, given his own technical skills as both a blocker and pass-catcher. He’s proven to be a good teacher and has the kind of adaptability Tormundsun is hoping to build in this new generation of Regulars.

Defensive Coordinator: Karlus Walturs (Age: 50) - Long-time national team linebacker and defensive skills coach Kyl Walturs heads up the defensive unit. Much like Jarlsun and Tormundsun, part of what got him the job was his adaptability, lack of marriage to a specific system or front, and understanding of the whole defense.

Special Teams Coordinator: Wyatt Skode (Age: 54) - Long-time national team punter and previous special teams coordinator Wyatt Skode returns to head up the team’s special unit once again. Skode also serves as the kicking skills coach.

The Offense

Base Front: Flex-Pistol (QB at pistol depth, fullback behind, wingbacks in slot or behind tackles, ends either tight or split wide)
Overview: The Teref*ckien offense is at its core meant to be adaptable and flexible based on what looks and vulnerabilities an opponent shows; it demands its quarterbacks to be competent throwers and runners, its wingbacks/tailbacks to be capable ball-handlers whether they are taking hand offs or catching passes, and decent blockers besides, and for its ends to be blockers and receivers alike. However, the foundations of the offense, the fundamentals, are rooted in the spread-option attack, making heavy use of the principles that make read-option, triple-option, and run-pass option plays so difficult to defend, to force defenses to be wrong no matter what. It's a fundamentally methodical offense, meant to opportunistically take what defenses give, whether that's in the middle, on the flanks, or to punish defenses with deep shots should they prove too enthusiastic to take away the short game.

The offense is also built on teamwork and having very little ego; every player in the unit has at least some blocking skill, and there's enough team speed and athleticism to make a defense pay for sloppy play. That said, as with the defense, there are constraints to who the team has been able to recruit; the offense probably won't have the strongest, fastest, or biggest players on the field, but as a unit they might be player-for-player as fast or strong, or more.

While the offense primarily works out of pistol formations using a variety of backs, tight ends, and wideouts, it should not surprise opponents to see the unit line up in flexbone, wishbone, or single-wing looks. Also, that old Regulars' standby, the I-formation and its many, many variants are very much still on the table. There are very few fronts this unit won't show in a given game, really, and part of their danger lies in their abilities to run the same plays out of different looks.

#22 - Bernhard “Bernie” Torres - Age: 25; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 225lbs -
#10 - Erik Wyller - Age: 23; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 232lbs -
#11 - Karlus Lozanu - Age: 22; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 214lbs -

The quarterback in the Teref*ckien offense is called on to be both thrower and ball-carrier; to that end, the team is lead by converted running back Bernie Torres, a player who is a jack-of-all-skills who can hurt defenses with his legs as readily as his arm. He has what can safely be called a "pro-caliber" arm, but not an exceptionally-strong one, and has enough quickness to punish defenses without necessarily being exceptionally fast. He is backed up by the bigger-framed, bigger-armed, but less mechanically-developed Erik Wyller. Finally, the quarterback room is rounded out (mostly) by the young Karlus Lozanu, who is faster and more athletic but is even more of an underdeveloped passer. It is also worth note that, situationally, back Theo Falkenburg (see below) may get snaps at QB, mostly in obvious rushing situations; he has a big arm, not a lot of accuracy, and elite speed.

#26 - Arthur Morgyn - Age: 23; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 236lbs -
#31 - Markus Farren - Age: 25; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 240lbs -
#24 - Rikardu Bega - Age: 22; Height; 6’0”; Weight: 238lbs -

The players who will get the lions share of the team's carries are the "dive backs", more power-oriented running backs who specialize in running between the tackles. Although they are capable of running outside the tackles as well. The most dangerous of these backs overall is Arthur Morgyn, a slashing runner who can smash through defenses up the middle but has the speed to break away from pursuit. He will likely get the most carries of any single player on the team, at least 10-15 carries per game, with heavier workloads getting as high as 20. Farren will get some carries in jumbo packages and to spell Morgyn, but doesn't have the same kind of break-away ability. Bega is a little more explosive but is still developing his vision as a ball-carrier, and will likely only really see action if injuries mandate it.

#07 - Theodurus “Theo” Falkenburg - Age: 21; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 212lbs -
#02 - Fredrik “Fred” Kaldur - Age: 23; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 211lbs -
#05 - Xose Serrano - Age: 22; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 210lbs -
#18 - Leopult Skeller - Age: 23; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 207lbs -
#09 - Gilburt Solis - Age: 24; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 208lbs -
#13 - Petru “Pete” Yamada - Age: 21; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 209lbs -

The real weapons of the offense are the halfbacks, also situationally referred to (depending on the front) as slotbacks, wingbacks, flankbacks, or flankers. These players act as combination running backs and receivers, acting as the pitch options on option plays, deep threats in the passing game, and, in Theo Falkenburg's case, potentially as a direct-snap quarterback in obvious running situations. All of the halfbacks are capable athletes, and threats with the ball in their hand that should be able to rotate relatively freely. Falkenburg is highly-unlikely to come out of the game much, and should get somewhere between 10-15 touches per game in various ways. Kaldur is a little more natural of a receiver than running back, while Serrano favors rushing over receiving somewhat. Skeller is pure speed as both rusher and receiver, while Solis is a little more of a strong runner with questionable hands. Finally, Pete Yamada is a capable jack of all, although he's still a little unrefined.

Offensive End:
#83 - Riktun Ellinger - Age: 24; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 253lbs -
#88 - Arlo Villenueve - Age: 23; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 242lbs -
#86 - Jarret Kruger - Age: 26; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 255lbs -
#82 - Rudolfu Fierro - Age: 21; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 240lbs -
#81 - Soren Renner - Age: 25; Height: 6’2; Weight: 236lbs -
#84 - Felipe Godwyn - Age: 28; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 260lbs -

The offensive end group is led by tight-end/fullback Riktun Ellinger, who will stay on the field at most times to serve as a lead blocker and a short-yardage receiver in crunch situations; he doesn't have lots of speed but he has good hands and excellent blocking skills. On the other end is tight-end/split-end Arlo Villenueve, a receiver who can block but who mostly specializes in making contested catches and catches in traffic. He'll probably be the team's single leading receiver. Kruger is a solid all-around tight-end who's at his best as an in-line player, while Fierro and Renner tend to favor being split out wide in more obvious passing situations. Godwyn is a good blocker, and will mostly see action in jumbo and goal-line sets.

Left Tackle:
#52 - Erik Tyrrsun - Age: 32; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 315lbs -
#71 - Lothar Sullenburg - Age: 26; Height: 6’ 4”; Weight: 318lbs -
#72 - Benjamin Kyrk - Age: 31; Height: 6’6”; Weight: 309lbs -

Left Guard:
#64 - Rolynd Bernhart - Age: 27; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 314lbs -
#57 - Sancho Merino - Age: 22; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 310lbs -
#66 - Petru Dunning - Age; 32; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 303lbs -

Center Guard:
#61 - Tanilo “Danny” Fierro - Age: 30; Height; 6’1”; Weight: 308lbs -
#65 - Donalt Wyllemsun - Age: 25; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 310lbs -
#55 - Mikel Castillu - Age: 32; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 306lbs

Right Guard:
#63 - Jordyn “Jord” Eller - Age: 29; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 311lbs -
#51 - Derrik Yuebelor - Age: 25; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 308lbs -
#62 - Henrik Fossel - Age: 32; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 315lbs -

Right Tackle:
#77 - Matteus Kleiner - Age: 27; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 317lbs -
#73 - Tomus Halder - Age: 25; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 320lbs -
#60 - Nolan Konyg - Age: 33; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 316lbs -

The offensive line has a great deal of depth, and most players will rotate fairly freely, or the lines will change entirely as a unit; there's no real reason to think any player will be excluded from play barring injury, and the Teref*ckiens will use their depth to keep the entire unit relatively fresh over the course of the game. That said, special note should go to guards Jord Eller, Rolynd Bernhart, Sancho Merino, tackle Erik Tyrrsun, and center Danny Fierro as particularly impactful blockers, especially in the run game.

The Defense

Base Front: 5-1-5
Overview: The Teref*ckien defense's base personnel package/formation is sometimes called "the hourglass defense" due to the 5-1-5 (or, more accurately, 3-2-1-2-3) configuration it has: faced with a difficulty in recruiting premium edge rushers, prototypical linebackers, and proper lock-down cornerbacks, the team makes use of a defense that uses three down linemen (roughly 4-3 defensive tackles or 3-4 defensive ends in skill and size), a pair of 'tweener' Rush Linebacker/defensive end hybrids as defensive linemen/attack-oriented linebackers, one "true" linebacker designated as the "centerfielder", a pair of box safety/linebacker hybrid Rovers, and three "defensive backs" most analogous to free safeties in other systems. What this means is that in most base packages, the team defaults to a Cover-3 shell (although Cover-1 and Cover-2 are not unusual, and in practice the defense often looks a lot like a Tampa-2 scheme), plays a lot of zone defense, and consistently brings five rushers, sometimes six on blitzes.

For writing purposes, it's safe to assume that a lot of the team's big plays on defense will involve either at least one Rover, the Centerfielder, or maybe the "Hammers" (the OLB/Defensive End hybrids), as these players have the most freedom to freelance and make plays to disrupt the offense in an aggressive manner. Philosophically, the defense is mostly a "bend-but-don't-break" unit; the expectation is that with the personnel available, just straight-up stopping most offenses cold isn't practical, but a lot of effort is made to limit or eliminate big plays, counting on good coaching (gang tackling, good coverage and rush fundamentals) to gum up the short stuff rather than scheming aggressively for negative plays.

In most situations, the defense will stick to its base personnel package unless the offensive personnel make it heinously impractical; jumbo/goal-line sets from the offense usually mean one or two DB's will be replaced with additional linemen, exceptionally receiver-heavy personnel groups will likely see a hammer and the centerfielder replaced by DB's, etc. Most of the units also rotate fairly freely, at leas between the first and second-stringers. Some units, like the defensive backs and defensive line, will also pretty readily loop in the third-stringers; there's not a wide gulf in skill level between the nominal starters and the nominally-deep reserves.

Defensive Line:
#94 - Leonyrd Ibanus - Age: 26; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 311bs -
#76 - Markus Eriksun - Age: 24; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 318lbs -
#97 - Hiroji Maeda - Age: 25; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 306lbs -
#70 - Felix Lanning - Age: 24; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 312lbs -
#91 - Gregur Bruenig - Age: 22; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 307lbs -
#68 - Izaak Ellswerth - Age: 25; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 311lbs -
#92 - Jordyn Hensley - Age: 24; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 315lbs -
#95 - Erik Leonburg - Age: 22; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 309lbs -
#99 - Henning Andrsun - Age: 23; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 306lbs -

The defensive line is going to be one of the most freely-rotating units on the team; there's very little difference in skill level between the top three (Ibanus, Eriksun, Maeda) and the bottom three (Hensley, Leonburg, Andrsun), and part of the effort to keep the entire unit relatively fresh is that the players are encouraged to tag in and out amongst themselves; while there are specific situations where certain players are desired on the field at the same time (Eriksun, Hensley, and Lanning will be in together in obvious rushing situations, Maeda, Andrsun, and Bruenig are likely to be in together in situations that require more pass rush), for the most part they are relatively interchangeable. The Teref*ckien defensive line is probably not the biggest or strongest, but they're not slouches and are not likely to get pushed around by just anyone without some extra effort.

#54 - Ryan Mueller - Age: 24; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 286lbs -
#93 - Danyl Innus - Age: 26; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 283lbs -
#90 - Francisku “Frank” Geller - Age: 23; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 276lbs -
#59 - Anders Olesun - Age: 28; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 281lbs -
#56 - Erik Facundus - Age: 25; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 276lbs -
#98 - Taran Lanning - Age: 22; Height: 6’4”; Weight: 285lbs -

The "Hammer" position in the Teref*ckien defense is essentially a hybrid defensive end/outside linebacker role aimed at attacking the backfield, whether that's in the pass rush, disrupting short and horizontal passing lanes, or stuffing the run. The position is typically played by players who were too small to be "proper" defensive ends and too big to be "proper" outside linebackers, and the position is mostly built to remove as much coverage responsibility from these players as possible, allowing them to more aggressively make plays behind the line, one way or another, or to assist the defensive line. Most of the players have similar skill sets and skill levels; the main player to watch out for is Danyl Innus, who has shown a knack for finding the ball with his longer frame, whether that's strip-sacking QBs or grabbing at low throws in the flats.

#08 - Faustinu Garcia - Age: 25; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 241lbs -
#44 - Henrik Thorsun - Age: 22; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 233lbs -
#01 - Jaesun Atwood - Age: 27; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 235lbs -

The only "true" linebacker deployed by this defense in most cases is the "Centerfielder", inspired by the unique role given to former Regular Claetus U'Daanyl. The position calls for a good deal of coverage ability, as well as the speed and power needed to contribute situationally to stuffing the run or rushing the passer; on top of this, in most instances the centerfielder serves as the defensive signal-caller. Because of the high importance of the role, in most instances Faustinu Garcia will rarely leave the field. If he needs to, Henrik Thorsun will come in, and he can acquit himself well, although he's less of a game-wrecker than Garcia, but Atwood is highly unlikely to come in unless injuries force the issue. Since their job is to anchor the middle of the defense, it's going to be rare that the Centerfielder isn't around the ball on a given play.

#46 - Mikel Deucampu - Age: 23; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 232lbs -
#40 - Rudolfu Fernandus - Age: 24; Height: 6’3”; Weight: 229lbs -
#03 - Karlus Falkenburg - Age: 21; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 220lbs -
#32 - Bryndun Nunyus - Age: 22; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 221lbs -
#38 - Edwyrd Izaaks - Age: 24; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 226lbs -
#17 - Olevur Hewards - Age: 23; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 225lbs -

Arguably the second-most demanding position in the Teref*ckien defense, the Rovers, much like the Centerfielder, get asked to do it all, although they are not asked to be quite as strong against the run as the CF. Still, it will be rare for the Rovers to not either be in coverage, or right near the ball, as they exist as second-echelon defense against the run (to bring down the ball-carrier if the first wave of defenders fails), coverage against shorter passes, and, in blitzing situations, as situational pass-rushers. In this case, there's a bit of a skill drop-off between the top three players and the bottom three; while Nunyus, Izaaks, and Hewards will all see the field to spell the top three and assist in appropriate situations, they're easier to pick on than Deucampu (the hardest-hitting and best run-defending Rover), Fernandus (the best of the Rovers in coverage and the best form-tackler), and Falkenburg (the brother of back Theo Falkenburg, and the most instinctive playmaker, albeit the youngest and least technically-sound of the top three).

Defensive Back:
#41 - Lawrent Faramund - Age: 25; Height: 6’2”; Weight: 203lbs
#31 - Garrett Junsun - Age: 23; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 205lbs -
#27 - Xose Estevus - Age: 25; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 209lbs -
#36 - Altan Erdemsun - Age: 24; Height: 5’9”; Weight: 194lbs -
#19 - Edwyrd “Eddie” Dunn - Age: 22; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 188lbs -
#43 - Vincenzu “Vinny” Grimaldu - Age: 21; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 190lbs -
#28 - Josef “Jo” Fredrick - Age: 22; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 196lbs -
#12 - Harrisun “Harry” Denning - Age: 23; Height: 5’10”; Weight: 201lbs -
#26 - Wendel Barr - Age: 23; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 198lbs -

The "defensive back" position for the Teref*ckien defense is most-analogous to the safety/free safety position on other teams; these players are mostly expected to play over the top coverage and generally limit deep plays from happening or causing much damage. As such, these players are almost exclusively going to be found in coverage or as last-ditch run-defenders. They will generally not come up to attack the run in its early stages, have little to no pass-rush utility, and generally will start off lined up relatively far back compared to most cornerbacks. In instances of man coverage (although relatively uncommon with this team), usually there will be at least one, possibly two DB's remaining in high cover-1 or cover-2, leaving the shorter coverage to the Rovers. With the exception of Lawrent Faramund, the DB's don't have much skill drop-off between the top-three and bottom three, although generally-speaking the amount of playing time will decrease as you go down the list. Faramund is the closest to a true do-it-all ballhawking safety, while Junsun and Estevus can, in a pinch, do a decent job of impersonating more conventional cornerbacks. Dunn is an instinctive ballhawk but kind of a crappy tackler, while Erdemsun is the reverse, a hard-hitting last-line guy whose hands may as well be bricks. Grimaldu is technically-sound and fairly quick but just doesn't quite have the awareness or frame to really box out bigger receivers.

Special Teams

Kicking Specialist:
#15 - Harald Alexandrus - Age: 26; Height: 5’8”; Weight: 179lbs - Place-Kicker
#04 - Batu Darrenburg - Age: 21; Height: 5’9”; Weight: 217lbs - Punter
#29 - Holden Felicitanu - Age: 20; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 211lbs - Kick-Off Specialist
#96 - Rikardu d’Mirandes - Age: 24; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 206lbs - Generalist

Harald Alexandrus is a technician of a kicker with a somewhat lackluster leg for this level of competition; he's quite accurate out to about 45 yards, and very consistent, but his accuracy begins dropping beyond that and any kick longer than 50 yards is likely to get dicey. Darrenburg is a converted rugby player and is the avid student of special teams coordinator Wyatt Skode, which means he's very much ahead of the curve but is still learning. He's got a solid leg, but nothing exceptional. Felicitanu is kind of the opposite of Alexandrus; his placement is spotty, but he has a big leg and can knock kicks deep. If the team needs to attempt a 55+ yard field goal, Felicitanu will likely make the attempt, and he handles most kick-offs unless the team is attempting an onside or squib kick. d'Mirandes straddles the line between all three, and can acquit himself decently in any of these duties, since he's the reserve kicker, but he's highly unlikely to even dress for most games unless injuries become an issue.

#69 - Junsun Gneiss - Age: 27; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 274lbs - Primary Longsnapper
#45 - Janus Hult - Age: 22; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 298lbs - Reserve Center

Gneiss is the longsnapper. He's reliable. The most noteworthy thing about him is wearing the number #69 and having a last name pronounced like "Nice". Otherwise, the idea is generally to not hear about him. Hult is closer to being a deep-reserve center than anything else, but he does also count as the back-up long-snapper should anything happen to Gneiss.

Return Specialist:
#25 - Sunny Estrada - Age: 23; Height: 5’9”; Weight: 179lbs - Reserve Tailback
#80 - Ronyld “Ronny” Weller - Age: 21; Height: 5’10”; Weight: 198lbs - Reserve Tailback/DB
#87 - Jenni Saxton - Age: 22; Height: 5’8”; Weight: 176lbs - Reserve Defensive Back
#85 - Robert Heller - Age: 23; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 202lbs - Reserve Tailback

The Teref*ckiens are not well-known for their excellent return game; the most noteworthy thing about these players is their secure hands and relative quickness that will allow them to secure kicks, get some return yardage, and get to the ground before they risk losing the ball. Any of them might see action; Heller's probably the sturdiest of the bunch, so if there's not much room to maneuver (short punts, for instance), he's more likely to be back, while Estrada and Saxton are more likely to take longer kicks.

#14 - Atum Temir - Age: 22; Height: 6’0”; Weight: 230lbs - Reserve Rover
#47 - Edwyrd “Ed” Hastings - Age: 22; Height: 5’11”; Weight: 231lbs - Reserve Rover/Fullback
#16 - Trentyn Staal - Age: 22; Height: 6’1”; Weight: 226lbs - Reserve Rover
#23 - Sylvester Furstenburg - Age: 24; Height: 5’10”; Weight: 232lbs - Reserve Rover

While these players all specialize as tacklers, most of them are also reserve rovers and will be in on most special teams plays. They might even play on the hands team in the event of onside kick attempts.

Last edited by The Fanboyists on Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

NationStates • View topic - World Bowl 47 (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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