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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... minutes...2. TOSP ATRR/Cost Template 3. Earlier Seating of the IEP 4. Transmission Project Restudy Request vii. Staff 1. 2016 Wind - [PDF Document] (1)


Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


October 25, 2016

- Summary of Action Items -

1. Approved Consent Agenda Items

a. Approved July Minutes 7/25-26/16

b. Approved Corporate Governance Committee Recommendations

i. Charter Approvals (PCWG & SAWG) ii. SPC Nomination iii. Revisions to Bylaws 6.2 and 6.4

c. Approved Oversight Committee Recommendation

i. Industry Expert Pool for 2017

d. Approved Markets and Operations Policy Committee Recommendations

i. Market Working Group 1. MRR178 Validation of Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters 2. MRR179 Trading Hubs and Resource Hubs Compliance Filing 3. MRR181 Annual Allocation Percent Change Compliance Filing 4. MRR185 Clarify SPP Operating Criteria

ii. Operating Reliability Working Group 1. RR168 Short Term Emergency Rating

iii. Business Practices Working Group 1. RR88 Release of Unscheduled Firm Timing Modification

iv. Regional Tariff Working Group 1. RR164 ITP Schedule Clarifications 2. RR174 Non Material Delivery Point 3. RR176 Schedule 2 Clarifications

v. Project Cost Working Group 1. Project Cost Variance Report – NW Texarkana 345 kV Project

vi. Strategic Planning Committee 1. Minimal Threshold ($3M) for Competitive Projects 2. TOSP ATRR/Cost Template 3. Earlier Seating of the IEP 4. Transmission Project Restudy Request

vii. Staff 1. 2016 Wind Integration 2. Study Accelerated Project – Cimarron – Draper 345 kV Terminal Upgrade

Scenario 5 Project Evaluation – Withdraw NTC

2. Approved the Markets and Operations Policy Committee Recommendations

a. Market Working Group i. MRR173 Instantaneous Peak Load ii. MRR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing iii. MRR183 VRL Annual Update 2016 iv. MRR193 Solar Generation

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes October 25, 2016


Minutes No. 170


SPP Corporate Center, Little Rock, AR October 25, 2016


Agenda Item 1 – Administrative Items SPP Board of Directors Chair Mr. Jim Eckelberger called the meeting to order at 8:24 a.m. The following Board of Directors/Members Committee members were in attendance or represented by proxy: Mr. Larry Altenbaumer, director Mr. Jason Atwood, Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ms. Phyllis Bernard, director Mr. Julian Brix, director Mr. Nick Brown, director Mr. Phil Crissup, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Mr. Jim Eckelberger, director Mr. Graham Edwards, director Mr. Jon Hansen, Omaha Public Power District Mr. Bob Harris, Western Area Power Administration – Upper Great Plains Region Mr. Kelly Harrison, Westar Energy, Inc. Mr. Scott Heidtbrink, Kansas City Power and Light Company Mr. Duane Highley, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Mr. David Hudson, Xcel Energy Mr. Rob Janssen, Dogwood Energy, LLC Mr. Thomas Kent, Nebraska Public Power District Mr. Jeff Knottek, City Utilities of Springfield Mr. Brett Leopold, ITC Great Plains, LLC Mr. Stuart Lowry, Sunflower Electric Power Corporation Mr. Josh Martin, director Mr. Dave Osburn, Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority Mr. Mike Risan, Basin Electric Power Cooperative Mr. Bruce Scherr, director Mr. Harry Skilton, director Mr. Kevin Smith, Tenaska Power Services Co. Mr. Stuart Solomon, American Electric Power Ms. Aundrea Williams and Mr. Steve Gaw for Mark Tourangeau, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC1 Ms. Kelly Walters, The Empire District Electric Company Mr. Mike Wise, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Mr. Eckelberger introduced and welcomed FERC Commissioner Colette Honorable to the meeting. He then asked for a round of introductions. There were 138 people in attendance either in person or via the phone representing 34 Members (Attendance List – Attachment 1). Mr. Nick Brown reported proxies (Proxies – Attachment 2). Agenda Item 2 – Reports to the Board Regional State Committee Report (RSC) Commissioner Patrick Lyons congratulated the SPP Board, staff, and Member companies on 75 years of service and a wonderful celebration the evening before. He stated that the RSC held an educational session Monday morning prior to the RSC meeting. During that session Bruce Rew provided a report on the Integrated Marketplace and how seamlessly the market continually operates and the savings it has produced. There was also a report on

1 Proxy for Mr. Tourangeau was shared by Ms. Williams and Mr. Gaw, with Ms. Williams serving as proxy for several Agenda Items and Mr. Gaw serving as proxy for the Z2 Agenda Item.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes October 25, 2016


the dispatch of fuel mix, fuel on the margin, real-time vs. day-ahead pricing, and operational highlights. Carl Monroe updated the group on seams issues, and Lanny Nickell provided an update on the 2017 Integrated Transmission Plan (ITP) 10-Year and 2017 ITP Near Term (NT) Assessments. The RSC had a discussion of 2017 goals and objectives and Commissioner Stoll and the RSC have some direction for 2017. Over lunch the RSC discussed the slate of officers for 2017 and retreat options. During the meeting each commissioner provided an update of the issues their individual states are facing. Paul Suskie provided the RSC third quarter financial numbers for 2016. The New Member Cost Allocation Review Process was voted on and passed. Commissioner Stoll would like a preliminary recommendation to present to the RSC in January on the Cost Allocation Working Group (CAWG) Aggregate Study Waiver Criteria. Charles Locke and Bruce Rew provided an update on the Z2 Payment Plan Task Force. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Report (FERC) Mr. Patrick Clarey provided the FERC report. On September 23 the Commission issued Opinion No. 551 regarding a series of dockets challenging the MISO Transmission Owners return on equity (ROE) of 12.38%. In December 2015, the presiding judge issued the initial decision finding that MISO’s present base ROE is unjust and unreasonable and should be reduced. The Commission affirmed the judge’s finding with the current ruling. The Commission granted SPP’s requested waiver of certain provisions of the SPP Tariff in order to provide the option of a payment plan to entities affected by the Z2 revenue crediting process for transmission upgrades. The Commission issued a Notice of Inquiry into revising how it assesses market power in electric utility industry mergers and other transactions under section 203 of the Federal Power Act (FPA) and applications for market-based rate authority under section 205 of the FPA. Mr. Clarey thanked Bruce Rew and Paul Suskie for providing reports at the Commission meeting last week. They reported on winter preparedness. Additionally, there are some personnel changes at FERC that Mr. Clarey discussed. Mr. Clarey congratulated the SPP Board, staff, stakeholders and the RSC on 75 successful years of service. He also thanked Commissioner Patrick Lyons and Dallas Rippy for their service to the RSC over the past year. Regional Entity Trustees Report Mr. Dave Christiano provided the RE Trustees report (SPP RE Update – Attachment 3). He began by discussing the violations for 2016. There were 81 violations reported in the third quarter of 2016. Some of the violations are self-reports. The outreach continues with a Misoperations Summit in Little Rock. It is sponsored by the SPP System Protection and Control Working Group (SPCWG) and Reliability Compliance Working Group (RCWG). There were over 200 attendees at the Fall Workshop in Oklahoma City. There is also a CIP Workshop scheduled for June 2017. Agenda Item 3 – Consent Agenda Mr. Eckelberger presented the consent agenda (Consent Agenda – Attachment 4), which included minutes from the July Board meeting. It also included recommendations from the Corporate Governance Committee (CGC), Oversight Committee (OC), Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC), Market Working Group (MWG), Operating Reliability Working Group (ORWG), Business Practices Working Group (BPWG), Regional Tariff Working Group (RTWG), Project Cost Working Group (PCWG), Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), and staff. Ms. Phyllis Bernard made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Harry Skilton seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Agenda Item 4 – Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Report Mr. Mike Wise provided the SPC report. The committee held a conference call to discuss FERC’s section 206 complaint against SPP and to provide stakeholder advice and guidance to staff on a proposed response. FERC had recently issued a complaint against SPP to examine whether the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff may be unjust, unreasonable, and unduly discriminatory or preferential because it does not include a refund commitment by non-public utility transmission-owning Members whose revenue requirements are recovered under the SPP Tariff. Staff was directed to seek an extension of time to respond and work with the non-jurisdictional entities to develop a consensus straw proposal/filling for consideration by jurisdictional entities and the SPC.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes October 25, 2016


At a recent meeting, Noman Williams provided the MOPC report on items of strategic planning importance to the SPC. The SPC members expressed their concerns with the recommendations, as well as concerns about the future of Z2. The Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) provided recommendations on the six policy questions that will potentially modify the competitive transmission process. The committee received an update on the efforts to develop a business practice for “behind-the-meter generation.” Participants noted that this topic intersects with the capacity margin efforts underway. Jay Caspary reported on the state of SPP’s interconnection queue. He noted that renewables comprised 99% of resources in the generation interconnection queue (GIQ) in the last three studies. Currently, SPP has 14 GW of wind resources in-service with 8 GW of wind/solar to be connected by the end of 2018. Agenda Item 5 – Human Resources Committee (HRC) Report Mr. Julian Brix provided the HRC report (Human Resources Committee Presentation – Attachment 5) and reviewed the items discussed at the last couple of HRC meetings. First Security Bank is the investment manager for the 401(k). This is their second year to manage the portfolio. The approximate value is $78 million. Employee participation rate is at 97%. The SPP dental plan recently changed to a self-funded plan, and the cost savings to SPP is approximately $75,000 annually. SPP recently underwent a compensation and benefits review, and the report from Mercer consultants indicated that SPP compensation and benefits are competitive. This review is completed every three years. The salaries remain very competitive. The HRC made its recommendation to the Finance Committee (FC) for the merit pool funding for 2017. The committee reviewed several sources in coming up with the 3% of base salary amount. The committee reviewed national trends, ISO/RTO and utility data and the consumer price index. Agenda Item 6 – Oversight Committee (OC) Report The Oversight Committee report was provided by Mr. Josh Martin. The scope of the OC has expanded. Initially the OC was responsible for Compliance, Internal Audit, and the Market Monitoring Unit (MMU). Recently added to these responsibilities is physical and cyber security. The number of meetings will need to be increased to get through the amount of information to be covered. The OC approved the staff’s recommendation to appoint thirteen members to the 2017 industry expert pool, an increase of two new members. There is currently a deficit with MMU staffing, which is being handled by an outside consultant. The OC heard a presentation from Mike Wise regarding frequently constrained areas and variable operation and maintenance. Mr. Wise noted that the issue was raised in the July Board meeting when the MMU presented its Annual State of the Market (ASOM) Report. The MMU stated that combustion turbines (CTs) in SPP are able to recover their avoidable cost in the market. Mr. Wise explained why Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC) disagrees. The MMU has the responsibility to make the decision and to indicate what falls under the definition of a short-run marginal cost. The OC has asked for a status report on this topic at the December meeting. Boston Pacific is the company that has provided the Looking Forward Report to SPP for several years. This report has been used in the Board’s strategic planning initiative. It looks at issues out beyond the next four quarters and, in many cases, a number of years into the future that might have some impact on SPP. Boston Pacific has now merged with the economic consulting firm Bates White. The individuals that have worked to provide the report have been retained and will continue to work with SPP to provide the report. A conflict search was completed and it was found that Bates White does not do business with any of the SPP Members. The cost is $235,000. This is a 15% increase, but this is the first increase in three years (Oversight Committee Recommendation – Attachment 6). Mr. Josh Martin made a motion to approve Bates White, LLC to perform the 2017 Looking Forward Report at a cost of $235,000. Mr. Julian Brix seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes October 25, 2016


Agenda Item 7 – Finance Committee (FC) Report

Mr. Harry Skilton provided the Finance Committee report (Finance Committee Presentation – Attachment 7). Staff has been working on putting together a budget. The FC and the SPC met earlier to review the operating plan. The operating plan puts together the resources, investments, and plans that are required to complete the budget and ensure alignment of the FC work plan and the 2014 strategic plan. The operating plan (2017 Operating Plan – Attachment 8) is broken down by projects, technology investments, and the department(s) responsible. An action item for staff is to recommend appropriate use of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) and Synchrophasors within SPP and in the future. There is a task force that is working on this issue, the Synchrophasor Strike Team. Agenda Item 8 – Markets and Operations Policy Committee Report Mr. Noman Williams provided the MOPC report (MOPC Report – Attachment 9). There are four revision requests (RR) up for a vote and seven informational items. Mr. Richard Ross began the report for the Market Working Group (MWG) with a discussion of RR173 (RR173 MWG Recommendation Report – Attachment 10). RR173 simplifies and clarifies the terms “Head-room” and “Floor-room” by replacing them with the term “Instantaneous Load Capacity.” The language that does not reflect the calculation is removed. This proposed revision will clarify the inputs to the calculation, and, thus, the purpose of the new terms. Mr. Julian Brix made a motion to approve MWG RR173 Instantaneous Peak Load. Mr. Harry Skilton seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with one no vote (Golden Spread Electric Cooperative). The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Ross continued with RR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing (RR175 MWG Recommendation Report – Attachment 11). RR175 incorporates language to comply with FERC Order 825 to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval. This applies to any shortage, regardless of the duration or cause of the shortage (transient shortages). Ms. Phyllis Bernard made a motion to approve MWG RR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing. Mr. Larry Altenbaumer seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with two no votes (Dogwood Energy and Golden Spread Electric Cooperative) and one abstention (ITC Great Plains). The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Ross continued with RR185 VRL Annual Update 2016 (RR185 MWG Recommendation Report – Attachment 12). RR185 seeks to update the operating constraining Violation Relaxation Limits (VRLs) based on the results of annual analysis performed by SPP staff. SPP staff found that, with the changes suggested, the SPP market will see less violations, and the prices will more accurately reflect the needed redispatch. Once the clearing engine reaches the VRL, it stops redispatching and moves on, but issues a violation. By increasing the VRL to a higher value, the clearing engine will provide additional redispatch to provide relief needed to solve the case with less violations. The MWG is going to continue to work on and study this issue. Mr. Graham Edwards made a motion to approve MWG RR185 VRL Annual Update 2016. Mr. Harry Skilton seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with one abstention (Westar Energy). The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Ross continued with RR193 Solar Generation (RR193 MWG Recommendation Report – Attachment 13). RR193 proposes the rules necessary for Solar-Powered Generation Resources (SGRs) where existing market protocol and tariff language does not include them. These revisions will further facilitate the integration of solar generation via economic dispatch while maintaining the reliability of the Bulk Electric System. The addition of a solar forecast will enhance the accuracy of the Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) and Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED).

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes October 25, 2016


Mr. Harry Skilton made a motion to approve MWG RR193 VRL Solar Generation Mr. Larry Altenbaumer seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with two abstentions (NextEra Energy Resources and Nebraska Public Power District). The Board voted; the motion passed. During the July 2015 Board meeting, the MMU presented the 2014 Annual State of the Market (ASOM) Report. There were nine recommendations for change/enhancement to market design. Mr. Ross reported that four of the nine items are now closed. He reviewed the five open items from the MOPC report. Mr. Bruce Rew provided the report from the Z2 Payment Plan Task Force (Z2TF). The Z2TF was formed in response to the July 2016 Board actions. At the July meeting, the Board approved a motion to change the Z2 payment plan from ten months to five years. The Board did not act on a recommendation from Staff to deny “Group B” and “Group C” waivers. The Board requested that the MOPC create a task force to find an equitable solution to the waiver concerns. After much discussion, a Member proposed two motions from the floor and presented them to the Board and Members Committee (Motions from the floor – Attachment 14). Neither motion received the support it needed to move ahead. No further action was taken. Mr. Alan Myers reported on the Economic Studies Working Group (ESWG). The 2017 ITP10 Futures will come to the Board for a vote in January. There are three futures that have been studied: Future 1 – Regional Clean Power Plan Solution, Future 2 – State Level Clean Power Plan Solution, and Future 3 – Reference Case. The economics and reliability of each Future have been studied. The staff will consolidate the projects from each Clean Power Plan (CPP) Future into a single portfolio. Staff is currently performing additional analysis to help inform project recommendations due to schedule differences with NT studies. Mr. Jason Davis provided the report on the Transmission Working Group (TWG) and an update on the 2017 ITPNT. The schedule was reviewed and a description provided of what items will be reviewed. Mr. Casey Cathey and Mr. Jay Caspary provided the staff report. They reviewed the Generation Interconnection (GI) study results. Agenda Item 9 – Future Meetings 2016

BOD – December 6…………………………………Little Rock 2017 RET/RSC/BOD – January 30-31…………………..Dallas RET/RSC/BOD – April 24-25………………………Tulsa BOD Education Session – June 12-13……………Little Rock RET/BOD – July 24-25………………..…………….Denver RET/RSC/BOD – October 30-31………..…………Little Rock

BOD – December 5………………………………….Little Rock Adjournment With no further business, Mr. Eckelberger adjourned the meeting at 2:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Paul Suskie, Corporate Secretary

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Southwest Power Pool


October 25, 2016

Southwest Power Pool Corporate Offices, Little Rock, AR Auditorium A & B


8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. CDT Annual Meeting of Members

1. Call to Order and Administrative Items…………………………………………………Mr. Jim Eckelberger

2. Approve Minutes: 10/27/15, 1/26/16, 7/25/16

3. Corporate Governance Report…………………………………………………………........Mr. Nick Brown

a. Election of Directors, Members Committee Representatives, and RE Trustee

4. President’s Report…………………………………………………………..........................Mr. Nick Brown

Adjourn for Board of Directors/Members Committee Meeting

Board of Directors/Members Committee Meeting

1. Call to Order and Administrative Items…………………………………………………Mr. Jim Eckelberger

2. Reports to the Board

a. Regional State Committee Report…………………………………..Commissioner Patrick Lyons

b. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Report……………………………….Mr. Patrick Clarey

c. Regional Entity Trustees Report………………………………………………Mr. Dave Christiano

3. Consent Agenda

a. Approve Minutes: 7/25-26/16

b. Corporate Governance Committee

i. Recommendation – Charter Approvals (PCWG & SAWG) ii. SPC Nomination iii. Revision to Bylaws 6.2 and 6.4

c. Oversight Committee

i. Recommendation – Industry Expert Pool for 2017

d. Markets and Operations Policy Committee

i. MWG 1. MRR178 Validation of Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters 2. MRR179 Trading Hubs and Resource Hubs Compliance Filing 3. MRR181 Annual Allocation Percent Change Compliance Filing 4. MRR185 Clarify SPP Operating Criteria

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ii. ORWG 1. RR168 Short Term Emergency Rating

iii. BPWG 1. RR88 Release of Unscheduled Firm Timing Modification

iv. RTWG 1. RR164 ITP Schedule Clarifications 2. RR174 Non Material Delivery Point 3. RR176 Schedule 2 Clarifications

v. PCWG 1. Project Cost Variance Report – NW Texarkana 345 kV project

vi. SPC 1. Minimal Threshold ($3M) for Competitive Projects 2. TOSP ATRR/Cost Template 3. Earlier Seating of the IEP 4. Transmission Project Restudy Request

vii. Staff 1. 2016 Wind Integration 2. Study Accelerated Project – Cimarron – Draper 345kV terminal upgrade

Scenario 5 Project Evaluation – Withdraw NTC

4. Strategic Planning Committee Report………………………………………………………….Mr. Mike Wise

5. Human Resources Committee Report…………………………………………………………Mr. Julian Brix

6. Oversight Committee Report………………………………………………………………….Mr. Josh Martin

7. Finance Committee Report………………………………………………………………….Mr. Harry Skilton

8. Markets and Operations Policy Committee Report……………………………………Mr. Noman Williams

a. MWG i. MRR173 Instantaneous Peak Load ii. MRR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing iii. MRR183 VRL Annual Update 2016 iv. MRR193 Solar Generation

9. Future Meetings……………………………………………………………………………Mr. Jim Eckelberger

BOD – December 6…………………………………Little Rock


RET/RSC/BOD – January 30-31…………………..Dallas

RET/RSC/BOD – April 24-25………………………Tulsa

BOD Education Session – June 12-13……………Little Rock

RET/BOD – July 24-25………………..…………….Denver

RET/RSC/BOD – October 30-31………..…………Little Rock

BOD – December 5………………………………….Little Rock

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From: Tourangeau, MarkTo: Shaun ScottSubject: **External Email** RE: Regional State Committee Meeting 10/24/16Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 10:09:24 AM


Due to unforeseen circ*mstances I am unable to attend the RSC and Board meetings on the

24/25th. Please accept my apologies. I would like to have Aundrea Williams serve as my proxyat the meetings.

Thanks and regards

Mark Tourangeau

Vice President


700 Universe Blvd.|Juno Beach, FL 33408

561 304-5287 (office)|561 339-6169 (cell)





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From: <[emailprotected]> Date: October 25, 2016 at 1:35:43 PM CDT To: Carl Monroe <[emailprotected]>, Steve Gaw <[emailprotected]> Subject: NextEra Members Proxy-Z2

Carl Today is my sons birthday and I can't miss my flight Steve Gaw has my proxy. NextEra opposes any change to the MOPC recommendation to deny all waivers. Including anything just for Kepco. I would also like it noted any change will impact Nov 3 invoices by either delaying them or making them moot because all calcs are based on no waivers. Aundrea Williams NextEra Energy




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SPP RE UpdateBoard of Directors MeetingOct. 25, 2016

Little Rock, AR

Dave ChristianoSPP RE Trustees Chair

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Violations by Year


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GO/TO Self Certification, September 2016

• New standards effective 7/1/16 with phased-in implementation

– MOD-025-2 – Verification of Generator Real and Reactive Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser Reactive Capability

– PRC-019-2- Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls and Protection

– PRC-024-2 – Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings

• 81 violations reported in Q3-16– MOD-025-2: 34 violations

– PRC-019-2: 18 violations

– PRC-024-2: 29 violations 3

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Most Violated StandardsBased on rolling 12 months through 9/30/16 [Represents ~ 84% of total violations]

The current period is the most recent 12 months.The previous period is the previous 12 months.* 2016 NERC Top 10


RankStandard Description

ViolationsCurrent Period

ViolationsPrevious Period

∆ Risk Factor

1 MOD-025 Generator Capability Testing 34 0 +34 Medium

2 PRC-024 Generator Relay Settings (Hz & V) 29 0 +29 Med./Lower

3* PRC-005 Protection System Maintenance 19 5 +14 High/Med.

4 PRC-019 Generator Regulating Controls 18 0 +18 Medium

5* CIP-007 Systems Security Management 8 16 -8 Medium

6* CIP-004 Personnel & Training 7 4 +3 Med./Lower

7 CIP-005 Electronic Security Perimeters 7 12 -5 Medium

8* VAR-002 Network Voltage Schedules 6 6 0 Med./Lower

9* FAC-008 Facility Ratings 5 4 +1 Med./Lower

10* CIP-006 Physical Security - Cyber Assets 3 9 -6 Medium

All SPP RE Top 10 Total Incoming 136 56 +80

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NERC Q2-16 Q3-15(Q2-16 LAST


SPP RE Q4-15 Q3-10(Q3-16 LAST



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SPP RE Regional Events Q3-16

• Two category 1a. Outage of multiple elements

• One category 1h. EMS Event

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SPP RE Misoperation Report as of Q2-16

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Causes of Misoperations Q2-14 to Q2-16

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Success Rate by Voltage Category

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Outreach• Workshops

– 201 attendees at Fall Workshop in Oklahoma City– Oct. 26, Misoperations Summit, Little Rock *– Mar. 28-29, Spring 2017 Workshop: Little Rock– June 27-28, CIP 2017 Workshop: Little Rock– Oct. 24-25, Fall 2017 Workshop: Dallas

• Trustee Meetings– Jan. 30, 2017: Dallas– Apr. 24, 2017: Tulsa– July 24, 2017: Denver– Oct. 30, 2017: Little Rock

* Sponsored by SPP System Protection and Control Working Group & SPP Reliability Compliance Working Group


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Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City, SD

July 25-26, 2016 - Summary of Action Items -

1. Approved Consent Agenda Items

a. Approved April 26, 2016 and June 13, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes

b. Approved Market Working Group Recommendations i. RR153 Offer Database Roll Forward ii. RR7 MPRR155 Modifications of OOME Rules (Withdraw) iii. RR161 Commitment Level Cost Recovery and MCR Settlement Design

Enhancements iv. RR166 Interim TCR Process Removal v. RR167 EESL Clarification

c. Approved Operations Reliability Working Group

i. RR159 Alignment of Outage Coordination Methodology

d. Approved Regional Tariff Working Group i. RR160 Generation and Transmission Service in the ITP ii. RR163 ITP Manual Reference Corrections

e. Approved Staff Recommendations i. Q3 2016 Cost Variances ii. NTC Modification (SPS Ratings Changes) iii. NTC Modification (Stegall 245-115kV Substation) iv. 2016 ITPNT Short-Term Reliability Project Report

2. Finance Committee Report

a. Approved Authorization for the CEO and CFO to negotiate and execute the agreement with the bank and the regulator

b. Approved the engagement with KPMG, BKD, and Thomas & Thomas c. Approved to increase the Schedule 1-A Administrative Fee Rate cap to 43¢/MWh

3. Approved Markets and Operations Policy Committee Report a. Staff

i. Z2 Payment Plan/Current Z2 Obligations ii. Linwood 115 kV Reactor iii. Kummer Ridge-Roundup 115 kV iv. Walkemeyer Phase 1 and Phase 2 v. 2016 ITPNT Scenario 5 Projects

4. Reviewed the following presentations

a. Transmission Planning Improvement Task Force b. Capacity Margin Task Force c. RCAR II

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


Minutes No. 169

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


January 25-26, 2016 MINUTES

Agenda Item 1 – Administrative Items SPP Board of Directors Chair Mr. Jim Eckelberger called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. The following Board of Directors/Members Committee members were in attendance or represented by proxy: Mr. Larry Altenbaumer, director Mr. Jason Atwood, Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ms. Phyllis Bernard, director Mr. Julian Brix, director Mr. Nick Brown, director Mr. Greg McAuley proxy for Phil Crissup, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Mr. Jim Eckelberger, director Mr. Graham Edwards, director Mr. Jon Hansen, Omaha Public Power District Mr. Bob Harris, Western Area Power Administration – Upper Great Plains Region Mr. Kelly Harrison, Westar Energy, Inc. Mr. Scott Heidtbrink, Kansas City Power and Light Company Mr. Andrew Lachowsky, proxy for Duane Highley, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Mr. Bill Grant proxy for David Hudson, Xcel Energy Mr. Rob Janssen, Dogwood Energy, LLC Mr. Thomas Kent, Nebraska Public Power District Mr. Jeff Knottek, City Utilities of Springfield Mr. Brett Leopold, ITC Great Plains, LLC Mr. Stuart Lowry, Sunflower Electric Power Corporation Mr. Josh Martin, director Mr. Dave Osburn, Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority Mr. Mike Risan, Basin Electric Power Cooperative Mr. Bruce Scherr, director Mr. Harry Skilton, director Mr. Kevin Smith, Tenaska Power Services Co. Mr. Stuart Solomon, American Electric Power Mr. Mark Tourangeau, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC Ms. Kelly Walters, The Empire District Electric Company Mr. Mike Wise, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Mr. Eckelberger asked for a round of introductions. There were 95 people in attendance either in person or via the phone representing twenty-four Members (Attendance List – Attachment 1) (Proxies – Attachment 2). Agenda Item 2 – Reports to the Board President’s Report Mr. Nick Brown provided the President’s Report (2016 Financial Package – Attachment 3 and Corporate Metrics 2016 1Q - Attachment 4). He began by sharing that Mount Rushmore is also celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. He reminded everyone of the celebration that will take place in Little Rock on October 24. He encouraged everyone to put the date on their calendar. Invitations will be sent at a later date. In January, Mr. Brown reported on all of the audits taking place at SPP. Some are still in process. Pursuant to FERC Order 693, the 693 audit occurs on a three-year cycle and deals with planning and operations standards. FERC completed the audit on July 7 of this year. The audit covered the time

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


period from September 2013 to May 2016, reviewing 96 requirements. There were no findings or areas of concern. There were also three positive observations of above and beyond performance by the SPP staff. The first noted is the state-of-the-art management and controls of the vast amount of variable energy resources, 24/7 IT support, specifically in the operations center, and the operator training program focusing on actual events in the SPP footprint. On July 1, the requirements under the Critical Infrastructure Program version 5 (CIP V5) became mandatorily required. After a lot of work and preparation for bringing the organization into compliance with CIP V5, the organization is where it needs to be, but the audit cannot be closed out as the audit requirements from the CIP V3 still have not been closed out. In early 2015 FERC undertook a specific audit of SPP’s transmission provider requirements, specifically related to the Integrated Marketplace, financial accounting, FERC Form No. 1 reporting, and the independence of the Market Monitoring Unit (MMU). It was a very comprehensive audit and there were findings or recommendations to further enhance the independence of the internal MMU. There were no instances in which SPP exerted inappropriate influence or findings that the MMU was operating anyway other than independent of undue influence. SPP will host its second annual government affairs conference in Washington, D.C. on September 12 and 13. Mr. Mike Ross has put together a tremendous group of speakers. If this is something you are interested in attending you will need to register for the event soon. Seven transmission-providing entities in the western interconnection called Mountain West issued a request for information from the California ISO, SPP, Midwest ISO, and PJM for services either administering a regional tariff or in managing a regional tariff and serving as a reliability coordinator, or full membership in a regional transmission organization. In the background material you will find the usual metrics. Mr. Harry Skilton will go into more detail on some of the information. The IT function is performing extraordinarily well and above all of the targeted metrics. Operations have performed very well also, with record-setting wind penetration events and record-setting wind output events. Mr. Brown briefly addressed the Z2 issue and its complexities. Mr. Brown has asked staff to evaluate the process going forward. Regional State Committee Report The Regional State Committee (RSC) report was provided by Commissioner Patrick Lyons. Commissioner Lyons began his remarks by congratulating the newly elected RE Trustees Mark Maher and Stephen Whitley. Commissioner Lyons stated that the RSC met last week on Monday in Dallas, TX due to the NARUC meetings being held this week in Nashville. At the meeting, the second quarter financial report was provided. Currently, the RSC is under budget with the exception in the area of travel. This will be reviewed in the future. Commissioner Lyons also stated that Mr. Nick Brown gave a report on SPP and Mr. Patrick Clarey briefed on FERC. During the business meeting, the RSC unanimously voted to approve the RSC Audit report. The Cost Allocation Working Group (CAWG) report on the new member cost allocation review process was provided and, at this point, the RSC is asking the Board to review and bring forth any recommendations it may have on the process. CAWG will review the 20% wind threshold provision and may bring recommendations to the RSC in January. Commissioner Stephen Stoll provided the Regional Allocation Review Task Force (RARTF) report, and the RSC unanimously approved the Regional Cost Allocation Review II (RCAR II) report. An update on Z2 was provided. The RSC did not take up the Group B Waiver request issue but did endorse the Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC) change of extending the period for member companies to pay out over five years.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Report Mr. Patrick Clarey provided the report on FERC. He stated that at the last open meeting FERC granted, in part, and denied, in part, SPP’s motion for clarification of the Commission’s March 25, 2016 order on SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to distribute settlement revenues from the settlement that resolved a seams dispute with MISO. In a companion docket, FERC initiated a section 206 proceeding to examine the SPP tariff. On July 7, the Commission granted SPP’s waiver request of certain sections of Attachment J and Z1 of the SPP Tariff in order to implement revenue crediting under Z2. The Commission held a number of conferences over the past few months to include: reliability, software, Order 1000 and competitive transmission development, reactive supply compensation, and generator interconnection procedures. Mr. Clarey thanked SPP staff, specifically Mr. Paul Suskie and Mr. Carl Monroe, for their participation in the Order 1000 conference. Regional Entity Trustees Report Mr. Dave Christiano provided the Regional Entity (RE) Trustees report (RE Trustees Report – Attachment 5). Mr. Christiano welcomed the two new trustees. The SPP RE 2017 Business Plan and budget of $10.9 million was approved at the June meeting. It was sent to NERC and was posted in July. Approval is expected in August. The CIP V5 revisions became effective in July for high and medium impact. The SPP RE is conducting its first CIP V6 audit this month. Oversight Committee Report Mr. Josh Martin provided the Oversight Committee (OC) report. Mr. Alan McQueen presented the MMU’s preliminary Annual State of the Market (ASOM) report with status and recommendations. The OC provided feedback and Mr. McQueen will present the final report later today. The OC also asked for more detail as to what constitutes “gaming”. The OC has requested quarterly progress reports from the MMU to ensure recommendations are implemented. The OC now holds two executive sessions, the first session is to receive the Regional Compliance Working Group’s (RCWG) State of the Grid report, and the second is for the MMU only to deal with MMU matters. The executive session with the MMU will not include any RTO personnel. The OC met in executive session by conference call to consider and provide direction on a joint SPP and SPP MMU response to the FERC Audit report. The response was submitted to FERC on July 7. Later in July the OC again met in executive session by conference call to address agenda matters not covered during the face-to-face meeting in early June. In this session, Mr. Michael Desselle provided an update on open enforcement items. The OC will send a strong message that it is important and critical for the OC and the full Board to endorse a culture of compliance with accountability to be implemented at SPP. The OC is recommending adding meetings to the 2017 calendar. These additional meetings will provide more time to cover the enhanced role of the OC. Results of the FERC audit are that the MMU should strengthen its independence and enhance its separation from the RTO. There were a number of findings and recommendations. The MMU will have its own secretary, there will be communication with only independent directors present, and there will be a physical separation with limited access in the corporate offices. Mr. Alan McQueen presented the Annual State of the Market Report (ASOM Presentation – Attachment 6 and MMU State of the Market Report – Attachment 7). Mr. McQueen encourages everyone to review the ASOM information. The report will remain open for a couple of weeks and comments and questions are welcome and it will be decided if they should be incorporated into the final report. Mr. McQueen summarized the ASOM beginning with market conditions and the maturing of the Integrated Marketplace. The conditions of the market in 2015 were low gas prices, shifting fuel mix, an increase in wind generation, and changing congestion patterns. The Integrated Marketplace is maturing also. There is a decline in mitigation frequency, and there are revenue concerns with quick-start units. The non-energy market components are: a shortage in pricing, congestion hedging, virtual transactions, and ancillary services. The MMU recommends converting the non-dispatchable resource to dispatchable resources.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


At the end of the report there was much discussion on the Variable Operations and Maintenance (VOM). Mr. McQueen suggested looking at individual units and an annual basis and not an instance by instance basis. Mr. Eckelberger said it should be noted in the ASOM report that the Membership does not agree with the MMU’s conclusions concerning the VOM and tasked the OC to take this discussion further and make sure it happens in a productive way. Agenda Item 3 – Consent Agenda

Mr. Eckelberger presented the Consent Agenda (Consent Agenda – Attachment 8) which included minutes from the April Board meeting and the special meeting in June. It also includes recommendations from MOPC, the Market Working Group (MWG), Operating Reliability Working Group (ORWG), Regional Tariff Working Group (RTWG), and staff. Mr. Eckelberger requested the 2016 ITPNT Scenario 5 Projects be moved to the MOPC report. Revision request (RR) 165 Appendix G Cleanup was removed from the consent agenda as it did not require Board approval. Ms. Phyllis Bernard made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Josh Martin seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Agenda Item 4 – Finance Committee Report Mr. Harry Skilton reported on the Finance Committee (Finance Committee Presentation – Attachment 9). The budget process was changed last year so the final approval of the budget does not occur until the December Board meeting. The purpose of this is to make sure the budget is more integrated with the strategic plan. The Finance Committee has met with Stephens Inc. to discuss the corporate liability insurance program. Corporate borrowing terms are very good with a three-year term. Mr. Larry Altenbaumer made a motion to approve authorization for the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer to negotiate and execute the agreement with the bank and with regulators. Ms. Phyllis Bernard seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Once a year the contracts with the auditors are reviewed and sometimes renegotiated (Auditor Engagement – Attachment 10). There are three sets of auditors. The auditors are BKD, LLP (Financial Statement Audit), Thomas & Thomas, LLP (Benefit Plan Audit), and KPMG (SSAE16 Control Audit). Mr. Harry Skilton made a motion to approve the engagement of KPMG, BKD, and Thomas & Thomas as SPP’s SSAE16 controls, financial statements, and benefit plan auditors. Mr. Larry Altenbaumer seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. The Finance Committee examined the 2017 administrative forecast and Schedule 1-A administrative fee rate cap (Tariff Language for Schedule 1-A Change – Attachment 11) and (2017 Admin Fee Rate Cap – Attachment 12). After much discussion, the fee was set at 43¢/MWh. The new rate is impacted by both a level of billing determinants and cost of SPP operations. Mr. Harry Skilton made a motion to approve an increase of the Schedule 1-A administrative fee rate cap to 43¢/MWh and authorize SPP staff to make the appropriate filings with FERC for approval. Mr. Nick Brown seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with three no votes (Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, Dogwood Energy, LLC, and Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company) and one abstention (NextEra Energy Resources, LLC). The Board voted; the motion passed.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


Agenda Item 5 – Strategic Planning Committee Report

Mr. Mike Wise provided the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) report. On July 7 the SPC held a workshop to explore lessons learned from its first competitive solicitation process. The objective of the workshop was to focus on process improvement to the Transmission Owner Selection Process (TOSP) going forward. The SPC agreed to six items the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) should continue to address and bring back to the SPC in October. Mr. Noman Williams reported on items of strategic planning importance to the SPC. The wind/solar penetration numbers will have planning and operational implications. The creation of the Supply Adequacy Working Group (SAWG) with tariff language being developed to be consistent with the Capacity Margin Task Force (CMTF) and encouraged parallel population while the Corporate Governance Committee (CGC) considers approval. And the continuing evolution of the competitive transmission process regarding studies, cost allocation, and equity and RCAR issues. The SPC approved the creation of an Export Pricing Task Force (EPTF). Mr. Mike Ross discussed the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The CFTC would like to allow “rights of private action” against RTOs. Mr. Ross described the industry effort to oppose the latest CFTC pronouncement. The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m., July 25, 2016. The meeting was called to order at 8:01 a.m., July 26, 2016. Agenda Item 6 – Markets and Operations Policy Committee Report

Mr. Noman Williams began the MOPC presentation (MOPC Presentation – Attachment 13). Mr. Paul Suskie began the MOPC report by explaining Z2 as the process and recommendation (Z2 Payment Plan Recommendation – Attachment 14) under SPP’s tariff to compensate Upgrade Sponsors who pay for upgrades that are subsequently used by Transmission Customers. The types of eligible upgrades include generator interconnection, sponsored, and transmission service. Mr. Julian Brix made a motion to approve changing the previously approved Z2 payment plan by the SPP Board of Directors from ten (10) months to five (5) years. Mr. Harry Skilton seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Carl Monroe reported on the Z2 waivers. A motion was made regarding Z2 waivers. Jeff Knottek of City Utilities would oppose the socializing of Z2 waivers costs unless an RCAR deficit solution is included in the proposal. He stated that the Z2 problems were similar to RCAR. Knottek stated that City Utilities customers have not directly benefited as has some of the other transmission customers for these directly assigned projects for Z2. He added that a Z2 solution should be more wide spread to correct RCAR deficits for zones below a 1.0 B/C ratio. After much discussion of this topic, Mr. Eckelberger suggested withdrawing the motion on Z2 waivers and not having a vote. The staff will proceed with the payment plan filing, and Mr. Williams will create a task force in the MOPC which will deal with trying to find a more rounded solution to the problem. He asked the Board and Members Committee members if there would be an issue withdrawing the motion. There was none. The motion and second for the motion were withdrawn. Mr. Lanny Nickell reported on the Linwood-Cedar Grove 138 kV series line reactor re-evaluation and recommendation (2016 ITPNT Linwood 115 kV Reactor Recommendation – Attachment 15). The project was approved in the 2016 ITPNT. It was a line reactor on the Linwood-Cedar Grove 138 kV line. Expedited re-evaluation was requested by AEP and approved by the Board. The Linwood-S. Shreveport rebuild was determined to be the best alternative project and was incorporated in the re-evaluation.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


Mr. Harry Skilton made a motion to approve issuing an NTC for the Linwood-South Shreveport 128 kV line rebuild based on the new emergency rating, lower transmission owner cost estimate, and the 40-year PV cost savings of the $3.55 million rebuild. Withdrawal of Project ID No. 31049 included in SPP-NTC-200386 for the 1% (100 MVA base) series line reactor on the Cedar Grove-Linwood 138 kV line. Mr. Julian Brix seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Nickell provided the report on the Roundup-Kummer Ridge 115 kV re-evaluation and recommendation (Kummer Ridge-Roundup 115 kV New Line Recommendation – Attachment 16). The approved upgrades were contained in the Basin NTC-C No. 200387 from the 2016 ITPNT. Basin requested an expedited re-evaluation of a new 33-mile 115 kV line. The concerns were that an inaccurate transmission model was used and long-term viability. A proposal was made during the July MOPC meeting to construct the line for future 345 kV operation but initially operate at 115 kV. A 10-year reliability study was conducted and the results are the 345 kV solution set performs better than the 115 kV solution. The risks of building each line was also evaluated. This a staff recommendation not a MOPC recommendation. The MOPC failed to take any action. Mr. Julian Brix made a motion to approve to modify NTC-C No 200387 to replace the Roundup-Kummer Ridge 115 kV transmission line with the Roundup-Kummer Ridge 345 kV transmission line. Mr. Larry Altenbaumer seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in favor with three no votes (Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, and American Electric Power) and one abstention (NextEra Energy Resources, LLC). The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Lanny Nickell provided the report on the Walkemeyer RFP NTC re-evaluation (Walkemeyer Phase 1 and Phase 2 Recommendation – Attachment 17). The Board directed re-evaluation of Phase 1 and 2 of the Walkemeyer area projects. During the analysis summary voltage violations were observed with removal of Phase 1 and Phase 2. There were no thermal or voltage violations observed as a result of Phase 2 being removed from the models. Phase 1 in-service, voltage violations occur at approximately 23% load growth in the study area compared to current projections. Mr. Josh Martin made a motion to approve withdrawal the NTC for the 21-mile, 115 kV line from Walkemeyer North Liberal and the NTC for Phase 1 remain with no change to the Need Date. Mr. Harry Skilton seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed. Mr. Eckelberger asked that the Scenario 5 Project re-evaluations (2016 ITPNT Scenario 5 Project Re-evaluation Recommendation) be taken off the consent agenda. The Board had requested that they be re-evaluated. The NTCs were not issued. Mr. Eckelberger wanted to make sure all questions were answered. Mr. Nickell addressed the fact that there was a change after the MOPC meeting to the first of the Scenario 5 projects. On the rebuild of Hobart City-Roosevelt tap-Snyder 69 kV line (Modification of an existing NTC) it was originally thought there was not a congestion problem. AEP now thinks that there may be an issue with congestion. SPP is not confirming that information. Mr. Nickell thinks that this project warrants more attention. Mr. Harry Skilton made a motion to approve the staff recommendation to proceed with four of the Scenario 5 projects, hold off on the rebuild of Hobart City-Roosevelt Tap-Snyder 69 kV line for one more quarter (modification of an existing NTC) , full rebuild of the Tosco-Comanche Tap 69 kV line (issue NTC), full rebuild of the Duncan-Tosco 69 kV line and upgrade the wave trap at Duncan (issue NTC), tap the Tolk-Yoakum 230 kV line and Cochran-Lehman Tap 115 kV line, new substation, and new 230/115 kV transformer at the new substation (issue NTC), and tap the Lawrence Hill-Swissvale 230 kV line, new substation, and new 230/115 kV transformer at Baldwin Creek (modification of an existing NTC) (withdraw NTC). Mr. Julian Brix seconded the motion. The Members Committee voted in unanimous approval. The Board voted; the motion passed.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


TPITF Report

Mr. Brian Gedrich provided the report on the Transmission Planning Improvement Task Force (TPITF). He stated that the current three-year planning cycle is not timely and is inflexible, and, further, that the ITP20 is resource intensive with primarily strategic value with no actionable results. There is a lack of correlation between operation and planning observations and a lack of economic assessment in the near-term and process consistency from study to study. There is also a need for more enforceable deadlines for meeting schedule milestones. The recommendations are to implement an annual ITP 10-year planning assessment process, develop a standardized study scope, establish a common reliability planning model, utilize a holistic approach to planning, and create a staff/stakeholder accountability program.

Mr. Gedrich stated that the tariff and governing document revisions will be completed by April 2017. There will be a new planning process and the process will begin in September 2017 with a model build and conclude in October 2019. It was mentioned that this program will cost additional head count. Mr. Eckelberger provided a written comment that projected on the slide. The comment stated that:

“The new Integrated Transmission plan will be structured and staffed for three scenarios each year with the option of doing one to three scenarios each year. The prior technique of assigning weights to scenarios to build the final plan will not be primarily utilized in the future. Instead the final plan will be judgmentally analyzed on a project by project basis and portfolio basis by the staff. The amalgamated plan will be recommended to the membership, to include projects eliminated from the amalgamated plan with the reasons why.”

CMTF Report

Mr. Lanny Nickell reported on the CMTF. The CMTF has developed a proposed charter for a new organizational group, the Supply Adequacy Working Group (SAWG). The tariff language is being developed, and the CMTF will stay in contact to assist clarification as needed until the SAWG is in place. The SAWG will be responsible for development and implementation of policies and processes to ensure reliable supply adequacy requirements and methodologies. Mr. Nickell stated that the working group will ensure that the processes and policies meet the compliance obligations of NERC reliability standards. The new working group will combine the activities of the Generation Working Group (GWG) and the CMTF. Fuel supply will be assigned to this group from the Gas Electric Coordination Task Force. MOPC recommended the formation of the new working group and the retirement of the GWG. The CGC will have to approve the new working group. RCAR II Report

Mr. Paul Suskie reported on the RCAR II results. The tariff requires that SPP review the reasonableness of the regional allocation methodology and zonal allocation at least once every three years. However, the transmission provider -- SPP -- or RSC may initiate such review at any time, and any change in the regional allocation and factors or the zonal allocation shall be filed with the Commission. The report was approved by all of the applicable working groups. He noted that the Board changed how RCAR allocates reliability benefits. The reliability projects or benefits are dollar for dollar, but a part of it was changed based on a flow base study. Based on studies conducted by staff that some flows the reliability projects have more benefit in zones outside the zone than there is actually inside. City Utilities of Springfield wanted to go on the record, stating that accumulatively it adds up and it seems strange that the location where it is being installed does not receive any benefit, but other zones away from that location does get benefits. So it could skew whether or not if you are on the borderline of a threshold it could throw you one way or another. Mr. Suskie did clarify that the constructing zone does get benefits under the study, but a portion of those benefits are allocated based upon flow.

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Minutes July 25-26, 2016


Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) stated that it is noteworthy that the harm zones went from eleven down to three and that the RARTF did not include voting positions from the harm zones. OPPD has been in “no man’s land” for two cycles, and the company looks for SPP to work with OPPD and come up with real solutions to have more positive outcomes in the future. OPPD will not support the trajectory that we are on at this point in time with the results of the RCAR I and II. OPPD looks for more positive results.

Larry Altenbaumer expressed 0.8 might have made sense when the cumulative B/C was closer to 1, but now that we’re up to 2.45 the 0.8 threshold no longer seems appropriate.

Jim Eckelberger stated that the RARTF should review being below 1.0 for multiple periods and may need to be treated differently.

The lessons learned from RCAR II will be reviewed at the next meeting of the RARTF. The 0.8 threshold will be reviewed. Agenda Item 7 – Future Meetings

(Future Meetings – Attachment 20) 2016

RET/RSC/BOD – October 24-25…………………………………Little Rock, AR BOD – December 6………………………………………………..Little Rock, AR


With no further business, Mr. Eckelberger adjourned the meeting at 11:42 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Paul Suskie, Corporate Secretary

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Recommendation to the Board of Directors

October 25, 2016

Approval of PCWG and SAWG Charters

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Corporate Governance Committee: Nick Brown, Chair SPP Jim Eckelberger Director Jason Atwood NTEC Denise Buffington KCP&L Jason Fortik LES Robert Harris WAPA - UGPR Robert Janssen Dogwood Energy Brett Leopold ITC Great Plains John McClure NPPD Background

Per Bylaws Section 6.6, the Corporate Governance Committee is charged with responsibility for SPP’s “overall governance structure” in accordance with its Board of Directors-approved scope.

The Board of Directors is expressly charged with approving the scopes of Organizational Groups

that report to the Board of Directors (Bylaws Sections 6.1 – 6.6), and, pursuant to Bylaws Section 4.1(a) and (g), is otherwise responsible for directing activities of all SPP Organizational Groups and reviewing, approving, disapproving, or recommending revision to the actions of any Organizational Group.

Prior to being approved by the Corporate Governance Committee, each of the requested charter changes was approved by the respective working group and the group to which it reports.


Group Requested Change Comments

Project Cost Working Group

Clarification of the group’s responsibility to identify cost estimate variance trends that deviate from the Study Estimate Design Guide and increase the maximum number of voting members from 16 to 20, with two additional Transmission Owning member positions and two additional Transmission Using member positions

The increase in the number of voting members is intended to ensure appropriate geographical representation following the addition of the Integrated System.

Recommend Approval

Supply Adequacy Working Group

Formation of a new working group combining the activities of the Generation Working Group and the Capacity Margin Task Force (retiring the Generation Working Group)

Recommend Approval

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Approval of the respective SPP Organizational Group charters

Approved: Corporate Governance Committee August 24, 2016

Action Requested: Approve recommendation

Attachments: Project Cost Working Group Charter

Supply Adequacy Working Group Charter

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Southwest Power Pool Project Cost Working Group


March 2, 2016 Draft

Purpose To maintain the integrity of the SPP transmission project estimate process, a rigorous and transparent evaluation of cost estimate variances is required. The SPP project tracking process sets cost variance bandwidths and mandates justification and review for project cost estimates that have changed outside these bandwidths, including Competitive Upgrades.

The purpose of establishing the Project Cost Working Group (PCWG) is to create a group with stakeholder input, oversight, and accountability that can provide a transparent review of transmission cost variances. To ensure cost estimate variances are addressed in a timely manner, the PCWG will evaluate projects exceeding allowable variance levels on a monthly basis. On a quarterly basis, the PCWG will provide a report of their findings and comments to stakeholders.

The PCWG will also maintain the SPP Study Estimate Design Guide (SEDG). The PCWG will notify MOPC if a trend is developing in cost variances resulting from deviations from the SEDG. The MOPC is responsible for determining if a review of the SEDG is required. However, this does not preclude PCWG from suggesting to the MOPC any other changes to the SEDG.

The PCWG will also maintain the SPP minimum design standards.

Scope of Activities In carrying out its purposes, the PCWG will:

1. Provide a monthly review of regionally funded projects that have been identified by the SPP project tracking process as having estimated costs that have exceeded allowable variance levels.

2. Provide recommendations for projects that exceed the allowable variance levels. 3. Provide a quarterly report to stakeholders.

Representation The PCWG membership should consist of members who can collectively represent the interests of the SPP stakeholders. To ensure they have the expertise to make the recommendations required, these members should have experience in one or more of the following areas: transmission construction costs/estimating, project management, and/or ratemaking.

PCWG membership will consist of up to the following:

20 Voting members- • 10 Transmission Owning • 10 Transmission Using

Non-Voting member- • 1 CAWG Liaison

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Duration Permanent

Reporting The PCWG reports to the Markets and Operations Policy Committee.

Other Notes: In light of FERC Orders 888 and 889 and the group composure of transmission and generation parties, the PCWG will have to observe the Standards of Conduct outlined in FERC Order 889. Additionally, there may be topics discussed by the PCWG that are privileged and confidential. Under such an event, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that no Standards of Conduct are violated, including but not limited to Executive Sessions. Any party participating in an Executive Session will be required to execute a Nondisclosure Agreement in advance.

Any materials provided during Executive Sessions containing information identified as confidential and protected and subject to a Nondisclosure Agreement will not be made publicly available.

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Charter July 12, 2016

Purpose The Supply Adequacy Group (SAWG) is responsible for development and implementation of policies and processes to ensure reliable supply of capacity necessary to meet demand and supply adequacy requirements/methodologies in SPP. In addition, the SAWG is responsible for ensuring that these processes and policies meet the compliance obligations of NERC Reliability Standards.

Scope of Activities Specific activities are to include but not be limited to the following:

• Provide technical oversight for the determination of the appropriate methodologies needed to assess regional supply adequacy requirements.

• Review on a routine basis the processes and requirements and recommend improvements as needed to the Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC) to maintain supply adequacy in SPP, including, but not limited to the following:

• Resource accreditation methodology including availability, fuel supply, or any other areas specific to resources

• Application of coincident vs. non-coincident demand • Load forecasting methodology • Evaluation of Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) studies and the planning reserve

margin requirements • Maintaining the Planning Reserve Assurance Policy • Maintaining the Deliverability Study • Demand Side Management • Distributed Generation

• Work with other working groups to promote a high standard of operating

practices for generating units and other resources within SPP, consistent with NAESB and NERC standards, through recommendation of appropriate improvements in reliable operating practices.

• Monitor and review the reliability standards impact on generation and

other resources and recommend appropriate changes in the SPP Criteria.

• Ensure that SPP’s supply adequacy requirement is assigned to the

appropriate SPP entities and review the processes and information necessary to show the entity is meeting its requirement.

• Work with staff and other SPP organizational groups to prioritize activities.

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Representation The SAWG is comprised of at least fourteen and no more than twenty members (including the Chairman). The SAWG will have two Cost Allocation Working Group (CAWG) representatives who are non-voting liaisons. Members of the SAWG shall have experience and knowledge in one or more of the following areas: • Planning reserve margin calculation • Energy marketing • Operations • Planning and Forecasting • Generation • Regulatory




The SAWG reports to the Markets and Operations Policy Committee. As necessary the SAWG may appoint a member of the SAWG as a liaison to other working groups for specific issues or action items being coordinated.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Recommendation to the Board of Directors

October 25, 2016

Nomination to the SPC Committee Vacancy

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Corporate Governance Committee: Nick Brown, Chair SPP Jim Eckelberger Director Jason Atwood NTEC Denise Buffington KCP&L Jason Fortik LES Robert Harris WAPA - UGPR Robert Janssen Dogwood Energy Brett Leopold ITC Great Plains John McClure NPPD Background

Due to the resignation of Mike Deggendorf, there is one open Transmission Owning (TO) Member seat on the Strategic Planning Committee. In accordance with SPP’s Bylaws, the Corporate Governance Committee recommends a candidate for the TO position to the Board of Directors for consideration and appointment to the Strategic Planning Committee.


Following a solicitation for nominees, the Corporate Governance committee considered the

backgrounds of prospective candidates and the balance of Member representation on the various SPP committees. After discussion, the Corporate Governance Committee passed a motion to recommend Traci Bender of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) for the open TO position.


The Corporate Governance Committee recommends the appointment of Traci Bender of NPPD to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee.

Approved: Corporate Governance Committee August 24, 2016

Action Requested: Approve recommendation

Attachments: TO SPC Nomination Form

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Strategic Planning Committee Nomination Form Nominee Name: Traci L. Bender

Company: Nebraska Public Power District

Email: [emailprotected]

Phone: 402.563.5459

Nominated by: Tom Kent

Brief description of relevant experience or involvement with strategic planning:

As NPPD’s CFO Traci is directly involved with NPPD’s strategic planning processes, and I believe she would add valuable expertise to the SPP Strategic Planning Committee. A short Bio is included below:

Ms. Bender joined NPPD in 1990 as Supervisor of Technical Accounting. She has also held the positions of District Manager, Rate Supervisor, Finance & Accounting Manager, Assistant Treasurer and Corporate Planning & Risk Manager.

Ms. Bender graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1984 with a bachelor's degree in Accounting and earned a master's degree in Business Administration-Finance & Accounting from Regis University in 2006.

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Recommendation to the Board of Directors-Members Committee

October 25, 2016

Revision to Bylaws/Expansion of Directors on the Strategic Planning Committee and Oversight Committee

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Corporate Governance Committee: Nick Brown, Chair SPP Jim Eckelberger Director Jason Atwood NTEC Denise Buffington KCP&L Jason Fortik LES Robert Harris WAPA - UGPR Robert Janssen Dogwood Energy Brett Leopold ITC Great Plains John McClure NPPD Background

At the request of Oversight Committee Chairman Josh Martin, the Corporate Governance Committee considered and approved Bylaws revisions to Section 6.4 to expand the Oversight

Committee (from three) to five independent directors. A copy of Mr. Martin’s request to Corporate

Governance Committee Chairman Nick Brown is attached.

Additionally, the Corporate Governance Committee considered and approved Bylaws revisions to Section 6.2 to expand the Strategic Planning Committee (from thirteen) up to fourteen members and to provide (from three) up to four representatives, but no less than three representatives, from the Board of Directors.


The Oversight Committee is comprised of three members from the Board of Directors. The addition

of two independent directors is proposed to accommodate recent expansion of the committee’s

responsibilities, particularly in overseeing the Market Monitoring and Compliance functions and the Order No. 1000 implementation process.

The Strategic Planning Committee is comprised of equal representation from the Transmission Owning Member sector and Transmission Using Member sector and three directors. The addition

of up to one additional director is proposed to accommodate increased growth in the committee’s

workload. With the proposed expansion, the Strategic Planning Committee will be comprised of up to fourteen members; five Transmission Owning members, five Transmission Using members, and up to four (but no less than three) directors. Pursuant to Section 10 of the SPP Bylaws, modifications to Section 6 may be made only by approval of the Board of Directors following 30 days written notice to the Membership, which was provided by Assistant Corporate Secretary Shaun Scott on September 23, 2016.


Approval of the expansion of the Strategic Planning Committee and Oversight Committee as outlined above and as reflected in the changes to SPP Bylaws Sections 6.2 and 6.4 (attached).

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Approved: Corporate Governance Committee August 24, 2016

Action Requested: Approve recommendation

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From: Nick BrownTo: Paul Suskie; Shaun ScottSubject: FW: SPP Oversight CommitteeDate: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:16:40 AM

For CGC background materials…

From: Martin, Joshua Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:14 AMTo: Nick Brown <[emailprotected]>Subject: **External Email** SPP Oversight Committee Nick, Following up on our conversation yesterday, I am requesting that the SPP CorporateGovernance Committee consider expanding the SPP Oversight Committee to preferably 5 members. This committee, which currently includes 3 independent directors, has significantlyexpanded its jurisdiction in the last few years. Traditionally, we have included Compliance, InternalAudit and the Market Monitoring Unit in our areas of oversight. Now that Security has beenseparated from Compliance and we’ve involved staff from IT that focuses on security, both cyberand physical, we’ve seen a significant increase in our workload. In addition, as a result of the recentFERC audit that focused on the MMU, going forward there will be a need for increased scrutiny andmonitoring of this important internal function of SPP.

As I was conferring with Alan McQueen, Barbara Stroope and the MMU outside counsel, EricCallisto, on the agenda for our MMU executive session at our next meeting in September, I wasfrankly overwhelmed about the number and complexity of items that we’ll have to consider. Also,based on estimates for our work load in 2017, the OC, along with our Staff Secretary, MichaelDesselle, is considering two additional meetings in 2017. This year, we have utilized conferencecalls to address a number of items, but face to face meetings are going to be required forconsideration of some of the items that will require ongoing surveillance. In my opinion, the addition of two independent directors, with an appropriate delegation ofduties, will enable the Committee to satisfy its obligations to SPP and the Members in theseimportant areas. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get back to me. Josh Joshua W. Martin, IIICounsel

Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP1313 North Market Street

P.O. Box 951

Wilmington, DE 19899-0951

302 984 6010 Direct Dial

844 984 6010 Fax




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Bylaws Revisions Approved by CGC 8/24/16

Submitted to BOD 10/25/16

6.2 Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) is responsible for the development and

recommendation of strategic direction for the company in accordance with its scope as approved

by the Board of Directors.

The SPC shall be comprised of up to fourteenthirteen members. Up to fourThree

representatives, but no less than three representatives, shall be from the Board of Directors; five

representatives from the Transmission Owning Member sector as nominated by the Corporate

Governance Committee; and five representatives from the Transmission Using Member sector as

nominated by the Corporate Governance Committee.

The Board of Directors shall appoint the representatives of the SPC. Each representative

of the SPC shall continue to be a representative thereof until the Board of Directors appoints

his/her successor. Where a vacancy occurs, the Corporate Governance Committee will fill the

vacancy on an interim basis until the next meeting of the Board of Directors.

The SPC shall meet at least twice per calendar year, and additionally as needed, provided

that a quorum, as defined in these Bylaws, is present. The SPC shall report to the Board of

Directors following each SPC meeting with respect to its activities and with such

recommendations, as the SPC deems necessary.

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Bylaws Revisions Approved by CGC 8/24/16

Submitted to BOD 10/25/16

6.4 Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee (OC) is responsible for monitoring compliance with SPP and

regulatory policies for the company in accordance with its scope as approved by the Board of


The OC shall be comprised of fivethree members from the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall appoint the representatives of the OC. Each representative

of the OC shall continue to be a representative thereof until the Board of Directors appoints

his/her successor. Where a vacancy occurs, the Board of Directors will fill the vacancy.

The OC shall meet as needed, provided that a quorum, as defined in these Bylaws, is

present. The OC shall report to the Board of Directors following each OC meeting with respect

to its activities and with such recommendations, as the OC deems necessary.

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From: Nick BrownTo: Paul Suskie; Shaun ScottSubject: FW: SPP Oversight CommitteeDate: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:16:40 AM

For CGC background materials…

From: Martin, Joshua Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:14 AMTo: Nick Brown <[emailprotected]>Subject: **External Email** SPP Oversight Committee Nick, Following up on our conversation yesterday, I am requesting that the SPP CorporateGovernance Committee consider expanding the SPP Oversight Committee to preferably 5 members. This committee, which currently includes 3 independent directors, has significantlyexpanded its jurisdiction in the last few years. Traditionally, we have included Compliance, InternalAudit and the Market Monitoring Unit in our areas of oversight. Now that Security has beenseparated from Compliance and we’ve involved staff from IT that focuses on security, both cyberand physical, we’ve seen a significant increase in our workload. In addition, as a result of the recentFERC audit that focused on the MMU, going forward there will be a need for increased scrutiny andmonitoring of this important internal function of SPP.

As I was conferring with Alan McQueen, Barbara Stroope and the MMU outside counsel, EricCallisto, on the agenda for our MMU executive session at our next meeting in September, I wasfrankly overwhelmed about the number and complexity of items that we’ll have to consider. Also,based on estimates for our work load in 2017, the OC, along with our Staff Secretary, MichaelDesselle, is considering two additional meetings in 2017. This year, we have utilized conferencecalls to address a number of items, but face to face meetings are going to be required forconsideration of some of the items that will require ongoing surveillance. In my opinion, the addition of two independent directors, with an appropriate delegation ofduties, will enable the Committee to satisfy its obligations to SPP and the Members in theseimportant areas. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get back to me. Josh Joshua W. Martin, IIICounsel

Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP1313 North Market Street

P.O. Box 951

Wilmington, DE 19899-0951

302 984 6010 Direct Dial

844 984 6010 Fax




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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. SPP OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE

Recommendation to the Board of Directors October 25, 2016

Industry Expert Pool for 2017

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Oversight Committee:

Joshua Martin Phyllis Bernard Larry Altenbaumer

Chair, SPP Director SPP Director SPP Director

The following stakeholders participated in group discussions:

Jim Eckelberger Graham Edwards

SPP Chairman SPP Director

Background Pursuant to Attachment Y of the SPP OATT the SPP Order 1000 process requires the use of an Industry Expert Pool/Panel to review, rank and score proposals for Competitive Upgrade projects. The Oversight Committee was delegated the responsibility to make a formal recommendation to the SPP Board for the approval of experts to be part of the expert pool for 2017. From this pool a panel(s) of 3-5 experts will be chosen to fulfill the responsibilities of making a recommendation of the winning proposal and an alternate proposal to the SPP Board. Ultimately the SPP Board will select the winning proposal and name the Designated Transmissions Owner for each Competitive Upgrade project.

Analysis SPP Staff publicized the need for these expert positions and received application from interested applicants. Experts from the 2016 pool have also requested to be renewed onto the expert pool for 2017. Staff reviewed these applications and made some recommendations to the Oversight Committee during its September 22, 2016 meeting held in Chicago Illinois. These discussions were held in Executive Session; where the members of the Oversight Committee, Director Graham Edwards, Chairman Jim Eckelberger and relevant SPP Staff were in attendance. Staff brought forward summaries of all eleven renewals from 2016 and three new applications received for the Oversight Committee to review. Each new applicant was reviewed and voted on by the Committee. The Oversight Committee agreed to recommend all eleven renewals and two new applicants to the SPP Board for inclusion in the 2017 pool.

Recommendations The Oversight Committee recommends that the SPP Board approve the recommended Industry Expert Pool for 2017. The applicants recommended are:

2016 IEP Renewals

1. William Steele 2. Dennis Bethel 3. Michael Jacobs

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4. Raj Rana 5. Steve Strickland 6. Dave Nevius 7. Monica Kachru 8. Michael McDowell 9. Murry Witcher 10. Ali Al-Fayez 11. Kirk Patterson

2017 IEP Applicants

1. Jayne Clark 2. Thomas Stuchlik

Summaries of the recommended applicants are attached.

Approved: SPP Oversight Committee September 22, 2016


Action Requested: Approve Recommendation

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IEP Candidate

Name: Ali Al-Fayez Education: (School, Years, Degree) Ohio State University, ‘80 – MSEE – Power Systems University of Wisconsin-Madison, ’77 – BSEE-Power Systems Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) TRC Solutions (Apr’13-present) Consultant Al-Fayez Ecommerce LLC (’10-present) COO AEP (’80-’10) Manager Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None listed Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design – direct contact with AEP’s Engineering and Design group in the development of projects Electric transmission project management and construction – direct contact with Project Management group to ensure projects are completed on time Electric transmission operations – conducted seasonal operational studies for several regions of AEP system Electric transmission rate design and analysis - worked with rate department to ensure recovery of investments Electric transmission finance - managed AEP’s Transmission capital budget; my group entered financial info for projects Published: “Priority Guide for Capital Improvement Projects,” 1990 Inter-RAM Conference “Probabilistic Approach to Transmission System Planning,” 1986 American Power Conference Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Registered PE in Ohio

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Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Over 35 yrs of elec utility experience; 20 yrs in Transmission Planning, 10 yrs in Asset Mgmt; 5 yrs as Elec Utility Consultant; worked closely with planning, operation, substation engineering, transmission line engineering, project mgmt., finance, operation and maintenance, rate tariff, etc; currently working as expert on several confidential major projects In last 5 years with AEP, was responsible for entire AEP Transmission capital construction budget; had the responsibility of analyzing the $1B+ budget; prepared Board of Directors document approvals. Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: William Arthur Steele (Bill Steele) Education: (School, Years, Degree) University of Northern Colorado (Jan 75-June 76) – BS in Bus Admin University of Phoenix (Sept 85-May 87) MBA Institute of Public Utilities Grid School coursework in 2014 Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Bill Steele & Associates LLC (May 2012-present) Owner Colorado Public Utilities Commission (Mar 1978-May 2012) Principal Financial Analyst, Commission Advisor Center for Public Utilities at NMSU (1998-present) Instructor in “Basics of Regulation” among other courses Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission operations -includes testifying in rate cases; reviewing securities filings by electric utilities Electric transmission rate design and analysis-being a rate case witness for the Colorado PUC trial staff; became supervisor of Auditing Unit in ’87, which included auditing the cost allocation methodologies of how utilities assigned costs within the company and how the company allocated costs between multi-state jurisdictions. Revenue requirement and rate design were also issues addressed by his work experience. When moved to Commission staff advisor, work included educating Commissioners and ALJs on technical operations of the electric system including transmission, cost allocation and assignment by function, and cost recovery in rates. Published: As a member of NARUC’s Staff Subcommittee on Management Analysis, co-authored “A Guide to Management Audit Plans” published in 1992 and “A Guide to Auditing Implementation Activities” published in 1996. Has presented and testified numerous times Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Presenter to various organizations on numerous regulatory/utility related topics Speaker at NARUC Staff Subcommittee on Accounting and Finance on various topics

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IEP Candidate

Name: David R. Nevius Education: (School, Years, Degree) Drexel Institute of Technology, ’64-’69, BSEE-Power System Engineering Drexel University, ’73-’75, MS-Engineering Management Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) NERC, ’79-‘13 Senior VP PSE&G, ’69-‘79 Senior Engineer Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) No past, present or planned affiliations with any QRP or SPP stakeholder. As an employee or officer of NERC, have interfaced with SPP, SPP RE, and SPP members in conducting bulk power system event investigations and seasonal and long-term bulk power system reliability assessments. Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design-Staff lead on development of joint PSE&G/Con Ed plan for second Hudson-Farragut 345kV interconnection with Con Ed and associated transmission adds to PSEG system to effect a 600MW wheeling arrangement; transmission planning sponsor for Northern Zone of PSE&G Transmission System; PSE&G rep on PJM Planning Study for 1980 as well as several special PJM transmission studies and voltage and reactive power studies; Electric transmission project management and construction-Secured engineering plans and relay recommendations from PSE&G engineering department for the Hudson-Farragut 345kV addition; Electric transmission operations-prepared seasonal voltage studies and voltage recommendations for PSE&G system as well as PJM overall system; at NERC, prepared seasonal assessment studies of operating conditions for the upcoming Summer and Winter seasons; lead NERC representative on the evaluation of system operating conditions associated with major blackouts, including Aug 2003 and Sept 2011; Published: History of deregulation in the U.S. electricity industry with emphasis on the evolution of NERC and its role as the Electric Reliability Organization. Published a European journal at the request of the President of the European Transmission System Operator (ETSO) organization. Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) IEEE Member since 1969

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IEEE USA Energy Policy Committee member U.S. Department of Energy Electricity Advisory Committee (past member) Testified before the U.S. Congress on the need for reliability legislation to make reliability rules mandatory

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IEP Candidate

Name: Dennis Bethel Education: (School, Years, Degree) Univ of Evansville (Indiana) ’69-’73, BSEE-Elec Engin Ball State Univ, ’76-’77, Bus Mgmt (moved, did not graduate) Ohio State Univ ’86, AEP Mgmt Dev Program Numerous short courses in energy applications, rate making, load research and analysis, expert witness presentation Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Bethel Electric Rate Consulting, LLC ’11-present President, Principal Consultant AEP Service Corporation, ’05-‘10 Managing Director, Regulated Tariffs AEP Service Corporation, ’00-‘05 Director, Transmission and Interconnection Services Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission operations-from ’96-’00 was Mgr-Transmission & Interconnection Svcs and participated in daily operating conditions mtgs; occasionally assisted control room mgmt at times of system and personnel stress Electric transmission rate design and analysis-extensive experience from ’88-’10: principal analyst in charge of developing AEP’s first OATT in ’93, 3 years before Order 888; designed rates and tariffs for PTP and network transmission service plus ancillary services; also designed compliance rates and tariffs; was TWG member during MISO RTO pre-operational development; participated in PJM and SPP TWGs; held numerous ratemaking positions from ’77-’10 Electric transmission finance-limited to AEP’s rate case lead for negotiating settlements in formula rate cases during ’05-’10; worked closely with COE expert and AEP Finance execs Published: Many times, but not publically, presenting testimony/exhibits in FERC and state regulatory proceedings Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) IEEE, NSPE, OSPE, professional engineer since 1978 in Indiana, 1980 in Ohio.

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IEP Candidate

Name: Jayne Clark Education: (School, Years, Degree) Kansas State University – ’76-’80; Accounting Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Sunflower Electric Power Corp. – ’88-‘13 Executive Manager – Financial Services, Corporate Treasurer – ’06-‘13 Senior Manager – Financial Services, Corporate Treasurer – ’03-‘06 Senior Manager – Accounting – ’94-‘03 Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) Sunflower – Retired 2013 Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission rate analysis – (Limited) Initial development if SUNC and MKEC transmission rate design. Understanding of formula rates. Electric transmission finance – Lead for all financing activities for SUNC and MKEC including, debt financing, corporate credit, cash flow, financial metrics, and lending activities. Published: None listed Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) Hays City Commissioner ’95-‘99 Hays Mayor ’97-‘98 Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: Kirk Patterson Education: (School, Years, Degree) University of Santa Clara, ’76-’88, MSEE-Engineering Management San Jose State University, ’60-’65, BSEE Edison Electric Institute, ’77, Electric Rate Fundamentals Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Patterson Consulting, ’00-present Principal Henwood Energy Services, Inc, ’95-‘00 Senior Project Manager PG&E, ’68-‘94 Senior Transmission Contract Specialist (most recently) Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None listed Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design-six years engaged in transmission planning at PG&E-performing power flow, dynamic stability, short circuit, and economic evaluations of transmission alternatives Electric transmission operations- See above re: transmission planning; additional work in transmission planning to solve operational problems for DOE Laboratories in CA, KY, and OH Electric transmission rate design and analysis-worked in transmission cost of service, rate design, contract negotiation and litigation support while at PG&E (see resume) Electric transmission finance-as part of transmission planning the economic evaluation of transmission alternatives has been an essential part; no direct experience with finance per se in the transmission context Published: None listed Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) See resume: was senior transmission rate expert at PG&E; as principal of Patterson Consulting have represented many clients in transmission matters including US DOE, Merced Irrigation District and the

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LPSC; filed testimony before FERC and LPSC (per resume); LPSC witness in Phase 1 Entergy Change of Control case for Entergy joining MISO (per resume) Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: Michael L. McDowell Education: (School, Years, Degree) University of Kansas, ’61-’69, BS, MPA, Management, Public Policy Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Heartland Consumers Power District, ’04-‘13 CEO Western States Power Corporation, ’95-‘00 President, CEO Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) Basin Electric Power Cooperative, East River Electric Power Cooperative, Heartland Consumers Power District, Kansas Municipal Energy Agency, Missouri River Energy Services, Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, Nebraska Public Power District, NextEra Energy, NorthWestern Energy, Tenaska Power Services, WAPA (details of affiliations attached to application) Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission project management and construction-As CEO and later Board Member and President of WSPC, approved for customer funding support selected transmission projects submitted by WAPA, US Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corps of Engineers; as CEO of Heartland, helped review and approve interconnection, maintenance, construction plans of transmission projects of Joint Transmission System, Missouri River Basin Power Project, and Whelan Energy Center 2 Electric transmission finance-at WSPC, arranged funding plans for federal power customers’ investments in approved transmission projects submitted by the WAPA, US Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corps of Engineers; at Heartland, reviewed and approved funding plans of interconnection, maintenance, and construction projects of Joint Transmission System, Missouri River Basin Power Project, and Whelan Energy Center 2 Published: “Qualifying Storage as Transmission” with PJM staff, 2013 “Transmission Recommendations for High Wind Penetration” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2007 “Making Wind Fit” EEI Electric Perspectives 2005 Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) South Dakota Transportation Commission Board of Directors-American Public Power Association Chair-National Rural Electric Association-National Preference Customer Committee

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Board of Directors, CEO, and President-Western States Power Corporation (WSPC) Board of Directors and President-Lake Area Improvement Corporation (South Dakota) Midwest Electric Consumers Association Rocky Mountain Electric League Number of transmission projects developed , reviewed, and approved while at WSPC and Heartland covers 16 years and 8 states; will bring to the reviews of proposed projects the outlook and experience as one ultimately responsible to governing boards and customers for success of each project Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: Michael B. Jacobs Education: (School, Years, Degree) Wesleyan University, ’81-’85, BA in Social Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison, ’86-’87, Urban and Regional Planning University of Massachusetts-Amherst, ’89-’90, MS-Regional Planning Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Union of Concerned Scientists, Jan ’13-present Sr Analyst, Markets and Transmission Xtreme Power, Sept ’10-Jul ‘12 Director of Regulatory Affairs and Market Policy National Renewable Energy Lab (Alliance for Sustainable Energy), Jul’09-Jul’10 Engineer, Transmission and Grid Integration First Wind, ’07-‘09 Vice-President, Transmission American Wind Energy Association, ’04-‘07 Deputy Policy Director TransEnergiUs, ’01-‘03 Open Season Manager Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design-lead in development of interconnection requests for over 10 wind farms from application through completion of Interconnection Agreements Electric transmission project management and construction-As manager for ISO Affairs and Open Seasons for the first “merchant” transmission projects, implemented strategy and communications for including independent transmission in ISO tariffs and in the plans for prospective bidders for transmission capacity. This required clear description of roles and responsibilities for projects in relation to ISO-NE, NYISO, and PJM, tariff and rule changes, extensive stakeholder and staff interactions as the model for participation in the ISO took shape Electric transmission operations- As VP-Transmission for wind developer, organized operations for radial lines with multiple generator assets. Pre-construction, established protocols for reservations made by multiple parties; negotiated with ISO-NE and Bangor Hydro to use dynamic line rating based on ambient temperature on radial portion of Bangor Hydro system; led analyses of unused transmission capacity for use of non-firm reservations

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Electric transmission rate design and analysis-for TransEnergiUS, established the OASIS site for Cross-Sound Cable connecting NYISO and ISO-NE; set up business manual, physical website, participated as member of ISO-NE OASIS users group; for First Wind, prepared for third-party use through OATT of 345 kV radial line in Utah Electric transmission finance-as decision-making member of Northern Maine Independent System Administrator board, reviewed setting manual tariff rates; as manager of Open Season marketing, made value projections for economic transfers, monthly reservation rates Published: “Qualifying Storage as Transmission” with PJM staff, 2013 “Transmission Recommendations for High Wind Penetration” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2007 “Making Wind Fit” EEI Electric Perspectives 2005 Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Utility Variable Integration Group Past BOD Positions: Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, ended 2009 The Wind Coalition, ended 2007 Wind on the Wires, ended 2007 Present BOD Positions: Solar Grid Storage, began 2014 Vineyard Power Cooperative, began 2012

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IEP Candidate

Name: Monica Kachru Education: (School, Years, Degree) Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, India (‘89-‘92) BA-Economics (Honors) Boston University (’94-‘96) MA-Energy and Environmental Studies MIT-Sloan School of Management (’14-’15) MBA-Finance and Strategy One year of law studies at Faculty of Law, Delhi University (India), ’92-‘93 Environmental Law graduate course at Univ of Mass (’94-’95) Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Eversource (12/06-5/14) Manager, Energy Efficiency Evaluation Transenergie US (8/01-5/05) Senior Analyst Transmission Projects Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission rate design and analysis-responsible for asset valuation, estimation of economic value, impact of new merchant transmission lines on wholesale energy prices and markets; management of hourly dispatch models, simulation of power pools, power flows between adjoining areas, applicable transmission constraints to accurately estimate impacts of building new transmission projects; reliability needs assessment to improve project economics or identify new projects and potential expansions to address reliability needs; develop key economic value metrics for building Northern Pass, spearhead assessment of building a 1000MW-1500MW potential backbone transmission line; comprehensive understanding of electricity markets, transmission infrastructure, Tariffs, and regulatory framework that govern approval of transmission projects; led discussions and presented alternative proposals at ISO-NE regarding tariff requirements and market rules; work collaboratively with regulators Electric transmission finance – supported development of project pro-forma for various potential projects, including developing project financing terms and project economics Published: Co-authored “Integration of Energy Efficiency in Transmission and Distribution Planning” article in International Journal of Progress in Industrial Ecology Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume)

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Chairperson of ISO-NE Information Policy Working Group Expert in Market Rules and Tariff requirements Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: Murry Witcher Jr. Education: (School, Years, Degree) University of Central Arkansas (UCA) Spring ’65; ’68-’71, Business Administration Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Entergy Services, Inc., Nov ’80-July ‘14 Coordinator Regulatory Affairs-Transmission Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None listed on Application Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission project management and construction-primary tasks for Regulatory Coordination were 1) coordinate and execute governmental filings for securing required permits for constructing transmission facilities in Entergy system; 2) prepare oral and written expert testimony on transmission related issues and review other expert testimony, reports, studies and governmental applications; 3) coordinate or prepare responses to data requests from governmental regulatory agencies and other interveners concerning transmission projects; 4) maintain good relationships with governmental agencies and commissions, staff members, interveners, and other parties involved in the transmission certification and permitting process; 5) manage the process for evaluating and selecting transmission line routes and substation sites for regulatory filings, including managing contracts of consulting firms and coordinating with environmental experts, governmental agencies, T&D planning, design, construction and project management; 6) identify and coordinate the efforts necessary to file USACE, including Sec 10 and Sec 404 permits, Costal Zone Permits and General Land Office easem*nts required for transmission line; and 7) providing documentation and support to Right of Way Management to facilitate the acquisition and maintenance of Entergy rights of way

Published: n/a Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume Richard E Malon Public Service Award for furthering the objects of Municipal Utilities, MPUA 2015 Annual Conference-Alliance Awards North Little Rock City Council since 1990 Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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IEP Candidate

Name: Raj Rana Education: (School, Years, Degree) M.S. University, India, ’66-’71, BSEE-Electric power West Virginia University, ’74-’77, MSEE-Electric power University of Dayton, ’81-’82, MBA-Finance and International Business Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) American Electric Power Service Corp, ’06-‘10 Director-RTO Policy and NERC Compliance AEP Service Corp, ’99-‘06 Director-Transmission Policy AEP Service Corp, ’77- ‘99 Engineer, Sr. Engineer, Principle Engineer Since January, 2011, I am providing consulting services pertinent to NERC reliability compliance, wholesale energy markets, transmission rate making, market power analysis, energy efficiency, demand response, ISO/RTO participation, transmission system planning and operation. I also develop and teach courses in the areas of technical and business aspects of electric utility. The following provides a list of major projects covered or working on as part of the consulting work: - EEI – Restore power and mutual assistance program manager for two years - Conduct mock NERC Reliability and CIPs audits, and review compliance documents for a major electric power company - Expand power system restoration plan to prepare for rapid restoration following blackouts due to GMD as well as malicious electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack - Evaluate the neutral earthing resistor data collected by TransPower New Zealand for the effectivess of such neutral blocking devices to protect transformers against potential impact of EMP attacks. Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) None listed on Application Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design-Planning of AEP’s bulk transmission network at 230 to 765 kV voltage level. Active member of the engineering and design team for the EHV lines and stations approved for construction. Regional and inter-regional reliability studies to assess the interconnected network reliability. Participate in testing and commissioning of new EHV lines and large generators while integrating them into the existing EHV network. Also conduct tests on 800 and 1,300 MW generators to address dynamic stability and protection issues such as transient stability, loss of excitation, and sub-synchronous resonance. Electric transmission project management and construction-As a planning engineer, was an active member of AEP’s transmission construction team to manage construction of 345 and 765 kV lines and stations for timely integration into the system. Supported the construction group in right-of-way

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acquisition process, such as educating affected communities and property owners on perceived EMF, radio/TV interference, corona effect, and other concerns. Electric transmission operations- As part of short-term transmission planning responsibilities, conducted next-day, weekly, and seasonal studies to assess reliability performance of the existing bulk transmission network, and developed appropriate mitigation measures to maintain security of the AEP transmission system in the interconnected system environment. Participated in regional and inter-regional studies for short-term and long-term interconnected system assessments. Address loop flows issue. Evaluate total and available transmission capability (TTC and ATC) for AEP OASIS. Electric transmission rate design and analysis-As Director of Transmission Policy, coordinated the efforts of OATT filings at FERC including preparing testimonies for senior executives as well as ROI studies and testimonies. Review transmission rate calculations for FERC filings. Electric transmission finance-Developed multi-year capital budget for transmission lines and stations for inclusion in Company’s overall Capital budget planning. As part of this activity, input received from line and station engineering as well as from the construction and project management groups. Also conducted sensitivity studies to evaluate the impact of variations in assumed parameters, such as inflation rates, in-service date delays to regulatory issues, equipment delivery issues, contingencies and variances. Worked with the Finance department for issuance of bonds to finance major EHV transmission projects Published: Seven technical papers in the area of transmission planning, power plant integration, momentary fast turbine valving, sub-synchronous resonance, loss of excitation, and torsional measurements of 800 and 1,300 MW steam generators Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) Ohio Certified Energy Manager (CEM) IEEE – Life Member Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) – Member

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IEP Candidate

Name: Steve Strickland Education: (School, Years, Degree) University of Arkansas, ’77-’79, BS-Chemical Engineering UALR, ’80-’85, MBA UALR Law School, ’90-’95, J.D. Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Entergy Arkansas, Inc., 5/79-5/14

VP-Regulatory Affairs (also: Engineer, Manager Business Development, Executive Assistant to the Chairman, Manager Regulatory Planning and Special Studies, Manager Regulatory Affairs, and Director Regulatory Affairs)

Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) No current affiliations. As part of work in regulatory affairs for EAI, had repeated interactions with SPP members OG&E, AECC, and AEP/SWEPCO related to regulatory issues that affected all of these electric utilities that provide retail service to customers in Arkansas. Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design-none specific to transmission; was staff and project engineer on design of two generation plants, coal/co*ke gasification projects; responsibilities included engineering review; coordinating review of all engineering functions with contract engineering design firm; development of detailed critical path scheduled for final engineering and construction; selection of flue gas desulfurization equipment for lignite-based generating plant Electric transmission project management and construction-none specific to transmission; have experience in project management (see above answer about engineering design) Electric transmission operations- as head of Regulatory Affairs for EAI, responsibilities included securing regulatory approval for sites for transmission projects; close interaction with transmission planning to find right balance of site/route design, cost, and public impact to meet need for new transmission facilities in order to secure regulatory approval for construction Electric transmission rate design and analysis-have more than 25 years experience dealing with state and federal regulatory policy issues, including those related to transmission, and in the design of tariffs to recover the revenue requirement for utility facilities that include transmission Electric transmission finance-none specific to transmission, but as part of duties as VP, Regulatory Affairs for EAI, was responsible for securing APSC approval for financing authorization for all the utility’s securities used to provide financing for operations, which included transmission facilities;

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responsibilities also included addressing regulatory issues related to issuance of securities raised in underwriter due diligence calls Published: Nothing public Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume) Member of Arkansas Bar Association Registered Professional Engineer in Arkansas, inactive status Served from ’11-’13 on University of Missouri Financial Research Institute, a regional utility policy forum Also served on BODs of several community organizations during career, including Centers for Youth and Families and LRSD Public Education Foundation. Currently serve on Advisory Board of Baptist Health Systems and BOD of the Arkansas Repertory Theater

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IEP Candidate

Name: Thomas Stuchlik Education: (School, Years, Degree) Wichita State University – ’75-’79; Electrical Engineering Employment History: (Company, Years, Position) Westar Energy – ’79-‘15 Executive Director – System Operations – ’12-‘15 Executive Director – Transmission Operations and Construction – ’09-‘12 Executive Director – Transmission Services – ’03-‘09 Various (all Transmission related) – ’79-‘03 Affiliations: (Personal affiliations vs. Company affiliations) Westar Energy – Retired 2015 Area(s) of Expertise: (summarize expertise for each area) Electric transmission engineering design- Although I did not perform transmission line design directly, the Westar Energy Manager of Transmission line Engineering and Manager of Transmission Construction and Maintenance reported to me for approximately 2 years. During that time I gained significant knowledge related to line design, right of way acquisition, construction, and material acquisition. Also throughout my association with Transmission System Operations I have gained a significant amount of knowledge related to transmission line engineering construction and substation design. Electric Transmission Project Management and Construction - Early in my career I was involved as a project manager over a major EHV substation construction expansion project. With my 30+ years of overseeing Transmission System Operations, Transmission Planning, and Transmission Construction, I have been actively involved with all aspect of construction and management for numerous projects. Electric transmission operations- I was responsible for the electric transmission system operations and control centers for Westar Energy for 30+ years of my career in the industry. Electric transmission rate analysis - I have been involved with the development and implementation of all phases of SPP transmission cost recovery programs and very knowledgeable of transmission cost recovery. I have knowledge of both FERC fixed and formulary transmission recovery methods. Published: None listed Other: (summary of other important items in application/resume)

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Staff Recommendation: (leave blank)

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 178 Date: 8/24/2016

RR Title: Validation of Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters


Name: Erin Cathey Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-590-8298


This Revision Request clarifies that the MMU reviews mitigated Resource offers costs on an ex-post (after-the-fact) basis.

All reviewing working groups approved unanimously. One minor change was made by the RTWG, which is incorporated. Details of the change are noted in the Comments section.

MOPC recommends BOD move to approve this RR as submitted.


Objectives of Revision Request: The SPP Market Protocols and SPP Tariff did not clearly explain when the SPP MMU will review the costs included in each mitigated Resource offer. This Revision Request will specify that this review is performed on an ex-post basis and thus providing the clarity needed.


SPP staff supports this RR.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Section(s):, G.1.5 Protocol Version: 38a Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date:

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Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Section 3.5 of Attachment AF Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group: RTWG

Date: 9/22/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2015

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Erin Cathey on behald of RTWG

Date Comments Submitted: 9/22/2016

Description of Comments: The RTWG removed parentheses from the phrase, “relative to the relevant Operating Day” in the Protocols and the Tariff.

Status: Changes incorporated by SPP staff, not reviewed by MWG



Market Protocols Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines The Market Working Group, in coordination with the Market Monitor and the Transmission Provider, shall develop and maintain Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines in Appendix G, describing the standards for determining cost components for products and services provided to the SPP market that are subject to mitigation. The Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters, as defined in Sections,, and, are intended to capture the short-run marginal

Deleted: A Mitigated Offer Development Subgroup of t

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cost, including the appropriate application of opportunity costs, of providing each service to the SPP Energy and Operating Reserve Markets. The Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines shall describe all relevant cost components for defining Mitigated Start-Up Offers, Mitigated No-Load Offers, Mitigated Energy Offer Curves, and Mitigated Operating Reserve Offers, by Resource-type.

Exceptions to the Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines may be submitted to the Market Monitor. The Market Monitor shall respond with a resolution to such a request within 15 calendar days of receipt.

The Market Monitor shall review the costs included in the Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters on an ex-post basis relative to the relevant Operating Day in order to ensure that the Market Participant has correctly applied the formulas and definitions in Sections,, and, the Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines, and in Attachment AF of the SPP Tariff and that the level of the mitigated offer is otherwise acceptable. If the mitigated offer determined by the Market Monitor and the Market Participant differ, the Market Participant shall use the mitigated offer calculated by the Market Monitor going forward. If a Market Participant submits a dispute over its mitigated offer, the previously approved mitigated offer shall be used from the time the dispute is submitted until the dispute is resolved. SPP shall remedy mitigated offer disputes resolved in favor of the Market Participant by providing Make Whole Payments, as necessary, to the Market Participant whose mitigated offer was improperly determined by the Market Monitor.

The Market Monitor shall gather and keep confidential detailed data on the costs of generation of electric power transmitted in the SPP Region in order to assist the performance of its duties under the SPP Tariff. To achieve this objective, the Market Monitoring Unit shall maintain on its website a mechanism that allows Market Participants to conveniently and confidentially submit such data. In addition the Market Monitoring Unit shall develop a manual in consultation with stakeholders that describes the nature of and procedure for data collection. Market Participants registering a Resource or otherwise subject to a commitment to provide service to SPP shall provide data to the Market Monitoring Unit.

G.1.5 Mitigated Offer Methodology Approval Process

For all new Resources, Market Participants shall submit the initial cost data and supporting documentation thirty days prior to submitting their first offer to the market, and the SPP MMU shall respond within fifteen calendar days.

The SPP MMU shall maintain on its website a mechanism that allows Market Participants to conveniently and confidentially submit and update such data as required or as needed. The website shall also contain instructions and examples of required documentation.

Deleted: mitigated

Deleted: of a Resource

Deleted: and

Deleted: shall be used

Deleted: Market Participants shall submit their initial cost data and supporting documentation at least three months prior to launch of SPP’s Integrated Marketplace, unless otherwise directed by the SPP MMU. The SPP MMU shall provide initial feedback no longer than two months after submittal, or 15 calendar days prior to the start of the Integrated Marketplace, or by another mutually agreed date.

Deleted: subsequent

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A Market Participant who seeks to obtain an exemption, exception or change to any time frame, process, methodology, calculation or policy set forth in these guidelines, or the approval of any mitigated offer that is not specifically permitted by these guidelines, shall submit a request to the SPP MMU for consideration and determination, except as otherwise specified herein.

The SPP MMU shall approve or disapprove such a request based on the following criteria:

• The cost components included in all mitigated offers should reflect the short-run marginal cost of generation;

• The formulas used to calculate mitigated offers and the components of cost included in mitigated offers do not deviate from those specified in the SPP Tariff; and

• The documentation and data validation provided by the Market Participant are sufficient for the SPP MMU to verify mitigated offers on an ongoing basis.

After receipt of such a request, the SPP MMU shall notify the Market Participant of its decision regarding the request no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the submission of the request. If the Market Participant agrees with the SPP MMU’s decision, the request shall be deemed to be approved. In the event that the Market Participant disagrees with the SPP MMU’s decision and submits a dispute following the procedures described in section 12 of the SPP Tariff, the previously approved time frame, process, methodology, calculation or policy shall remain in place until the resolution of the dispute.

SPP Tariff (OATT) (Attachment AF)

3.5 Validation of Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters

The Market Monitor shall review the costs included in each mitigated Resource Offer on

an ex-post basis relative to the relevant Operating Day in order to ensure that the Market

Participant has correctly applied the formulas and definitions in Sections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 of this

Attachment AF and in the Market Protocols and that the level of the mitigated offer is otherwise

acceptable. If the mitigated offer determined by the Market Monitor and the Market Participant

differ, the Market Participant shall use the mitigated offer calculated by the Market Monitor

going forward. If a Market Participant submits a dispute over its mitigated offer, the previously

approved mitigated offer shall be used from the time the dispute is submitted until the dispute is

Deleted: t

Deleted: t

Deleted: t

Deleted: shall be used

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resolved. The procedures for submitting and processing disputes related to mitigated offers shall

be those specified in the Market Protocols. The Transmission Provider shall remedy mitigated

offer disputes resolved in favor of the Market Participant by providing make whole payments, as

necessary, to the Market Participant whose mitigated offer was improperly determined by the

Market Monitor.

Each Market Participant is obligated to provide to the Market Monitor any cost data

necessary to allow the Market Monitor to validate its mitigated Resource Offer.

The Market Monitor shall keep such data confidential, and all cost data submitted under

this Section 3.5, including any opportunity cost data, shall be subject to the confidentiality

provisions set forth in Section 11 of Attachment AE of this Tariff. The Market Monitor shall

develop and maintain on the Transmission Provider’s website the mechanism and procedures to

allow Market Participants to submit such cost data.

SPP Operating Criteria


SPP Planning Criteria


SPP Business Practices


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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 179 Date: 8/24/2016

RR Title: Trading Hubs and Resource Hubs Compliance Filing – ER15-2265


Name: Jared Greenwalt Company: SPP

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-688-8314


This revision implements language that was directed by FERC. The language SPP initially proposed to FERC said that the owner of a Resource Hub that was also the BSS seller on that hub had to have permission from buyer to terminate the Resource Hub. FERC rejected that and directed SPP to write that a Resource Hub could not be terminated unless both (all) buyers and sellers agreed, even if the owner of the Resource Hub was not aware of the other parties involved in a separate BSS on that Resource Hub.

All reviewing working groups approved the changes unanimously.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the RR as submitted in this Recommendation Report.



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Objectives of Revision Request: On September 22, 2015, FERC issued an Order (152 FERC ¶ 61,225) in Docket ER15-2265 related to Resource Hubs that called for two changes:

1) we will require SPP in a compliance filing due within 30 days of the date of this order to make explicit in the Tariff that any long-term or incremental long-term TCR based on a settlement location associated with a resource hub will be honored by SPP for the full term of those TCRs.

2) we will require SPP to revise section 3.1.6 to specify that termination of a resource hub tied to a bilateral contract, and related bilateral settlement schedule, is prohibited unless agreed upon by both parties to the transaction.

These requirements were addressed by the changes immediately below noted in the 10/22/2015 SPP Compliance Filing.

The Transmission Provider: (a) shall honor any LTCR or ILTCR that is based on a Resource Hub for the full term of the LTCR or ILTCR; and (b) shall not terminate a Resource Hub that is tied to a bilateral contract and related Bilateral Settlement Schedule, where the Resource Hub was created by the seller associated with the Bilateral Settlement Schedule, unless both parties to the Bilateral Settlement Schedule agree to the termination of the Resource Hub.

On 2/29/2016, FERC issued an Order (154 FERC ¶ 61,148) conditionally accepting this language requiring the removal of the phrase as shown below.

The Transmission Provider: (a) shall honor any LTCR or ILTCR that is based on a Resource Hub for the full term of the LTCR or ILTCR; and (b) shall not terminate a Resource Hub that is tied to a bilateral contract and related Bilateral Settlement Schedule, where the Resource Hub was created by the seller associated with the Bilateral Settlement Schedule, unless both parties to the Bilateral Settlement Schedule agree to the termination of the Resource Hub.

SPP filed a compliance filing on 3/30/2016 which removed the sentence. SPP submitted this filing as a conditional filing based on the outcome of a rehearing request that was also submitted on 3/30/2016.

On 6/21/2016, FERC denied the rehearing request and accepted the 3/30/2016 SPP Compliance Filing with final (155 FERC ¶ 61,290).

These changes have already been incorporated into the posted SPP Tariff but have not been reflected in the Protocols. The final, FERC-approved language is redlined below without the strikethrough language above.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

This language ensures that LTCRs and ILTCRs will not be affected for potential Resource Hub terminations. Resource Hubs associated with bilateral contracts and related BSSs can’t be unilaterally terminated by the Resource Hub owner. This language aligns the Protocols with the FERC-approved Tariff language.


SPP staff supports this RR.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

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SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Section(s): Protocol Version: 39a Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Attachment AE(3.1.6) Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 9/21/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:



Market Protocols Resource Hubs

A Resource Hub is a Settlement Location representing an aggregation of Resource PNodes. SPP will not limit the number of Resource Hubs established at any one time. The Resource Hub proposal may be composed of any combination of Resources with which the requesting Market Participant has affiliation. Proposals for the establishment or termination of Resource Hubs shall be submitted by the Market Participants to SPP within the Settlement Location update duration set forth in Appendix E. SPP will review and approve Resource Hubs based on the criteria defined in the Resource Hubs process. SPP shall post any approved establishment of a Resource Hub at least forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed effective date. SPP shall post any approved termination of a Resource Hub at least six (6) months prior to the proposed effective date fo the termination which will coincide with the annual TCR auction period end. SPP: (a) shall honor any LTCR or ILTCR that is based on a Resource Hub for the full term of the

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LTCR or ILTCR; and (b) shall not terminate a Resource Hub that is tied to a bilateral contract and related Bilateral Settlement Schedule unless both parties to the Bilateral Settlement Schedule agree to the termination of the Resource Hub.

SPP Tariff (OATT)

Attachment AE 3.1.6 Resource Hub Establishment A Resource Hub is a Settlement Location representing an aggregation of Resource Price Nodes. The Transmission Provider will not limit the number of Resource Hubs established at any one time. The Resource Hub proposal may be composed of any combination of Resources with which the requesting Market Participant has affiliation. Proposals for the establishment or termination of Resource Hubs shall be submitted to The Transmission Provider by the Market Participants within the Settlement Location update duration set forth in the Market Protocols. The Transmission Provider will review and approve Resource Hubs based on the criteria defined in this Resource Hubs process. The Transmission Provider shall post any approved establishment of a Resource Hub at least forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed effective date. The Transmission Provider shall post any approved termination of a Resource Hub at least six (6) months prior to the proposed effective date of the termination which will coincide with the annual TCR auction period end. The Transmission Provider: (a) shall honor any LTCR or ILTCR that is based on a Resource Hub for the full term of the LTCR or ILTCR; and (b) shall not terminate a Resource Hub that is tied to a bilateral contract and related Bilateral Settlement Schedule unless both parties to the Bilateral Settlement Schedule agree to the termination of the Resource Hub.

SPP Criteria


SPP Business Practices


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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 0181 Date: 8/24/2016

RR Title: Annual Allocation Percent Change Compliance RR_ER16-13-002


Submitter Name: Jared Greenwalt Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501.688.8314


The Revision Request corrects section references pointed out by FERC.

All reviewing working groups approved unanimously.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve as submitted in this Recommendation Report.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

This is a compliance filing (ER16-13-002). FERC pointed out in 156 FERC ¶ 61,041 that there are some incorrect references that point to a section that no longer exists. These comments remove these references. Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

This RR corrects the section references in Protocols and Attachment AE of the Tariff.


SPP Staff supports this revision.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes:

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): 5.7 Protocol Version: 39a


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Operating Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Att AE( 7.7) Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate


Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 9/21/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:



Market Protocols

5.7 ARR Allocation/TCR Auction Settlements The charges and credits to ARR holders and TCR holders will be calculated on a daily basis and included on the settlement statements consistent with the timing of the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets settlement as described under Section For the purposes of calculating charges and credits to ARR holders, the following amounts of ARR awards will be used:

(1) ARR Settlement for Annual TCR Auction by path will be the greater of (i) the auction available Transmission System capability percentage (June – 100%; July through September – 90%; and Fall, Winter, Spring – 60%) divided by the allocation available Transmission System capability percentage of annual ARR award (June – 100%; July through September – 90%; and Fall, Winter, Spring – 60%) or (ii) Self-Convert TCR Award:

Below is an example of the ratio used in (1) above:

Annual Product ARR eligible for Auction revenues

= (TCR Auction Capacity Percent / ARR Allocation Percent) x ARR Allocation MWs

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June 100/100 x 100MWs = 100MWs

July – September 90/90 x 90MWs = 90MWs

Fall, Winter, & Spring 60/60 x 80MWs = 80MWs

(2) ARR Settlement for Monthly TCR Auction will be settled as described below:

(a) For the months of July through September all ARR awards;

(b) For the months of October through May for Round 1, the greater of (i) (50% of ARR awards plus: (50% of the difference between the annual ARR award and the ARRs accounted for in the Annual TCR Auction as described in (1) above) or (ii) Self-Convert TCR awards; and

(c) For the months of October through May for Round 2 any remaining ARR awards.

Tariff (OATT)

Attachment AE 7.7 Auction Revenue Right Allocation and Transmission Congestion Right Auction

Settlements The charges and payments to ARR and TCR holders will be calculated on a daily basis and

included on the Settlement Statements consistent with the timing of the Energy and Operating Reserve

Markets settlement as described in Section 8.7 of this Attachment AE. For the purposes of calculating

charges and payments to ARR holders, the following amounts of ARR awards will be used:

(1) ARR Settlement for annual TCR auction will be the greater of (i) the annual ARR award multiplied

by the auction available Transmission System capability percentage divided by the allocation

available Transmission System capability percentage, or (ii) self-convert TCR award. Where the

auction available Transmission System capability percentage is equal to: 100% - June; 90% - July

through September; 60% - Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons.

Where the allocation available Transmission System capability percentage is equal to: 100% -

June; 90% - July through September; 60% - Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons of the ARRs obtained

in the annual ARR allocation.

(2) ARR Settlement for monthly TCR auction:

(a) For the months of July through September, ARRs not accounted for in ARR Settlement in

the annual TCR auction as described in (1)(b) above plus all monthly ARR awards;

(b) For the months of October through May for round 1, the greater of (i) fifty (50%) of

monthly ARR awards plus: fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the annual ARR

Deleted: (c)

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award and the ARRs accounted for in the annual TCR auction as described in (1) above or

(ii) Self-convert TCR awards; and

(c) For the months of October through May for round 2, the difference between: (i) the sum of

annual ARR awards and monthly ARR awards and (ii) the sum of ARR MW accounted for

in (1) above and the ARR MW accounted for in Section (2)(b) above.

SPP Operating Criteria


SPP Planning Criteria


SPP Business Practices


Deleted: (c)

Deleted: Section

Deleted: (c)

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 185 Date: 8/23/2016

RR Title: Clarify SPP Operating Criteria


Name: Erin Cathey Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-590-8298


This Revision Request clarifies which SPP Criteria document is referenced when used in the Market Protocols and Attachment AE.

All reviewing working groups have unanimously approved this RR.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the RR as submitted in the Recommendation Report.


Objectives of Revision Request: The SPP Criteria has been split into two separate documents; SPP Planning Criteria and SPP Operating Criteria. References to SPP Criteria should be revised to correctly direct users to the specific criteria document being referenced in the Market Protocols. This revision will provide clarity as to which criteria document is referenced within the Protocols and Tariff, where appropriate.


SPP staff supports this RR.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes


Market Protocols Section(s):4.1.3, 4.1.7,,, 6.1.8, 6.1.9, Appendix D.12 Protocol Version: 39a

Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Attachment AE: Table of Contents, Sections 2.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 6.3.3, and 6.3.4. Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

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Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group: ORWG

Date: 8/31/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group: RTWG

Date: 9/21/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group: RCWG

Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Ron Gunderson (NPPD)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/17/16

Description of Comments: I agree with the intent to identify which specific criteria (Operating Criteria or Planning Criteria) need to be followed. Exhibit 2.1 still contains the generic SPP Criteria. It would seem this exhibit should also be updated (at least a notation that SPP Criteria consists of SPP Planning Criteria and SPP Operating Criteria). See proposed markup below.

In sections 6.1.8 and 6.1.9 there are references to data submittal requirements for DVERs and NDVERs in the SPP Operating Criteria. I find no specific requirements for DVERs or NDVERs or any wind generation in particular in the SPP Operating Requirements. There are requirements for generators, but those requirements are for all generators. What sections in the SPP Operating Criteria are being referenced by sections 6.1.8 and 6.1.9 in the Market Protocols? Perhaps this reference needs to be cleaned up or clarified additionally.

The first sentence in both section of the Market Protocols and section 6.3.3 of the SPP Tariff are proposed to be removed by RR 177. Again SPP has two different RR’s modifying the same language (not even different language in the same section) in the protocols. This leads to confusion and neither revision request may contain the final language to be included in the protocols. I believe this is a very bad practice. I recommend both sentences be struck in this RR to match what is being proposed in RR177.

Status: Reviewed

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Comment Author: Erin Cathey on behalf of the ORWG

Date Comments Submitted: 8/31/2016

Description of Comments: The ORWG revised section 6.1.8 (5) to point to specifically call out the section of the SPP Operating Criteria referenced and struck some references to NERC standards to align with RR177.

Status: Reviewed, accepted.


Market Protocols

2. Introduction SPP Market Protocols complement the Governing Documents, as defined in Exhibit 2-1, through documentation of detailed procedures that implement their provisions. Exhibit 2-1 shows how the Market Protocols interact with the Governing Documents and business practices related to the transmission markets.

Exhibit 2-1: Document Relationships

BY-LAWS Establishes Organizational

Framework, structure and purposes

(Members Committee/BOD)


Establishes obligations of SPP and Members pursuant to membership

(Members Committee/BOD)

TARIFF Establishes services to be provided

and rights and obligations of the parties pursuant to those services



Rules to promote and protect system reliability that members are obligated

to follow



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4.1.3 Operating Reserve, Head-room and Floor-room Requirements

SPP calculates the amount of Operating Reserve required for the Operating Day, on both a system-wide basis and a Reserve Zone basis, to comply with the reliability requirements specified in the SPP Operating Criteria. Additionally, SPP calculates the amount of Head-room and Floor-room required for the Operating Day to ensure that unit commitment is sufficient to reliably serve load in real-time while maintaining the Operating Reserve requirements. SPP calculates the hourly Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down, Contingency Reserve, Head-room and Floor-room requirements on an SPP BAA basis and calculates minimum Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Operating Reserve limitations for each Reserve Zone.

(1) SPP BAA Contingency Reserve requirements are set consistent with SPP Operating Criteria and may vary on an hourly basis.

(2) SPP BAA Regulation-Up and Regulation-Down requirements are set to ensure compliance with NERC control performance requirements and are based upon a percentage of forecasted load, adjusted up or down to account for Resource output variability, and may vary on an hourly basis.

(3) SPP BAA Head-room and Floor-room requirements are set to ensure that expected variations between real-time instantaneous load and the average load and variations between real-time variable Resource output and projected variable Resource output cleared in the Day-Ahead Market

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and the projected average load used in the RUC unit commitment processes can be reliably served in real-time while simultaneously maintaining the SPP BAA Operating Reserve requirements

(4) The SPP BAA requirements, minimum Reserve Zone Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Reserve Zone Operating Reserve limitations are calculated and posted no later than 7:00 AM Day-Ahead. At this time, SPP will also communicate each Asset Owner’s estimated Operating Reserve obligations in each Reserve Zone using the BAA Mid-Term Load Forecast and the Asset Owner load forecasts developed by SPP under Section

(5) These Operating Reserve requirements and limitations are used by SPP as inputs into the DA Market and RTBM clearing and RUC processes.

(a) SPP may increase Operating Reserve requirements for use in RTBM clearing and RUC processes above the requirements used in the DA Market clearing, including changes to Reserve Zone minimums and maximums, as required to meet increases in reliability requirements caused by changes in system conditions.

(6) Reserve Zone minimum Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Operating Reserve limitations are determined through reserve zone studies prior to the DA Market. Reserve zone studies are performed as described under Section

4.1.7 Outage Scheduling and Reporting

SPP is responsible for approving the scheduling of maintenance on all transmission facilities making up the Transmission System and for coordinating with Resource Asset Owners, as appropriate, to schedule maintenance on generation facilities.

The roles and responsibilities of SPP and Market Participants regarding submittal of requested transmission and generation outages through the outage scheduler tool, evaluation and approval of requests and reporting of generator forced outages through the outage scheduler tool is described in the SPP Operating Criteria. Additionally, as described under Section, an outage must be recorded using the outage scheduler tool in order to select an “Outage” Commitment Status. Outages approved and recorded using the outage scheduler tool will override any other commitment status submitted by the Market Participant. Reserve Sharing Group Scheduling Procedures

SPP administers the reserve sharing program, the energy schedules implemented through the reserve sharing Contingency Reserve deployment, as created automatically by the Reserve Sharing System (RSS) are settled through the RTBM as either a fixed export schedule at the applicable External Interface Settlement Location LMP (SPP BA is providing assistance to a RSG member) or a fixed import schedule (SPP BA is receiving assistance from an RSG member) at the applicable External Interface Settlement Location LMP. Any additional compensation over and above the External Interface Settlement Location

Deleted: NERC Reliability Standards and applicable SPP Operating Criteria will continue to dictate Contingency Reserve deployment between Reserve Sharing Group (RSG) members. Whereas

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LMP as specified in the contractual arrangements between RSG members is also settled as part of the RTBM.

Deployment of Contingency Reserve by the SPP BA to provide assistance to an RSG member shall be in accordance with the deployment procedures specified under Section Contingency Reserve Recovery

Following an Operating Reserve contingency, the SPP Balancing Authority will restore its Contingency Reserve to its pre-disturbance Contingency Reserve requirement by the end of the Assistance Period, which is defined in the SPP Operating Criteria. During the Assistance Period, the Real-Time Balancing Market will clear Contingency Reserve up to the pre-disturbance Contingency Reserve requirement or to the level of available capacity, whichever is less, and Scarcity Pricing will not apply. 6.1.8 Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource

All Wind-powered Variable Energy Resources must register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource except for (i) Variable Energy Resources with an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to May 21, 2011 and that commenced Commercial Operation before October 15, 2012 or (ii) a Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility. VERs included in (i) above may register as Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources if they are capable of being incrementally dispatched by the Transmission Provider. A Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility may register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource if it is capable of being incrementally dispatched by the Transmission Provider and will be subject to the DVER market rules including Uninstructed Resource Deviation Charges. Non-wind (e.g. solar, run-of-the-river hydro, biomass) Variable Energy Resources shall not be required to register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources unless they choose to register as such. Any Resource that has previously registered as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource shall not subsequently register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources.

(1) A Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource is eligible to submit Offers for Regulation-Down if that Resource qualifies to provide Regulation-Down by passing the test described under Section

(2) A Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource is not eligible to submit Offers for Regulation-Up, Spinning Reserve or Supplemental Reserve;

(3) Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources are committed and dispatched the same as any other Resource in the Day-Ahead Market.

(4) For the RUC and RTBM, special commitment and dispatch rules apply as defined under Section

(5) Generator data submittal requirements are defined in the SPP Operating Criteria. Deleted: Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource

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6.1.9 Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource

Variable Energy Resources that qualify may register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource. The Market Participant registering a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource must provide documentation to SPP verifying that it meets one or more of the exceptions in Section 6.1.8. Otherwise, the Resource must be registered as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource. NDVERs are committed and dispatched the same as any other Resource in the Day-Ahead Market. For the RUC and RTBM, special commitment and dispatch rules apply as defined under Section Generator data submittal requirements are defined in the SPP Operating Criteria.

D.12 Real-Time Data Reporting to SPP Balancing Authority

In addition to the data reporting requirements specified in the SPP Operating Criteria , all Resources, other than Demand Response Resources, are to submit the following data via ICCP to SPP.

(1) Unit power output (MW);

(2) Unit MVar output;

(3) Current on/off line status;

(4) Current AGC status (on/off).

SPP Tariff (OATT)

Attachment AE: (Table of Contents)

2.13 Market Protocols and SPP Operating Criteria 2.13 Market Protocols and SPP Operating Criteria

Market Participants must comply with the requirements and procedures described in the

Transmission Provider’s Tariff, the Market Protocols and the SPP Operating Criteria.

3.1.4 Operating Reserve, Head-room and Floor-room Requirements

The Transmission Provider shall calculate the amount of Operating Reserves required for

the Operating Day, on both a system-wide and Reserve Zone basis, in order to comply with the

reliability requirements specified in the SPP Operating Criteria. In addition, the Transmission

Provider shall calculate the amount of Head-room and Floor-room required for the Operating Day

on a system-wide basis in order to ensure that load can be reliably serviced in real-time. The

Transmission Provider shall, on a daily basis:

Deleted: Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource

Deleted: under

Deleted: 7

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(1) Calculate the hourly Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down and Contingency Reserve

requirements on an SPP Balancing Authority Area basis and post such results by 0600

hours Day-Ahead for use in the Day-Ahead Market, Day-Ahead RUC, Intra-Day RUC and


(2) Calculate the total minimum and total maximum Operating Reserve requirement for

Operating Reserve deployment in the up direction and for deployment of Operating

Reserve in the down direction for each Reserve Zone. These minimum and maximum

Operating Reserve requirements will be determined by conducting a simulated energy

transfer study for each hour of the Operating Day on the transmission system, reflecting

expected outages and economic energy flows, in order to determine the energy transfer

limitations into or out of a Reserve Zone in any hour. If a Reserve Zone is unable to import

enough Energy after a contingency and still maintain all necessary operating limits, a

minimum amount of Operating Reserve may be required to be carried in that Zone. The

minimum Operating Reserve requirement is the largest difference between the Resource

MW lost in the simulated contingency and the resulting import capability of that Reserve

Zone. Similarly, if a Reserve Zone is unable to export additional Energy after a

contingency outside of that Reserve Zone, then a maximum amount of Operating Reserve

that is deliverable from that Zone will be specified in order to ensure that deliverable

reserves are carried in other Zones. The maximum Operating Reserve limitation is equal

to the export capability of that Reserve Zone when replacing Energy lost due to a Resource

contingency outside of that Reserve Zone. The Transmission Provider may, at its option,

set specific Regulation-Up and/or Spinning Reserve minimum requirements for each

Reserve Zone, as needed, to address reliability issues that can only be alleviated through

carrying synchronized reserves. In such cases, the Transmission Provider will include

these minimum Regulation-Up and/or Spinning Reserve requirements when posting the

Operating Reserve requirements by 0600 Day-Ahead;

(3) Estimate each Market Participant’s Operating Reserve obligation by Asset Owner in each

Reserve Zone and provide such information to Market Participants by 0600 hours Day-

Ahead. The Transmission Provider shall calculate such estimates by multiplying the

system-wide Operating Reserve requirements calculated in (1) above by the Transmission

Provider’s estimate of each Asset Owner’s load in each Reserve Zone divided by the

Transmission Provider’s estimate of system-wide load;

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(4) The Transmission Provider may increase Operating Reserve requirements for the Day-

Ahead RUC, Intra-Day RUC and RTBM above the requirements used in the Day-Ahead

Market, including changes to Reserve Zone minimums and maximums, as required to meet

increases in reliability requirements caused by changes in system conditions; and

(5) Calculate the hourly Head-room and Floor-room requirements on an SPP Balancing

Authority Area basis for use in the Day-Ahead Market, Day-Ahead RUC and Intra-Day

RUC in accordance with the calculation procedures specified in the Market Protocols.

3.1.5 Outage Scheduling and Reporting

The Transmission Provider is responsible for coordinating and approving the scheduling of outages on all

transmission and generation facilities in the Transmission System. Procedures regarding submittal of

requested transmission and generation outages and reporting of unplanned outages through the

Transmission Provider’s outage scheduler are described in the SPP Operating Criteria. The Transmission

Provider shall approve all requested outages to the extent that such outage requests can be accommodated

reliably. To the extent that granting a requested outage would cause a reliability issue on the Transmission

System, the Transmission Provider may deny the request. When the Transmission Provider denies an

outage request, the Transmission Provider shall recommend an alternative timeframe within which the

outage can be accommodated reliably.

6.3.3 Reserve Sharing Group Scheduling Procedures

The Energy schedules implemented through the reserve sharing Contingency Reserve

deployment, are created automatically by the Reserve Sharing System and are settled through the

RTBM as either a fixed Export Interchange schedule or a fixed Import Interchange schedule in

accordance with Attachment AK to the Tariff and Sections 8.6.17 and 8.6.18 of this Attachment

AE. Except as provided in Attachment AK and in Sections 8.6.17 and 8.6.18 of this Attachment

AE, the Integrated Marketplace rules and practices are not applicable to Reserve Sharing Group


Deployment of Contingency Reserve by the SPP Balancing Authority to provide assistance

to a Reserve Sharing Group member will be in accordance with the deployment procedures

specified in Section 6.3.2 of this Attachment AE.

Deleted: NERC Reliability Standards and applicable SPP Operating Criteria will dictate Contingency Reserve deployment between Reserve Sharing Group members.

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6.3.4 Contingency Reserve Recovery

Following an Operating Reserve contingency, the SPP Balancing Authority will restore its Contingency

Reserve to its pre-disturbance Contingency Reserve requirement by the end of the assistance period, as

defined in the SPP Operating Criteria. During the assistance period, the RTBM will clear Contingency

Reserve up to the pre-disturbance Contingency Reserve requirement or to the level of available capacity,

whichever is less, and Scarcity Pricing will not apply.

SPP Operating Criteria

Not applicable for this RR.

SPP Planning Criteria

Not applicable for this RR.

SPP Business Practices

Not applicable for this RR.

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 168 Date: 9/2/2016

RR Title: Short Term Emergency Rating


Submitter Name: Derek Hawkins Company: SPP

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-688-1662


This revision addresses the use of Emergency Ratings and provides a greater level of consistency when real-time operators initiate congestion mitigation procedures.

All primary and secondary working groups have approved RR168.

The ORWG recommends the MOPC approve this revision request.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

The following modifications are being submitted as a result of discussions during the ORWG meetings. These revisions address the need to ensure that Emergency Ratings associated with a finite time period of less than thirty minutes are documented through an approved operating guide.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

The language requires the TOs to provide the highest available Emergency Ratings and specifies how SPP will interpret submitted Emergency Ratings. This provides a greater level of consistency when real-time operators initiate congestion mitigation procedures.


SPP staff supports this revision request and recommends approval.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes: These changes could potentially require process changes if there are current Emergency Ratings associated with a finite time period of less than 30 minutes that are not captured in an approved operating guide.

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain: Impacts should be minimal since this language ultimately clarifies how current Emergency Ratings are used in real-time operations.

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months


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Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): Protocol Version: Operating Criteria Criteria Section(s): 4.1.2 Criteria Date: 4/1/2016 Planning Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: ORWG

Date: 9/1/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Date: 10/6/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved TWG modifications

Secondary Working Group: TWG

Date: 9/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously approved with modifications

Secondary Working Group: RCWG

Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved Unanimously



Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Darrel Yohnk, Marguerite Wagner (ITC)

Date Comments Submitted: 6/2/2016

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Description of Comments: ITC had several concerns with the original version of RR168, specifically surrounding the requirement of an additional rating and how that rating was to be used. The original draft called for a Short Term Emergency Rating that would be associated with a finite time period of at least 30 minutes. The discussions at the ORWG were to use that new rating for real-time operations and allow systems to bind to that rating. ITC opposed the revisions based on those intentions. In summary, ITC was amenable to providing the additional rating for the purposes of defining a reliability margin which allows TOPs and RCs to mitigate issues prior to an SOL exceedance.

Status: ITC’s comments were discussed in multiple ORWG meetings on this topic. Ultimately, the requirement for a third rating was removed and the revision was restructured to address how SPP will operate using currently provided Emergency Ratings. The ORWG has also given SPP Staff and action item to assess how to accept multiple Emergency Ratings in the future in order to address the issue of defining a reliability margin above the current Emergency Rating where applicable.


Comment Author: John Allen (City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri)

Date Comments Submitted: 7/1/2016

Description of Comments: City Utilities supports the efforts of SPP Staff to identify all available operating limitations within its footprint. The additional information could decrease the frequency of uneconomical re-dispatch of generation resulting in cost savings for Members and their customers, while maintaining reliability of the system. However, City Utilities believes some of the proposed language is sufficiently covered in NERC Standards and/or the Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards. Language changes were provided to address the concerns.

Status: The ORWG members were in agreement with most of the suggestions and ultimately adopted these concepts into the language that was approved at the 9/1/2016 ORWG meeting.


Comment Author: Derek Hawkins (SPP)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/9/2016

Description of Comments: Staff was directed to draft changes to the original revision request that addressed how Emergency Ratings would be used in real-time operations and to ensure that any Emergency Ratings associated with a finite time period of less than 30 minutes were to be documented in an approved operating guide. These comments also removed the requirement for an additional rating submission from the TOs. The goal of the comments was to return to the original scope of creating more consistency in real-time operations in regards to Emergency Ratings. Language modifications were also reviewed by a subset of ORWG members to ensure the group’s intent was captured.

Status: The language suggestions were approved at the 9/1/2016 ORWG meeting with minor revisions that occurred during the meeting.


Comment Author: Ellen Watkins (Sunflower Electric Power Corporation)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/18/2016

Description of Comments: In summary, these comments from SECI identify the concern that without including a third rating definition, there is less flexibility in operating where a post-contingent calculation is above the Emergency Rating. These comments are similar to ITC’s intention of creating a third rating to define a reliability margin or ceiling above the Emergency Rating used for operations.

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Status: The language approved at the 9/1/2016 ORWG meeting is flexible to allow the use of a rating associated with a finite time period of less than 30 minutes through an approved operating guide. At this time, that will be the means to create such a reliability margin until SPP Staff can develop a solution for accepting and utilizing multiple Emergency Ratings.


Comment Author: Kirk Hall (SPP Transmission Working Group)

Date Comments Submitted: 9/23/2016

Description of Comments: At its September 23rd meeting, the TWG approved RR168 with the modifications below. The reason for removing the language was as follows:

• SPP’s Rating Submission Tool is not yet being fully utilized by all Transmission Owners and Transmission Operators

• The original language made it seem as if all Transmission Facility Ratings are maintained through this tool while there are other mechanisms in place for planning related purposes.

Status: The ORWG as the Primary Working Group has not yet approved the TWG revisions.

SPP Operating Criteria Transmission Facility Ratings

Each Transmission Owner shall provide the SPP Reliability Coordinator with Normal and Emergency Ratings in accordance with the Transmission Owner’s Facility Rating methodology. Emergency Ratings are helpful in real-time operations, providing system operators a specified time to implement mitigating actions before exceeding pre-contingent or post-contingent System Operating Limits. Transmission Owners shall provide the SPP Reliability Coordinator with the highest available Emergency Rating that provides sufficient time for system operators to take actions that are intended to keep actual loading within applicable limits. The SPP Reliability Coordinator will initiate mitigation procedures with the default assumption that the Emergency Ratings are associated with a finite time period of at least thirty minutes. For an Emergency Rating associated with a finite time period of less than thirty minutes, an approved operating guide must be on file with the SPP Reliability Coordinator. The operating guide must outline the steps that will be taken to reduce loading on the transmission facility within the finite time associated with the Emergency Rating.

SPP Operating Criteria – Appendix OP-1

SPP Operating Criteria Appendix OP-1: Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection

Transmission Data

Definition: Transmission Facility: All facilities 100kV and above, or other lower voltage facilities as specifically requested by the Reliability Coordinator. For Transformers, the low side voltage measurement shall be 100kV and above.

Data Type

Description/Requirements Required Exchange


Applicability Required Effective Date

Deleted: Circuit

Deleted: a

Deleted: , Emergency,


Deleted: Short-Term

Deleted: , calculated

Deleted: SPP Planning Criteria Section 7.2

Deleted: f

Deleted: r

Deleted: and the following criteria

Deleted: ,

Deleted: to the SPP Reliability Coordinator

Deleted: confident that

Deleted: For a¶¶ Short Term Emergency Rating: A

Deleted: is permitted through

Deleted: ¶Short-Term Emergency Rating: The level of electrical loading that a facility or element can support or withstand for a time period of at least 30 minutes. The Transmission Owner shall specify the duration associated with the Short-Term Emergency Rating. The rating assumes acceptable loss of equipment life or other physical or safety limitations for the equipment involved. ¶

¶The Short-Term Emergency Rating is intended to be used in pre-contingent operating conditionsreal-time operations and specifies a minimum rating period that provides sufficient time for system operators to take actions that are intended to keep actual loading within applicable ratings. Emergency Ratings may be higher than the Short-Term Emergency Rating as permitted through an approved operating guide on file with the SPP Reliability Coordinator. ¶¶Transmission circuit ratings will be maintained through SPP’s Ratings Submission Tool. The tool provides a formalized and efficient means for Transmission Owners to submit circuit rating modifications or re-ratings.¶

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Page 5 of 6

Facility Status

Current status of the switching devices (breakers, switches, disconnects) at each end of a transmission facility. Facilities include generators, transformers, lines, and reactive devices. Possible values are Open and Closed for two-state devices and Open, Closed, and Between for three-state devices. Status is only required on those facilities requested by the Reliability Coordinator in (insert document name here).

ICCP Block 2 For devices without telemetered status, voice notification to the RC is acceptable.

Transmission Operator and/or

Balancing Authority

February 1, 2012

Facility Loading MW

Instantaneous Real Power flow in MW on the transmission facility. Unit of measurement is in MW.

ICCP Block 1


Operator and/or Balancing Authority

February 1, 2012

Facility Loading Mvar

Instantaneous Reactive Power flow in Mvar on the transmission facility. Unit of measurement is in Mvar.

ICCP Block 1


Operator and/or Balancing Authority

February 1, 2012

MVA Capability Normal

(Normal Rating)

Normal rating for transmission facilities Unit of measurement is in MVA.

For Dynamic limits: ICCP Block 1

Transmission Operator and/or

Balancing Authority

February 1, 2012 For Static Limits: Network model exchange or written notification to SPP’s Ratings Submission Tool

Transmission Owner and/or

Generator Owner

MVA Capability Emergency

(Emergency Rating)

Emergency rating for transmission facilities Unit of measurement is in MVA.

For Dynamic limits: ICCP Block 1

Transmission Owner and/or

Generator Owner

February 1, 2012 For Static Limits: Network model exchange or written notification to SPP’s Ratings Submission Tool

Transmission Owner and/or

Generator Owner

Predefined, fixed positions on one or both sides of a transformer. Each Tap postion

Telemetered/Derived tap positions: ICCP Block 1

Transmission Operator and/or

Balancing Authority

Deleted: (long term)

Deleted: . Capability must reflect the most limiting element of the facility

Deleted: pursuant to SPP Planning Criteria 7.2Criteria 12.2.

Deleted: "ENGModelChanges@spp. org"

Deleted: Operator

Deleted: Balancing Authority

Deleted: (short term)

Deleted: . Capability must reflect the most limiting element of the facility

Deleted: pursuant to SPP Planning Criteria 7.2Criteria 12.2.

Deleted: Operator

Deleted: Balancing Authority

Deleted: "ENGModelChanges@spp. org"

Deleted: Operator and/or Balancing Authority

Deleted: ¶¶¶¶ MVA Capability¶Short-Term Emergency Rating

Deleted: ¶¶¶Short-Term Emergency Rating for transmission facilities pursuant to SPP Operating Criteria Unit of measurement is in MVA.

Deleted: ¶For Dynamic limits: ICCP Block 1

Deleted: Transmission Owner and/or Generator Owner

Deleted: ¶¶¶¶¶April 1, 2017

Deleted: ¶For Static Limits: Network model exchange or written notification to SPP’s Ratings Submission Tool "ENGModelChanges@spp. org"

Deleted: ¶ Transmission Owner and/or Generator Owner

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Transformer Tap


represents a specific voltage value. (i.e. changing a Tap Position changes the voltage.) There is no standard numbering scheme for the tap position. Documentation defining the possible values and their meaning must be provided to SPP.

Non-telemetered/no-load tap information: Network Model Exchange or written notification to "ENGModelChanges@spp. org"

Transmission Operator and/or

Balancing Authority

February 1, 2012

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 1

Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 88 Date: 5/1/2015

RR Title: Release of Unscheduled Firm Timing Modification


Submitter Name: Joe Taylor Company:Xcel

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 303-573-9264


RR 88 modifies the time of day at which un-scheduled Firm transmission is release for sale as hourly, non-firm transmission service for the next day only. Currently this release occurs as 12:00 noon. RR 88 proposes to move the time of release to 1000 to allow Members wishing to coordinate next day scheduling with the WECC. This move, to be taken after the Day Ahead Market time of close moves to 0930, will not affect the Day Ahead Market.

RR 88 was initially submitted by Patricia Bordeleau, Mag Energy, but was subsequently assumed by Joe Taylor, Xcel Energy. The initial proposal by Mag Energy was to release the un-scheduled firm at such a time as to allow submission into the Day Ahead Market. As this was not approved by the BPWG, Xcel Energy assumed the ownership of RR 88.

Applicable Working groups have either Approved RR 88 or declined to review, citing no impact. Detailed voting records are provided below.

BPWG respectfully requests MOPC approval of RR 88.



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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 2

Objectives of Revision Request:

Background Per the SPP tariff, un-scheduled Firm transmission service for the next day is released at 12:00 noon each day for sale as Non-Firm Hourly service for the next day only. The specific time of release is after the close of the Day Ahead Market, currently 1100 hours. Un-scheduled Firm transmission service that has been released and subsequently purchased as Non-Firm Hourly service and ultimately tagged still remains subordinate to the original Firm transmission service, provided the Firm tag is submitted no late than xx:15 of the hour prior to start. If the Firm Transmission Customer meets this deadline, the tag supported by the Non-Firm transmission service will be curtailed and the transmission service Recalled. In the present methodology, there is no net cost to the Transmission Customer purchasing the Non-Firm transmission service and later being displaced.


Objective of the Revision Request is to make Non-Firm Hourly transmission service available, through the release of un-scheduled firm as Non-Firm hourly service for the next day, at a time that would afford SPP Transmission Customers the opportunity to reserve said Non-Firm transmission service and coordinate prescheduling activities with WECC entities.. A tag that is cleared in the Day Ahead Market would still remain subordinate to the original Firm transmission service, provided the Firm tag is submitted no later than xx: 15 of the hour prior to start. If the Firm Transmission Customer meets this deadline, the tag supported by the Non-Firm transmission service will be curtailed and the transmission service Recalled.


SPP staff supports this revision request.


Deleted: ¶

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 3

Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes:

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $N/A Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): Protocol Version: Operating Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Attachment P and Attachment C Business Practice Business Practice Number: 5250 Late Schedules

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 4

Primary Working Group:


Date: 5/27/2015

Action Taken: Deferred per GEHTF outcome

Date: 6/23/2015

Action Taken: Deferred per RR 100, potential DAMKT close time change

Date: 7/29/2015:

Action Taken: Update RR 100 Approved, pending FERC approval

Date: 3/17/2016:

Action Taken: Post RR 100 review – impact on DAMKT

Date: 4/21/2016

Action Taken: Post RR 100 review – impact on DAMKT

Date: 5/23/2016

Action Taken: Approved with modifications. Release time moved to 0930. Motion passed 4-2

Abstained: 5

Opposed: Wilkerson (WR), Ross (AEP)

Upon staff review, release time should be moved to 1000 to avoid issues with the AFC Re-Sync. RR 88 will return to the BPWG at the 6/16/2016 meeting.

Date: 6/16/2016

Action taken: Approved moving time to 1000 and changing sponsor to Joe Taylor (Xcel Energy). Motion passed

Abstained: Marguerite Wagner (ITC), citing lack of preparation

Reason for Opposition:

Initial Move not necessary in the opinion of WR and AEP

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 6/23/2016

Action Taken: Approved Unanimous

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 5

Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 7/7/2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously, citing no reliability impacts



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 6/27/2016

Action Taken: Declined to review, citing no impact.

Reasons for Opposition:


Date: July 2016

Action Taken: MOPC Approved Unanimously



Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: October 2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 6


Comment Author: Jack Clark/NextEra

Date Comments Submitted: 5/15/2015

Description of Comments: NextEra does not support the Revision Request 88. The proposed change to a 6AM requirement would complicate scheduling for some wind assets and would be burdensome to the company. Status: RR under review by BPWG (Opposed) BPWG 5/23/2016 moved release time to 0930

Comment Author: Chris Lyons/Excelon

Date Comments Submitted: 6/15/2015

Description of Comments: Exelon supports the need to modify the timing for release of unscheduled firm transmission and agrees with MAG Energy Solutions stated objectives. In addition, this change should increase the availability of transmission service and improve market liquidity. The original language suggested in the Revision Request however, may not allow enough time for some market participants to fully schedule their Day-Ahead market obligations prior to the release. Therefore, we suggest a compromise of two hours prior to Day-Ahead offer window close.

Status: RR under review by BPWG (Support) BPWG 5/23/2016 moved release time to 0930

Comment Author: Cameron Stonestreet/TransAlta

Date Comments Submitted: 7/8/2015

Description of Comments: TransAlta agrees with MAG Energy Solutions and Exelon and supports SPP moving to an earlier release of unscheduled firm transmission. The suggested change should lead to more cost effective and efficient market dispatch. This time would need to be at least two hours prior to Day-Ahead offer window’s close at 11am. This minor time change should result in greater liquidity, lower system costs and greater reliability as well as being just, reasonable and not unduly discriminatory to market participants.

Status: RR under review by BPWG (Support) BPWG 5/23/2016 moved release time to 0930

Comment Author: Joe Taylor/Xcel Energy

Date Comments Submitted: 2/19/2016

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 7

Description of Comments: Pursuant to Attachment P, firm transmission service must be scheduled by 1200 day prior and then is released for non-firm usage. Other transmission providers, particularly those in the Mountain time zone, release firm transmission at 1000 Mountain Time (1100 Central). As a result, SPP members may not be able to enter into daily transactions with counterparties in the Western Interconnection due to the scheduling deadline mis-match. If SPP were to release firm transmission at 09300, which would also be the time that the Day Ahead market closes, this would allow parties to engage in day-ahead transactions with participants outside the SPP footprint.

Changing the scheduling deadline from 1200 to 0930 will provide additional opportunities for imports/exports on daily transactions that cannot occur today because of SPP’s later scheduling deadline. This timeline change should be made in conjunction with the DA market timeline changes effective 10/1/2016.

Status: RR under review by BPWG (Support – but not interested in SPP DAMKT)) BPWG 5/23/2016 moved release time to 0930

Comment Author: Ken Quimby/SPP

Date Comments Submitted: 6/13/2016

Description of Comments: Time should be moved to 1000 to avoid AFC calculation impacts.

Status: BPWG approved time change on 6/16/2016. BPWG also approved sponsor change this date.


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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 8

Tariff (OATT)

Attachment P:


Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/

Transmission Provider

Response to Application

Aggregate Transmission

Service Study

Customer Response


Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than

Long Term


1 Year or


In accordance with the open season specified in Section

II of Attachment Z1

At the close of the open season

specified in Section II of

Attachment Z1

Aggregate Transmission Service Study performed

following close of open season as specified in Attachment Z1 in

accordance with schedule specified in Sections 19.4 or

32.4 as appropriate


accordance with the schedule

specified in Sections 19.4 or 32.4 as


12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/

Transmission Provider

Response to Application

Determine System Capacity Impact Available or Study

(From Date of Customer Commitment)

Customer Response


Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than



More than 1 month


31 days


120 days prior

24 hrs

30 days

60 days

4 days

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 9

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/

Transmission Provider

Response to Application

Aggregate Transmission

Service Study

Customer Response


Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than



1 mo


8 days prior


days prior

24 hrs

30 days

60 days

4 days

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule



More than 1 wk up to 1

month (weekly)

8 days prior


days prior

24 hrs

30 days

60 days

48 hrs

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule

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Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 --> Attachment P Transmission Service Timing Requirements

Effective Date: 11/12/2013 - Docket #: ER13-1292-001 - Page 10

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/


Provider Response to Application

Determine System Capacity Impact Available or Study

(From Date of Customer Commitment)

Customer Response 1/

Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than



1 wk


2 days prior

30 days


24 hrs

30 days

60 days

48 hrs

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule



More than 1 day up to

1 wk (daily)

2 days prior

14 days


24 hrs

30 days

60 days

24 hrs

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule



1 Day (daily)

1000 day


3 days prior


24 hrs

queued > 24 hrs to start:

30 days

60 days

queued > 24 hrs to start:

24 hrs

12:00 day


20 mins prior

to start of schedule

queued < 24 hrs to start: best effort

queued < 24 hrs to start:

2 hrs


1 month or

greater (monthly)

3 days prior

60 days



2 days


24 hrs

15:00 day


20 mins

prior to start of schedule

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/


Provider Response to Application

Determine System Capacity Impact Available or Study

(From Date of Customer Commitment)


Response 1/

Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than


1 wk up to

1 mo (weekly)

2 days prior

14 days



4 hrs


24 hrs

15:00 day


20 mins

prior to start of schedule

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Page 11 of 17

Transmission Service Type


Transmission Requests 2/ No No Later Earlier Than Than 8/


Provider Response to Application

Determine System Capacity Impact Available or Study

(From Date of Customer Commitment)

Customer Response 1/

Energy Scheduling 2/ Changes No No Later Later Than Than


1 day up to 1 wk (daily)

12:00 day


2 days prior 4/


30 mins


2 hrs

15:00 day


20 mins

prior to start of schedule

Non-Firm On-Peak Hours


16 hours

(06:00 – 22:00)


12:00 day


2 days prior 4/


30 mins


30 mins

20 mins

prior to hour

20 mins

prior to start of schedule


Off-Peak Hours 9/

8 hours

(00:00 – 06:00

& 22:00 – 24:00) (daily)

12:00 day


2 days prior 4/


30 mins


30 mins

20 mins

prior to hour

20 mins

prior to start of schedule


1 hour up to

1 day (hourly)

30 mins.


1000 day prior


Queued > 1 hr prior to

start: 30 mins


Queued day

prior: 30 mins

20 mins

prior to hour

20 mins

prior to start of schedule

Queued < 1 hr prior to

start best effort

Queued current day:

5 min 5/

Next Hour


next-hour (hourly)

20 mins prior 3/

1 hour prior 3/


Best Effort


N/A 3/

20 mins prior to hour 3/

20 mins. prior to hour 3/

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Page 12 of 17

Attachment C Section 3.3

3.3 Transmission Model Update

The transmission models used for AFC calculations are updated for the following periods and frequency:

- Operating Horizon, including all hours of the current day (Day 1), and after 1000, all hours of the next day (Day 2). Updated at least once per day.

- Planning Horizon, which extends from the end of the Operating Horizon through the thirty-first day (Day 31). Updated at least once per day.

- Study Horizon, which extends from the end of the Planning Horizon through the twelfth month (month 12). Updated at least once per month.

The actual mathematical algorithms for calculating AFC and ATC are posted on the Transmission Provider’s website at: Attachment C Section 8 AFC Flowchart

8. AFC Flowchart

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Page 13 of 17

Process Flow diagram Operating, Planning, and Study Horizons Deleted: <object>

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Page 14 of 17

Process Diagram webTrans

EMS/RTRFCALC AtcDataSourceRFCalcGSF.csv (Operating, Planning Horizons) * Base flows flow gates * DF values paths

webTrans Calculates: • AFC of all flow

gates • ATC of all paths Shows impact of new Transmission Service Requests. Allows approving / refusing of reservation. POR/POD Ultimate Data: Mapping table with Source/Sink Name to ZONE relation.

OASIS DATABASE • Transmission

Service Requests • Flow gates

Transmission Service



Customer Interface OASIS Submit Transmission Service Requests


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Page 15 of 17 Process diagram UC Application

EMS / RTRFCALC AC Power flow Operating Horizon: • Day 1. Day1,2

1000Updated at least once/day

Planning Horizon: • Day after operating

thru day 31 • Updated at least

once/day Calculates: • Base flows of flow

gates • DF of paths

Unit Dispatch Application runs every hour

Load forecast of Balancing Authority and Net Interchange of the Balancing Authority

Unit Dispatch data: UCFILE.CSV


Database that contains generation level of all generators of last 21 days


Unit Commitment data

Unit Commitment data


Database that contains Transmission Service Requests sourcing from Zones that have units that are not commonly dispatched with units of Balancing Authority

Transmission Service Requests

MW level units

Deleted: after 12:00 noon

Deleted: ¶

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SPP Business Practices

5250 Late Schedules (return to TOC) Attachment P to the SPP OATT79 lists the time requirements for initial submission of energy schedules, and changes to schedules. Any schedule submitted after the OATT Attachment P timing requirements, as modified in Business Practice 5050, is considered late. __________________________________________________________________________________ Business Practice Schedules are due 20 minutes prior to the implementation of the schedule. Tags received less than 20 minutes prior to the implementation of the schedule will be considered late and will generally be denied. Subject to the sole discretion of the SPP Reliability Coordinator, late tags may be accepted for system reliability reasons. These exceptions will be posted the next day with the following information: Tag ID, reason for exception and PSE that created the tag. SPP will approve a late schedule for Firm service although the unscheduled firm transfer capability has already been sold on a Non-Firm basis if the Late Firm Schedule is received at least 1 hour prior to start.

If displacement of Non-Firm is required, the curtailment will be done according to NERC TLR procedures. If schedules indicate that the SOL of any flowgate will be exceeded, NERC TLR will be called to relieve the overload. The NERC TLR process includes curtailments across the DC Ties. However, SPP may or may not use the NERC IDC to facilitate curtailment of DC Tie Schedules

For DC Ties or Contract Limit Paths

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ATC for the next day that is made available due to unscheduled Firm reservations will be sold as Non-Firm service beginning at 1000 each day. Firm schedules submitted after 1000 the day prior but by hh:15 of the hour prior to start, may cause a DC tie or contract path to be oversold and Non-Firm service that has been scheduled to be displaced. If the displacement of Non-Firm schedules is required, displacement will be done using the same procedures, as a NERC TLR. Schedules will be curtailed on a pro-rata basis, beginning with the schedules using the lowest NERC priority reservations, until the DC tie or contract path limit is no longer exceeded. Non-Firm schedules using higher NERC priority reservations that displace schedules using lower NERC priority reservations will be processed in the same manner as Firm schedules displacing Non-Firm schedules. If displacement of service is required by the submission of Non-Firm schedules, the schedules must be submitted by hh:15 of the hour prior to start. Schedules submitted after hh:15 of the hour prior to start will be processed for approval if practicable. If schedules are curtailed due to being displaced by a schedule using a higher NERC priority reservation, only the amount curtailed will be recalled from the reservation. The tag curtailed by the SWPP TP will serve as the notification to the operator of the DC tie and the PSE of the curtailments.

Deleted: noon

Deleted: of

Deleted: noon

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 164 Date: 4/19/2016

RR Title: ITP Schedule Clarification


Submitter Name: Liz Gephardt Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-482-2236


The revisions in Attachment O, Section I update the information in Figure 2 to correctly reflect the current ITPNT process schedule.

The following working groups unanimously approved RR169: RTWG, RCWG, ESWG, TWG and PCWG.

MOPC recommends the BOD move to approve this RR as submitted.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

Figure 2 in this section is no longer accurate since the Integrated Transmission Planning Near-Term (ITPNT) assessment is now conducted in the April-March timeframe. Also, the beginning and end of the ITPNT in relation to the ITP10 and ITP20 do not line up as they previously did.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

This revision will remove update the unnecessary and now inaccurate Figure 2 to correctly reflect the current ITPNT process schedule.


Estimated Cost: $ Cost is a rough order of magnitude estimate, approx. +/-50%

Estimated Duration: months Duration is a rough order of magnitude estimate, approx. +/-50%

Priority Rank for System Change: 1 – Critical 2 – High 3 – Medium 4 – Low

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): Protocol Version: Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group:


Date: 06/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved



Reason for Opposition:

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Regional Compliance Working Group Recommendation

(if applicable)

Date: 6/8/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved



Secondary Working Group: ESWG

Date: 7/21/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group: TWG Date: 7/28/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group: PCWG Date: 5/6/2016

Action Taken: Approved


Opposed: ITC-GP

Reasons for Opposition: ITC wanted to revise Figure 2 instead of deleting.


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

Board of Directors


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

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Description of Comments: ITC believes it is premature to execute this Revision Request until changes underway in the Transmission Planning Improvement Task Force (TPITF) have been approved at the July Markets and Operations Policy Committee/Board of Directors meetings. Currently, the TPITF is seeking to combine the ITP10 and ITPNT planning studies into a single 18-month cycle. A revised Figure(s), reflecting the new 18-month cycle, should then be the subject of a separate Revision Request to make SPP’s Tariff current.

If RR164 moves forward, however, we suggest that a revised version of Figure 2 be included in the Integrated Transmission Planning Manual (rather than removing Figure 2 altogether as suggested in the RR), along with the appropriate reference in the Tariff (Attachment O Section I).


Comment Author: Brenda Fricano

Date Comments Submitted: 5/26/2016

Description of Comments: RTWG reviewed the revisions and requested Figure 2 updated with the current ITPNT process schedule.



Market Protocols

Tariff (OATT)

I. Overview of Planning Process

The Transmission Provider’s transmission planning process is an open process. New and proposed

transmission facilities can come from several different areas of the Tariff. These areas are: 1) transmission

service requests; 2) Generation Interconnection Service requests; 3) the integrated transmission planning

process (ITP Upgrades); 4) the Balanced Portfolio process; 5) the high priority study process (high priority

upgrades); 6) requests for Sponsored Upgrades; and 7) the evaluation of proposed Interregional

Projects. Figure 1 illustrates the planning processes within SPP and how these result in a comprehensive

regional plan called the SPP Transmission Expansion Plan (STEP).

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Each of these sources of potential upgrades has its own evaluation and approval process. Transmission

Service requests are evaluated in accordance with Attachment Z1 of this Tariff. Generator interconnection

requests are assessed under the provisions of Attachment V of this Tariff. In addition, the process for

adding new delivery points is described in Attachment AQ of this Tariff. The integrated transmission

planning process and other study processes for Sponsored Upgrades, Balanced Portfolios, high priority

upgrades, and proposed Interregional Projects are described in this Attachment O of this Tariff. The results from all these sources are collected and reported in the annual SPP Transmission Expansion

Plan which gives a twenty (20) year projection of transmission changes in the SPP Region. The SPP

Transmission Expansion Plan, as endorsed by the Markets and Operations Policy Committee, is presented

to the SPP Board of Directors once a year for their review and approval, as required in accordance with

Section V of this Attachment O. The SPP Board of Directors may modify upgrades that are part of

approved Balanced Portfolios in accordance with Section IV of Attachment J of this Tariff, ITP Upgrades,

or high priority upgrades in the SPP Transmission Expansion Plan throughout the year in accordance with

Section V of this Attachment O. Projects associated with transmission service requests, Generation

Interconnection Service requests, Sponsored Upgrades and Interregional Projects may also be added

throughout the year as described in this Attachment O. SPP’s long range transmission planning is conducted over a three year planning cycle as shown in Figure

2. A 20-Year Assessment is conducted during the first half of this three year cycle. A 10-Year

Assessment is conducted in the second half of the three year cycle. The Near Term Assessment is

conducted each year and generally looks over the next five to seven years. Each of these assessments and

the approval process is set forth in this Attachment O of this Tariff.


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SPP Criteria

SPP Business Practices

Figure 2 - SPP Integrated Transmission Planning Process 3-Year Cycle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3




















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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 0174 Date: 9/20/2016

RR Title: Revisions Addressing Non-Material Delivery Point Changes in Attachment AQ


Submitter Name: Jason Speer Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-614-3301


Members of the Transmission Working Group identified unnecessary requirements for submitting changes to delivery points through Attachment AQ. The TWG Chair created a task force with the goal of adding some criteria for what delivery point changes do not need to go through the process. The current Attachment AQ language requires any change to a delivery point to be evaluated through Attachment AQ. This TRR defines non-material changes that should not be considered under the provisions identified in Attachment AQ. This language will allow Transmission Owners to identify certain non-material changes to delivery points that will have no material changes to the delivery point.

MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR174 – Revisions Addressing Non-Material Delivery Point Changes in Attachment AQ.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

Attachment AQ of the SPP Tariff requires the Transmission Customer to submit an AQ request for any changes in delivery point facilities, to upgrade, retire, replace or establish a new delivery point. Some of these AQ requests are non-material delivery point facility changes without a corresponding change in load. The AQ Improvement Task Force wants to add this language in Section 2 of Attachment AQ so that these types of non-material changes would not have to go through the Attachment AQ process.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

The main benefit from these tariff changes would be the amount of time saved from not having to submit non-material delivery point changes through the AQ process. The Transmission Customer would save time by not having to fill out Addendum 1 to Attachment AQ for each of these AQ requests and SPP would save time by not having to evaluate each of these non-material AQ requests in the AQ preliminary assessment each month.


SPP staff fully supports this revision request.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes:

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Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $0 Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): Protocol Version: Operating Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Attachment AQ Section 2.0 Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: RTWG

Date: September 21-22, 2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously



Reason for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group: TWG

Date: September 23rd, 2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

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Date: 10/12/2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously



Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author:

Date Comments Submitted:

Description of Comments:



Comment Author:

Date Comments Submitted:

Description of Comments:



Market Protocols

Tariff (OATT)


Delivery Point Addition Process

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1.0 Introduction: When it becomes necessary or desirable to make changes in delivery point facilities,

to upgrade, retire, replace or establish a new delivery point, including metering or other facilities at

such location, the provisions of this Attachment AQ shall apply. For the purposes of this

Attachment, Host Transmission Owner is defined as the owner of that portion of the Transmission

System to which such connection or modification is to be made.

2.0 Study Requests for Changes in Local Delivery Facilities: The Transmission Customer shall make

requests for changes in local delivery facilities, including facility upgrades, retirements and

replacements, or the establishment of any new delivery point in writing to (a) the Transmission

Provider and the Host Transmission Owner as specified in Section 20 of the Network Operating

Agreement or to (b) the Transmission Provider as specified in Section 8 of the Point to Point

Transmission Service Agreement, as applicable. Such request shall contain as much information as

is known or projected at the time of the request as set forth in “Sample Request for Change in Local

Delivery Facilities” attached hereto as Addendum 1.

Requests for changes in local delivery facilities that meet the following criteria do not need to be

studied pursuant to Section 3 of this Attachment AQ:

1. Any increase of capacity at a delivery point without a corresponding change to the load at

the delivery point;

2. Any distribution transformer changes without a corresponding load change; or

3. Increase to a facility rating at a delivery point.

Notwithstanding the above, the Transmission Customer or Host Transmission Owner may

request that the new or modified delivery point be studied pursuant to Section 3 of this

Attachment AQ.

SPP Operating Criteria

SPP Planning Criteria

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SPP Business Practices

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 176 Date: 9/23/2016

RR Title: Schedule 2 Clarifications


Submitter Name: Derek Hawkins Company: SPP

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-688-1662


The revisions in RR176 – Schedule 2 Clarifications clarify the responsibilities and requirements associated with the procedure that allows for generation resources to be compensated for reactive support. The revisions in this recommendation report have been reviewed by SPP staff including the Legal department to ensure they accurately reflect the responsibilities and requirements associated with this procedure.

MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR176 – Schedule 2 Clarifications.


Objectives of Revision Request: This revision request is a non-system-impacting correction and clarification to the responsibilities and requirements associated with the procedure that allows for generation resources to be compensated for reactive support. These changes were identified in SPP’s internal review of the Tariff. The major change relates to updating language that refers to “local Balancing Authority” to instead use “transmission operator” in order to align with related responsibilities under NERC Standards.


SPP Staff supports these revisions.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes:

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:



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Market Protocols Protocol Section(s): Protocol Version: Operating Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff Tariff Section(s): Schedule 2 Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: RTWG

Date: 9/22/2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously

Secondary Working Group:


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:

Secondary Working Group:


Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved unanimously



Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



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Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Ron Gunderson (NPPD)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/17/2016

Description of Comments: The phrase “local Balancing Authority” has been replaced with “the applicable Transmission Owner” throughout the sections changed by this TRR. It seems that Transmission Operator would be the appropriate entity to issue and adjust reactive power schedules. VAR-001-4.1 is applicable to Transmission Operators and not Transmission Owners. Also changed SPP Criteria to SPP Operating Criteria to be consistent with other revisions going on at the same time within the Market Protocols. See below for markup of the proposed language.

Status: RTWG remanded the RR back to staff at the August meeting in order to address NPPD’s comments. SPP submitted comments described below that were ultimately in line with what NPPD recommended.


Comment Author: Derek Hawkins (SPP Staff)

Date Comments Submitted: 9/13/2016

Description of Comments: SPP’s comments were the result of an action item to SPP Staff by the RTWG to address the use of Transmission Owner vs. Transmission Operator. SPP Legal recommended the lower case use of “transmission operator.” SPP comments also removed some unnecessary revisions in Section II.A which provided no additional benefit.

Status: The RR was approved as amended in SPP’s Comment Form.


Tariff (OATT)


Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Service


1. Definitions (These definitions are to be used in this Schedule 2 only; to the extent of

a conflict between these definitions and other definitions in the Tariff, these

definitions control in the interpretation of this Schedule 2; other capitalized terms

are defined elsewhere in this Tariff)

1.1 Dead Band (DB): A contiguous range of Power Factor operation where an hourly

PF is greater than or equal to 0.95 (lead or lag).

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1.2 Point of Interconnection (POI): The location where the generator connects to

the Transmission System.

1.3. Power Factor (PF): The power factor of a QG as measured or determined by the

integrated hourly MW and MVAr values at its POI.

1.4 Qualified Generator (QG): A generator, or a single generator that is part of a

group of generators at a single Point of Receipt, that has been recognized by the

Transmission Provider as meeting the criteria specified in Section II to receive

compensation under this Schedule 2.

1.5 Reactive Compensation (RC): The monthly amount as calculated in Section


1.6 Reactive Compensation Rate (RCR): The amount per MVArh specified in

Section III.A.

1.7 Reactive Power Inside Deadband (RPID): As defined in Section III.B.2.

1.8 Reactive Power Outside Deadband (RPOD): As calculated in Section III.B.2.

1.9 Through and Out Reactive Revenue (T&O Reactive Revenue): The amount of

reactive power revenue allocated to a Zone each month that was collected by the

Transmission Provider from Through and Out transactions.

1.10 Zonal Reactive Compensation (ZRC): The monthly sum of the RC for all QGs

in the pricing zone.

1.11 Zonal Peak Demand: The Zone’s monthly transmission peak.

1.12 Zone: SPP pricing zone as defined in the SPP OATT.

2. Purpose

In order to maintain Transmission System voltages within acceptable limits,

generation facilities and non-generation resources capable of providing this service that

are connected to the Transmission System are operated to produce (or absorb) reactive

power. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Service

(Reactive Supply) must be provided to support each transaction on the Transmission

System. The amount of Reactive Supply required in real time to maintain Transmission

System voltages within limits that are generally accepted in the region and consistently

adhered to by the Transmission Provider will vary with conditions on the Transmission

System. Generators operating within a range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging PF will not

receive compensation for supplying such reactive power. Generators meeting the

requirements of this Schedule 2 will be compensated for producing reactive power

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outside the DB when such operation is at the direction of the Transmission Provider or

the applicable transmission operator. This Schedule 2 provides the criteria specifying

which generators qualify to receive compensation for reactive power and sets out the

rates and charges necessary to comparably compensate all QGs for such operation.


A. General: All existing generation owners eligible to collect charges for Reactive Supply

for generators connected to the Transmission System under a cost-based rate schedule on

file with the Commission as of October 1, 2006, as well as non-jurisdictional generation

owners operating generating facilities that are being compensated for the provision of

reactive supply and voltage control services to SPP as of October 1, 2006, are deemed to

have met the technical requirements of Section II.B and therefore are QGs. Initially, in

order to receive compensation under this Schedule 2, all other owners of generation must

apply to the Transmission Provider for QG status and provide the necessary operating

data set forth in Addendum 1 to this Schedule 2 to the Transmission Provider no later

than 30 days following the final approval of this Schedule 2 by the Commission.

Subsequently, owners of other generation must apply to the Transmission Provider for

QG status and provide the necessary operating data to the Transmission Provider. The

Transmission Provider shall recognize new QGs throughout the year if the generator

meets the requirements set out in Section II.B. A new QG will be eligible for

compensation at the beginning of the first month after SPP acceptance of the generation

owner’s application. To the extent the operating data requested in Addendum 1 has been

previously provided to SPP pursuant to a generation interconnection agreement or

through input for SPP transmission operational or planning models, that operating data

shall not be required with the application. Once the QG provides the necessary operating

data to SPP, it shall be eligible to receive compensation under this Schedule 2 as provided

in Section III. The QG’s RC will be included under this Schedule 2 in the first full

billing month after the required information is received. The Transmission Provider shall

have the right to remove the QG status of any generation resource that fails to meet any

requirements of Section II.B.

B. Technical:

1. Each QG shall designate the entity that is to receive reactive dispatch instructions

and the entity to receive compensation.

Deleted: local Balancing Authority

Deleted: Transmission Owner

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2. The generation resource must be able to produce reactive power outside the Dead

Band at its Point of Interconnection with the Transmission System.

3. Each QG shall maintain the capability to provide MWh, MVArh and voltage data,

by such means of transmittal, at such intervals and at such accuracy level as SPP

shall require.

4. The generation resource must be able to follow a voltage schedule and respond to

reactive dispatch instructions from the Transmission Provider and/or the

applicable transmission operator.


The following sets forth the rates, charges and revenue distribution pursuant to this Schedule 2.

All QGs shall be treated the same.

A. Reactive Compensation Rate

The RCR shall be based on the cost of reactive power production from recently

constructed generators so as to reflect the upper end of such costs. The RCR shall be

$2.26 per MVArh. The Transmission Provider may periodically review the RCR to

determine whether it remains at or near the upper end of a reasonable range of cost of

producing reactive power by generators recently connected to the Transmission System.

B. Qualified Generator Compensation

The compensation paid to QGs each month will be based on the calculations as set forth


1. Determine the integrated hourly values for real and reactive power generated by

each Qualifying Generator for each month.

2. Calculate the Reactive Power Outside the Dead Band (RPOD). For each hour of

each month, calculate the amount of Reactive Power inside the Dead Band (in

MVArh) that the QG would have had to produce or absorb to maintain a PF of

0.95 at its actual real power output level (RPID). Then subtract the absolute value

of the RPID from the absolute value of the actual reactive power output from the

QG for that hour (in MVArh). If the absolute value of RPID is greater than the

absolute value of the actual reactive power output of the QG, then the RPOD for

that hour is zero. The monthly RPOD is the sum of the hourly RPOD calculations

for each QG for each month.

Deleted: local Balancing Authority

Deleted: Transmission Owner

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3. Calculate the total compensation that the owner of each QG will receive for each

month (RC) by multiplying the QG’s monthly RPOD, times the RCR.

RCmonthly = RCR * RPOD monthly

C. Calculation of Rates

The rates paid by Transmission Customers will be based on the calculations set forth

below. All of the amounts calculated below shall be actuals for each month with no true-


1. Calculate the amount of T&O Reactive Revenue allocated to each Zone by taking

the total amount of revenue generated by this Schedule 2 from Through and Out

transactions for each month and allocate it on a pro-rata share based on the ZRC

for the same month.

2. Calculate the total amount of revenue to be collected for each month by Zone, by

summing the RC for each QG by Zone less the T&O Reactive Revenue.

ZRC = Σn=1 to x(RC)– T&O Reactive Revenue; where: x=Total number of

QGs in the Zone

3. Calculate the Schedule 2 Rates, for each Zone, as shown below.

a. Monthly Rate ($/MW/Mo) = ZRC / Zonal Peak Demand

b. Weekly Rate ($/MW/Wk) = Monthly Rate times 12 / 52

c. Daily Off-Peak Rate ($/MW/Day) = Weekly Rate / 7

d. Daily On-Peak Rate ($/MW/Day) = Weekly Rate / 5

e. Hourly Off-Peak Rate ($/MW/Hr) = Daily Off-Peak Rate / 24

f. Hourly On-Peak Rate ($/MW/Hr) = Daily On-Peak Rate / 16

The total charge in any day, pursuant to an hourly service reservation, shall not

exceed the applicable rate for daily service specified above for the applicable

Zone, times the highest amount of hourly service reserved in any hour during such

day. In addition, the total charge in any week pursuant to a reservation for hourly

or daily service shall not exceed the rate for weekly service specified above for

the applicable Zone, times the highest amount of hourly or daily service reserved

in any hour or day during such week.

On-Peak and Off Peak

Off-Peak days shall be Saturdays and Sundays and all NERC holidays. All other

days shall be On-Peak. All hours during Off-Peak days shall be Off-Peak. On-

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Peak hours during On-Peak days shall be all hours from HE 0700 through HE

2200 Central Prevailing Time. All other hours during On-Peak days shall be Off-


4. For the purposes of determining the charge applicable to transactions under this

Tariff, the transaction will be charged based on the applicable zonal rate where

the load is physically located.

5. If the service is a Through and Out transaction, the transaction will be charged

based on the simple average of all zonal rates for the applicable period of service.

6. The data used in the calculations under this Section III. C. shall be from the same

month as the monthly RPOD used to calculate the RC in Section III. B.

D. Collection of Charges and Distribution of Revenues

1. All load shall pay the Transmission Provider a charge for Reactive Supply

determined by multiplying the applicable rate as calculated in Section III.C by the

Reserved Capacity for the Transmission Customer taking Point-To-Point

Transmission Service during that month or the Network Customer’s and non-rate

terms and conditions customer’s coincident peak during the month. The billing

units used herein will be for the same month as the month used to determine the

RPOD. After it has sufficient data to calculate the monthly RPOD, SPP shall bill

customers for monthly charges under this Schedule 2 in the next billing cycle.

SPP also will post the applicable monthly Schedule 2 charges promptly after it

possesses the data necessary to calculate such charges.

2. In the event that the monthly revenue collected for a Zone does not match the

ZRC in a month, the revenues distributed that month to each QG in the affected

Zone shall be based upon its RC for that month divided by the applicable ZRC for

that month multiplied by total zonal revenues collected pursuant to this Schedule

2 for that month.

E. Joint Owned Units

The Transmission Provider will compensate the entity designated in II.B.1 for a jointly

owned QG. The Transmission Provider is not responsible for disbursing revenue to other


F. Multiple Generators Behind a Common Meter

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Page 9 of 11

If more than one generator exists behind a single meter, the Transmission Provider must

individually certify all the generators behind the meter as QGs. Compensation will be

handled in the same way as an owner with multiple units in the same Zone.


A. Re-Evaluation of Qualified Generator Status

1. If a QG fails to comply with the Transmission Provider’s or transmission

operator’s voltage control requirements three or more times in a calendar month,

or six or more times in the preceding twelve month period, for reasons other than

planned or unscheduled outages, the transmission operator shall notify the

Transmission Provider and the Transmission Provider shall determine whether the

generation resource should continue to be a QG based on the criteria established

in Section II.B of this Schedule 2.

2. In making a determination of whether a generation resource should continue to be

a QG, the Transmission Provider will evaluate, among other factors, whether the

generation resource was operated consistently with its design characteristics, if

the QG responded in accordance with other agreements and whether system

conditions prevented it from responding as required by the applicable

transmission operator or Transmission Provider.

3. If the Transmission Provider determines that the generator should not continue to

be a QG, the Transmission Provider shall notify the owner and stop providing

reactive compensation to such generator owner.

B. Regaining Qualified Generator Status:

If a generator has had its status as a QG removed by the Transmission Provider, such

generator may be reinstated to receive reactive compensation six (6) billing months after

disqualification. If the owner of the generator desires to be reinstated, it must make

application for such reinstatement to the Transmission Provider and demonstrate that the

cause(s) for the disqualification has been remedied. The Transmission Provider shall

waive the six month period and immediately reinstate the QG status if it determines that

such status was erroneously removed.


Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: shall

Deleted: Balancing Authority

Deleted: Transmission Owner

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Page 10 of 11

All QGs will be required to maintain reactive supply pursuant to a voltage schedule provided by

the Transmission Provider or the applicable transmission operator. The Transmission Provider

and the transmission operator shall issue voltage schedules to all QGs on a non-discriminatory

basis. Voltage schedules issued by the transmission operator shall be made available to SPP in

accordance with SPP Criteria.

In the event of a system contingency or emergency situation that requires specific attention to

reactive production, the Transmission Provider or the applicable transmission operator will

determine, based on real-time data and engineering studies of current and prospective conditions,

the most effective solution to maintain transmission system reliability. For a circ*mstance that

requires specific attention to reactive production, the Transmission Provider or the applicable

transmission operator will perform an engineering study to determine the most effective

operational plan. The Transmission Provider or the applicable transmission operator will issue

reactive dispatch instructions or revised voltage schedules on a non-discriminatory basis based

upon generator availability, location, and reactive capability, for such purpose. Reactive dispatch

instructions or revised voltage schedules issued by the transmission operator shall be made

available to SPP in accordance with SPP Criteria.

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

Deleted: Transmission Owner

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Page 11 of 11


Operating Data to be Provided by Generator Operators Seeking QG Status

The following is the list of necessary operating data to be provided as part of an application to become a QG.

1. Nameplate data, certified factory test reports, and reactive capability curves for the generator.

2. Real and reactive power loads at maximum generator output for station service load served from the generator leads before delivery into the transmission system.

3. Nameplate data and copies of certified factory test reports for the generator step-up

transformer. For transformers having tapped windings, identify the tap connections at which the transformer is operated.

4. One line schematics showing the connection of the generator to the SPP Transmission

System, location of service to station service loads, and the location of metering and telemetry points.

5. Identification of the interconnection agreement governing the connection of the generator to

the transmission system and citation to those provisions in the agreement that govern the production of reactive power and voltage regulation.

6. Self-assessment (or certification) by generator owner of the ability of the generator to

provide deliveries of real and reactive power to the SPP Transmission System, net of all loads served prior to the connection with the SPP Transmission System, with a power factor outside the +/- 95% deadband, to receive and follow reactive power dispatch instructions, and to regulate the voltage at a the point of interconnection with transmission system pursuant to a voltage schedule.

7. A copy of the most recent tests of the generator, the generator’s protection system, the

generator’s control system and the generator’s excitation system as performed in accord with the SPP Criteria.

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Recommendation to the Board of Directors October 25, 2016

Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV Recommendation

Organizational Roster Tom Hestermann (Chair), Sunflower Brian Studenka (Vice-Chair), ITC Great Plains Al Ackland, KCPL Peter Day, OG&E Larry Holloway, KPP Natalie Jackson, Golden Spread Electric Brenda Jessop, Westar Brian Johnson, AEP Tom Littleton, OMPA

Jonah Martin, Tri-State G&T Kenny Munsell, SPS Jeff Stebbins, Tri-County Electric Boyd Trester, Basin Electric Art Wiese, NPPD Shawnee Claiborn-Pinto, Public Utility

Commission of Texas (CAWG Liaison) Bryce Bowie, SPP Staff Secretary

Background The PCWG reviews projects in accordance with SPP Business Practice 7060 which establishes applicable precision bandwidths for construction projects.

SPP identified the Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV project as a part of the Priority Projects Phase II Final Report approved by the Board on April 27, 2010. The Priority Projects were a group of “priority” high voltage transmission projects estimated to bring benefits of at least $3.7 billion to the SPP region over 40 years. The scope of the Project included a new 76-mile 345 kV line from the Valliant substation in northeast Texas to the existing NW Texarkana substation located in northeast Texas. The cost estimate for the Project listed in the Priority Projects Phase II Final Report was $131,451,250.

On June 30, 2010, a NTC was issued to American Electric Power (AEP) to construct the project with an estimated in-service date of October 1, 2014.

At its October 2013 meeting, the MOPC approved a recommendation from the PCWG to move all projects applicable to Business Practice No. 7050 to Business Practice No. 7060. Previously, Business Practice 7050 applied to all projects issued NTCs prior to January 1, 2012 (Legacy Projects). The recommendation stipulated that baseline cost estimates for all Legacy Projects would be established as the values listed in project tracking as of January 31, 2014, in coordination with the Quarterly Project Tracking Schedule for the 2nd quarter of 2014. The Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV project was among the 15 Applicable Projects that were moved from the purview of the Business Practice 7050 to Business Practice 7060. As of the January 31, 2014 effective date, the cost for the Project was $127,995,000, and this total was established as the baseline cost estimate.

In August 2016 AEP submitted an updated cost estimate for the Project resulting in a new total of $185,751,250. After escalation was applied to the established baseline estimate at the beginning of 2016, a cost variance of 38.1% was identified for the Project, as detailed below:

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Upgrade Owner Baseline Cost

Estimate (Adj. for Inflation)

Latest Variance Var. %

Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV AEP $134,474,747 $185,751,250 $51,276,503 38.1%

Analysis Historic rainfall and flooding along the Red River in 2015 and 2016, with some areas reaching flood stage an unprecedented five or more times during a one-year period, have resulted in a multitude of issues that have driven up the cost of this project.

AEP lists an expected in-service date of December 12, 2016.

Recommendation The MOPC recommends that the SPP BOD accept the current cost estimate deviation for the Valliant to NW Texarkana 345 project line as reasonable and reset the baseline used to evaluate future cost deviations.

The PCWG further directs SPP staff to review the timeliness of the cost estimates in TAGIT and report those findings back to PCWG.

Approved: PCWG September 7, 2016

Motion passed at PCWG with 1 no vote (KCPL) and 2 abstentions (Tri-County and SPS).

KCPL reason for vote:

Not necessary for SPP Staff to try and evaluate whether or not project cost estimates are being reported in a timely fashion. Staff only reports the information provided by the Members, Staff has no way of knowing what factors may be influencing the individual project costs. Staff already reports quarterly cost estimates to PCWG, so the group already has the projected project costs and can ask the project sponsor for any details the group feels necessary to explain the project estimate. In this case, it is understood the internal communication issue and pledge that this issue has been addressed. This action is a result of the PCWG review and is exactly in keeping with PCWG’s function, and that it is unnecessary for further Staff action.

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SPS reason for Abstention:

The cost deviations are reasonable considering the siting and flooding issues that plagued the project. When lumped together with the other priority projects, the cost overrun on the project probably still provides the intended economic value. Concern about the inadequate project cost updates provided by AEP and believe that had PCWG known of the cost overrun earlier in the project PCWG would have asked that SPP staff reevaluate. Concern that endorsing the increased cost will dis-incentivize others to provide accurate and timely cost estimates for their projects.

Tri-County reason for Abstention:

Stating the variance was reasonable sends a bad message to the members. AEP knew there was going be a huge variance in the cost but chose not to communicate that to the SPP in a timely manner. Floods made it impossible to work on at least part of the project is acceptable but there is no explanation how the construction cost mushroomed to the extent that it did. There was no explanation as to modification of the construction plan to work in areas not affected by the flood.

Action Requested: Approve Recommendation

APPROVED: MOPC October 11-12-2016

MOPC Approved with four abstentions-Midwest Gen, Xcel SW Trans., GSEC and Xcel SPS

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Project Review: Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV


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Review Process Overview

• Outlined in Business Practice 7060

• Projects subject to PCWG review (Applicable Projects) Regionally funded (nominal operating voltage > 100 kV) Current or previous cost estimate >= $20 million

• Baseline cost estimates established after NTC issuance

• PCWG reviews projects when updated cost estimates exceed ±20% bandwidth of established baseline cost estimate

• All estimates provided in current year dollars

• Baseline cost estimates escalated annually at rate assumed in source study


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Project Cost Overview


Project Scope

Build 76 miles of 345 kV transmission; 3000 amp capacity or greater, from Valliant substation to NW Texarkana substation. Upgrade the Valliant and NW Texarkana substations with the necessary breakers and terminal equipment.

Baseline Cost Estimate (Adj. for Inflation) Latest Variance Var. %

$134,474,747 $185,751,250 $51,276,503 38.1%

Original Estimate Latest Variance Var. %

$131,451,250 $185,751,250 $54,200,000 41.2%

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Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV





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Project Cost History







Baseline cost estimate established as Legacy Project

moved under BP7060


Cost Estimate Trend

1Priority Projects Phase II Final Report can be found here

Project approved by SPP Board as part of Priority

Projects in April 2010

Latest cost estimate in Q3 2016

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11236 – Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV


Original Cost Estimate $131,451,250 % Change

1 Weather-related effects on engineering and construction costs 27,900,000 51.5%

2Additional overheads and loadings due to increased costs and delays 19,400,000 35.8%

3 ROW acquisition costs higher than estimated 3,900,000 7.2%

4 Station modifications 3,000,000 5.5%

Latest Estimate $185,751,250

Expenditures Info

Expenditures $131,713,689

Committed Amount $54,037,561

Total $185,751,250

% of Latest Estimate 100%

Future Risks

Weather and ROW Conditions (cost mitigated)

Additional Information

Historic rainfall and flooding along the Red River in 2015 and 2016, with some areas reaching flood stage an unprecedented five or more times during a one year period, have resulted in a multitude of issues that have driven up the cost of this project.

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Project Activities Status Overview



Projected In-Service Date

LatestProjected In-Service Date






d Ro






l St







l Pr







Valliant – NW Texarkana 345 kV 10/1/2014 12/2/2016 C C C C C IP

C Complete

IP In Progress

NS Not Started

N/A Not Applicable

Future Projection Low<50% Chance

Medium 50-80% Chance

High >80% Chance

Estimated probability that final cost will be within ±20% of latest estimate X

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• Historic flooding in the construction area

• Siting issues

• Landowner Group intervention


Cost Variance Factors Identified by AEP

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The PCWG recommends that the MOPC and SPP BOD accept the current cost estimate deviation for the Valliant to NW Texarkana 345 project line as reasonable and reset the baseline used to evaluate future cost deviations.

Motion passed at PCWG with 1 no vote and 2 abstentions.


PCWG Recommendation

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• The cost deviations are reasonable considering the siting and flooding issues that plagued the project.

• When lumped together with the other priority projects, the cost overrun on the project probably still provides the intended economic value.

• Concern about the inadequate project cost updates provided by AEP and believe that had PCWG known of the cost overrun earlier in the project PCWG would have asked that SPP staff reevaluate.

• Concern that endorsing the increased cost will dis-incentivize others to provide accurate and timely cost estimates for their projects.


PCWG Abstentions

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• Stating the variance was reasonable sends a bad message to the members

• AEP knew there was going be a huge variance in the cost but chose not to communicate that to the SPP in a timely manner

• Floods made it impossible to work on at least part of the project is acceptable but there is no explanation how the construction cost mushroomed to the extent that it did

• There was no explanation as to modification of the construction plan to work in areas not affected by the flood


PCWG Abstentions

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• Not necessary for SPP Staff to try and evaluate whether or not project cost estimates are being reported in a timely fashion

• Staff only reports the information provided by the Members, Staff has no way of knowing what factors may be influencing the individual project costs

• Staff already reports quarterly cost estimates to PCWG, so the group already has the projected project costs and can ask the project sponsor for any details the group feels necessary to explain the project estimate

• In this case, it is understood the internal communication issue and pledge that this issue has been addressed

• This action is a result of the PCWG review and is exactly in keeping with PCWG’s function, and that it is unnecessary for further Staff action


PCWG No Vote

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• The PCWG has tasked Staff to review the timeliness of the cost estimates in TAGIT and report those findings back to PCWG


PCWG Mitigation Plan

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Recommendation to the SPP Board of Directors October 25, 2016

Competitive Transmission Minimum Threshold Policy Recommendation

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Strategic Planning Committee:

Mike Wise, GSEC Jim Eckelberger, Director Phyllis Bernard, Director Dennis Florom, LES Jake Langthorn, OGE Venita McCellon-Allen, SWEPCO Ray Wahle, MRES

Traci Bender, NPPD Les Evans, KEPCO Bill Grant, SPS Robert Janssen, Dogwood Energy Harry Skilton, Director Mike Risan, BEPCO

Background On July 21, 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued Order 1000. In response to Order 1000, the SPP Board of Directors tasked SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee (“SPC”) to lead SPP’s response to the regional policy requirements contained in Order 1000 for a compliance filing. The SPC formed the SPC Task Force (“SPCTF”) on Order 1000 to examine SPP’s existing OATT to determine whether SPP’s current transmission planning and cost allocation provisions complied with the requirements and whether additional revisions would be necessary. Further the SPCTF on Order 1000 was tasked to propose how SPP should make its compliance filing with FERC. With SPCTF’s scope completed and recognizing that Order 1000 items would continue to arise through at least the first two rounds of competitive transmission projects the SPCTF transitioned to the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) under the Markets and Operation Policy Committee (MOPC) in January 2015. SPP’s first competitive solicitation process was completed in April 2016, and the SPC was tasked by the Board of Directors to analyze the results of this first completed process and to develop and recommend improvements to the SPP Transmission Owner Selection Process (TOSP). The SPC conducted a workshop on July 7, 2016 for that purpose and identified five policy questions. Subsequently, the SPC added an additional policy question for consideration and tasked the CTPTF to develop recommendations for the SPC’s consideration at its October 2016 meeting.

Analysis On July 7, 2016, the SPC asked the CTPTF to evaluate if there is a need to have a Project Minimum Threshold that any competitive project must exceed in order to go through the TOSP. Currently, SPP must conduct the TOSP for any project that meets all requirements as being competitive in Attachment Y, regardless of the size or estimated cost of the project. The CTPTF considered the question. The CTPTF concluded that there is a need to have a higher minimum threshold for competitive projects, but did not want to impact the current approved cost allocation for all projects. Therefore, the CTPTF voted unanimously to recommend to the SPC to set the Competitive Project Minimum Threshold at $3 Million. Recommendation The Competitive Transmission Process Task Force recommends that the SPC approve setting a Competitive Project Minimum Threshold the recommended at $ 3 Million. Approved: Competitive Transmission Process Task

Force September 8, 2016

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Approved: Strategic Planning Committee October 13, 2016

Action Requested: Approve SPC recommendation and direct the RTWG to develop the necessary tariff revisions for staff to file at the FERC

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Recommendation to the SPP Board of Directors October 25, 2016

ATRR Template Policy Recommendation

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Strategic Planning Committee:

Mike Wise, GSEC Jim Eckelberger, Director Phyllis Bernard, Director Dennis Florom, LES Jake Langthorn, OGE Venita McCellon-Allen, SWEPCO Ray Wahle, MRES

Traci Bender, NPPD Les Evans, KEPCO Bill Grant, SPS Robert Janssen, Dogwood Energy Harry Skilton, Director Mike Risan, BEPCO

Background On July 21, 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued Order 1000. In response to Order 1000, the SPP Board of Directors tasked SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee (“SPC”) to lead SPP’s response to the regional policy requirements contained in Order 1000 for a compliance filing. The SPC formed the SPC Task Force (“SPCTF”) on Order 1000 to examine SPP’s existing OATT to determine whether SPP’s current transmission planning and cost allocation provisions complied with the requirements and whether additional revisions would be necessary. Further the SPCTF on Order 1000 was tasked to propose how SPP should make its compliance filing with FERC. With SPCTF’s scope completed and recognizing that Order 1000 items would continue to arise through at least the first two rounds of competitive transmission projects the SPCTF transitioned to the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) under the Markets and Operation Policy Committee (MOPC) in January 2015. SPP’s first competitive solicitation process was completed in April 2016, and the SPC was tasked by the Board of Directors to analyze the results of this first completed process and to develop and recommend improvements to the SPP Transmission Owner Selection Process (TOSP). The SPC conducted a workshop on July 7, 2016 for that purpose and identified five policy questions. Subsequently, the SPC added an additional policy question for consideration and tasked the CTPTF to develop recommendations for the SPC’s consideration at its October 2016 meeting.

Analysis As a main process improvement following SPP’s first competitive solicitation process, the CTPTF has been developing a more robust Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) Template that includes special modeling created for various business models. During the CTPTF review of the updated ATRR, all business models, with the exception of the Cooperative business model, believed that the updated ATRR sufficiently allowed for the modeling of their cost in the proposal. The Cooperatives were tasked with presenting a ATRR template that accommodated their cost and revenue treatments. It was noted that the Cooperative business model flows back revenue to customers, effectively lowering the overall reflected cost of a project to the cooperatives members. There was much discussion on how revenues were treated between wholesale and retail customers on the proposed COOP tab. The task force debated as to what level of cost and detail is appropriate to reflect for a competitive evaluation. The task force determined that this policy question should be discussed with the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) on October 13 to seek their recommendation. The policy questions discussed were:

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1. Who is the customer for competitive projects; (financial evaluations of project proposals should occur at the ATRR level rather than the ultimate local customer level, i.e, Wholesale/FERC level as opposed to the Retail/State level)?

2. Should the equity from COOP revenues that are refunded to customers be reflected in the competitive ATRR Template?

3. In a competitive environment, are the correct or impacted customers the same as the ones receiving refunds of revenue? And as such, can SPP depend upon existing tax benefits provided to cooperatives and its utilization within bids for regional projects?

4. How specific should the “cost to customers” modeling be for all business models? At the SPC meeting, Cooperative representatives argued that customers are the ones who pay the bill and that revenue should be included in the template. Others argued for consistency in the template and that retail customer credits should not be included. The Cooperative representatives asked that SPC require the CTPTF allow more time to discuss. The Chair of the CTPTF expressed that the view that given more time the Task Force would not come to a different conclusion. Recommendation Develop a consistent template so that the ATRR response and the ATRR utilized for evaluating RFP responses be based on the expected wholesale recovery through SPP under the SPP OATT. Approved: Strategic Planning Committee

Abstentions: (2) Golden Spread and KEPCO

October 13, 2016

Action Requested: Approve SPC recommendation, direct the CTPTF to continue ATRR Template Enhancements

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Recommendation to the SPP Board of Directors October 25, 2016

IEP Process Adjustment Recommendation

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Strategic Planning Committee:

Mike Wise, GSEC Jim Eckelberger, Director Phyllis Bernard, Director Dennis Florom, LES Jake Langthorn, OGE Venita McCellon-Allen, SWEPCO Ray Wahle, MRES

Traci Bender, NPPD Les Evans, KEPCO Bill Grant, SPS Robert Janssen, Dogwood Energy Harry Skilton, Director Mike Risan, BEPCO

Background On July 21, 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued Order 1000. In response to Order 1000, the SPP Board of Directors tasked SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee (“SPC”) to lead SPP’s response to the regional policy requirements contained in Order 1000 for a compliance filing. The SPC formed the SPC Task Force (“SPCTF”) on Order 1000 to examine SPP’s existing OATT to determine whether SPP’s current transmission planning and cost allocation provisions complied with the requirements and whether additional revisions would be necessary. Further the SPCTF on Order 1000 was tasked to propose how SPP should make its compliance filing with FERC. With SPCTF’s scope completed and recognizing that Order 1000 items would continue to arise through at least the first two rounds of competitive transmission projects the SPCTF transitioned to the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) under the Markets and Operation Policy Committee (MOPC) in January 2015. SPP’s first competitive solicitation process was completed in April 2016, and the SPC was tasked by the Board of Directors to analyze the results of this first completed process and to develop and recommend improvements to the SPP Transmission Owner Selection Process (TOSP). The SPC conducted a workshop on July 7, 2016 for that purpose and identified five policy questions. Subsequently, the SPC added an additional policy question for consideration and tasked the CTPTF to develop recommendations for the SPC’s consideration at its October 2016 meeting.

Analysis On July 7, 2016, the CTPTF noted that variances in how each IEP evaluates and establishes its scoring methodologies can lead to increased costs to customers. Such variances could lead to inefficiencies in RFP Proposals as Respondents will be forced to include a wider range of information and supporting documentation to cover all potential aspects of a RFP. The CTPTF recommendation noted the benefits including: evaluation efficiency; more responsive bids; added transparency; and, no additional work. Recommendation The Competitive Transmission Process Task Force recommends that the IEP be seated early in the RFP process and required to publish their scoring criteria as far in advance of the RFP Response Window deadline as possible*. Approved: Competitive Transmission Process Task

Force (*note: motion also required publishing of scoring matrices and methodologies)

September 8, 2016

Approved: Strategic Planning Committee (*note: No October 13, 2016

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requirement to publish scoring …)

Action Requested: Approve SPC recommendation

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Recommendation to the SPP Board of Directors October 25, 2016

Transmission Project Re-Study Request Recommendation

Organizational Roster The following persons are members of the Strategic Planning Committee:

Mike Wise, GSEC Jim Eckelberger, Director Phyllis Bernard, Director Dennis Florom, LES Jake Langthorn, OGE Venita McCellon-Allen, SWEPCO Ray Wahle, MRES

Traci Bender, NPPD Les Evans, KEPCO Bill Grant, SPS Robert Janssen, Dogwood Energy Harry Skilton, Director Mike Risan, BEPCO

Background On July 21, 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued Order 1000. In response to Order 1000, the SPP Board of Directors tasked SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee (“SPC”) to lead SPP’s response to the regional policy requirements contained in Order 1000 for a compliance filing. The SPC formed the SPC Task Force (“SPCTF”) on Order 1000 to examine SPP’s existing OATT to determine whether SPP’s current transmission planning and cost allocation provisions complied with the requirements and whether additional revisions would be necessary. Further the SPCTF on Order 1000 was tasked to propose how SPP should make its compliance filing with FERC. With SPCTF’s scope completed and recognizing that Order 1000 items would continue to arise through at least the first two rounds of competitive transmission projects the SPCTF transitioned to the Competitive Transmission Process Task Force (CTPTF) under the Markets and Operation Policy Committee (MOPC) in January 2015. SPP’s first competitive solicitation process was completed in April 2016, and the SPC was tasked by the Board of Directors to analyze the results of this first completed process and to develop and recommend improvements to the SPP Transmission Owner Selection Process (TOSP). The SPC conducted a workshop on July 7, 2016 for that purpose and identified five policy questions. Subsequently, the SPC added an additional policy question for consideration and tasked the CTPTF to develop recommendations for the SPC’s consideration at its October 2016 meeting.

Analysis On July 7, 2016, the timing of when a project may be requested for re-study was discussed and the CTPTF was asked to address the timing. Currently, a re-study cannot be made for an identified project by the planning process until a NTC has been issued. Questions arose as to the need to allow for a re-study request to occur prior to a NTC and under what circ*mstances. The CTPTF believes modifications to the process should be made to allow for such prior to a NTC issuance and unanimously passed a motion to allow for earlier re-study request with the requirement that the project, if still needed, will maintain its competitive or non-competitive status it had prior to the re-study. Recommendation The Competitive Transmission Process Task Force recommends modifying language in Business Practice 7060 that allows for a re-study request prior to a NTC as noted:

BP7060 Section 6.1 Proposed Language Modification

“In the event that material changes occur that could cause an NTC/NTC-C for a Project to be modified, or a Competitive Project Approved for Construction, SPP may re-study the need for the Project.”

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. Approved: Competitive Transmission Process Task

Force September 8, 2016

Approved: Strategic Planning Committee October 13, 2016

Action Requested: Approve SPC recommendation, direct the BPWG to modify BP7060, direct the RTWG to modify Attachment “Y” to allowing for a pause of the TOSP, and direct staff to file at FERC

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Markets and Operations Policy Committee Recommendation to the Board of Directors

October 25, 2016 Wind Integration Study Re-evaluation

Organizational Roster The following persons represent the Southwest Power Pool: Carl Monroe, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Lanny Nickell, Vice President, Engineering Antoine Lucas, Director, Planning

Background SPP completed a Wind Integration Study (WIS) in 2015 to determine the impact of high penetration levels of wind generation currently SPP system as well as to evaluate the system’s ability to handle even higher wind penetration levels. The final WIS report recommended that certain NTCs be accelerated to help facilitate high wind penetration levels currently seen on the system. SPP staff requested expedited re-evaluation in order to meet the new Need Dates of 6/1/2017 (Cimarron – Draper 345 kV Terminal Upgrades and 10/1/2018 (Amoco – Sundown 230kV Terminal Upgrades) identified through the WIS. Both projects were included in the 2015 ITP10 and were issued as NTCs with a Need Date of 4/1/2019. The project recommendations were brought before ORWG, TWG and ESWG where each working group approved the recommendation to move forward with acceleration. In April 2016, the SPP Board of Directors approved a recommendation to re-evaluate the need to accelerate two projects per the WIS with results provided later in 2016. Analysis Staff used a stepped approach re-evaluate each NTC. Each NTC was evaluated independently to determine if there was a need to accelerate the project. If an NTC was identified in any step, analysis for that NTC was stopped. Step 1 consisted of an N-1 contingency analysis on an existing 2016 ITPNT series 2016 Light Load Scenario 5 model. Step 2 consisted of developing a 2016 ITPNT Series 2016 Light Load built using the SPP Balancing Authority methodology described in the 2016 ITPNT Scope. As part of the model build, which dispatches generation economically to mimic SPP’s Integrated Marketplace, if a transmission facility was identified as a constraint under base case or N-1 condition, it would be a candidate for acceleration. Additionally, an N-1 contingency analysis would be performed to determine if a need for acceleration was seen. Step 3 of the analysis would be to review the results of the 2015 ITP10 study to determine if the projects could have been given an earlier RTO Determined Need Date had the 2015 ITP10 not limited the staging process. The Amoco – Sundown 230 kV line was not found to be in violation during the N-1 contingency analysis on the 2016 ITPNT Series 2016 Light Load Scenario 5 model. However, it was identified as a constraint during the model build for the 2016 ITPNT 2016 Light Load SPP Balancing Authority model for three different contingencies. However, after looking at congestion in real-time, this line has not been congested at all in 2016. The reason for this lack of congestion is due to lines in the area being de-rated such that all congestion in the area is seen on the newly de-rated lines. Until these transmission lines have received a rating increase, the benefit seen from this NTC will not been seen. The Cimarron – Draper 345 kV line was not found as a violation in the 2016 ITPNT 2016 Light Load Scenario 5 model. It was also not identified as a constraint or found in violation during the analysis that

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focused on the 2016 ITPNT 2016 Light Load SPP BA methodology model. After reviewing the 2015 ITP10 powerflow results, it was found that the Cimarron – Draper 345kV line was found to be overloaded in the 2019 model used for staging of reliability projects. Recalculating the RTO Determined Need Date based upon an un-restricted process revealed a new Need Date of 4/1/2018. However, the 2015 ITP10 2019 off-peak powerflow model includes additional proxy renewable resources developed as part of the 2015 ITP10 resource plan that may alter the dispatch compared to real-time congestion. Staff also took Operational data into consideration. Staff reviewed data showing any current congestion on both transmission lines to understand current Operational issues associated with each facility. Although congestion had previously been seen in prior years on the Sundown – Amoco 230 kV line, no congestion had been observed for 2016 Year-to-Date (YTD). Staff determined that facilities in the area of the Sundown – Amoco 230 kV line had been de-rated. These de-rated facilities became the more limiting elements on the system operationally, therefore no congestion was seen on Sundown – Amoco. Until these more limiting constraints can be improved, it would not provide any benefit to SPP or its members to accelerate this NTC. Additionally, staff reviewed the congestion on the Cimarron 345 kV line. Although there was no congestion seen in 2015, Almost 160 hours of congestion had been observed on the Cimarron – Draper 345 kV line for 2016 YTD. Almost 60% of that congestion has been observed in the last 3 months due to a new windfarm interconnecting at Cimarron 345 kV being placed in-service earlier this year. Over the last 12 months congestion cost paid by ratepayers in the area has been calculated to be about $265K, according to SPP Real-Time Balancing Market calculations. That cost to ratepayers could continue to rise as new wind in the area will continue to be placed in-service. Recommendation MOPC staff requests:

1. No changes to the NTC for Sundown – Amoco 230 kV

2. Acceleration of the NTC for Cimarron – Draper 345 kV to 4/1/2018

Action Requested: Approve recommendation

APPROVAL: MOPC October 11-12, 2016

Approved unanimously

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Wind Integration Study NTC Re-evaluation October 2016 RSC


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Background• In April 2016, the SPP Board of Directors approved

a recommendation to re-evaluate the need to accelerate two projects per the WIS Amoco – Sundown 230 kV Terminal Upgrades (SPS)

Cimarron – Draper 345 kV Terminal Upgrades (OGE)

Original Need Date: 4/1/2019 (2015 ITP10)

• The MOPC and Board requested NTC’s be re-evaluated using Planning models and analysis methods


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Results for Amoco – Sundown 230 kV• Study results justify project acceleration

• Operational Observations Previous congestion seen on the line

452 hours in 2014

302 hours in 2015

Other facilities in the area have been de-rated

Congestion occurs on de-rated facilities before Sundown – Amoco 230 kV

0 hours in 2016


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Project Name Recommendation New Need Date

Amoco – Sundown 230 kV Terminal Upgrades

No changes N/A

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Cimarron – Draper 345kV• Study results justify project acceleration

• $1.5 M cost

• Operational Observations

Transmission expansion and new wind farms being placed in-service in Central OK in 2016

Congestion beginning to occur on line

• 156 hours in the last year (90 hours in last 3 months)

• ~$265K in congestion costs

• Congestion costs likely to increase as additional wind placed in service in the area


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Cost of Acceleration


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Project Name Recommendation New Need Date

Cimarron – Draper 345 kV Terminal Upgrades

Modify NTC 4/1/2018

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Markets and Operations Policy Committee Recommendation to the Board of Directors

October 25, 2016

2016 ITPNT Scenario 5 Project Re-evaluation of Hobart City – Roosevelt Tap – Snyder 69 kV line

Organizational Roster The following persons represent the Southwest Power Pool: Carl Monroe, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Lanny Nickell, Vice President, Engineering Antoine Lucas, Director, Planning


SPP Staff identified six projects in the 2016 ITPNT Portfolio that addressed Scenario 5 Needs only. In April 2016, the SPP Board of Directors approved the 2016 ITPNT Portfolio but withheld five projects that solved Scenario 5 Needs only until further evaluation determined these projects were needed. At the July 2016 SPP Board of Directors meeting, American Electric Power (“AEP”) expressed a concern of possible congestion associated with the Hobart City – Roosevelt Tap – Snyder 69 kV line (Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line). It was suggested that the Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line rebuild project that was under re-evaluation, be reviewed further. The original NTC for the Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line rebuild project was issued from the 2015 ITPNT study. Related needs appeared in the Scenario 5 peak models for years 2017 and 2020 in the 2016 ITPNT study.

Scenario 5 maximizes all applicable, confirmed, long-term, firm transmission service with its necessary generation dispatch. Scenario 5 emphasizes higher wind transfers. Scenario 5 sets all wind generation to maximum firm service, then all reservations between companies are set to maximum firm service as much as load will allow on a pro rata basis.


SPP Staff determined that there is a 138 kV flowgate on the Hobart Junction – Carnegie South 138 kV line which limits wind generation that could overload the Hobart – Snyder 69 kV line. This flowgate has had 17 congestion hours since 3/1/2014, estimated to be $275,000 in congestion costs. AEP has a Transmission Operator mitigation that they coordinate with the SPP Reliability Coordinator. This mitigation occurs after contingency and reduces the generation of the wind resources that are driving the thermal overload. There is also an alternative mitigation in which a circuit breaker is opened at the Snyder substation to help relieve the thermal overload. SPP Operations verified these actions as viable congestion management mitigations. The Gracemont – Chisholm 345 kV line comes in-service 3/2018 which provides enough loading relief to mitigate the overload on the Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line. The Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV project needs from the 2016 ITPNT do not appear in the 2017 ITPNT or 2017 ITP10 studies.

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Rebuild Hobart City-Roosevelt Tap-Snyder 69kV line (Modification of an existing NTC) Withdraw NTC

Action Requested: Approve Recommendation

APPROVAL: MOPC October 11-12, 2016

Approved with one abstention-Xcel SPS

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Scenario 5 Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line Re-evaluation

October 2016 SPP Board Of Directors


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Background• July 2016 Board of Directors meeting, it was

requested the Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line Scenario 5 re-evaluation be further reviewed

• October 2016 MOPC, the NTC withdrawal of the Hobart City – Snyder 69 kV line rebuild was approved


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Analysis and Results• Determination of real-time congestion

o AEP coordinates with the SPP RC to employ a TOP mitigation to relieve thermal overloading upon contingency

o 17 congestion hours on the Hobart Junction – Carnegie South 138 kV flowgate since IM go live (3/1/2014)

o No congestion hours in the 2017 ITP10 study

• Determination of future reliability needs o No needs appear in the 2017 ITPNT study or 2017 ITP10



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Project Name Recommendation Conclusion

Rebuild Hobart City-Roosevelt Tap-Snyder 69 kV line (Modification of an existing NTC) Withdraw NTC

Project is no longer needed in 2017

planning studies due to topology


• The MOPC requests the Board of Directors to approved the following recommendation:

• Action Requested: Approve Recommendation

• Approved: MOPC October 12, 2016Passed (1 abstention)

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Human Resources Committee ReportOctober 25, 2016


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Committee Members Mr. Julian Brix, Chair

Mr. Josh Martin, Director

Mr. Duane Highley, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation

Ms. Kelly Walters, Empire District Electric Company

Mr. Noman Williams, South Central MCN, LLC

Mr. Tom Kent, Nebraska Public Power District

Ms. Malinda See, SPP staff secretary


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August 9 & September 26 Meeting Highlights • Annual 401(k) Investment Manager Report

Employee participation rate: 97% Average employee deferral: 7.6% Total portfolio value: approximately $78M

• Committee Review of 401(k) Investment Manager Performance First Security Bank – 2nd year as manager

• SPP Fraud Prevention and Detection Report Benefit Plans HR data

• HR Benefits and Strategy Report SPP Dental Plan – changed to self-funded plan 2016

Annual cost savings to SPP approximately $75,000

SPP 401(k) Plan provider change – April 1, 2016 Reduction in administrative fee charged to plan participants


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August 9 & September 26 Meeting Highlights • Compensation & Benefits Report from Mercer

Consultants Reaffirmed peer group SPP compensation and benefits competitive

• Annual Committee Self Review Presented to SPP Board – December 2016

• Approved annual recommendation to the SPP Finance Committee for 2017 merit pool funding 3% of base salaries Committee evaluated multiple sources in determining

funding: National trends

ISO/RTO data

Utility data

Consumer price index


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OC Recommendation2017 Looking Forward Report


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2017 Looking Forward Report• Boston Pacific’s successor firm (Bates White, LLC.) to

perform 2017 Looking Forward Report

• Bates White is a well-respected, 200-person economic consulting firm located in Washington

• Bates White performed conflict review : no indication of any conflicts of interest

• No work for SPP members in last 5 years

• Seamless transition: Craig Roach, Vincent Musco & John Garnett will perform the study and report


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Looking Forward Report Proposal



One Prepare a Looking Forward Report as a supplement to the 2016 State of the Market Report


Two Advise the Board of Directors as requested As requested

Three Conduct Inquiries when requested and as approved by the Board of Directors

As requested

Four Prepare other reports and/or metric assessments As requested

Overall Cap $235,000

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OC Recommendation• Engage Bates White, LLC to perform 2017 Looking

Forward Report Unanimous

• Action Requested Approve OC Recommendation and authorize Staff to contract

with Bates White, LLC to perform that 2017 Looking Forward Report


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Finance Committee ReportSPP 2017 Operating Plan Review

Objectives: Document SPP’s work plan for 2017 Ensure alignment of work plan with 2014

Strategic Plan Ensure Strategic Plan priorities remain


Held meeting on Sept. 27 with members of SPC and Board of Directors.

Reached consensus that Operating Plan was aligned with 2014 Strategic Plan


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INITIATIVESReliability Assurance

Capacity Margin RefinementRegional Resource Need and Value Assessment Reliability Assessment of Environmental Rules Integration of Variable Energy Resources (VERs) Grid Resiliency – Cyber and PhysicalReliability Excellence

Economical Optimized TransmissionIntegrated Transmission Planning Check & Adjust Cost Controls on Competitive TransmissionFlexibility to Address Policy InitiativesValue PricingFair & Equitable Cost Allocation Policies

Optimize Interdependent SystemsTransmission (Seams )Optimize Market Efficiencies Along Seams Optimize Natural Gas Pipeline System Seams Optimize Data SeamsIntegrated Market Enhancements

Member Value/AffordabilityCommunication Strategy on Value/Affordability PMO Best Practices and RigorEnhanced Market Analytics Strategic Membership ExpansionCommunication/EducationStaff Engagement, Succession, Depth 4


Settlement System Replacement PMU Data Exchange & AnalysisVoltage Security Assessment Tool (VSAT) Governance Risk Compliance Tool (GRC)


System Administration Network/Telecom Upgrades IT Architecture Evolution Cyber Security


OperationsEngineeringITCorporate Process Integrity

Finance Committee ReportSPP 2017 Operating Plan Review

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SPP 2 017 Operat ing P la n

September 27, 2016


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2017 SPP Operating Plan 1

Table of Contents

Background Information ................................................................................................................. 2

Purpose of SPP ........................................................................................................................ 2

Regulatory ............................................................................................................................... 3

Governing Documents ............................................................................................................ 3 Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) ................................................................................ 3 Membership Agreement (“MA”) ................................................................................................... 3 Bylaws ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Protocols and Business Practices ................................................................................................... 4

Organization Structure ............................................................................................................ 4

Funding ................................................................................................................................... 5

2017 Expected Business Environment.................................................................................... 5

Major 2017 Project Investments...................................................................................................... 7

Settlement System Replacement ............................................................................................. 7 Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Strategic Plan Linkage ................................................................................................................... 7 Investment and Timeline ................................................................................................................ 8 Risks ............................................................................................................................................... 8

Phasor Measurement Unit Data Exchange and Analysis (“PMU”) ........................................ 8 Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Strategic Plan Linkage ................................................................................................................... 9 Investment and Timeline ................................................................................................................ 9 Risks ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Voltage Security Assessment Tool (“VSAT”) ....................................................................... 10 Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Strategic Plan Linkage ................................................................................................................... 10 Investment and Timeline ................................................................................................................ 10 Risks ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Governance, Risk, and Compliance Tool (“GRC”) ................................................................ 11 Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Strategic Plan Linkage ................................................................................................................... 11

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 2

Investment and Timeline ................................................................................................................ 11 Risks ............................................................................................................................................... 11

Deferred or Declined Projects ................................................................................................. 12

2017 Major Technology Investments .............................................................................................. 12

Systems Administration .......................................................................................................... 12 Technology/Server Refresh ............................................................................................................ 12 Data Storage ................................................................................................................................... 13

Network/Telecom ................................................................................................................... 13

IT Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 13 Data-Lake and Big Data ................................................................................................................. 13 Data Security .................................................................................................................................. 14 Mobile and Cloud ........................................................................................................................... 14

Cyber Security ........................................................................................................................ 14

Keeping The Lights On .................................................................................................................... 14

Internal Work Groups ............................................................................................................. 14 Operations ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Engineering .................................................................................................................................... 16 Information Technology ................................................................................................................. 17 Corporate ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Process Integrity ............................................................................................................................. 20

Appendix A ............................................................................................................................. 22

Appendix B ............................................................................................................................. 24

Background Information

Purpose of SPP SPP’s mission is “Helping our members work together to keep the lights and in the future.” All the services that SPP performs are provided on a regional basis, independently, focused on reliability and cost effectiveness. The benefits of SPP are derived from this mission and the diligence to bring value to SPP members and their customers. SPP administers reliability coordination, transmission services and wholesale markets for the benefit of all electric utility operations in the region SPP serves that use members’ transmission systems. As a Regional Transmission Organization, SPP is mandated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ensure reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure, and a competitive wholesale electricity marketplace. Regional Transmission Organizations

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 3

are like “air-traffic controllers” of the electric power grid. They do not own the power grid, but independently operate the grid minute-by-minute to ensure reliable delivery of power to end users. SPP also serves as a Regional Entity of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. SPP’s primary services provided to members and customers include:

• Facilitation • Reliability Coordination • Tariff Administration • Transmission Planning • Market Operations • Compliance • Training

Regulatory SPP is directly regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”). All changes to the SPP regional tariff must be filed with, and approved by, the FERC prior to implementation. Failure by SPP to comply with the provisions of the tariff and/or any directive received from the FERC must be reported to the FERC and may be subject to penalties and fines.

Governing Documents

Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) The SPP OATT delineates the majority of the required workload for SPP’s operations and engineering departments. Significant duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Tariff administration services, including scheduling • Ancillary service provisions • Market operations • Balancing authority operations • Settlement of all transactions under the OATT • Administration of credit services for OATT customers • Complete system impact studies • Completion of the annual SPP Transmission Expansion Plan • Study generation interconnection requests • Evaluate long-term transmission service requests • Administer the competitive process for transmission expansion • Administer the Southwestern Power Administration transmission system beyond their tariff • Monitor activities in SPP’s energy markets and exercise plans to mitigate market power

Membership Agreement (“MA”) The MA is an agreement between each individual member and SPP. The MA obligates SPP to perform the services outlined including those in the OATT. Additionally, the MA describes other significant duties which include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Act as the reliability coordinator for the bulk electric transmission system

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 4

• Develop regional reliability plans and emergency procedures • Review and approve all planned maintenance of the bulk electric transmission system • Coordinate the maintenance of generation units • Administer an Open Access Same Time Information System

Bylaws The Bylaws describe the organizational operation of SPP, specifically outlining the duties of the Board of Directors and Committees advising the Board of Directors. SPP has a responsibility to facilitate meetings of each and every organizational group. Currently, the scope of the organizational structure is as follows:

• Board of Directors (1) • Regional State Committee (1) • Members Committee (1) • Board level committees (6) • Working Groups (19) • Task Forces, Subcommittees, Strike Teams (35+)

Additionally, the Bylaws describe SPP’s responsibilities as a Regional Entity. Duties associated with being the Regional Entity include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Investigate all reports or discoveries of non-compliance with ERO standards • Perform reviews in conjunction with the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program • Recommend financial penalties and sanctions for non-compliance • Administer the process for regional reliability standards

Protocols and Business Practices SPP has well documented business practices which detail the administrative practices SPP will follow in administering the OATT including coordinating the sale of transmission service. SPP also has well documented market protocols which detail how customers will interact with SPP and how SPP will interact with customers. These documents are developed through SPP’s stakeholder process.

Organization Structure SPP operates via two distinct organizational structures. The first, which we’ll refer to as the governance structure (Group Organizational Chart). It begins with the SPP board of directors and cascades into board level committees and then to working groups. This organizational structure is populated largely with representatives from SPP’s member companies. The output from this structure is generally directives on what work SPP is expected to accomplish. The second organizational structure, which we’ll refer to as the internal staff (SPP Organizational Chart), is the typical organizational chart illustrating reporting relationships between employees. The staff structure begins with the SPP president and cascades into vice presidents, departmental directors/managers, etc. The staff structure is generally aligned based on functional responsibilities.

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 5

This structure receives the directives from the external structure and then goes forward in acting on the directives. Copies of the organizational structures can be found in Appendix A.

Funding SPP funds its ongoing operating costs through charges to customers under the tariff and customers of specific non-tariff services. SPP’s operating costs are inclusive of scheduled principal and interest payments on its outstanding debt but are exclusive of depreciation and amortization expenses incurred. SPP is able to collect up to 100% of its operating costs from charges to transmission customers up to a cap of 39¢/MWh1. SPP is charging customers 37¢/MWh for service in 2016. SPP’s capital expenditures are funded with borrowings from periodic debt issuances and with 20% equity allocation included in the transmission service charge referenced above. SPP’s debt issuances are generally unsecured, have a 1 to 2 year interest only payment period and then fully amortize by the maturity of the notes. SPP is required to obtain regulatory approvals prior to issuing new debt. SPP carries an A rating from Fitch Ratings which was last affirmed in August 2016. SPP staff believes SPP will need to issue new notes in 2017 to fund capital expenditures. Short-term liquidity is provided by managing SPP’s cash float. SPP has an agreement, in principle, with a financial institution to put in place a $30 million revolving credit facility to provide additional liquidity support. SPP is waiting on approval from the FERC in order to execute agreements with the financial institution.

2017 Expected Business Environment Implementation of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (“CPP”) was stayed earlier in 2016 by the U.S. Supreme Court with final legal determinations expected in mid-2017. If the CPP is ultimately upheld, it is expected to have significant impacts in the near term and well into the future. The CPP establishes the first-ever national standards to limit carbon pollution from power plants. The plan sets standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 32% from 2005 levels by 2030. The current rule requires final compliance plans to be submitted by states in 2018 and measurement against 2005 CO2 levels begins in 2022 and will increase to final compliance by 2030. Several states within the SPP region have ceased efforts to develop compliance plans while the stay is in effect. A few state jurisdictions within SPP and across the nation are continuing to develop plans despite the CPP’s stay. The current rule’s uncertain legal status creates uncertainty regarding the timing and significance of future impacts to the industry’s generation mix and transmission expansion needs. Gas electric coordination continues to be a focus at the national level. SPP has filed in compliance and is in the implementation phase to comply with FERC’s directive to align electricity markets with 1 SPP’s Board of Directors voted to increase the rate cap to 43¢/MWh at its July 2016 meeting. This change will require approval from the FERC prior to implementation.

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natural gas markets. SPP will move its day-ahead market to close earlier in the day and shorten the solution time for posting results. This requires system changes and improved processing speed to reduce the solution time by 30 minutes. SPP’s members are divided on the benefits of the approach SPP has filed to comply with the FERC directive. Another major impact on SPP includes the cyber security threat landscape that is evolving to become more advanced, persistent and dynamic in nature. While the intent of the NERC CIP v6 standards is to address these issues, adherence to the standards alone is not sufficient. This will require SPP to continually assess and increase its cyber security capabilities and posture, by investing in the people, tools, processes and infrastructure required to adequately combat this threat. Cyber threats on utilities and energy companies are a growing threat with over 43% of companies in this space being attacked at least once each year according to a study published by Symantec. There has been an almost 50% growth of electric cars sales in the United States year over year (source CleanTechnica, July 2015/July 2016). With the desire to reduce carbon emissions from automobiles, electric vehicle usage will begin to have a major impact on electricity sales and usage despite the current trend of flat or reduced demand. Electric vehicle usage in the SPP footprint will continue to grow and become part of the baseline electricity demand. Improved ranges and reduced costs to consumers will allow for greater penetration of electric vehicles in the central United States. SPP expects continued growth in wind generation on our system. The region we serve is home to some of the highest on-shore wind potential in the Eastern Interconnection. By the end of 2016, we expect over 14 GW of wind generation installed in SPP. Nearly 8 GW of new wind generation is on schedule to be added by the end of 2018. In the 2016 GI cluster study windows, SPP received the two largest sets of GI requests ever and has another nearly 21 GW of new wind generation in our GI queue under various stages of study and/or development. New processes and/or study approaches will need to be developed in order to effectively study these large amounts of potential new generation, most of which are renewables. With this kind of growth in renewable resources, SPP will soon reach a point at which those resources will need to be delivered to other regions since we can no longer reliably utilize them for SPP’s internal demand needs, even with additional transmission infrastructure. The SPP region has seen limited growth in solar but has areas that are prime for development. Solar generation in the United States has been developed in the regions with the highest solar potential. Solar potential for SPP’s region is just below the prime areas and we expect development in the near future. SPP’s interconnection queue over the past year received nearly 3,000 MW of new solar generation requests. The prime solar areas are in regions with transmission and we expect a potential rapid development of solar. The expected growth in solar generation, coupled with over 14 GW of installed wind generation expected by year end 2016, will further task voltage stability in the footprint. 2016 will conclude a full year of operations with the Integrated System participating in SPP. SPP fully integrated the Integrated System in October of 2015. The Integrated System presented numerous new challenges for operations including managing a winter peaking system; significant hydro generation facilities, increased seams coordination; and a much larger geographic area to

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monitor for reliability impacts. The addition of the Integrated System into SPP has also opened opportunities to expand SPP’s services to affiliated entities in the western interconnect. There has been a real growth in the interest in the West for organized markets. Any future additions, either through membership or contracted services, will have a visible impact on SPP’s operation. This is independent of whether SPP is the provider or it creates another complex seam to manage. There are studies underway to determine if more interactions would be beneficial across the East/West seam. Consolidation, principally in the investor-owned utility space, is expected to occur in the SPP region in 2017. Empire Electric is being acquired by Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp in a transaction valued at $1.49 billion. This transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2017. Westar Energy agreed to be acquired by Great Plains Energy in a deal valued at $12.2 billion that is expected to close in the spring of 2017. Nationwide, utility consolidation has accelerated largely due to the increased cost of regulation, low or declining demand, and a lack of growth opportunities. Utilities are consolidating to create scale to address regulation in a cost effective manner and to unlock growth either through synergies or expansion into related utility operations. Low electricity demand and low interest rates are creating economic pressure for utilities throughout the U.S. In the SPP region, these pressures are hitting while the cost of transmission is rising and is forecast to continue to rise due to new transmission and upgrade costs being included in the rate base. The allowed return on transmission investment is being impacted by overall low interest rates. Low return on capital investments, increased costs for transmission, and lower demand all adversely impact SPP members. SPP’s services help offset these pressures by ensuring ratepayers receive cost effective and reliable electric services; with a benefits-to-cost ratio of more than 10 to 1, conservatively calculated.

Major 2017 Project Investments

Settlement System Replacement Replace the current market and transmission settlement systems with a custom designed, single, high-performance, scalable system solution.

Benefits Expand automation of the settlements processes to improve accuracy, timeliness, and auditability of the processes. Expect significant reduction in long-term support costs for the settlement function.

Strategic Plan Linkage Maintain an economical, optimized transmission system Enhance member value and affordability

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Investment and Timeline The project initiated in 2016 and is expected to complete in 1Q’19. Significant milestones are projected as follows:

2016: Initial scope, issue request for quote, interview vendors, and finalize project approach 2017: Engage vendor, finalize design, and begin system construction 2018: System testing 2019: Implementation

Capital expenditures are forecast at $5.1 million and will be incurred during 2017 and 2018. Internal SPP staff dedicated to the project are projected to cost $3.2 million through project completion. SPP expects to add 3 incremental IT positions during the construction phase of the project. These positions will continue post implementation as SPP will support the system without an external support or maintenance agreement. Currently, SPP’s engages external support for its settlements systems at a cost of $1.4 million/year. SPP also expects to eliminate its usage of Oracle databases in the settlements system which will reduce Oracle expenditures by nearly $3.0 million/year.

Risks Two significant risks have been identified.

1) New solution requires internal ownership for IT support and development of future enhancements. There is a risk internal IT would not be staffed appropriately to facilitate this required support and cost savings anticipated would not be realized.

2) Settlement system solution represents a paradigm shift in the Settlement and IT process including system approach and data base approach. Cost savings are dependent on a successful shift in data gathering and processing.

Phasor Measurement Unit Data Exchange and Analysis (“PMU”) The PMU Data Exchange and Analysis project will equip SPP with the capability to enhance both current operations and after-the-fact event analysis as well as system model validation efforts. Additionally, PMU data can assist in real-time situational awareness with measurement based dynamic voltage stability monitoring, detection of oscillatory modes, real-time tracking of phase angles to assess stress on the grid, identifying generator trips, island situations, and enhance State Estimator accuracy. The initiative will progress in three distinct phases, as follows:

• Phase I (started in 2016) – Installation of systems to provide capability to send and receive and archive synchrophasor data, perform after the fact analysis, deploy real-time analytics engine for use in real-time operations as a non-critical informational tool in 2017. Setup Synchrophasor Strike Team to engage stakeholders, apply lessons learned, and develop business case for members. Support Department of Energy funded Open and Extensible Control and Analytics (openECA) Platform for Phasor Data project where SPP staff will deploy, test, and demonstrate the application being developed.

• Phase II (starting in 2018) – development of a member facing PMU portal to facilitate collaboration between SPP and members. Enhancing member’s access to PMUs throughout the SPP footprint is expected to provide new and enhanced capabilities to all members.

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 9

• Phase III (starting in 2018) – Integrate PMU data collection and analytics into SPP’s secure data network for use with State Estimator and classifying PMU applications as a critical tool for real-time operations in 2019.

Benefits The use of synchrophasor data in event analysis and real-time monitoring is expected to enhance SPP’s knowledge of the electric system stability which will result in improved system operations and planning. The initial phase is expected to help increase SPP’s situational awareness, assist in monitoring real-time voltage stability, track oscillations, and other key factors in calculating grid stress. The second phase is focused on increasing members’ situational awareness through the creation of a PMU portal enabling member access to PMU data throughout the SPP footprint. The third phase is focused on creating a highly available PMU system that is integrated with SPP’s energy management system allowing for additional operational uses that are expected to equip SPP with predictive capabilities to identify system disturbances before they occur and allow SPP and affected utilities to take action prior to an event occurring.

Strategic Plan Linkage • Reliability assurance

o Integration of variable energy resources o Event analysis

Investment and Timeline The project consists of 3 phases; currently Phase I is in-flight:

• Phase I – capital expenditures of $2.0 million ($0.8 million spent in 2016), operating costs of $2.0 million through 2019;

• Phase II – capital expenditure of $0.3 million; operating cost of $0.5 million through 2019; • Phase III – capital expenditure of $1.1 million, operating cost of $1.4 million through 2019

Incremental staff additions associated with the PMU project are needed to support this new and complex technology across IT environments. This includes a senior engineer and a programmer/analyst in 2016, a programmer/analyst in 2017, a database administrator in 2018, and an additional programmer/analyst in 2019. SPP would incur ongoing operating costs beyond 2018 which would be approximately $0.7 million for Phase 1, $0.2 million for Phase 2, and $0.8 million for Phase 3 and would expect to incur capital costs to replace hardware and upgrade software every 3 to 5 years for all phases. SPP believes its investment in PMU technology represents a fairly conservative approach. More ambitious approaches were evaluated but did not provide a compelling enough benefit to justify adoption.

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Risks While the use of PMU data in model validation and post-event analysis is generally considered a best practice the use of PMU data for real-time system monitoring is gaining traction but is not universally adopted. The systems utilized to analyze the data are in their infancy and may require several years to significantly improve system operation, design or monitoring. There is a possibility that the investment in PMU capabilities may require a few years to yield long-term benefits. Additionally, a more robust solution will require SPP utilities as well as neighboring regions to share synchrophasor data with SPP. These utilities/systems may need to invest in communication infrastructure to be capable of transmitting the data.

Voltage Security Assessment Tool (“VSAT”) The online VSAT tool will identify constraints on the transmission system that real time operators will be able to mitigate using current congestion management tools. The VSAT tool will enable real time operators and operational planning engineers to prepare for and react to stability concerns in order to maintain reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System.

Benefits The most significant goal of this project is to identify areas of voltage concerns with real time and near term data. This can be done more efficiently using the VSAT’s ability to construct a Power-Voltage curve with multiple defined contingencies. With the increase in wind generation and future investments in solar energy within SPP footprints, power transfers and supply variability will become increasingly less predictable. VSAT will equip SPP to better predict the state of the system in order to facilitate reliable outage coordination, forward unit commitment, reliability assessments, and general reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System. VSAT will bolster SPP’s compliance with NERC standards FAC-011-2, IRO-005-3.1a, IRO-008-2, IRO-009-2, and IRO-101-2.

Strategic Plan Linkage • Reliability Assurance

Investment and Timeline Work on implementing VSAT will begin in 2017 and complete before the end of 2018. Initial capital costs include purchase of software, purchase of computer hardware, and new functionality added to the energy management system software to facilitate the export of data. Total capital investment to bring the VSAT project to functional status is expected to be $1.6 million.

Risks VSAT has been implemented at other RTOs that utilize an energy management system on the Alstom (now GE) platform. Their implementations have been very straightforward. We anticipate a similar implementation at SPP since we are using a proven application and proven architecture. Internal resource constraints may impact the timeline for implementation but are not expected to be a factor.

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Governance, Risk, and Compliance Tool (“GRC”) A governance, risk, and compliance tool will: 1) assist in the identification of job tasks that have compliance or risk management obligations, 2) provide mapping and workflows to support performance of those obligations, and 3) assist staff in managing their responsibilities in a timely, effective, efficient manner.


In order to manage the risk associated with non-compliance for regulatory and reliability standards, it is imperative that SPP staff be afforded an opportunity to properly assess all job tasks upon which there may reside a regulatory or compliance obligation. In addition, the current management of those obligations are primarily manual process, which inherently increases risk of human error, exacerbated when the compliance obligation overlaps several departments within SPP, as is often the case. SPP staff are asked to shoulder the burden of those compliance obligations, often without sufficient time or experience to have knowledge or awareness that the obligation exists. This limits their ability to properly manage the risk associated with that obligation and errors are bound to happen. The GRC tool typically provides a mechanism to properly identify and track those obligations, to identify and assess risk throughout the organization relative to those obligations, and to provide the documentation and systematic controls management that goes a long way in reducing the non-compliance risks.

With regards to quality and reliability enhancement, a GRC tool provides more robust coverage of the compliance obligations, and provides a hedge against the errors typically manifested with multiple, overlapping responsibilities in a complex regulatory environment. Efficiency will be positively impacted, as the manual processes and control activities are replaced with more robust, systematic means to identify and track risks across the organization.

Strategic Plan Linkage • Reliability Assurance

Investment and Timeline Full implementation of the GRC tool will take 12 months. Capital investment for purchase of software and hardware, and consulting is $0.9 million, non-capital investment for SPP staff time is estimated at $0.2 million. Ongoing maintenance expense is estimated at $0.0 million/year.

Risks Two significant unknowns exist that will impact the timeliness and budget for the project. Most significantly is understanding the scope of SPP’s compliance requirements. The existing compliance process is manual and spans most departments within SPP. Successful implementation will require thorough and accurate mapping and identification of all touchpoints in the process. Full understanding of the scope of compliance may impact the robustness of the GRC tool that is selected.

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Deferred or Declined Projects There are many project proposals SPP considers when determining its plan for the upcoming year. Numerous of these projects are not approved to begin work during the year due to i) a lack of staff resources to accomplish the work; ii) lack of funding to pay for the project; or iii) the project lacks sufficient detail to warrant moving forward at this time. Appendix B summarizes all of the projects reviewed by SPP for the 2017 fiscal year.

2017 Major Technology Investments

SPP’s ability to provide the vast majority of its services is contingent on employing a robust and resilient technology infrastructure. SPP operates two data center facilities with full fail-over capacity in the event a single data center is unavailable. Within the data centers exist over 1,700 physical and virtual servers across multiple environments interconnected by a high availability network. Significant investments are made annually to not only maintain the existing capabilities of the technology infrastructure but to also enhance the structure to address new demands on the system, cyber security requirements, and incremental additions to SPP’s service menu.

Systems Administration The major initiatives in the 2017 fiscal year include:

• Technology refresh of aged server systems (based on IT’s lifecycle policy) • Additional data storage for both data center sites (production and backup capacity) • Incremental licenses for server security • Incremental licenses for deployment and availability of virtualized hosts • Additional licenses to support various corporate applications (i.e. Outlook, Enhanced File

Transfer and CyberArk password safes)

Technology/Server Refresh The Systems Administration team manages approximately 450 physical servers, along with roughly 1400 virtual servers. Generally speaking, it is the policy of IT to replace physical hardware after a five-year useful life based on exposure to increased failure rates, discontinued or unaffordable vendor support, operating system incompatibility, and the need for faster application performance and connectivity requirements. SPP has approximately 101 physical servers (dedicated and virtualized) that are targeted for replacement during 2017 at a total expected replacement cost of $2.6 million. In concert with the server refresh, SPP will continue to deploy and expand virtualization technology to maximize the utilization of computer hardware and software wherever possible.

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 13

Data Storage SPP utilizes multiple storage technologies to manage data based on the speed, confidentiality, and frequency of use characteristics of the stored data. Across all storage platforms and technologies currently in place at SPP, total capacity is 1.5 petabytes. SPP’s need for additional storage grows annually based on years of Integrated Marketplace data that must be retained as well as due to additional entrants to SPP’s transmission and market services. SPP expects to increase total storage capacity by 20% in 2017 to comply with its data storage requirements.

Network/Telecom As part of a three-year upgrade project that began in 2015, SPP will continue an overhaul to the core network infrastructure that includes 40 gigabyte capacity for core switch modules, firewall modules, cabinet switch technology, and data-center cabling infrastructure. This project, which encompasses over 350 routers/switches/firewalls, will alleviate existing network performance bottlenecks and well-position SPP to absorb additional data traffic/processing anticipated in upcoming years. Spending on this initiative is expected to top $1.7 million in 2017. Other network systems slated for upgrades or enhancements in 2017 include Voice-over-IP (VoIP), Firewall Management, Load Balancing, and Wireless Lan technologies.

IT Architecture SPP maintains an architectural roadmap to guide it’s evaluation of and evolution to emerging technologies. The 2017 initiatives aligning with the architectural roadmap include the following:

• Data-Lake and Big Data infrastructure foundation • Data security • Mobile and Cloud-based Infrastructure

Data-Lake and Big Data SPP business owners and stakeholders require access to many years of historical data to perform data analysis, data mining, and analytics. As a result, the amount of stored data continues to increase. SPP’s growth has resulted in much of this data being stored in traditional high performance databases and appliance. These environments are costly, and require significant dollars to add incremental capacity or upgrade/replace the hardware. The vision is to create a Data-Lake infrastructure that can store vast amounts of historical data using cost-economical storage and compute capacity, which can grow incrementally as needed. The vision includes providing traditional tools to allow SQL access to the data to enable data validation, data analysis, data mining, and analytics capabilities. During 2016, SPP began a project known as “SQL Virtualization”, which is the 1st phase of the Data-Lake project. The SQL Virtualization project is estimated to offload approximately 60 terabytes of data from production high performance appliances by the end of 2016, thereby improving the high performance appliance performance and longevity while still providing SQL access to the offloaded data through traditional database tools.

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Data Security As more and more data is offloaded from the historical data stores into the Data-Lake/SQL Virtualization infrastructure, data security becomes very important. The goal is to provide role based security access controls and logging capabilities to meet SPP’s auditable controls requirements.

Mobile and Cloud Mobile applications are rapidly replacing browser based applications. A mobile authentication infrastructure is critical to enable SPP teams to build mobile applications in the future in a cost-effective, secure, and consistent manner. Automation is a key initiative within IT to facilitate productivity, consistency, and a reduced need for incremental headcount while maintaining ongoing growth in infrastructure. Cloud-based infrastructure enables automation through automated provisioning, patching, and better management of the infrastructure along with show-back reports and capacity planning.

Cyber Security SPP management has identified the risk of a cyber intrusion or hack as the risk having the highest probability of occurrence and highest impact when it does occur. SPP added additional approved staff in 2016 to provide greater focus on not just prevention of the cyber event but addressing the event once it is known. A new process being rolled out in early 2017 is application whitelisting. As opposed to an approach that attempts to identify and block all malicious files and activity, application whitelisting will only permit known, secure programs. Essentially, whitelisting flips the traditional antivirus model from a “default allow” to a “default deny” for all executable files, resulting in a considerably more effective solution.

Keeping The Lights On

Reliability is job #1 at SPP. It is the central focus of every decision and action undertaken within the organization. Internally, this is known as “keeping the lights on” or “KTLO”. It is the central theme of the organization’s mission statement “Helping our Members work together to keep the lights on…today and in the future”. SPP’s responsibility toward reliability, and other important services, is delineated in numerous agreements, contracts, tariff, protocols, standards, etc. Significant resources are dedicated directly to fulfilling these obligations and significant support resources are invested in helping the direct satisfaction of these obligations.

Internal Work Groups SPP’s internal organization structure is designed to ensure appropriate focus and leadership is deployed to address the KTLO work described above. Many groups have direct responsibilities to accomplish the work while others are available to provide necessary support.

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SPP’s Operations Department is responsible for many of the duties and responsibilities outlined in the OATT and MA. Operations staff are the front line employees who engage real-time in the reliability and market aspects of SPP on a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week basis. Staff consists of engineers, certified system operators and specialized support personnel. The department is organized across three distinct subgroups:

1. System Operations 2. Markets 3. Operations Support

Significant duties include: regional reliability coordination, tariff administration, transmission service, real-time and day-ahead market operations, maintain the models for the state estimator and the commercial modeling tools, training, and balancing authority operations. Additionally, staff from this group work with numerous stakeholder groups including; MOPC, Business Practices WG, Balancing Authority Operating Committee, Generation WG, Operating Reliability WG, and Operations Training WG. Finally, staff represents SPP and its members at numerous NERC working groups.

2017 Priorities Strategic Plan Linkage Wind Study – Continue efforts of evaluating the impact of increased wind integration and solar integration to the reliability and efficiency of the SPP footprint and timely identify areas of concerns that need to be addressed through expanded technical requirements for the control systems of those resources or other requirements enforced through market protocols, tariff or SPP Criteria.

• Reliability Assurance • Optimize Interdependent


Enhance operator tools – Improve the types of information utilized by the operations staff in monitoring system stability and voltage status. Enhance operations’ capabilities - Continue efforts of gathering PMU data from SPP members, filtering out abnormalities and make results available to real-time operations.

• Reliability Assurance • Reliability Assurance

Market to Market – Continue efforts to work with MISO to improve the utilization of Market to Market and make Market to Market settlements more reflective of the efficiencies gained by both markets.

• Optimize Interdependent Systems

Operations Department Investment and ResourcesSalary & Benefits Travel Services Other CapEx Approved Staff

2017 $ 21.3 0.3$ 0.3$ 0.1$ $ 8.7 1582016 20.5$ 0.3$ 0.2$ 0.1$ 6.4$ 160

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Gas Coordination – participate in advancing solution to extend a gas pipeline as an alternative to construction of new generation to eliminate electric system contingency.

• Optimize Interdependent Systems


Principal duties of SPP’s engineering department include planning SPP’s transmission system necessary to meet future regional reliability, economic, and public policy needs in an optimized manner; tracking progress and costs of approved transmission expansion projects; and performing longer term (longer than one year) studies necessary to process requests for generation interconnection, transmission service, and transmission congestion rights. The department also performs data gathering and reliability assessment responsibilities in support of the Regional Entity. The predominance of these duties are required by SPP’s OATT and business practices, the Membership Agreement, NERC Reliability Standards, and SPP Criteria.

2017 Priorities Strategic Plan Linkage Increased Compliance – Continue efforts to meet new compliance requirements resulting from changes to MOD-033 standards and improve existing compliance processes and assurance

• Reliability Assurance

Planning Studies – Perform required transmission planning studies that will include completion of the 2017 ITPNT assessment, initiation of the 2018 ITPNT assessment, and a coordinated study with ERCOT as requested by the Texas PUC to evaluate Lubbock Power’s desired transition into ERCOT. The 2018 ITPNT assessment will include new efforts to leverage SPP’s planning process for improved ability to comply with NERC TPL standards

• Reliability Assurance • Maintain Economical,

Optimized Transmission System

Customer Initiated Service Studies – Perform GI, TSR, and congestion hedging studies per customer requests. SPP received the two largest sets of GI requests during its 2016 cluster study window; similar volumes are expected in 2017. New approaches need to be developed to effectively study this volume of potential new generation (primarily renewables).

• Reliability Assurance

Engineering Department Investment and ResourcesSalary & Benefits Travel Services Other CapEx Approved Staff

2017 $ 10.1 0.3$ 1.8$ 0.6$ $ 0.5 802016 8.9$ 0.3$ 2.5$ 0.5$ 0.6$ 80

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Capacity Margin Refinement – Implement new data collection and evaluation processes necessary to support the LRE, reserve margin assurance, and deliverability policies that were approved in 2016. Support the newly formed Supply Adequacy WG which is expected to discuss additional refinements.

• Reliability Assurance • Enhance Member Value

Transmission Planning Improvements – Develop detailed processes, business practices, and tariff language needed to implement the TPITF-recommended and Board of Director approved transmission planning improvements.

• Reliability Assurance • Maintain Economical,

Optimized Transmission System

Eastern Interconnection WECC Study – Provide technical review and research guidance to facilitate completion of a DOE-funded study evaluating opportunities to increase electricity transfers between the eastern and western interconnections. Export Pricing – Support the Export Pricing Task Force; provide technical analysis of available transfer capability and the economic viability of the transfer capability between SPP and its neighbors. This effort will provide insights into pricing necessary to recoup transmission expansion costs as well as revenues benefitting the SPP region. Next Generation of Z2 – Support the development of improvements or replacement of current Z2 crediting process. Efficiency Improvements – Develop and implement automation of toolsets. Staff Development – Implement programs for growth and retention of key employees to reduce the need for contracting key skillsets and mitigate the risk and cost of transitional staff and loss of knowledge and expertise from the organization.

• Maintain Economical, Optimized Transmission System

• Optimize Interdependent Systems

• Maintain Economical,

Optimized Transmission System

• Enhance Member Value • Enhance Member Value • Enhance Member Value

Information Technology

Information Technology Department Investment and ResourcesSalary & Benefits Travel Services Other CapEx Approved Staff

2017 $ 19.8 0.1$ 4.0$ 25.7$ $ 11.6 1562016 17.9$ 0.1$ 3.9$ 18.5$ 10.4$ 154

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 18

The primary mission of IT is to develop, deploy, integrate and support the applications and infrastructure that supply SPP's operational and corporate systems. IT is divided into five primary groups (IT-Enterprise Operations, IT-Applications, IT-Sourcing Strategy, IT-Quality Control, and IT-Cyber Security), along with a Chief Architect. The IT-Enterprise Operations department provides 24x7-support for all communications and networking systems, and all computer hardware and environmental needs for the SPP data centers. Each of these activities is critical to SPP's transmission, market, reliability and business processes. IT-Operations also provides technical direction, leadership, and architectural design for the communications, network, storage, backup/recovery, and computing platforms for all aspects of the IT infrastructure utilized within SPP. The IT-Applications department provides 24x7-support for existing systems including transmission, reliability, and Integrated Marketplace. The department is responsible for coordinating all software development efforts related to these key business systems, as well as planning and supporting the integration of new members/market participants such as Integrated Systems. IT-Applications plays an integral role in nearly all new projects, including the creation of requirements/test/rollback plans; developing software; providing technical leadership; defining, implementing and reviewing architecture; and providing ongoing maintenance and support for systems. The IT-Sourcing Strategy team has responsibility for managing the IT budget and facilitating/negotiating business activities with major IT vendors. The team works closely with the other IT departments to incorporate an appropriate short and long-term budget and acquisition philosophy, which incorporates vendor leveraging/relationships, asset lifecycles, and adequate maintenance coverage. The IT-Quality Control team works to identify and implement risk mitigation strategies to assist in compliance and protection of SPP’s assets. The team is responsible for conducting timely internal reviews of evidence to ensure ongoing compliance obligations are met. The team owns and maintains the documentation of all processes and procedures related to compliance for IT and select non-IT departments, including the associated and applicable Reliability Standard Audit Worksheets (RSAWs). The team also plays a significant role in IT EMBC/Recovery Planning, owning and facilitating applicable processes, procedures, and testing activities. The IT-Cyber Security team was enhanced and consolidated in 2016 to ensure SPP is complying with all requirements of the FERC approved NERC Cyber Security Standards. Additionally, the team proactively evaluates and employs best practices to ensure SPP’s overall IT security is at optimal levels. The team works closely with IT and SPP’s Compliance departments to ensure security measures are adopted, implemented and followed according to SPP policies.

2017 Priorities Strategic Plan Linkage Automation – Areas of opportunity include patch management, CIP documentation and compliance activities, virtual server provisioning, and other internal testing and integration processes.

• Enhance Member Value

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 19

Reduce 3rd Party consultant engagements – increased and aligned skills of internal staff to become more self-sufficient in supporting SPP’s infrastructure and applications, as well as better positioned to assume support for enterprise projects (e.g., Z2 and Settlements replacement). Going forward, the team will continue to focus on maximizing existing resources in an effort to minimize costly external vendor augmentation

• Reliability Assurance • Enhanced Member Value

CIP compliance and cyber-security focus - focus on refinement of CIP and cyber processes and seek opportunities to increase efficiency with ongoing tasks, documentation requirements, and procedures.

• Reliability Assurance • Enhance Member Value

IT compute and data infrastructure – evaluate various server/compute architectures, including consolidated/converged platforms and cloud computing (internal and external). Balance data-storage requirements with lower cost platforms, and continue pursuit of a big data architecture to manage and provide large quantities of data for analytics.

• Enhance Member Value

Cost Management – substantiate the accuracy and validity of SPP’s asset inventory (hardware and software), including a focus on software licenses and maintenance agreements. This will allow for prudent and non-duplicate software purchases, as well as compliancy with software usage in accordance with vendor software agreements.

• Enhance Member Value


The corporate group has responsibility for many broad aspects of the organization. The group encompasses the following support areas:

• Executive • Legal • Settlements • Communications • Human Resources • Facilities • Accounting • Regulatory • Credit • Gov’t Affairs • Administration • Market Monitoring

Corporate Department Investment and ResourcesSalary & Benefits Travel Services Other CapEx Approved Staff

2017 $ 32.4 0.6$ 6.8$ 5.6$ $ 1.1 1362016 30.0$ 0.8$ 6.9$ 5.7$ 2.8$ 135

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 20

Additionally, this group holds the budget for several expenses which are not allocated across the company such as, pension expense, corporate liability insurance, and board of director compensation.

2017 Priorities Strategic Plan Linkage Membership expansion – expect clear indications of some new member consideration in late 2016 or early 2017; continue discussions with other prospects

• Optimize Interdependent Systems

Settlements – Settlements is the #2 identified risk (medium probability/high impact) for SPP. Efforts include complete replacement of existing systems, analysis of upstream data feeds to ensure consistent format, efforts to eliminate one-off settlement processes (i.e. uniform settlement processes)

• Enhance Member Value

Government affairs - Increase interactions with legislators, policymakers and agencies at both the state and federal level to develop relationships and further their understanding of SPP and the role of RTOs. This is particularly important in light of congress considering changes to the Federal Power Act as well as recent activities by the Environmental Protection Agency and Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

• None

NERC Compliance – Strengthen SPP’s culture of compliance in response to several issues identified recently. Efforts include allocation of additional resources for corporate wide compliance as well as compliance efforts areas susceptible to compliance failures.

• Reliability Assurance

Process Integrity

Primary responsibilities within the Process Integrity group include internal audit, reliability standards compliance, Stakeholder services including external member training and customer service, corporate project management, and interregional activities. Departments within this group work closely with the SPP Oversight Committee.

2017 Priorities Strategic Plan Linkage Compliance – Continue to strengthen SPP’s overall compliance posture, both in Operations/Planning and

• Reliability Assurance

Process Integrity Department Investment and ResourcesSalary & Benefits Travel Services Other CapEx Approved Staff

2017 $ 7.3 0.3$ 0.3$ 0.1$ $ 0.5 522016 7.3$ 0.2$ 0.8$ 0.1$ 0.2$ 52

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 21

cybersecurity, while ensuring an active role in development and implementation of future standards. Continue to provide support to ensure audits without unmitigated exceptions or qualifications

• Enhance Member Value

Stakeholder Project Prioritization – Mature the stakeholder process that prioritizes the project work SPP undertakes

• Enhance Member Value

Distributed Process Improvement – Mature the distributed process that empowers the Business Units and their respective staff to engage in process improvement development and implementation

• Enhance Member Value

Stakeholder Engagement – Continue to assist stakeholders in onboarding, training, problem resolution and engagement

• Enhance Member Value

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 22

Appendix A

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 23

SPP Organizational Chart - September 8, 2016Officers with detailed headcount

Full Headcount 611

Market Monitoring 15

Regional Entity 28

President, Chief Executive Officer

Sr. VP Finance & CFO



Risk Management5

VP Corporate Services

Meetings & Admin …11

Facility Services7

Human Resource12

Exec, VP & COO

VP Engineering

R,D & Tariff Studies26



VP Information Tec, CSO

IT Applications95

IT Enterprise Operat…43

IT Sourcing Strategy4

IT Architect1

IT Cyber Security7

IT Quality Control3

VP Operations

Operations Support60

Systems Operations72


Market Design7

Interregional Rel3

Exec, VP General Counsel

Sr. VP Gov Affairs & PR


Government Affairs2

AGC Corporate8

AGC Markets & Regul…5


VP Process Integrity &CCAO


Stakeholder Srv20

Internal Auditing7


Project Management13

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2017 SPP Operating Plan 24

Appendix B

Capital 2017

Investment Total

Operating Expense

Total Investment Project Source Owner Strategic Plan Linkage

2017 Projects

Settlement Systems Replacement Project 2.1 5.1 0.0 5.1 Staff StaffGRC Tool 1.0 1.0 0.4 1.4 Staff Staff Reliability AssuranceOnline VSAT 0.8 1.5 0.2 1.7 Staff Staff Reliability AssurancePMU Data Exchange - Phase 1 0.7 2.0 0.1 2.1 Staff Staff Reliability AssuranceEnhanced Combined Cycle - Gas Day 0.6 7.0 - 7.0 FERC/MOPC GECTF/MWG Enhance & Optimize Interdependent SystemsEngineering Hub 0.4 0.6 - 0.6 Staff StaffIdentity and Access Management System 0.4 0.7 - 0.7 IT Mandatory Staff Reliability AssuranceTTSE Dispatcher Training Simulator - DTS Upgrade 0.4 3.6 0.2 3.8 Staff Staff Reliability AssuranceEMS, CMT, and Markets Software & OS Upgrades 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 IT Mandatory Staff Reliability AssuranceEnhanced Public Data (2019) 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Staff Staff Enhance and Optimize Interdependent SystemsShadow Allocation Calculator 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 Staff Staff Enhance and Optimize Interdependent SystemsZ2 Crediting P2 and P3 0.1 0.5 - 0.5 FERC Staff Economical, Optimized Transmission System; Enhance Member Value and AffordabilityCircuit Redesign 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Staff Staff Enhance Member Value and AffordabilityICCP Software & OS Upgrade 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 IT Mandatory Staff Reliability AssuranceInterface Pricing 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 Mandatory Staff Enhance and Optimize Interdependent SystemsLiferay Portal Replacement 0.0 0.1 - 0.1 Staff Staff Enhance Member Value and AffordabilityZ2 Crediting P1 - 1.8 - 1.8 FERC Staff Economical, Optimized Transmission System; Enhance Member Value and AffordabilityDay Ahead FFE Data Exchange - 0.3 0.1 0.4 FERC Staff Enhance and Optimize Interdependent Systems2-Factor Authentication (Part 2 of 2 - SW Dev) - 0.2 - 0.2 Staff Staff Reliability Assurance, Optimize Interdependent Systems

TOTAL 7.0 25.2 1.0 26.2

PMU Data Exchange - Phase 3 - 1.1 0.1 1.2 Staff Staff Reliability AssurancePMU Data Exchange - Phase 2 - 0.3 0.0 0.0 Staff Staff Reliability AssuranceReliability Communications Tool - 1.0 0.0 1.0 Staff Staff Reliability Assurance; Enhance and Optimize Interdependent SystemsOnline TSAT - 0.6 0.1 0.7 Staff Staff Reliability AssuranceFreeze Date Replacement Allocation Calculator - 0.3 0.1 0.4 CMPWG StaffCoordinated Transaction Scheduling (2017) 0.4 0.4 - 0.4 Staff Staff Enhance and Optimize Interdependent Systems


D E F E R R E D / D E L A Y E D

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MOPC Report to Board of Directors / Members CommitteeOctober 25, 2016

Noman Williams - Chair

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• Action Items MWGMRR173 Instantaneous

Peak Load

MRR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing

MRR183 VRL Annual Update 2016

MRR193 Solar Generation

• Information Items MWG – Update on MMU

2014 ASOM Recommendations

Z2TF – Group B&C Waivers ESWG – 2017 ITP10

Update TWG – 2017 ITPNT Update Staff Variable Generation

Integration Study GI Study Queue HPILS/North Dakota




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Action Items


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RR173 – Instantaneous Peak Load• Market Protocol definitions and language describing “Head-room” and

“Floor-room” mention uncertainty of forecasts and Variable Energy Resources (VERs), neither of which are used in the calculation of the commitment

• This RR replaces these terms with the more appropriate term, “Instantaneous Load Capacity” and aligns the definition with the equation used to calculate the commitment requirement

• Benefit Realized: Clarification of the purpose, and inputs to, the calculation for the terms “Head-room”

and “Floor-room”

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016

Abstentions: OPPD Oppositions: GSEC and WR

ORWG approved 8/31/2016 MWG approved ORWG Comments 9/20/2016

Abstentions: GSEC RTWG approved 9/21/2016

Abstentions: BEPC, GSEC, Westar RCWG approved 9/30/2016

• MOPC approved with one NO (Golden Spread)

• MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR173


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RR175 Ramp Shortage Compliance Filing• FERC Order 825 requires RTO/ISOs to trigger shortage pricing for any

interval in which a shortage of Energy or Operating Reserves is indicated during the pricing of Resources for that interval, applicable to any shortage, regardless of duration or cause

• Benefit Realized: SPP's Tariff and Protocols will be in compliance with FERC Order 825

• Impact Analysis: TBD

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/24/2016

Abstention: NPPD Opposition: GSEC

ORWG approved 9/1/2016 RTWG approved 9/21/2016

Abstention: NPPD RCWG approved 9/30/2016

• MOPC approved with 3 NOs (KEPCO, Dogwood, Golden Spread) and 4 Abstentions (ITC GP, KPP, NPPD, SoCentral MCN)

• MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR175

*As noted in the Recommendation Report, a second review of RR175 occurred for awareness of additional language proposed by staff to fully comply with the Order; additional language addresses Energy shortages. Details are provided in the RR175 Recommendation Report. 6

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RR183 – VRL Annual Update 2016• Annually by August 1st SPP provides analysis and a set of proposed

Violation Relaxation Limits (VRLs) with associated values to the MWG and ORWG. This RR updates the operating constraint VRL values to a higher value based on the 2015-2016 annual analysis provided by SPP

• Benefit Realized: By increasing the operating constraint VRL to a higher value, the Market

Clearing Engine (MCE) will provide additional redispatch to provide relief needed to solve with less violations

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016

Abstention: GSEC Opposition: WR

ORWG approved 8/31/2016 RTWG approved 9/22/2016

Opposition: Xcel

RCWG approved 9/30/2016 Abstention: Xcel

• MOPC approved with one Abstention (Golden Spread)

• MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR183


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RR193 Solar Generation• This Revision Request proposes necessary rules for Solar Generation

Resources (SGRs) where existing Market Protocol and Tariff language does not include them.

• Benefits Realized: These revisions will further facilitate the integration of Solar Generation Resources

via economic dispatch while maintaining the reliability of the Bulk Electric System. The addition of a solar forecast will enhance the accuracy of the Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) and Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED)

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 9/20/2016

Oppositions: NPPD

RTWG approved 9/22/2016 Abstained: TPS, WR, KCPL, Nextera Opposed: NPPD

TWG approved 9/23/2016 RCWG approved 9/30/2016

Abstained: NPPD, WFEC, AEP

ORWG approved 10/6/2016

• MOPC approved with one NO (NPPD) and 4 Abstentions (NextEra Resources, NextEra Transmission, SoCentral MCN, OMPA)

• MOPC recommends the BOD approve RR1938

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MWGUpdate on 2014 ASOM MMU Recommendations


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2014 ASOM Background• During the July 2015 SPP BOD, SPP MMU presented

2014 Annual State of the Market report Introduced 9 recommendations for

change/enhancement to SPP market design 4 of the 9 items are closed Updates to the 5 open items are provided in this



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2014 ASOM Recommendations Update• Ramp-Constrained Shortage Pricing• Evaluating FERC Order on Shortage Pricing• MMU will continue to track this issue

• Day-Ahead Must-Offer Requirement• RR125 (Removal of DAMKT Limited Must Offer) was tabled at the July

2016 MOPC until July 2017 or until MMU resubmits a Physical Withholding RR

• Transmission Outage Reporting and Modeling• MMU recommends SPP consider alternative approaches to

addressing the monthly over-allocation concerns

• Allocation of Over-Collected Losses to BSSs• The RTO is currently drafting an RR that will be presented to the

MWG concerning this issue


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2014 ASOM Recommendations Update• Potential Manipulation of MWP Provisions Reduce exposure to market manipulation due to commitment across

midnight hour The RTO submitted RR189 (Mitigation Clarification for multi day

committed Resources) to address this issue

Disqualify resources with fixed Regulation bids from receiving the Regulation Deployment Adjustment Charge The MMU still has concerns and is currently in discussions with the RTO

about the best course of action to address this gap. In the interim, the MMU will continue to monitor for any exploitation of the

gap and take corrective action, when necessary.

Utilize automatic mitigation provisions for local reliability commitments for local reliability OOME events• Due to the infrequency of these events and the estimated high cost for the

RTO to correct the issue systematically, the MMU will continue to monitor these events and take corrective action, when necessary.

• No further action is needed from the RTO at this time.


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What is the Z2 Task Force

• July Board of Directors meeting actions Approved a motion to change the Z2 payment

plan from 10 months to 5 years Did not act on a recommendation from Staff to

deny “Group B” and “Group C” waivers Requested the MOPC create a task force to find

an equitable solution to the waiver concerns

• Z2 Task Force formed in response to the July Board actions


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Z2TF MembershipMember Company Group

Denise Buffington KCP&L Trans Owner

Meena Thomas Texas PUC CAWG

Bruce Rew SPP Staff Secretary

Bill Grant SPS Trans Owner

Davis Rooney SUNF Trans Owner

Grant Wilkerson Westar Trans Owner

Greg Garst OPPD Trans Owner

Greg McAuley OGE Trans Owner

Natasha Brown WFEC Trans Owner

Paul Malone NPPD Trans Owner

Richard Ross AEP Trans Owner

Aundrea Williams NextEra Trans User

Bruce Walkup AECC Trans User

John Stephens CU Trans User

Larry Holloway KPP Trans User

Les Evans KEPCo Trans User

Lisa Szot Enel Trans User 16

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Z2 Waiver Groups• Group A: approved at the June 13, 2016 Board of

Directors meeting and totaled $56 million. Waivers were deemed permissible under the Tariff and added to Base Plan over the terms of the Group A reservations

• Group B: Waivers requested for four customers and total approximately $37 million. Customers have submitted requests to waiver directly assigned costs for these upgrades.

• Group C: Waivers for the remaining Directly Assigned Upgrade Costs total approximately $77 million


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Z2TF goals for addressing Waivers

1. Address the equity concerns related to Group B and C waivers

2. Consider the 4 categories of waivers, why they are denied, and consistency in actions

3. Consider consequences of granting waivers – i.e. regional and zonal impacts

4. Provide a recommendation to the MOPC at its October 2016 meeting


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Task Force Straw vote results


• Strong support of the Follow the Tariff proposal• Received 50% of the vote• 11 of the 14 voting members voted for this

• Accept all Waivers, Regionally fund, was the second highest vote getter• Received 27% of the vote• 2 of the 6 who voted for this also voted for

Follow the Tariff• No other proposal received more than 10% of the

vote and no more than 2 members voting for it

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Z2TF Waiver Recommendation


• The Z2 Task Force recommendation was approved, that SPP follow the Tariff and reject all Group B and C waivers• Approved with 8 for, 4 against, 4 abstaining

• Against:• AEP, KEPCO, Arkansas Electric, KPP

• Abstaining:• KCP&L, Westar, NextEra, CAWG Rep

• MOPC approved the Z2TF recommendation with a roll call vote of 83.1%

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ESWG2017 ITP10 Update


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2017 ITP10 FuturesFuture 1 – Regional Clean Power Plan Solution Characterized as: an environmentally constrained carbon

reduction scenario equivalent to development of compatible, carbon trading-ready state compliance plans

Modeled as: the EPA Clean Power Plan implemented at a Regional level by meeting a common emissions target within each region (e.g. SPP, MISO)

Future 2 – State Level Clean Power Plan Solution Characterized as: an environmentally constrained carbon

reduction scenario equivalent to development of state compliance plans or that are incompatible or do not allow for carbon trading

Modeled as: the EPA Clean Power Plan implemented at a State level by meeting a common emissions target within each state

Future 3 – Reference Case Characterized as: a naturally occurring carbon reduction

scenario Modeled as: the EPA Clean Power Plan not implemented


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2017 ITP10 Input Assumptions

















SPP Annual Energy for 202559 GWAugust 6, 5 pm







CC CT Wind SolarCap


y A






SPP Capacity Additions by Unit Type for 2025

Future 1

Future 2

Future 3





te C





SPP Generation Mix by Unit Type for 2025

Future 1

Future 2

Future 3








y C







SPP Energy Consumption by Unit Type for 2025

Future 1Future 2Future 3











2015 2020 2025 2030 2035


el C

ost (




2017 ITP10 Fuel Costs

SPP Central NGSPP Central Coal







Future 1 Future 2 Future 3



y (G


Retirements per Future(2016 - 2025)

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• Reliability – 27 unique facilities Thermal Overloads – 8 lines Voltage Violations – 19 buses Does not include more stringent local voltage criteria

• Economic – 34 unique facilities Only includes flowgates defined as needs per

scope criteria (see appendix)

Needs Statistics

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• Projects Evaluated 1,136 DPPs 55 Model Corrections 13 Non-Transmission Solutions 37 Duplicates

~150 Staff Solutions

Project Evaluation Statistics

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Future 3 Portfolio

Cost: $63.5M

• Reliability: $15.0M

• Economic: $48.5M

Economic Stats*:

• APC Benefit: $46.0M

• Net APC: $37.7M

• B/C: 5.58

26* One-year stats for economic grouping only

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Future 3 Portfolio - Reliability


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Install 28.8-MVAR capacitor bank at Port Robson 138 kV $2,306,250 AEPInstall 28.8-MVAR capacitor bank at IPC 138 kV* $1,270,836 AEPTap the existing 230kV line from Hobbs to Yoakum and the existing 115kV line from Allred Tap to Waits. Terminate all four end points into new substation.Install 230/115kV transformer at new Hobbs - Yoakum Tap substation. $9,953,077 SPSUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Plains and/or Yoakum to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $1,517,823 SPS

* - Zonal Reliability Project

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Future 3 Portfolio - Economic


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Rebuild 11.2-mile 138kV line from South Shreveport to Wallace Lake and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the branch ratings to 371/478 MVA. $17,015,000 AEPAdd 1 ohm Series reactor to Northeast - Charlotte 161 kV line $512,500 KCPL

Install one (1) 138kV phase shifting transformer at Woodward EHV along with upgrading relay, protective, and metering equipment, and all associated and miscellaneous materials. $7,459,438 OGEUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Stanton and/or Tuco to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or Stanton to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or SP-Erskine to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $365,676 SPSTap the intersection of the 230kV line from Tolk to Yoakum and the 115kV line from Cochran to Lehman Tap and terminate all four ends into new substation. Install new 230/115kV transformer at new substation. $11,961,951 SPS

Replace first existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole.Replace second existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole. $7,423,880 SPS

Rebuild 7.12-mile 115kV transmission line from Hereford to DS#6 and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the summer emergency rating to 240 MVA. $3,359,671 SPS

Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Butler and/or Altoona to increase the rating of the 138kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 110 MVA. $244,606 WR

Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Neosho and/or Riverton to increase the rating of the 161kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 243 MVA. $114,154 WR/EDE

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Future 1 Portfolio


Cost: $108.0M**

• Reliability: $39.6M

• Economic: $78.4M

Economic Stats*:

• APC Benefit: $56.0M

• Net APC: $42.7M

• B/C: 4.20

* One-year stats for economic grouping only ** One project is included in both the economic and reliability portfolios

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Future 1 Portfolio - Reliability


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Rebuild 5.5-mile 138kV line from Knox Lee to South Texas Eastman and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the branch ratings to 371/470 MVA. $8,456,250 AEPInstall 28.8-MVAR capacitor bank at Port Robson 138 kV $2,306,250 AEPInstall two 14.4-MVAR capacitor banks (28.8 total MVAR) at Atwood 115kV substation.Install 14.4-MVAR capacitor bank at Seguin Tap 115kV substation. $2,389,707 MIDWTap the existing 230kV line from Hobbs to Yoakum and the existing 115kV line from Allred Tap to Waits. Terminate all four end points into new substation.Install 230/115kV transformer at new Hobbs - Yoakum Tap substation. $9,953,077 SPSUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Plains and/or Yoakum to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $1,517,823 SPSTap the the Nichols to Grapevine 230kV line to construct new substation. Install a new 230/115kV transformer at Nichols - Grapevine tab substation.Construct new 2-mile 115kV line from Martin to Nichols/Grapevine tap substation.Install terminal upgrades at Martin to accommodate new 115kV line from the Nichols/Grapevine tap substation. $14,936,215 SPS

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Future 1 Portfolio - Economic


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Install a 345/161 kV transformer at Morgan substation $8,661,250 AECIRebuild 11.2-mile 138kV line from South Shreveport to Wallace Lake and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the branch ratings to 371/478 MVA. $17,015,000 AEPRebuild 2.1-mile 161kV line from Siloam Springs (AEP)-Siloam Springs City (GRDA) and upgrade terminal equipment at Siloam Springs (AEP) and/or Siloam Springs City (GRDA) to increase the rating of the line between the substations to at least 446/446 (SN/SE) $5,185,885 AEP/GRDAAdd 2 ohm Series reactor to Northeast - Charlotte 161 kV line $512,500 KCPLBuild a new second 230 kV line from Knoll to Post Rock. $3,389,019 MIDWInstall one (1) 138kV phase shifting transformer at Woodward EHV along with upgrading relay, protective, and metering equipment, and all associated and miscellaneous materials. $7,459,438 OGEUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Tupelo and/or Tupelo Tap to increase the rating of the 161kV line between the two substations to a summer and winter emergency rating of 169/201 MVA. $102,500 SPA/WFECUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Stanton and/or Tuco to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or Stanton to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or SP-Erskine to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $365,676 SPSTap the intersection of the 230kV line from Tolk to Yoakum and the 115kV line from Cochran to Lehman Tap and terminate all four ends into new substation. Install new 230/115kV transformer at new substation. $11,961,951 SPSReplace first existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole.Replace second existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole. $7,423,880 SPSTap the existing 230kV line from Hobbs to Yoakum and the existing 115kV line from Allred Tap to Waits. Terminate all four end points into new substation.Install 230/115kV transformer at new Hobbs - Yoakum Tap substation. $9,953,077 SPSBuild a new double circuit 115 kV line from Magic City to a point on the Logan - Mallard 115 kV line that minimizes the distance between the new substation and the cut-in point. Bisect the Logan - Mallard 115 kV line to cut-in the new double circuit 115 kV line. $3,075,000 WAPA/XELRebuild 1.0 mile 115 kV line from Lawrence - Sioux FallsUpgrade terminal equipment at Lawrence and/or Sioux Falls to increase the rating of the line between the substations to 398/398 (SN/SE) $1,383,750 WAPA/XELUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Butler and/or Altoona to increase the rating of the 138kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 110 MVA. $244,606 WRUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Kelly and/or Tec*mseh to increase the rating of the 161kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 151 MVA. $1,550,993 WRUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Neosho and/or Riverton to increase the rating of the 161kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 243 MVA. $114,154 WR/EDE

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Future 2 Portfolio


Cost: $89.4M

• Reliability: $23.5M

• Economic: $65.9M

Economic Stats*:

• APC Benefit: $66.4M

• Net APC: $55.2M

• B/C: 5.93

* One-year stats for economic grouping only

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Future 2 Portfolio - Reliability


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Rebuild 5.5-mile 138kV line from Knox Lee to South Texas Eastman and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the branch ratings to 371/470 MVA. $8,456,250 AEPInstall 28.8-MVAR capacitor bank at Port Robson 138 kV $2,306,250 AEPInstall 28.8-MVAR capacitor bank at IPC 138 kV* $1,270,836 AEPTap the existing 230kV line from Hobbs to Yoakum and the existing 115kV line from Allred Tap to Waits. Terminate all four end points into new substation.Install 230/115kV transformer at new Hobbs - Yoakum Tap substation. $9,953,077 SPSUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Plains and/or Yoakum to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $1,517,823 SPS

* - Zonal Reliability Project

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Future 2 Portfolio - Economic


General DescriptionCost


(Zone)Rebuild 11.2-mile 138kV line from South Shreveport to Wallace Lake and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the branch ratings to 371/478 MVA. $17,015,000 AEPRebuild 2.1-mile 161kV line from Siloam Springs (AEP)-Siloam Springs City (GRDA) and upgrade terminal equipment at Siloam Springs (AEP) and/or Siloam Springs City (GRDA) to increase the rating of the line between the substations to at least 446/446 (SN/SE) $5,185,885 AEP/GRDAAdd 2 ohm Series reactor to Northeast - Charlotte 161 kV line $512,500 KCPLBuild a new second 230 kV line from Knoll to Post Rock. $3,389,019 MIDWInstall one (1) 138kV phase shifting transformer at Woodward EHV along with upgrading relay, protective, and metering equipment, and all associated and miscellaneous materials. $7,459,438 OGERebuild 23.4-mile 161kV line from Bull Shoals to Midway Jordan and upgrade any necessary equipment to increase the summer emergency rating to 335 MVA. $8,089,406 SPA/EESUpgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Stanton and/or Tuco to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or Stanton to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 154 MVA.Upgrade any necessary terminal equipment at Indiana and/or SP-Erskine to increase the rating of the 115kV line between the two substations to a summer emergency rating of 175 MVA. $365,676 SPSTap the intersection of the 230kV line from Tolk to Yoakum and the 115kV line from Cochran to Lehman Tap and terminate all four ends into new substation. Install new 230/115kV transformer at new substation. $11,961,951 SPSReplace first existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole.Replace second existing 230/115 transformer at Seminole. $7,423,880 SPSBuild a new double circuit 115 kV line from Magic City to a point on the Logan - Mallard 115 kV line that minimizes the distance between the new substation and the cut-in point. Bisect the Logan - Mallard 115 kV line to cut-in the new double circuit 115 kV line. $3,075,000 WAPA/XELRebuild 1.0 mile 115 kV line from Lawrence - Sioux FallsUpgrade terminal equipment at Lawrence and/or Sioux Falls to increase the rating of the line between the substations to 398/398 (SN/SE) $1,383,750 WAPA/XEL

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Project Grouping Statistics


* - One project in F1 is included in both the economic and reliability portfolios** - 1-Year B/C includes only APC benefits

Note: 1-Year totals are reflective of each Future’s economic grouping with a 17% net plant carrying charge (NPCC)

1-Year Totals

Number of


Total Grouping Cost


Total Reliability

Cost (2017$)

Total Economic

Cost (2017$)

APC Benefit (2017$)

Net APC Benefit (2017$)

B/C **

F1* 21 $108,004,923 $39,559,321 $78,398,679 $56,022,519 $42,694,744 4.20

F2 16 $89,365,740 $23,504,236 $65,861,504 $66,394,294 $55,197,838 5.93

F3 13 $63,504,862 $15,047,986 $48,456,876 $45,970,836 $37,733,167 5.58

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Final Portfolios• Staff will consolidate the projects from each CPP Future

(Futures 1 & 2) into a single portfolio. This CPP portfolio and the reference case portfolio (Future 3) will move on for additional benefit metric calculations and sensitivity analysis.

• Economic Consolidation Weighted sum 1-year APC B/C methodology The projects performance in Future 1 will contribute 75% of the

weighting. The projects performance in Future 2 will contribute 25% of the


• Reliability Consolidation All Future 1 Needs will be addressed by the CPP portfolio. A subset of Future 2 Needs will be addressed by the CPP portfolio if:

A monitored element’s % loading is 95% or greater in Future 1 and greater than 100% in Future 2; or

The per unit voltage of a bus is .92 p.u. or lower in Future 1 and lower than 0.9 p.u. in Future 2.


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Multi-Variable Portfolio• Certain transmission issues identified under out of scope

criteria were posted for informational purposes

• This was done to allow for submittal and further evaluation of projects that may support SPP initiatives but are not addressing official Needs per the ITP10 Scope RCAR II Seams Operational issues

• Current target areas for potential project recommendations Eastern Seams

Southeast Kansas – Southwest Missouri

Northeast Oklahoma – Northwest Arkansas

Texas Panhandle SPS North to South


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“Side-Bar” Analysis• SPP is currently performing additional analysis to help

inform project recommendations due to schedule differences with NT studies

• Analysis Inclusion of all known model corrections and NTC projects in

base model Additional economic model changes to support improvements Restart process at constraint assessment

• Status Current: performing DC-AC conversion Next: reassess system congestion and reliability criteria

violations to determine impacts to 2017 ITP10 needs and project portfolios


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Next Steps

OCT - 2016

Portfolio ConsolidationStagingSensitivity Analysis

OCT/NOV - 2016

Benefit MetricsStability Analysis40-Year Financial Analysis

DEC - 2016


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TWG2017 ITPNT Update


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• Utilized an SPP Balancing Authority (SPP BA) coupled criteria for determination of Scenario 5 needs

• Applies to summer peak case only

• Scenario 5 Coupling Criteria:

• 353 less thermal needs due to coupling criteria

• 565 less voltage needs due to coupling criteria

Scenario 5 Methodology


Model Thermal Criteria

Voltage Criteria

&Scenario 5 Summer Peak (Basecase) > 100% < 0.95

SPP BA Summer Peak (Basecase) > 100% < 0.95

&Scenario 5 Summer Peak (N-1) > 100% < 0.90

SPP BA Summer Peak (N-1) > 95% < 0.92

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Additional Contingencies• Additional contingencies are ran in the 2017

ITPNT study and are not for compliance

• 2017 ITPNT study additional contingencies that do not allow for Non-Consequential Load Loss (NCLL) are:

o P2.112, P2.2 (EHV), P2.3 (EHV)o P3.112, P3.212, P3.312, P3.412, P3.512

o P4.1, P4.2, P4.3, P4.4, P4.5 – All EHVo P5.1, P5.2, P5.3, P5.4, P5.5 – All EHV


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2017 ITPNT Needs

• 31 additional thermal needs due to additional contingencies

• 91 additional voltage needs due to additional contingencies


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ITPNT Schedule

2017 ITPNT Schedule+

Date Description

August 30 TWG Approved Final Models

October 3 Staff to post final 2017 ITPNT needs assessment list

October 4 -November 2

Staff posts 2017 ITPNT needs assessment list and opens the Detailed Project Proposal (DPP) window

October 4Staff to begin development of solutions and analysis of DPPs upon receipt

November 2Deadline for receipt of all Non-DPP or Order 890 stakeholder solution submittals

December 9 Staff to begin developing draft portfolio

+Dates subject to change


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Current MWs By Fuel Type• Wind Totals 15728 MWs

NDVER 6430 MWs DVER 9298 MWs

• Solar 215 MWs

• Nuclear 2636 MWs

• Natural Gas 36594 MWs

• Coal 27318 MWs Generic Coal 20675 MWs Lignite Coal 3006 MWs Subbituminous 3637 MWs

• Hydro 3425 MWs

• Other Fuel Types (Oil, Agricultural Byproducts, Municipal Solid Waste) 1719 MWs










6430 9298215 2636



3006 3637 3425 1719

MW's By Fuel Type

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80 438 341 80626

207 266644

1176 837 561





80518 859 939 1565

1772 2038



















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Wind Capacity Installed by Year

Wind Installed Wind Capacity Forecasted Wind Capacity Year End Forecasted Wind Capacity



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Scope Overview1. Transient Stability Analysis for the Spring MDWG 2017 outlook for the

30%, 45%, and 60% wind cases.

2. Seasonal Voltage Stability Analysis 2017 and 2021 year outlook. Comparison between Thermal and Voltage to determine if Voltage Stability or Thermal limitations are the most limiting. Consider Operations vs Planning.

3. Frequency Response Analysis for the spring MDWG 2017 outlook for the 30%, 45% and 60% wind cases.

4. Targeted 5 Minute Analysis Future Ramping 5 Year Outlook.


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June 15 – Project started

July/August – VSAT case preparation and cleanup

August/Sept. – application of OSAT for remediating local voltage collapses

September – Finalize cases and compile outputs for reports (PV, QV curves)

October 15 – Draft report due

December 15 – Final report


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GI Queue Outline• Staff testimony filed at FERC RM15-21

Technical Conference held May 13th

included in background materials

• Recent GI Queue Studies Statistics

• Observations

• Discussion about Next Steps


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GI Study Data since 2013

Cluster Study Original Total MW Latest Restudy Total MW Original Wind & Solar Total MW Latest Restudy Wind & Solar Total MWDISIS-2013-001 1,629 558 1,213 178DISIS-2013-002 2,213 1,490 1,231 903DISIS-2014-001 2,211 635 1,361 410DISIS-2014-002 7,055 2,205 6,396 2,170DISIS-2015-001 5,366 2,701 4,931 2,701DISIS-2015-002 10,028 7,332 9,963 7,312DISIS-2016-001 11,307 10,975


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DISIS-2013-001 DISIS-2013-002 DISIS-2014-001 DISIS-2014-002 DISIS-2015-001 DISIS-2015-002 DISIS-2016-001

Original Total MW Latest Restudy Total MW Original Wind & Solar Total MW Latest Restudy Wind & Solar Total MW

GI Studies since 2013

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Renewables Status• In-Service Wind

Over 14GW on wires

• Wind/Solar on schedule to be connected by end of 2018 (under GIA)


• Over 22GW of renewables already connected or on schedule to be connected over next 26 months


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All Wind Status• Existing Wind plus on schedule GIAs = 22GW+

• Wind in DISIS-2015-001/002 = 10GW

• Wind in DISIS-2016-001 = 11GW

• Total potential wind – 43GW+

• SPP WIS Light Load = 24GW

• Actual 2016 Minimum SPP Load < 20GW


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Observations• Historically, studied areas that show congestion have little

additional interconnection capacity.

Most customer upgrades being assigned in these areas

DISIS 2015-02 First Study had 9.5GW and assigned $2B in updates. Restudy had 7.3GW and assigned $677M in upgrades

• More requests are being made in study areas that are less congested with fewer upgrades assigned.

• Result is that higher wind penetrations are possible in the GI queue, but unknown whether this wind can be integrated into the existing generation fleet (i.e. low load periods, ramping down conventional generation)


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Observations• DISIS-2016-001 study was previously put on hold due

to higher queue uncertainty. The study started Sept 1st and is currently anticipated to be posted January 31st, 2017.

• 2017 Variable-generation Integration Study (VIS) should help determine requirements for new wind interconnections

• What requirements should be put on wind that makes up a majority of SPP’s generation fleet? Primary frequency response? Dynamic voltage control?


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Discussion about Next Steps Changes in study processes are needed.

Does SPP need to determine limits for renewable resources, and, if so, how would that be administered? Currently, the GI process (powerflow and stability analysis) really doesn’t distinguish differences between variable and dispatchable resources. Reactive deficiency issues are becoming problematic.

Review and refine, as appropriate, deposit amounts which do not appear to be effective.

Are stochastic study approaches warranted?

How should storage facilities be studied? Injections and withdrawals should improve market efficiencies during periods of oversupply, as well as deficiencies.

Export Pricing Task Force should help. 57

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DirectiveOn April 29, 2014, the BOD approved the HPILS Report and directed issuance of NTCs and NTC-Cs as shown in Appendix C of the report. The BOD also directed...

“…the members in whose systems the additional HPILS loads and assumed generation additions reside will provide updated forecasts of these loads and generators prior to each subsequent quarterly meeting of the SPP BOD, and in addition, will notify the SPP staff immediately upon receipt of any information that, in their judgment, would impact the need for one or more of the previously issued NTCs.”

This is the 3rd quarter 2016 update to MOPC and BOD to meet the above objectives.


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North Dakota Validation - BEPC• Unserved Load: 110 MW (same as Qt. 3)

• Loads: No changes to projections from prior report

• Generation Additions: No changes to projections from prior report


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HPILS Validation – Xcel Energy/SPS• Unserved Load: Aggregate MWs in existing AQ

Requests exceed the level from prior reporting, without considering large potential projects which are under development.

• Loads: No changes to projections from prior report

• Generation Additions: No changes to projections from prior report


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Project Status• No major project related to IS Integration was

completed in 3rd Quarter 2016 report.

• HPILS New Mexico projects for 3rd Quarter 2016 report: Road Runner 230/115 kV Transformer installed in

June 2016. Road Runner 345 kV Substation energized at 230kV

in June 2016.


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Conclusion• Current load and generation projections, as well

as new AQ requests, validate the continued need for the projects identified in HPILS and the IS Integration Study.

• As a result, no changes are recommended at this time for approved HPILS and Bakken related transmission expansion projects.


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Consent Agenda


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RR178 –Validation of Mitigated Resource Offer Parameters

• This Revision Request clarifies that the MMU reviews mitigated Resource offers costs on an ex-post (after-the-fact) basis

• Benefits Realized: Potential confusion is mitigated by the revision

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016 RTWG approved 9/22/2016

• MWG recommends the MOPC approve RR178


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RR179 – Trading Hubs and Resource Hubs Compliance• This RR implements FERC directed language requiring the owner of a

Resource Hub, that is also the BSS seller on that hub, to have permission/agreement from both (all) buyers and sellers, even if the owner of the Resource Hub was not aware of the other parties involved in a separate BSS on that Resource Hub

• Benefit Realized: This language ensures LTCRs and ILTCRs will not be affected for potential

Resource Hub terminations. Resource Hubs associated with bilateral contracts and related BSSs may not be unilaterally terminated by the Resource Hub owner. This language aligns the Protocols with the FERC-approved Tariff language

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016 RTWG approved 9/21/2016

• MWG recommends the MOPC approve RR179


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RR181 – Annual Allocation Percent Change Compliance Filing

• The Revision Request corrects section references pointed out by FERC

• Benefits Realized: Section references will be correct

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016 RTWG approved 9/21/2016

• MWG recommends the MOPC approve RR181


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RR184 – Clarification to Outage Deviation• The approved formula in RR106 – Outage Deviation exempted

Resources which clear in the DAMKT, that were following SPP’s Dispatch to zero, from receiving the RtOutageDevHrlyQty in the RUC MWP distribution. However, the approved formula also charged every Resource RtOutageDevHrlyQty that cleared in the DAMKT and submitted meter in Real-Time, which was not the intent

• Benefit realized: This RR provides for the true intent of RR106 – Outage Deviation to be realized

in the Market Protocols and Tariff. Through RR184 if a Resource clears in the DAMKT and is offline in RT (meters zero) then the amount of MWs cleared in the DAMKT will be included in the RUC MWP distribution via the RtOutageDevHrlyQty charge type. If a Resource clears in the DAMKT and meters zero in RT and that Resource was either decommitted by SPP or was following SPP’s Dispatch to zero, then the Resource will be exempted from RtOutageDevHrlyQty. The changes also add a check for the RtOom5minFlg to verify that the Resource was following SPP dispatch via OOME

• Impact Analysis: Covered by Impact Analysis for RR106

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016 RTWG approved 9/22/2016

• MWG recommends the MOPC approve RR184


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RR185 – Clarify SPP Operating Criteria• The SPP Criteria is now separated into two separate documents; SPP

Planning Criteria and SPP Operating Criteria. References to SPP Criteria are revised by RR185 such that document users are directed to the specific criteria document referenced in the Market Protocols and Attachment AE of the Tariff

• Benefit Realized: This revision will provide clarity as to which criteria document is referenced

within the Market Protocols and Tariff, where appropriate.

• Working Group Voting Results: MWG approved 8/23/2016 ORWG approved 8/31/2016 RTWG approved 9/21/2016 RCWG approved 9/30/2016

• MWG recommends the MOPC approve RR185


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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 173 Date: 9/21/2016

RR Title: Instantaneous Peak Load


Submitter Name: Jared Greenwalt Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501.688.8314


This revision simplifies and clarifies the terms “Head-room” and “Floor-room” by replacing them with the term “Instantaneous Load Capacity”. The language that does not reflect the calculation is removed. This is for clarification only.

All reviewing working groups approved the revisions. Opposition was expressed and explained by GSEC during the MWG review. Detailed voting records are provided below.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the RR as submitted in this Recommendation Report.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

The current terms, “Head-room” and “floor-room” cause confusion due to existing industry standard terms. The definition and verbiage describing these terms mentions uncertainty of forecasts and Variable Energy Resources (VERs). Neither the uncertainty of a forecast nor the uncertainty of the output of a VER are used in the calculation. The current language has caused confusion regarding the purpose of these commitment requirements. This revision removes the current terms and replaces them with one aptly named term. This RR also brings the verbiage closer in line with the equation used to calculate the requirement. The calculation is not being changed with this revision; this revision only changes the term names and simplifies the description and verbiage surrounding the current terms.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

This proposed revision will clarify the inputs to the calculation, and thus the purpose, of the terms currently known as “Head-room” and “Floor-room”.


SPP staff supports this revision.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes:

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Summarize changes:

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain: Since there are no system or process changes, then no Impact Assessment is required.


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Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:


Market Protocols Section(s): 1.; 4.1.3;;;;;;;;

Protocol Version: 38a

Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Att. AE (Table of Contents; 1.1; 3.1.4; 5.1.1; 5.1.2; 5.2.1; 6.1.1) Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Price Formation Task Force:

Date: 7/20/2016

Action Taken: Endorsed the RR for recommendation to the MWG

Abstained: BEPC

Opposed: GSEC

Reason for Opposition:

Head-room and Floor-room was brought forth to the SPP Price Formation Task Force (PFTF) as a price formation concern by some Market Participants. It was prioritized as one of the first concerns the PFTF would explore. One of the items associated with Head-room the PFTF began to explore was the possibility of having the Head-room commitment process be based on competitive offers similar to operating reserves given the Head-room provides excess rampable capacity for SPP to handle uncertainty in instantaneous load changes, hourly load forecast and variable resource output.

After some discussion at the PFTF the SPP Staff articulated that Head-room was not actually procured for hourly load forecast and variable resource output but only for instantaneous load changes. It was suggested that if the definition in the Tariff was not matching reality then the Tariff needed to be updated to match the formula and what was occurring by SPP Operations. So, as a result SPP staff has presented RR 173.

GSEC Concerns with RR 173:

1) SPP believes they still have the need to procure capacity based on the mid-term load forecast to handle load uncertainty and variable resource output. This process has been lost in the new definition. Therefore, it is not transparent if this lost piece of the definition is still being procured as additional excess capacity in the RUC process over and above what is currently classified as normal operating reserve.

2) Regardless, GSEC believes that if rampable capacity is committed for 1) instantaneous load changes or 2) hourly load forecast and variable resource output then the resource should be cleared based on competitive offers and clearings and not committed via the RUC process which creates uplift charges, diminishes value transparency for the actual services being provided while also diminishing long-term incentives for future resources and technology. GSEC will continue to advocate that rampable capacity needed for services that are being provided to SPP be cleared based on competitive offers either as part of existing operating reserve products or new products as opposed to using the RUC process to commit units for these services.

GSEC is concerned that the practice of procuring rampable capacity for things such as instantaneous load change, hourly load forecast or variable resource output through RUCs masks shortage conditions in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of FERC’s Shortage Pricing Rule. SPP Staff’s RR 173 does nothing to address this problem.

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Primary Working Group:


Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: OPPD

Opposed: WR, GSEC

Date: 9/20/2016

Action Taken: Approved ORWG comments

Abstained: GSEC

Reason for Opposition:

Matt Moore (GSEC) - GSEC is concerned that the practice of procuring rampable capacity for things such as instantaneous load change, hourly load forecast or variable resource output through RUCs masks shortage conditions in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of FERC’s Shortage Pricing Rule. SPP Staff’s RR 173 does nothing to address this problem.

Cliff Franklin (Westar) - It is uncertain how much clarity, if any, would be improved by implementing the language in RR173. Westar believes proposed language still fails in providing clarity and inclusion of important factors that drive the need to carry Headroom. Thus, Westar Votes no on RR173.

For example, the new term Instantaneous Load Capacity only tells part of the story behind SPP Headroom.

The expected instantaneous load at the beginning of the interval is the midpoint between (i) the forecasted load for the previous interval and (ii) the forecasted load for the current interval. The expected instantaneous load at the end of the interval is the midpoint between (i) the forecasted load for the current interval and (ii) the forecasted load for the next interval.

RR173 does not address other important factors including SPP reserves held for;

• RT 5-minute ramp requirements that the hourly DA Market ramp model cannot account for,

• wind forecast uncertainty,

• load forecast uncertainty,

• loop flow and SPP transmission usage uncertainty,

• NSI uncertainty,

• ect.

The component/drivers listed above are neither de minimis nor insignificant. Thus, RR173 fails to meaningfully clarify SPP Headroom reserves requirements.

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 8/31/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved with modifications

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 9/21/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: BEPC, GSEC, Westar

Secondary Working Group:


Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Opposed: GSEC

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Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Matt Moore (GSEC)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/1/2016

Description of Comments:

Head-room and Floor-room was brought forth to the SPP Price Formation Task Force (PFTF) as a price formation concern by some Market Participants. It was prioritized as one of the first concerns the PFTF would explore. One of the items associated with Head-room the PFTF began to explore was the possibility of having the Head-room commitment process be based on competitive offers similar to operating reserves given the Head-room provides excess rampable capacity for SPP to handle uncertainty in instantaneous load changes, hourly load forecast and variable resource output.

After some discussion at the PFTF the SPP Staff articulated that Head-room was not actually procured for hourly load forecast and variable resource output but only for instantaneous load changes. It was suggested that if the definition in the Tariff was not matching reality then the Tariff needed to be updated to match the formula and what was occurring by SPP Operations. So, as a result SPP staff has presented RR 173.

GSEC Concerns with RR 173:

1) SPP believes they still have the need to procure capacity based on the mid-term load forecast to handle load uncertainty and variable resource output. This process has been lost in the new definition. Therefore, it is not transparent if this lost piece of the definition is still being procured as additional excess capacity in the RUC process over and above what is currently classified as normal operating reserve.

2) Regardless, GSEC believes that if rampable capacity is committed for 1) instantaneous load changes or 2) hourly load forecast and variable resource output then the resource should be cleared based on competitive offers and clearings and not committed via the RUC process which creates uplift charges, diminishes value transparency for the actual services being provided while also diminishing long-term incentives for future resources and technology. GSEC will continue to advocate that rampable capacity needed for services that are being provided to SPP be cleared based on competitive offers either as part of existing operating reserve products or new products as opposed to using the RUC process to commit units for these services.

GSEC is concerned that the practice of procuring rampable capacity for things such as instantaneous load change, hourly load forecast or variable resource output through RUCs masks shortage conditions in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of FERC’s Shortage Pricing Rule. SPP Staff’s RR 173 does nothing to address this problem.

Status: Reviewed


Comment Author: Erin Cathey

Date Comments Submitted: 8/24/2016

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Description of Comments: MWG modified and approved a change to strike, “…due to uncertainty” in Market Protocol Sections and and in the Tariff at Attachment AE in Sections 5.2.1(18) and 6.1.1(14).

Status: Reviewed


Comment Author: Casey Cathey on behalf of ORWG

Date Comments Submitted: 8/31/2016

Description of Comments: The ORWG modified the definition of Instantaneous Load Capacity in Attachment AE 1.1 to say “real power” instead of “energy” to more accurately reflect the change in the rate of generation (i.e., Watts (J/s) rather than Joules). The ORWG also clarified that the definition referred to real power as opposed to reactive power.

Status: Reviewed


Comment Author: Matt Moore (GSEC)

Date Comments Submitted: 9/30/2016

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Description of Comments: This RR was born out of the PFTF process. The concept of “Head-room” was brought forth for discussion and examination to the PFTF. As the concept of Head-room was discussed it became apparent to SPP staff that the actual tariff definition of Head-room was not accurate and did not actually describe what SPP was procuring for what was being called “Head-room”. It was suggested that SPP should change the Tariff so they would not be in violation and it would provide transparency and clarification. As such, the new definition was brought forward along with a name change. Below is the old definition from the existing Tariff with old name and the new definition with new name of Instantaneous Load Capacity just below.

Head-room The additional committed capacity required above the average load for the hour due to the uncertainty of the real-time instantaneous load, hourly load forecast and Variable Energy Resource output. Instantaneous Load Capacity The achievable change in real power output required to account for differences between the average load and the projected instantaneous load.

The change in term and definition was approved by MWG and ORWG. Although GSEC does support transparency and an accurate Tariff, GSEC does have some issues related to the new definition.

GSEC Concerns with RR 173:

1) SPP believes they still have the need to procure capacity based on the mid-term load forecast to handle load uncertainty and variable resource output. This process has been lost in the new definition. Therefore, it is not transparent if this lost piece of the definition is still being procured as additional excess capacity in the RUC process over and above what is currently classified as normal operating reserve.

2) Regardless, GSEC believes that if rampable capacity is committed for 1) instantaneous load changes or 2) hourly load forecast and variable resource output then the resource should be cleared based on competitive offers and clearings and not committed via the RUC process which creates uplift charges, diminishes value transparency for the actual services being provided while also diminishing long-term incentives for future resources and technology. GSEC will continue to advocate that rampable capacity needed for services that are being provided to SPP be cleared based on competitive offers either as part of existing operating reserve products or new products as opposed to using the RUC process to commit units for these services.

GSEC is concerned that the practice of procuring rampable capacity for things such as instantaneous load change, hourly load forecast or variable resource output through RUCs masks shortage conditions in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of FERC’s Shortage Pricing Rule. SPP Staff’s RR 173 does nothing to address this problem. (see GSEC comments related to RR 175).

Status: Not reviewed by the MWG


Comment Author: Tom Burke

Date Comments Submitted: 10/17/2016

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Description of Comments: SPP stakeholders developed RR 173 within the Price Formation Task Force (PFTF). PFTF reviewed SPP’s existing definition of “Head-room” as it became apparent to SPP staff that the actual tariff definition was not accurate and did not actually describe what SPP was procuring as “Head-room”. The proposal is a new term “Instantaneous Load Capacity” with a new definition. It is apparent to GSEC, however, that SPP believes under this new definition it will continue to procure capacity based on the mid-term load forecast to handle load uncertainty and variable resource output. Thus, the new term and definition do not promote transparency and proper price signals in the market, since under the new definition the old process will be continued. That is, rampable capacity available to address instantaneous load variation will still be procured as additional excess capacity in the RUC process over and above what is currently classified as normal operating reserve. See comments regarding RR 175 below.

Status: Not reviewed by MWG


Market Protocols

1. Glossary Incremental Long-Term Congestion Right (ILTCR)

As defined in Attachment AE of the Tariff. Instantaneous Load Capacity

As defined in the SPP Tariff.

Instructed Regulation-Down Mileage As defined in the SPP Tariff.

4.1.3 Operating Reserve and Instantaneous Load Capacity Requirements

SPP calculates the amount of Operating Reserve required for the Operating Day, on both a system-wide basis and a Reserve Zone basis, to comply with the reliability requirements specified in the SPP Criteria. Additionally, SPP calculates the amount of Instantaneous Load Capacity required for the Operating Day to ensure that unit commitment is sufficient to reliably serve load in real-time while maintaining the Operating Reserve requirements. SPP calculates the hourly Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down, Contingency Reserve, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements on an SPP BAA basis and calculates minimum Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Operating Reserve limitations for each Reserve Zone.

(1) SPP BAA Contingency Reserve requirements are set consistent with SPP Criteria and may vary on an hourly basis.

(2) SPP BAA Regulation-Up and Regulation-Down requirements are set to ensure compliance with NERC control performance requirements and are based upon a percentage of forecasted load, adjusted up or down to account for Resource output variability, and may vary on an hourly basis.

Deleted: Head-room¶As defined in the SPP Tariff.¶Floor-room¶As defined in the SPP Tariff.¶

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Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

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(3) SPP BAA Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements are set to ensure that expected variations between instantaneous peak load for the interval and the average load forecast for that interval can be reliably served in real-time while simultaneously maintaining the SPP BAA Operating Reserve requirements.

(4) The SPP BAA requirements, minimum Reserve Zone Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Reserve Zone Operating Reserve limitations are calculated and posted no later than 06:00 Day-Ahead. At this time, SPP will also communicate each Asset Owner’s estimated Operating Reserve obligations in each Reserve Zone using the BAA Mid-Term Load Forecast and the Asset Owner load forecasts developed by SPP under Section

(5) These Operating Reserve requirements and limitations are used by SPP as inputs into the DA Market and RTBM clearing and RUC processes.

(a) SPP may increase Operating Reserve requirements for use in RTBM clearing and RUC processes above the requirements used in the DA Market clearing, including changes to Reserve Zone minimums and maximums, as required to meet increases in reliability requirements caused by changes in system conditions.

(6) Reserve Zone minimum Operating Reserve requirements and maximum Operating Reserve limitations are determined through reserve zone studies prior to the DA Market. Reserve zone studies are performed as described under Section Instantaneous Load Capacity Requirements

For Day-Ahead Market and RUC, which use hourly load granularity, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements represent the needed real-time online capacity to address load changes within the interval. For example, during morning load pickup, the end-of-hour capacity requirements may be much greater than the average load forecast. If Resources were committed only for the average load for the interval, the online capacity at the end of the morning load pickup hour may be insufficient to support reliable real-time operations. SPP calculates the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements for the interval using SPP’s Load Forecast and expected real-time instantaneous peak load for the interval. SPP may include up to 0% of the calculated Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements as an input into the Day-Ahead Market and may include 100% of the calculated Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements in all RUC processes. SPP will make available to Market Participants of the MW volume of Instantaneous Load Capacity utilized as an input for each hour of the Day-Ahead Market and RUC process.

(1) The upper bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement for an interval is equal to the maximum of: (i) the difference between the expected instantaneous load at the beginning of the interval and expected average load in the interval; (ii) the difference between the expected instantaneous load at the end of the interval and the expected average load in the interval; or (iii) the minimum upper bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement. SPP may reduce the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement calculated above as operational experience dictates

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: real-time

Deleted: and variations between real-time variable Resource output and projected variable Resource output cleared in the Day-Ahead Market and the projected average load used in the RUC unit commitment processes

Commented [RR100.1]: RR100 Awaiting FERC Approval and Implementation

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: intra-hour

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: and variations between real-time variable Resource output and projected variable Resource output

Deleted: hourly energy represented by the cleared demand in the Day-Ahead Market or the

Deleted: used in the RUC processes

Deleted: Additionally, the load forecast or generation forecast for a variable Resource can be off due to uncertainties inherent in these load and generation forecasts.

Deleted: hourly


Deleted: required

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: for both the Day-Ahead Market and the RUC processes as follows

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Commented [RR188.2]: Pending MOPC and BOD approval

Deleted: Day-Ahead Market¶SPP estimates the hourly Head-room and Floor-room requirements to be included in the Day-Ahead Market using SPP’s Mid-Term Load Forecast and expected real-time instantaneous load values for the Operating Day including a factor for load forecast and variable Resource output uncertainty. SPP’s Mid-Term Load Forecast represents the expected average load in an Operating Hour. For Head-room and Floor-room requirement calculations, the instantaneous load is assumed to be equal to the expected average load at the midpoint of the Operating Hour and ramp linearly from this point to the expected average load at the midpoint of the neighboring Operating Hours. Because this assumption will not always be accurate, especially in Operating Hours in which an ...

Deleted: Head-room

Deleted: the

Deleted: current

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: set

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Head-room

Deleted: Head-room

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and/or to account for differences between offered Day-Ahead Market Resources and those available in the RUC processes.

(2) The lower bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement for an interval is equal to the maximum of: (i) the difference between the expected average load in the interval and the expected instantaneous load at the beginning of the interval; (ii) the difference between the expected average load in the interval and the expected instantaneous load at the end of the interval; or (iii) the minimum lower bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement. SPP may reduce the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement calculated above as operational experience dictates and/or to account for differences between offered Day-Ahead Market Resources and those available in the RUC processes.

The expected instantaneous load at the beginning of the interval is the midpoint between (i) the forecasted load for the previous interval and (ii) the forecasted load for the current interval. The expected instantaneous load at the end of the interval is the midpoint between (i) the forecasted load for the current interval and (ii) the forecasted load for the next interval.

The minimum Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements will be determined by SPP based upon operating experience. The Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements will be reviewed by the Market Working Group quarterly and may be refined over time based upon the relationship between SPP Load Forecast average loads and observed instantaneous load values. DA Market Inputs

Inputs to the DA Market algorithm consist of:

(1) DA Market Offers and Bids as submitted by Market Participants prior to 1100 hours Day-Ahead;

(a) For Demand Bids, Virtual Energy Bids and/or Virtual Energy Offers submitted at a Load Settlement Location that contains more than one PNode, SPP distributes the Bid MW down to the associated PNodes using weighting factors for modeling purposes as described under Section

(b) For Virtual Energy Bids and/or Virtual Energy Offers submitted at a Trading Hub or Resource Hub Settlement Location and confirmed Interchange Transactions submitted at an External Interface, SPP uses a common set of weighting factors to distribute the Bid and/or Offer MWs down to PNodes included in the Trading Hub, Resource Hub, or External Interface for modeling purposes. These weighting factors are determined by SPP at the time the Trading Hub or External Interface is created and are not dependent upon

Deleted: Floor-room

Deleted: the

Deleted: current

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: set

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Operating Hour

Deleted: Floor-room

Deleted: Floor-room

Deleted: The expected instantaneous load at the beginning of the Operating Hour is estimated as the load forecast value at the point at which a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the previous Operating Hour’s expected average load to the midpoint of the current Operating Hour’s expected average load crosses the beginning of the current Operating Hour.

Deleted: The expected instantaneous load at the end of the Operating Hour is estimated as the load forecast value at the point at which a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the current Operating Hour’s expected average load to the midpoint the next Operating Hour’s expected average load crosses the end of the current Operating Hour.

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Mid-Term

Deleted: RUC¶For all RUC processes, SPP estimates the hourly Head-room and Floor-room requirements to be included in the RUC analyses using the most current Mid-Term Load Forecast and expected real-time instantaneous load values for the Operating Day using the same methodology as described under Section for the Day-Ahead Market.

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historical injections/withdrawals. Resource Hub weighting factors are determined by SPP after coordinating with the requesting Market Participant.

(2) Resource Offers for long lead time Resources selected by SPP for commitment during the Operating Day during the Multi-Day Reliability Assessment process;

(3) Through Interchange Transactions as submitted by Market Participants and confirmed prior to the close of the DA Market;

(4) SPP Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone min and max);

(5) SPP Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements;

(6) SPP Transmission System topology consistent with Network Model in place for current Operating Day, including adjustments to RCF firm flow entitlements if applicable;

(7) Transmission System outages;

(8) Parallel Flow forecasts; and

(9) Resource outages. DA Market Execution

SPP clears the Day-Ahead Market for each hour of the upcoming Operating Day based on the inputs described above. A simultaneous co-optimization methodology, utilizing the SCUC and SCED algorithms is employed to simultaneously perform the following tasks:

(1) Commit offered Resources, Import Interchange Transaction Offers and Virtual Energy Offers using the SCUC algorithm to meet the Demand Bids, Virtual Energy Bids, Export Interchange Transactions Bids, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements and Operating Reserve requirements at least cost throughout the projected upcoming Operating Day while respecting Resource operating constraints and transmission constraints;

(a) The DA Market SCUC algorithm will initially consider commitment of Resources with a Commit Status of Market and Self, including Resources committed in the Multi-Day Reliability Assessment process, only including capacity up to the Resources’ Maximum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Maximum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Up Service and/or Regulation-Down Service) and down to the Resources Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Minimum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Down Service and/or Regulation-Up Service). In addition, MCRs that have registered under the option described under Section are not eligible for regulation selection in any hour in which they are transitioning from one configuration to another.

(i) If this capacity is not sufficient to meet the fixed Demand Bids, fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids, the upper bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity

Commented [RR100.3]: RR100 Awaiting FERC Approval and Implementation

Deleted: Head-room and Floor-room

Deleted: Head-room requirements, Floor-room

Commented [RR112.4]: RR112 Awaiting FERC filing

Commented [MPRR101.5]: MPRR101 awaiting FERC filing

Deleted: Head-room

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requirement and Operating Reserve requirements on a system-wide basis, the DA Market SCUC algorithm will, in priority order: (1) curtail non-firm fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids until the capacity shortage is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity up to Resources’ Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit and/or commit Resources’ with a Commit Status of Reliability on an economic basis until the capacity shortage is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Up requirement to the extent possible.

(ii) If there is a capacity surplus on a system-wide basis calculated as the sum of Self-Committed capacity at minimum output, fixed Import Interchange Transaction Offers, the lower bound of the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement and the Regulation-Down requirement that is in excess of the sum of Fixed Demand Bids and fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids, the DA Market SCUC algorithm will, in priority order (1) curtail non-firm fixed Import Interchange Transaction Offers until the capacity surplus is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity down to Resources’ Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit on an economic basis until the capacity surplus is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Down requirement to the extent possible. Day-Ahead RUC Inputs

Inputs to the RUC algorithm consist of:

(1) RTBM Resource Offers, including Resources with a Commitment Status of Self submitted up to forty-five (45) minutes following the posting of the DA Market results;

(a) During all hours between the start and completion of the Day-Ahead RUC process, Market Participants may continue to update RTBM Offers during Day-Ahead RUC process. If the DA RUC offer being updated is for the DA RUC Study Period, SPP will notify the Market Participant that the offer will not be used in the ongoing DA RUC solution.

(2) Confirmed cleared Export Interchange Transaction Bids from the DA Market;

(3) Confirmed cleared Import Interchange Transaction Offers from the DA Market;

(4) Confirmed cleared Through Interchange Transactions from the DA Market;

(5) Confirmed Export Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(6) Confirmed Import Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(7) Confirmed Through Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(8) SPP Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone min and max);

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Commented [RR100.6]: RR100 Awaiting FERC Approval and Implementation

Commented [RR100.7]: RR100 Awaiting FERC Approval and Implementation

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(9) SPP Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements;

(10) SPP Mid-Term Load Forecast (MTLF) as described under Section;

(11) SPP Transmission System topology consistent with Network Model in place for the Operating Day, including adjustments to RCF firm flow entitlements if applicable;

(12) Resource commitment schedules from the DA Market unless SPP Operators are informed of a Resource outage;

(13) Commitment schedules for long lead time Resources selected in the Multi-Day Reliability Assessment process unless SPP Operators are informed of a Resource outage;

(14) Wind Resource MWh output forecast as described under Section;

(15) Transmission System outages;

(16) Parallel Flow forecasts;

(17) Resource outages; and

(18) Operator input. Day-Ahead RUC Execution

Using the inputs described above, SPP performs a capacity adequacy analysis for the upcoming Operating Day using the SCUC algorithm. The capacity adequacy analysis provides advisory information to the SPP Operators.

(1) The objective of the SCUC is to commit Resources to meet the SPP Mid-Term Load Forecast, Export Interchange Transactions, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements and Operating Reserve requirements less Import Interchange Transactions over the Operating Day such that commitment costs are minimized while adhering to transmission system security constraints and the Resource operating parameter constraints submitted as part of the RTBM Offers;

(2) Commitment costs are defined as Start-Up Offer, No-Load Offer and incremental cost to operate at minimum output as defined in the submitted Energy Offer Curve. Incremental Energy costs above minimum output and Operating Reserve Offers are not considered by the RUC SCUC in making commitment decisions;

(3) The SCUC algorithm will initially consider commitment of Resources with a Commit Status of Market or Self only including capacity up to the Resources’ Maximum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Maximum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Up Service and /or Regulation-Down Service) and down to the Resources Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Minimum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Down Service and/or Regulation-Up Service). In addition, MCRs that have registered under the option described under Section are not eligible for regulation selection in any hour in which they are transitioning from one configuration to another.

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Commented [RR112.8]: RR112 Awaiting FERC filing

Commented [MPRR101.9]: MPRR101 awaiting FERC filing

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(a) If this capacity plus Import Interchange Transactions is not sufficient to meet the system-wide SPP Mid-Term Load Forecast, Export Interchange Transactions, the upper bound of Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement and Operating Reserve requirements, the SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: (1) curtail non-firm Export Interchange Transactions until the capacity shortage is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity up to Resources’ Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit and/or commit Resources’ with a Commit Status of Reliability on an economic basis until the capacity shortage is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Up requirement to the extent possible.

(b) If the sum of Self-Committed capacity at minimum output, Import Interchange Transactions, the lower bound of Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement and the system-wide Regulation-Down requirement is in excess of the sum of the SPP system-wide Mid-Term Load Forecast and Export Interchange Transactions, the RUC SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: (1) curtail non-firm fixed Import Interchange Transactions until the capacity surplus is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity down to Resources’ Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit on an economic basis until the capacity surplus is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Down requirement to the extent possible; (3) de-commit Resources that were committed in the DA Market with a Commit Status of Market until the capacity surplus in eliminated; and (4) de-commit Self-Committed Resources until the capacity surplus in eliminated.

(i) If there is a transmission constraint within a Reserve Zone occurring simultaneously with a Reserve Zone excess capacity event, SCUC may commit additional Resources and/or de-commit Resources to relieve the constraints provided that any commitment changes do not aggravate the excess capacity situation. Intra-Day RUC Inputs

Inputs to the RUC algorithm consist of:

(1) RTBM Resource Offers;

(2) Confirmed Export Interchange Transactions;

(3) Confirmed Import Interchange Transactions;

(4) Confirmed Through Interchange Transactions;

(5) SPP Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone min and max);

(6) SPP Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements;

(7) SPP Load Forecast as described under Section;

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(8) SPP Transmission System topology consistent with Network Model in place for the Operating Day, including adjustments to RCF firm flow entitlements if applicable;

(9) Resource commitment and de-commitment schedules from the Day-Ahead RUC or previous Intra-Day RUCs;

(10) Wind Resource output forecast as described under Section;

(11) Transmission System outages;

(12) Parallel Flow forecasts;

(13) Resource outages; and

(14) Operator input. Intra-Day RUC Execution

Using the inputs described above, SPP performs a capacity adequacy analysis for the upcoming Operating Day and throughout the Operating Day using a SCUC algorithm. The capacity adequacy analysis provides advisory information to the SPP Operators.

(1) The objective of the SCUC is to commit Resources to meet the SPP Load Forecast, Export Interchange Transactions, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements and Operating Reserve requirements less Import Interchange Transactions over the Operating Day such that commitment costs are minimized while adhering to transmission system security constraints and the Resource operating parameter constraints submitted as part of the RTBM Offers;

(2) Commitment costs are defined as Start-Up Offer, No-Load Offer and incremental cost to operate at minimum output as defined on the submitted Energy Offer Curve. Incremental Energy costs above minimum output and Operating Reserve Offers are not considered by the RUC SCUC in making commitment decisions;

(3) The SCUC algorithm will initially consider commitment of Resources with a Commit Status of Market or Self only including capacity up to the Resources’ Maximum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Maximum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Up Service and/or Regulation-Down Service) and down to the Resources Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit (or Minimum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Down Service and/or Regulation-Up Service). In addition, MCRs that have registered under the option described under Section are not eligible for regulation selection in any hour in which they are transitioning from one configuration to another.

(a) If this capacity plus Import Interchange Transactions is not sufficient to meet the system-wide SPP Load Forecast, Export Interchange Transactions, the upper bound of Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement and Operating Reserve requirements, the SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: (1) curtail non-firm Export Interchange Transactions

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Commented [MPRR101.11]: MPRR101 awaiting FERC filing

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until the capacity shortage is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity up to Resources’ Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit and/or commit Resources’ with a Commit Status of Reliability on an economic basis until the capacity shortage is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Up requirement to the extent possible.

(b) If the sum of Self-Committed capacity at minimum output, Import Interchange Transactions, the lower bound of Instantaneous Load Capacity requirement and the system-wide Regulation-Down requirement is in excess of the sum of the SPP system-wide Mid-Term Load Forecast and Export Interchange Transactions, the SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: (1) curtail non-firm fixed Import Interchange Transactions until the capacity surplus is eliminated; (2) incorporate capacity down to Resources’ Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit on an economic basis until the capacity surplus is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Down requirement to the extent possible; (3) de-commit Resources that were committed in the DA Market with a Commit Status of Market until the capacity surplus is eliminated; and (4) de-commit Self-Committed Resources that were committed following the Day-Ahead RUC process until the capacity surplus is eliminated.

… Tariff (OATT)


3. Transmission Provider Rights and Obligations 3.1 Transmission Provider Scope of Services 3.1.1 Trading Hub Establishment and Modification 3.1.2 Forecasting 3.1.3 Reserve Zone Establishment 3.1.4 Operating Reserve and Instantaneous Load Capacity Requirements 3.1.5 Outage Scheduling and Reporting

3.1.6 Resource Hub Establishment

1.1 Definitions F

1.1 Definitions H

1.1 Definitions I

Instantaneous Load Capacity

The achievable change in real power output required to account for differences between the average load and the projected

instantaneous load.

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Deleted: Floor-room¶The reduction in committed capacity required below the average load for the hour due to the uncertainty of the real-time instantaneous load, hourly load forecast and Variable Energy Resource output.¶

Deleted: Head-room¶The additional committed capacity required above the average load for the hour due to the uncertainty of the real-time instantaneous load, hourly load forecast and Variable Energy Resource output.

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3.1.4 Operating Reserve and Instantaneous Load Capacity Requirements

The Transmission Provider shall calculate the amount of Operating Reserves required for

the Operating Day, on both a system-wide and Reserve Zone basis, in order to comply with the

reliability requirements specified in the SPP Criteria. In addition, the Transmission Provider shall

calculate the amount of Instantaneous Load Capacity required for the Operating Day on a system-

wide basis in order to ensure that load can be reliably serviced in real-time. The Transmission

Provider shall, on a daily basis:

(1) Calculate the hourly Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down and Contingency Reserve

requirements on an SPP Balancing Authority Area basis and post such results by 0700

hours Day-Ahead for use in the Day-Ahead Market, Day-Ahead RUC, Intra-Day RUC and


(2) Calculate the total minimum and total maximum Operating Reserve requirement for

Operating Reserve deployment in the up direction and for deployment of Operating

Reserve in the down direction for each Reserve Zone. These minimum and maximum

Operating Reserve requirements will be determined by conducting a simulated energy

transfer study for each hour of the Operating Day on the transmission system, reflecting

expected outages and economic energy flows, in order to determine the energy transfer

limitations into or out of a Reserve Zone in any hour. If a Reserve Zone is unable to import

enough Energy after a contingency and still maintain all necessary operating limits, a

minimum amount of Operating Reserve may be required to be carried in that Zone. The

minimum Operating Reserve requirement is the largest difference between the Resource

MW lost in the simulated contingency and the resulting import capability of that Reserve

Zone. Similarly, if a Reserve Zone is unable to export additional Energy after a

contingency outside of that Reserve Zone, then a maximum amount of Operating Reserve

that is deliverable from that Zone will be specified in order to ensure that deliverable

reserves are carried in other Zones. The maximum Operating Reserve limitation is equal

to the export capability of that Reserve Zone when replacing Energy lost due to a Resource

contingency outside of that Reserve Zone. The Transmission Provider may, at its option,

set specific Regulation-Up and/or Spinning Reserve minimum requirements for each

Reserve Zone, as needed, to address reliability issues that can only be alleviated through

carrying synchronized reserves. In such cases, the Transmission Provider will include

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these minimum Regulation-Up and/or Spinning Reserve requirements when posting the

Operating Reserve requirements by 0700 Day-Ahead;

(3) Estimate each Market Participant’s Operating Reserve obligation by Asset Owner in each

Reserve Zone and provide such information to Market Participants by 0700 hours Day-

Ahead. The Transmission Provider shall calculate such estimates by multiplying the

system-wide Operating Reserve requirements calculated in (1) above by the Transmission

Provider’s estimate of each Asset Owner’s load in each Reserve Zone divided by the

Transmission Provider’s estimate of system-wide load;

(4) The Transmission Provider may increase Operating Reserve requirements for the Day-

Ahead RUC, Intra-Day RUC and RTBM above the requirements used in the Day-Ahead

Market, including changes to Reserve Zone minimums and maximums, as required to meet

increases in reliability requirements caused by changes in system conditions; and

(5) Calculate the Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements for an interval on an SPP

Balancing Authority Area basis for use in the Day-Ahead Market, Day-Ahead RUC and

Intra-Day RUC in accordance with the calculation procedures specified in the Market


5.1.1 Day-Ahead Market Inputs

Inputs to the Day-Ahead Market will include the following:

(1) Day-Ahead Market Resource Offers, Virtual Energy Offers, Demand Bids and Virtual

Energy Bids;

(2) Resource Offers for long lead time Resources selected by the Transmission Provider for

commitment during the Multi-Day Reliability Assessment process;

(3) Through Interchange Transactions with confirmed Transmission Service reservations;

(4) Export Interchange Transaction Bids with confirmed Transmission Service reservations;

(5) Import Interchange Transaction Offers with confirmed Transmission Service reservations;

(6) Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone minimum and


(7) Transmission System topology consistent with the Network Model in place for the

upcoming Operating Day;

(8) Actual and approved scheduled Transmission System outages as documented in the

Transmission Provider’s outage scheduler;

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(9) Actual and approved scheduled Resource outages as documented in the Transmission

Provider’s outage scheduler;

(10) The Transmission Provider’s estimate of Parallel Flows; and

(11) Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements.

5.1.2 Day-Ahead Market Execution

The Transmission Provider will employ a simultaneous co-optimization methodology to

perform the following tasks in order to clear the Day-Ahead Market for each hour of the upcoming

Operating Day:

(1) Commit Offered Resources, Import Interchange Transaction Offers and Virtual Energy

Offers using the SCUC algorithm to meet the Demand Bids, Virtual Energy Bids, Export

Interchange Transactions Bids, Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements, and Operating

Reserve requirements on a least cost basis for each hour of the upcoming Operating Day.

(a) The Day-Ahead Market SCUC algorithm will initially consider commitment of

Resources not specified for reliability only use as described in Section 4.1(10)(c)

of this Attachment AE, including Resources committed in the Multi-Day

Reliability Assessment, up to the Resources’ Maximum Economic Capacity

Operating Limit or Maximum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit if selected for

Regulation-Up Service and/or Regulation-Down Service, and down to the

Resources’ Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit or Minimum Regulation

Capacity Operating Limit if selected for Regulation-Down Service and/or

Regulation-Up Service.

(i) If this capacity is not sufficient to meet the fixed Demand Bids and fixed

Export Interchange Transaction Bids, the upper bound of Instantaneous

Load Capacity requirement, and Operating Reserve requirements on a

system-wide basis, the Day-Ahead Market SCUC algorithm will, in priority

order: (1) curtail non-firm fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids until

the capacity shortage is eliminated; and (2) incorporate capacity up to

Resources’ Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limits and/or

commit Resources designated as reliability only use, as described in Section

4.1(10)(c) of this Attachment AE, on an economic basis until the capacity

shortage is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Up

requirement to the extent possible .

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(ii) If there is a capacity surplus on a system-wide basis calculated as the sum

of self-committed capacity at minimum output, fixed Import Interchange

Transaction Offers, the lower bound of Instantaneous Load Capacity

requirement, and the Regulation-Down requirement that is in excess of the

sum of fixed Demand Bids and fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids,

the Day-Ahead Market SCUC algorithm will, in priority order: (1) curtail

non-firm fixed Import Interchange Transaction Offers until the capacity

surplus is eliminated; and (2) incorporate capacity down to Resources’

Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limits until the capacity surplus

is eliminated while attempting to maintain the Regulation-Down


5.2.1 Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment Inputs

Inputs to the Day-Ahead RUC will include the following:

(1) RTBM Resource Offers;

(2) Confirmed cleared Export Interchange Transaction Bids from the Day-Ahead Market;

(3) Confirmed cleared Import Interchange Transaction Offers from the Day-Ahead Market;

(4) Confirmed cleared Through Interchange Transactions from the Day-Ahead Market;

(5) Confirmed Export Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(6) Confirmed Import Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(7) Confirmed Through Interchange Transactions specified for use in the RTBM only;

(8) Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone minimum and


(9) Transmission Provider load forecast;

(10) Transmission System topology consistent with Network Model in place for the upcoming

Operating Day;

(11) Resource commitment schedules from the Day-Ahead Market unless the Transmission

Provider is informed by the Market Participant that the Resource is unable to meet its Day-

Ahead Market cleared Resource Offers.;

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(12) Commitment schedules for long lead time Resources selected in the Multi-Day Reliability

Assessment unless the Transmission Provider is informed by the Market Participant that

the Resource is unable to meet its commitment schedule;

(13) The Transmission Provider’s wind Resource MWh output forecast;

(14) Actual and approved scheduled Transmission System outages as documented in the

Transmission Provider’s outage scheduler;

(15) Actual and approved scheduled Resource outages as documented in the Transmission

Provider’s outage scheduler;

(16) The Transmission Provider’s estimate of Parallel Flows;

(17) Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements; and

(18) Operator input.

6.1.1 Intra-Day Reliability Unit Commitment Inputs

Inputs to the RUC will include the following:

(1) RTBM Resource Offers;

(2) Confirmed Export Interchange Transactions;

(3) Confirmed Import Interchange Transactions;

(4) Confirmed Through Interchange Transactions;

(5) Operating Reserve requirements (system-wide and Reserve Zone minimum and


(6) Transmission Provider load forecast;

(7) Transmission System topology consistent with Network Model;

(8) Resource commitment and de-commitment schedules from the Day-Ahead RUC or

previous Intra-Day RUCs;

(9) The Transmission Provider’s wind Resource MWh output forecast;

(10) Actual and approved scheduled Transmission System outages as documented in the

Transmission Provider’s outage scheduler;

(11) Actual and approved scheduled Resource outages as documented in the Transmission

Provider’s outage scheduler;

(12) The Transmission Provider’s estimate of Parallel Flows;

(13) Instantaneous Load Capacity requirements; and

(14) Operator input.

SPP Operating Criteria

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SPP Planning Criteria


SPP Business Practices


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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 175 Date: 9/26/2016

RR Title: Ramp Shortage Compliance


Name: Erin Cathey Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-590-8298


This RR incorporates language to comply with FERC Order 825 to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval. This applies to any shortage, regardless of the duration or cause of the shortage (transient shortages).

All reviewing working groups have approved the language incorporating revisions addressing Operating Reserve shortages, and have reviewed the additional language highlighted in yellow to address Energy shortages.

Opposition was expressed and explained by GSEC and NPPD. Detailed voting records are provided below.

MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the Revision Request as submitted in this Recommendation Report.


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

FERC Order 825 (155 FERC ¶ 61,276) states, “[W]e require each RTO/ISO to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval.” Furthermore, FERC stated, “This rationale applies to any shortage ‘regardless of the duration or cause of [the] shortage.’ It thus would apply to ‘transient shortages.’”

Prior to this order, SPP would not trigger Scarcity Pricing when Operating Reserve was short due to insufficient ramp. Statements in the Tariff and Protocols have been deleted below to trigger Scarcity Pricing for these transient situations.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

This RR will bring SPP's Tariff and Protocols into compliance with FERC’s rule making order.

SPP STAFF ASSESSMENT Upon further review, SPP staff has published comments on RR175 to address Energy shortages in addition to Operating Reserve shortages. Energy shortages were not previously addressed in the Revision Request. Paragraph 162 of FERC Order 825 states: “Specifically, we require each RTO/ISO to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval.” The additions incorporated in this Recommendation Report that are highlighted in yellow address Energy Scarcity Pricing. SPP staff supports the revised language as it is presented in this Recommendation Report.


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Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Summarize changes: MCE, MDB

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain: FERC Compliance related RR.

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:


Market Protocols Section(s): 4.1.5; 4.1.6;; Protocol Version: 39a

Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Att. AE; Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 8/24/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: NPPD

Opposed: GSEC

Reason for Opposition:

GSEC: Opposition is explained in comments below.

NPPD: The Revision Request 175 for Ramp Shortage Compliance did a good job in laying out that SPP needed to follow FERC’s Order 825. The result of this FERC Order will be a increase in volatile prices in the Real Time Market. The Real Time Market already is volatile and the resulting prices when the event occurs are much different than the DA Awards LMP prices. RR 175 did not have any mention of how SPP and its Members and mitigate or manage the increased volatility. Thus NPPD “Abstained” knowing SPP and its Members will need to follow the FERC Order but wanted to point out what that there needs to be discussion on how to manage the increase in volatility.

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Date: 9/1/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: NPPD


Date: 9/21/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: NPPD


Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: ITC Great Plains, KPP, NPPD, SCMCN

Opposed: KEPC, Dogwood, GSEC

Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Cliff Franklin (Westar)

Date Comments Submitted: 9/21/2016

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Description of Comments:

My flight (August 23rd Kansas City – Dallas Love) was delayed early Tuesday morning and I was unable to vote on RR175. This is an explanation of a vote that would have been made had airlines cooperated.

Westar maintains ramp scarcity designed is woven together with 2 current & tightly linked issues;

1. scarcity pricing SPP ramp shortages for all intervals, and

2. moderation of steep slope of the SPP scarcity pricing curve..

SPP staff submitted RR175 for compliance to Order 825 which ruled RTO/ISOs has to scarcity price all ramp shortage intervals. For RR175, SPP staff proposes to address pricing all intervals but chose to delay addressing the steep slope issue, to address scarcity curve slope issues but said they would address the issue in a subsequent RR.

Had I been at MWG, I would have more likely abstained or possibly voted against RR175 based upon Westar’s belief that both issues should be address/reformed together (either together in RR175 or companion side-by-side RRs.

Westar believes the slope of a scarcity pricing curve should better reflect fully loaded fast-start resource commitment costs. For example, an improved SPP scarcity curve might be segmented across the following segmented ranges;

i. apprx. 500 MW Regulation Scarcity Segment: fast-start gas CTs (eg. aero-derivatives gas → frame 7 (eg. EAs) → frame 6 gas → frame 5 gas → etc )

ii. apprx. 500 MW Spinning Scarcity Segment: oil/gas engines (eg. newer gas engines → older gas engines → BTM IC gas {< 8 MW} → newer oil engines )

iii. apprx. 625 MW Supplemental Scarcity Segment: oldest engines & penalties (eg. older oil engines → BTM IC oil {< 8 MW} → 250 → 750 → 1,100 $/mwh )

Scarcity pricing curves should never be allowed to reduce or undermine LMP pricing!

Status: These comments have been reviewed by MWG


Comment Author: Matt Moore (GSEC)

Date Comments Submitted: 9/30/2016

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Description of Comments: FERC adopted shortage pricing reform. RR 175 is SPP’s attempt to implement and become compliant with the FERC rule on shortage pricing. Although GSEC supports much of the RR as it relates to ramping events, GSEC does not believe it goes far enough in terms of becoming compliant with the FERC rule.

In the FERC Docket No. RM15-24-000; Order No. 825 regarding “Settlement Intervals and Shortage Pricing in Markets Operated by Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators” that was issued on June 16, 2016, FERC clearly states the following in section B. Shortage Pricing Reform 1. Need for Reform paragraph 106. “The Commission also noted that its rationale regarding shortage pricing was similar to the rationale the Commission relied on in Order No. 719, in which the Commission determined that “rules that do not allow for prices to rise sufficiently during an operating reserve shortage to allow supply to meet demand are unjust, unreasonable, and may be unduly discriminatory” and that such rules “may not produce prices that accurately reflect the value of energy.”

By issuing Reliability Unit Commitments (RUC’s) to obtain operating reserves such as regulation, the process and transparency of Scarcity Pricing is diminished if not eliminated. The process of eliminating and masking what could be an upcoming operating reserve shortage by issuing a RUC in advance largely defeats the purpose of the scarcity pricing rule itself. This process also discourages participation and development of fast start and quick start resources. In addition, load participation is unfairly economically disadvantaged when a RUC is issued for the purposes of additional operating reserves because then they do not get the benefit of participating in the shortage pricing. The same would hold true for any other resource that is already online and available to provide value.

In section 4. Commission Determination paragraph 162 they state “Specifically, we require each RTO/ISO to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval. As stated in the NOPR, the shortage pricing requirement should “ensure that a resource is compensated based on a price that reflects the value of the service the resource provides.” This rationale applies to any shortage “regardless of the duration or cause of [the] shortage.” Therefore, by eliminating the cause of an operating reserve shortage with a RUC, it eliminates and masks the economics of what would have been the operating reserve shortage.

Any upcoming potential capacity shortages which would lead to scarcity or shortage pricing related to ramp deficiencies, operating reserve deficiencies, deficiencies related to variable resource forecast variability/error, deficiencies related to load forecast variability/error or deficiencies related to load changes from the beginning of an hour to the end of an hour should not be pre-empted, diminished, or eliminated by the RUC process. This goes to the heart of proper price formation and would largely defeat the purpose of this rule making. If there is a shortage in one of these areas then that information should be transparent to the market through postings and prices which would lead to actions taken by market participants on a short term and long term basis to address the issues.

Status: Not reviewed by the MWG


Comment Author: SPP staff

Date Comments Submitted: 10/2/2016

Description of Comments: SPP is filing comments on RR175 to address Energy shortages in addition to Operating Reserve shortages. Paragraph 162 of FERC Order 825 states: “Specifically, we require each RTO/ISO to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval.” RR175 currently addresses only Operating Reserve Scarcity Pricing. The additions highlighted in yellow also address Energy Scarcity Pricing.

Status: Incorporated below. Will be reviewed by MWG on 10/7

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Comment Author: Tom Burke

Date Comments Submitted: 10/17/2016

Description of Comments: SPP developed RR 175 in an attempt to comply with FERC’s shortage pricing reform rule, which requires the SPP “to trigger shortage pricing for any interval in which a shortage of energy or operating reserves is indicated during the pricing of resources for that interval…regardless of the duration or cause of [the] shortage.” Correct pricing signals are needed to incent rampable capacity to respond to such scarcity events. Rampable capacity should be competitively awarded along with other SPP operating reserves instead of through the non-competitive RUC process. GSEC does not believe the RR goes far enough to correct the problem that SPP’s practice of using RUCs to procure headroom masks shortage conditions. GSEC supports the concepts addressed within the RR applicable to ramping events, but RR 175 does not sufficiently reduce the extensive use of non-competitive SPP real time RUC. As such, RR 175 does not go far enough to “produce prices that accurately reflect the value of energy” and “ensure that a resource is compensated based on a price that reflects the value of the service the resource provides.” Continuation of SPP’s current practice, which is not changed by RR 175, will adversely impact demand side resources and under-utilize the investment SPP consumers have made in the SPP transmission grid.

Status: Not reviewed by MWG


Market Protocols

Demand Curve

As defined in Attachment AE of the Tariff.

Scarcity Price

As defined in Attachment AE of the Tariff. 4.1.4 Violation Relaxation Limits

The DA Market, RUC processes and RTBM SCED enforce a number of operating constraints in developing the co-optimized market solution. In certain situations, attempting to enforce all constraints may result in a solution that is not feasible at a Shadow Price less than an appropriately priced Violation Relaxation Limit. In such cases, SPP must apply Violation Relaxation Limits (VRLs) in SCED.

There are five categories of constraints and associated VRLs: (1) Resource Capacity Constraints; (2) Resource Ramp Constraint; (3) Global Power Balance Constraint; (4) Operating Constraint (which include PNode, Manual, Watch List, flowgate and Real-Time Contingency Analysis

Deleted: A series of quantity/price points used to set Operating Reserve Market Clearing Prices when there is a supply shortage of Operating Reserve and to set LMPs when there is shortage of capacity to meet Energy requirements.

Deleted: The MCP and LMP price levels determined through the use of Demand Curves when there is insufficient Operating Reserve available to meet the Operating Reserve requirement.

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(RTCA) Constraints) and (5) Spinning Reserve requirement constraint. A higher VRL value is an indication of the relative priority for enforcing the constraint type. For example, the VRL value assigned to a ramp rate limit exceeds that assigned to a flowgate limit indicating that the flowgate constraint should be relaxed before the ramp rate constraint. If the VRL with the lowest value will not allow SCED to balance the market’s energy obligations, a higher VRL will be applied. In the case of the Operating Constraint VRLs, the values limit the cost of the dispatch needed to balance system injections and withdrawals by capping the Shadow Price depending upon the level of the violation. Similarly, the Spinning Reserve Constraint VRL limits the costs of redispatch need to meet the Spinning Reserve requirement by capping the Spinning Reserve Shadow Price. Exhibit 4-1 provides a summary of the current VRL values by constraint type.

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Exhibit 4-1: VRL Values

Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

(1a)Operating Constraint not subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s real-time contingency analysis.

$500 when the loading is greater than 100% and less than or equal to 101% at each network constraint at each Operating Constraint.

$750 when the loading is greater than 101% and less than or equal to 102% at each network constraint

$1,000 when the loading is greater than 102% and less than or equal to 103% at each network constraint

$1,250 when the loading is greater than 103% and less than or equal to 104% at each network constraint

$1,500 when the loading is greater than 104% at each network constraint

(1b)Operating Constraint subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s real-time contingency analysis.

MISO’s Shadow Price as further defined in Section 3.1 of the SPP-MISO JOA

Deleted: (1) Resource Capacity

Deleted: The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable output of a Resource as indicated in a Resource Offer.

Deleted: 100,000

Deleted: (2) Global Power Balance

Deleted: Energy needed to balance Resources and load.

Deleted: 50,000

Deleted: (3) Resource Ramp

Deleted: The ramp capability of a Resource as indicated in the Resource plan.

Deleted: 5,000

Deleted: (4a)

Deleted: (4b)

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

(2) Spinning Reserve Constraint

A MW value representing the Spinning Reserve requirement

$200 Deleted: (5)

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

VRLs and associated values are intended to achieve the following objectives: (1) Mitigate the occurrence of price excursions or other extreme prices; (2) Remove the portion of a loading violation attributed to market flow on a flowgate within 30 minutes of the start of a VRL violation; (3) Mitigate the regulation burden placed on the Resources providing regulation services; (4) Limit contribution to CPS violations; and (5) Minimize the need for OOMEs. Impact of VRLs on LMPs and MCPs

The applicable VRLs impact the calculation of LMPs and MCPs in the following manner:

(1) When an Operating Constraint is reached but not exceeded, it is referred to as “binding.” In this state, VRLs are not applicable and LMPs and MCPs are calculated through the normal SCED solution;

(2) When an Operating Constraint is exceeded and can’t be resolved at a Shadow Price less than or equal to the applicable Operating Constraint VRL, the constraint is relaxed so that SCED can solve (i.e. the limit is increased by the amount of the violation). The VRL values applied by SCED in this case act as a cap on the Shadow Price on the applicable Operating Constraint. LMPs and MCPs are determined by the relaxed SCED solution;

(a) For example, assume Flowgate A has a 100 MW limit and SCED is re-dispatching to correct a limit violation. The SCED Shadow Price on Flowgate A reaches $1500/MW at which point the SCED calculated flow on Flowgate A is 107 MW. At this point, SCED will stop trying to re-dispatch to meet the 100 MW limit, the limit is then increased (“relaxed”) to 107 MW, and SCED concludes its solution using the new limit. The Shadow Price on Flowgate A is calculated based on this new 107 MW limit and will be approximately equal to $1500/MW. LMPs are calculated using the marginal Resources of this relaxed SCED solution.

(b) Further to the example in (a) above and assuming that the recalculated Shadow Price is equal to $1495/MW, applying the equations for calculation of LMP as described under Section (LMP = MEC + MCC + MLC) for Node X:

Assume: MEC = $20/MWh

Shift Factor for Node X on Flowgate A is (-5%)

MLC = 0

MCC = Shadow Price * Shift Factor

Then: Node X LMP = $20/MWh - ($1495/MWh * -.05) = $94.75/MWh.

Deleted: Manual Dispatch Instructions

Commented [RR145.1]: RR145 Awaiting FERC

Deleted: Resource Capacity, Global Power Balance, Resource Ramp, or

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

(3) When a Spinning Constraint is exceeded and can’t be resolved at a Shadow Price less than or equal to the Spinning Reserve Constraint VRL, the constraint is relaxed so that SCED can solve (i.e. the Spinning Reserve requirement is reduced by the amount of the violation). The VRL values applied by SCED in this case act as a cap on the Shadow Price of the Spinning Reserve constraint. LMPs and MCPs are determined by the relaxed SCED solution.

4.1.5 Scarcity Pricing (1) SPP uses Demand Curves to set Locational Marginal Prices and Market Clearing Prices in

both the DA Market and RTBM during times of capacity shortages (“Scarcity Pricing”), either on a Reserve Zone basis or system-wide basis. There are four sets of Demand Curves that apply on a system-wide basis and/or a Reserve Zone basis: (1) Operating Reserve; (2) Regulation-Up Service; (3) Regulation-Down Service; and (4) Energy. The Scarcity Pricing levels associated with each of these Demand Curves are as follows:

(a) Operating Reserve – The sum of the Safety-Net Energy Offer Cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer Cap as specified under Section 8.2.5;

(b) Regulation-Up Service – The sum of the Regulation-Up Service Offer Cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer Cap as specified under Section 8.2.5;

(c) Regulation-Down Service - The sum of the Regulation-Down Service Offer Cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer Cap as specified under Section 8.2.5; and

(d) Energy –$5,000

(2) Capacity is required by Energy, Regulation-Up Service, Spinning Reserve and Supplemental Reserve and Operating Reserve product-pricing rules (“price cascading”) require that the Regulation-Up Service MCP be greater than or equal to Spinning Reserve MCP and that the Spinning Reserve MCP be greater than or equal to the Supplemental Reserve MCP on both a system-wide basis and Reserve Zone basis. Therefore, any shortage in capacity to meet Energy, Regulation-Up and Contingency Reserve requirements will be reflected in the pricing of all of these products.

(a) For example, if we assume that there is a 50 MW shortage of Supplemental Reserve, the Supplemental Reserve MCP would be set to $1100/MW and the Spinning Reserve MCP, Regulation-Up Service MCP and the Energy LMP would also reflect the impacts of this $1100/MW price. The Energy LMP is increased by the Operating Reserve shortage price of $1100/MW if the cost of serving an

Deleted: (3)

Deleted: When a Resource Ramp Constraint for Energy in the up direction is exceeded and can’t be resolved, the Resource ramp rate constraint is relaxed in a subsequent SCED solution. The VRL values applied by SCED in this case act as a cap on the Shadow Price of the constraint. LMPs and MCPs are determined by the relaxed SCED solution. ¶(4) When a Resource Ramp Constraint for Energy in the down direction is exceeded and can’t be resolved, the Resource ramp rate constraint is relaxed in a subsequent SCED solution. The VRL values applied by SCED in this case act as a cap on the Shadow Price of the constraint. LMPs and MCPs are determined by the relaxed SCED solution.

Deleted: 5

Deleted: Capacity shortages do not include shortages of Operating Reserve relating to insufficient ramping capability and Scarcity Pricing triggered under this situation may be mitigated through the use of ramp sharing as described below under Section 4.1.6 and ultimately mitigated through constraint relaxation as described under Section

Deleted: three

Deleted: and

Deleted: and

Deleted: .


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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

incremental MW of energy worsens the Operating Reserve capacity shortage condition (i.e. Operating Reserve Demand Curve is included in the LMP calculation), otherwise it is not.

(3) The system-wide Regulation-Up Service and Regulation-Down Service Demand Curve prices are designed to reflect pricing signals that are commensurate with a shortage in Regulation-Up Service or Regulation-Down Service capability, not shortages in capacity (i.e. there may be sufficient capacity available to meet the Regulation-Up requirement but there is simply not enough Regulation Qualified Resources and Regulation-Up Qualified Resources available). A shortage of Regulation-Up Service capability will invoke Regulation-Up Service Scarcity Pricing. A shortage of Regulation-Down Service capability will invoke Regulation-Down Service Scarcity Pricing.

(a) In cases where there is no Operating Reserve capacity shortage, Energy LMPs will not be impacted by the Operating Reserve Demand Curve since there is no shortage of capacity, only Regulation-Up capability or Regulation-Down capability.

(b) If a Regulation-Up capability shortage also contributes to an Operating Reserve capacity shortage (i.e. if Contingency Reserve is depleted for the purposes of meeting Energy requirements), Regulation-Up MCPs will be impacted by both the Regulation-Up Demand Curve price and Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

(c) If a Regulation-Down capability shortage is caused by an excess generation emergency situation as described under Sections and, Regulation-Down MCPs will be impacted by the Regulation-Down Demand Curve.

(4) If there is a Reserve Zone Operating Reserve shortage that occurs simultaneously with a system-wide Operating Reserve shortage and there is no system-wide Regulation-Up capability shortage, both the system-wide Operating Reserve Demand Curve and Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curves will be applied (i.e. the system-wide and zonal Operating Reserve Demand Curves are additive) in the calculation of Supplemental Reserve MCPs for the Reserve Zone(s) with Operating Reserve shortage (which will also impact Spinning Reserve and Regulation-Up MCPs due to the price cascading rules described under Section

(5) If there is a Reserve Zone Operating Reserve shortage that occurs simultaneously with a system-wide Operating Reserve shortage and a system-wide Regulation-Up capability shortage, the system-wide Operating Reserve Demand Curve, the system-wide Regulation-Up Demand Curve and the Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curves will be


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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

applied (i.e. the system-wide and zonal Demand Curves are additive) in the calculation of Regulation-Up MCPs for the Reserve Zone(s) with Operating Reserve shortage.

(6) If there is insufficient capacity to meet Energy requirements on a system-wide basis,

Locational Marginal Prices will be set using the Energy Demand Curve. Demand Curve Interaction with VRLs During capacity shortage conditions, both LMPs and MCPs are impacted by prices set by Demand Curves. Additionally, LMPs may also be impacted by VRLs as described under Section 4.1.4. Exhibit 4-2 below shows the impacts to LMPs and MCPs under varying system conditions caused by the applicable of VRLs and Demand Curves.

Deleted: Energy requirements are reduced to meet available capacity and LMPs are calculated normally which will include the impacts of both the system-wide Operating Reserve Demand Curve and system-wide Regulation-Up Demand Curve.

Deleted: ¶

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Exhibit 4-2: VRL and Demand Curve Interaction

Scenarios: A: No Capacity Shortage

B: System-Wide Regulation-Up Shortage, No Operating Reserve Shortage

C: System-wide Operating Reserve Capacity Shortage, No Regulation-Up Shortage

D: System-wide Operating Reserve Capacity Shortage and System-Wide Regulation-Up Shortage

E: System-Wide Operating Reserve Capacity Shortage, System-Wide Regulation-Up Shortage and Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Shortage

F: Energy Capacity Shortage and No Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Shortage

Scenario Non-Binding Operating Constraint VRL Binding Operating Constraint (OC) VRL

LMP Impact MCP Impact LMP Impact MCP Impact

A Set economically by Resource Offers.

Set economically by Resource Offers.

Set economically by relaxing the Transmission Constraint associated with the Operating Constraint VRL.

Set economically by Resource Offers.

B Set economically by Resource Offers.

Regulation-Up MCP >= Regulation-Up Demand Curve price. Contingency Reserve MCPs set economically by Resource Offers.

Set economically by relaxing the Transmission Constraint associated with the Operating Constraint VRL and includes associated OC VRL price impacts.

Regulation-Up MCP >= Regulation-Up Demand Curve price. Contingency Reserve MCPs set economically by Resource Offers.

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Scenario Non-Binding Operating Constraint VRL Binding Operating Constraint (OC) VRL

LMP Impact MCP Impact LMP Impact MCP Impact

C Set economically by Resource Offers and Operating Reserve Demand Curve price impact.

MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

LMPs calculated by relaxing the Transmission Constraint associated with the Operating Constraint VRL. Operating Demand Curve price included in LMP calculation.

MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

D Set either (i) economically by Resource Offers plus Operating Reserve Demand Curve price impact if Contingency Reserve has not been depleted or (ii) economically by Resource Offers and price impacts of both Operating Reserve Demand Curve and Regulation-Up Demand Curve if Contingency Reserve has been depleted to meet Energy requirements.

Supplemental Reserve MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. Spinning Reserve MCP >= Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. Regulation-Up MCP >= sum of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price.

Set economically by relaxing the Transmission Constraint associated with the Operating Constraint VRL and includes associated OC VRL price impacts and (i) Operating Reserve Demand Curve price impact also included in LMP if Contingency Reserve has not been depleted or (ii) sum of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price also included in LMP if Contingency Reserve has been depleted to meet Energy requirements.

Supplemental Reserve MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. Spinning Reserve MCP >= Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. Regulation-Up MCP >= sum of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price.

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Scenario Non-Binding Operating Constraint VRL Binding Operating Constraint (OC) VRL

LMP Impact MCP Impact LMP Impact MCP Impact

E System-Wide LMPs set as described above for Scenario D. LMPs in binding Reserve Zone will also reflect the Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curve price impact.

System-Wide MCPs set as described above for Scenario D and MCPs in binding Reserve Zone will also reflect the Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

System-Wide LMPs Set economically by relaxing the Transmission Constraint associated with the Operating Constraint VRL and includes associated OC VRL price impacts and will also include Demand Curve price impacts as described above for Scenario D. LMPs in binding Reserve Zone will also reflect impacts of the Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

System-Wide MCPs set as described above for Scenario D and MCPs in binding Reserve Zone will also reflect the Reserve Zone Operating Reserve Demand Curve price.

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Market Protocols for SPP Integrated Marketplace

Scenario Non-Binding Operating Constraint VRL Binding Operating Constraint (OC) VRL

LMP Impact MCP Impact LMP Impact MCP Impact

F System-Wide LMPs reflect by Energy Demand Curve.

System-Wide Supplemental Reserve MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. System-Wide Spinning Reserve MCP >= Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. System-Wide Regulation-Up MCP >= sum of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price.

System-Wide LMPs reflect by Energy Demand Curve.

System-Wide Supplemental Reserve MCP set at Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. System-Wide Spinning Reserve MCP >= Operating Reserve Demand Curve price. System-Wide Regulation-Up MCP >= sum of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price.

Deleted: set

Deleted: economically

Deleted: Resource Offers will reflect the price impacts of both

Deleted: Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price

Deleted: set

Deleted: economically

Deleted: Resource Offers on the basis of Energy requirements being relaxed to meet available capacity. LMPs will reflect the price impacts of both of Operating Reserve Demand Curve price and Regulation-Up Demand Curve price

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Southwest Power Pool - Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 - Attachment AE Integrated Marketplace - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3.2

Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 18

4.1.6 Ramp Sharing

Ramp sharing may be applied to clear sufficient amounts of Energy, Regulation-Up Service, Regulation-Down Service and Spinning Reserve to meet the requirements. This is accomplished through the use of tuning parameters within the SCED model that compensate for the inability of a static ramp offer to reflect the more dynamic actual ramping capability (a.k.a. ramp sharing). The values will range from 0% to 100% sharing of ramp between Energy and Regulation-Up Service, between Energy and Regulation-Down Service, and between Energy, Regulation-Up Service, and Spinning Reserve SPP will update these tuning parameters from time to time based upon historical system performance. If ramp sharing is applied, it shall remain effective for all hours in the Day-Ahead Market, Reliability Unit Commitment, and Real-Time Balancing Market. SPP will not implement ramp sharing in the RTBM that will result in the inability to meet applicable NERC reliability standards and control performance requirements.

For example, if SPP institutes 20% ramp sharing between Energy and Spinning Reserve, this means that the effective remaining Ramp Rate available for Spinning Reserve clearing is divided by (1 – 20%) which may result in Spinning Reserve being cleared that is not 100% deployable.


Energy Ramp Rate = 10MW/min

Contingency Reserve Ramp Rate = 10 MW/Min

20 % Ramp sharing As shown above the Energy Ramp Rate is 10 MW/min. Assuming Energy clears at 30 MW, Energy occupies 30MW/5min or 6MW/min of the 10MW/min ramp rate available for Spinning Reserve clearing. The remaining effective Ramp Rate available for Spinning Reserve clearing is 10 MW/min – 6 MW/min = 4 MW/min which means 40 MWs of Spinning Reserve could be cleared (4MW/min * 10 min = 40 MW) with no ramp sharing. With 20% ramp sharing, the amount of Spinning Reserve that could be cleared is increased by dividing 40 MW by (1- 20%). This means based on 20% ramp sharing, we can actually clear up to 40 MW / (0.8) or 50 MW of Spin.

Exhibit Error! No text of specified style in document.-3: Ramp Sharing Example

Deleted: To reduce instances when ramping deficiencies across Hours in the DA Market or Dispatch Intervals in the RTBM initiate unjustified Scarcity Pricing (i.e. Scarcity Pricing should only be initiated when there is a capacity shortage) r

Deleted: s

Deleted: The values will rangeallow sharing of ramp ranging from no sharing of ramp0% to 100% sharing of ramp between Energy and Regulation-Up Service, Regulation-Down Service and/or Energy and Spinning Reserve.

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Southwest Power Pool - Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 - Attachment AE Integrated Marketplace - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3.2

Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 19 Clearing During Capacity Shortage

(1) If there is an Operating Reserve shortage in any hour, Scarcity Pricing will be invoked as described under Section 4.1.5;

(2) If there is a shortage of capacity to meet the fixed Demand Bids and fixed firm Export Interchange Transactions in any hour, the SCED algorithm will reduce the fixed Demand Bids and fixed firm Export Interchange Transactions on a pro-rata reduction basis based on the fixed MW amounts to match the available capacity and Scarcity Pricing will be invoked as described under Section 4.1.5;


If there is a transmission constraint that cannot be relieved due to a shortage of capacity in any hour, the SCED algorithm will clear the bid-in demands on a pro-rata basis based upon the impact on relieving the constraint; Emergency Operations – Capacity Shortage

(1) In addition to the release of Emergency capacity limits prior to the Operating Hour as described under Sections and, SPP operators may release any remaining Emergency capacity limits as needed during the Operating Hour. SPP shall continue implementation of Emergency procedures which may have been implemented prior to the

Deleted: Ramp sharing is applied to ensure, to the extent possible, that short-term ramping deficiencies from hour to hour do not initiate unjustified Scarcity Pricing (i.e. Scarcity Pricing should only be initiated when there is a capacity shortage) as described under Section 4.1.5;

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Southwest Power Pool - Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 - Attachment AE Integrated Marketplace - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3.2

Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 20

Operating Hour or shall begin implementation of Emergency procedures within the Operating Hour, as needed, in accordance with its authority as Reliability Coordinator.

(a) If there is an actual Operating Reserve shortage during any Dispatch Interval, either on a system-wide or a Reserve Zone basis, the system-wide or Reserve Zone Scarcity Prices will be invoked as described under Section 4.1.5.

(i) If there is a shortage of available capacity to meet Energy requirements on a system-wide basis, all LMPs will be set as described under Section 4.1.5.

SPP Tariff (OATT)

Attachment AE 1.1 Definitions D

Demand Curve

A series of quantity/price points used to set Locational Marginal Prices and Market Clearing Prices

when there is a shortage of Energy or Operating Reserve.

1.1 Definitions S

Scarcity Price

The Locational Marginal Price and Market Clearing Price levels determined through the use of

Demand Curves when there is insufficient Energy or Operating Reserve available to meet the


Scarcity Pricing

The calculation of Scarcity Prices in accordance with Sections 8.3.1, and 8.3.5 of this

Attachment AE.

Deleted: Ramp sharing continues to be applied to ensure, to the extent possible, that short-term ramping deficiencies within an Operating Hour do not initiate unjustified Scarcity Pricing (i.e. Scarcity Pricing should only be initiated when there is a capacity shortage) as described under Section 4.1.5.

Deleted: limit

Deleted: Operating Reserve

Deleted: and Locational Marginal Prices

Deleted: supply

Deleted: and Locational Marginal Price

Deleted: the Operating Reserve

Deleted: and

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Southwest Power Pool - Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 - Attachment AE Integrated Marketplace - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3 - Attachment AE (MPL) Section 8.3.2

Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 21 Clearing During Capacity Shortage (1) In the event of an Operating Reserve shortage in any hour, Scarcity Pricing shall be


(2) In the event of a capacity shortage to meet the fixed Demand Bids and fixed firm

Export Interchange Transactions in any hour, the fixed Demand Bids and fixed firm

Export Interchange Transactions will be reduced on a pro-rata reduction basis based

on the fixed MW amounts to match the available capacity, and Scarcity Pricing

shall be implemented.


If a transmission constraint cannot be relieved due to a shortage of capacity in any hour,

the SCED algorithm will clear the bid-in demands on a pro-rata basis based upon

the impact on relieving the constraint. Emergency Operations – Capacity Shortage (1) In addition to the incorporation of the capacity up to Resources’ Maximum

Emergency Capacity Operating Limits prior to the Operating Hour as described

under Sections 5.1.2(1)(a)(i) and 5.2.2(2)(a) of this Attachment AE, the

Transmission Provider may incorporate any remaining emergency capacity limits

as needed during the Operating Hour. The Transmission Provider shall continue

implementation of emergency procedures which may have been implemented prior

to the Operating Hour or shall begin implementation of emergency procedures

within the Operating Hour, as needed, in accordance with its authority as Reliability


(a) If there is an actual Operating Reserve shortage during a Dispatch Interval,

either on a system-wide or a Reserve Zone basis, the system-wide or

Reserve Zone Scarcity Prices will be implemented as specified in Sections

8.3.1 and of this Attachment AE.

(b) If there is a shortage of available capacity to meet Energy requirements on

a system-wide, LMPs will be set through Scarcity Pricing procedures as

specified in Section 8.3.1 of this Attachment AE.

8.3.1 Locational Marginal Price Calculations and Components

Deleted: that is not due to ramp limitations

Deleted: The Transmission Provider may implement sharing of ramping capability between Energy and Operating Reserve product clearing to ensure, to the extent possible, that short-term ramping deficiencies from hour to hour do not initiate Scarcity Pricing as described in Section of this Attachment AE. To the extent that ramp sharing is implemented, it shall remain in effect in all hours of the Day-Ahead Market, in order to clear sufficient amounts of Energy, Regulation-Up Service, Regulation-Down Service and Spinning Reserve to meet the requirements. The Transmission Provider will not implement ramp sharing that will result in the inability to meet applicable NERC reliability standards and control performance requirements.

Deleted: (4)

Deleted: (2) Ramp sharing will continue to be applied consistent with its application in the Day-Ahead Market as described under Section of this Attachment AE.

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Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 22

The LMP at a PNode is the cost of delivering an incremental MW of energy at that

specific PNode, while satisfying all operational constraints where such cost will include

applicable Demand Curve prices if the incremental MW of energy causes a corresponding

increase in shortage conditions where such Demand Curve prices and shortage conditions

are as described under Sections and 8.3.5. The LMP at any PNode is the sum of

three components: the marginal costs of Energy (the MEC), the marginal cost of losses (the

MLC), and the marginal cost of congestion (the MCC).

LMP Components at PNode i are calculated based upon the following formula:

LMPi = MEC + MLCi + MCCi


(1) MEC is the component of LMPi representing the marginal cost of Energy;

(2) MLCi is the component of LMPi representing the marginal cost of losses at PNode

i relative to the Reference Bus;

(3) MCCi is the component of LMPi representing the marginal cost of congestion at

ENode i relative to the Reference Bus; and

(4) The Reference Bus represents the network distributed load bus.

8.3.2 Violation Relaxation Limit

The Day-Ahead Market, RUC and RTBM SCED enforce a number of operating

constraints in developing the co-optimized market solution. In certain situations,

attempting to enforce all constraints may result in a solution that is not feasible at a Shadow

Price less than an appropriately priced VRL. In such cases, the Transmission Provider

must apply VRLs in SCED. The VRL values are listed in Addendum 1 to this Attachment


There are two (2) categories of constraints and associated VRLs: (1) operating

constraints (which include Price Node (“Pnode”), Manual, Watch List, flowgate and Real-

Time contingency analysis (“RTCA”) constraints) and (2) Regulation-up plus spinning

reserve requirement constraint. A higher VRL value is an indication of the relative priority

for enforcing the constraint type. In the case of the operating constraint VRLs, the values

limit the cost of the dispatch needed to balance system injections and withdrawals by

Deleted: five (5)

Deleted: (1) Resource capacity constraints; (2) Resource ramp constraints; (3) global power balance constraints; (4)

Deleted: (5)

Deleted: For example, the VRL value assigned to a ramp rate limit exceeds that assigned to a flowgate limit indicating that the flowgate constraint should be relaxed before the ramp rate constraint. If the VRL with the lowest value will not allow SCED to balance the Energy obligations, a higher VRL will be applied.

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Effective Date: 3/1/2014 - Docket #: ER12-1179 - Page 23

capping the Shadow Price depending upon the level of the violation. Similarly, the

Spinning Reserve constraint VRL limits the costs of redispatch needed to meet the

Spinning Reserve requirement by capping the Spinning Reserve Shadow Price.

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Page 24 of 26

8.3.3 Impact of Violation Relaxation Limits on Locational Marginal Prices

The applicable VRLs impact the calculation of LMPs in the following manner:

(1) When a Spinning Reserve, or operating constraint is reached but not exceeded, it is referred

to as “binding.” In this state, VRLs are not applicable and LMPs are calculated through

the normal SCED solution; and

(2) When a Spinning Reserve, or operating constraint is exceeded and cannot be resolved, the

applicable constraint is relaxed so that SCED can solve. The VRL values applied by SCED

in this case act as a cap on the Shadow Price on the applicable constraint. LMPs are

determined by the relaxed SCED solution; Impact of Scarcity Pricing on Market Clearing Prices (1) The Transmission Provider shall use Demand Curves to reflect Scarcity Prices in MCPs in

both the Day-Ahead Market and RTBM during times of Operating Reserve shortages,

either on a system-wide and/or Reserve Zone basis.

(2) Scarcity Prices are reflected in MCPs using the following Demand Curves:

(a) The Operating Reserve Demand Curve Price is equal to the sum of the safety-net

Energy Offer cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer cap as specified in Section

4.1.1 of this Attachment AE and is applied on both a system-wide basis and zonal


(b) The Regulation-Up Demand Curve Price is equal to the sum of the Regulation-Up

Service Offer cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer cap as specified in Section

4.1.1 of this Attachment AE and is applied on a system-wide basis.

(c) Regulation-Down Demand Curve Price is equal to the sum of the Regulation-Down

Service Offer cap and the Contingency Reserve Offer cap as specified in Section

4.1.1 of this Attachment AE and is applied on a system-wide basis.

8.3.5 Impact of Scarcity Pricing on Locational Marginal Prices

The Transmission Provider shall use Demand Curves to reflect Scarcity Prices in LMPs in both the Day-

Ahead Market and RTBM during times of Energy shortages.

(1) During Energy shortage conditions, Locational Marginal Prices will be set using the Energy

Demand Curve price of $5,000.

(2) Operating Reserve Scarcity Prices may be reflected in LMPs using the Operating Reserve Demand

Curves and Regulation Up Demand Curves as described in Section

Deleted: Resource capacity, global power balance, Resource ramp,

Deleted: Resource capacity, global power balance, Resource ramp,

Deleted: Operating Reserve shortages caused by insufficient ramping capability shall not be subject to Scarcity Pricing.

Deleted: ¶(3)

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Addendum 1 to Attachment AE Violation Relaxation Limit Values

This Addendum 1 to Attachment AE sets forth the VRL values to be used in conjunction with the operation of the SPP Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.

Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

(1a)Operating Constraint not subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s Real-Time contingency analysis.

$500 when the loading is greater than 100% and less than or equal to 101% at each network constraint at each Operating Constraint.

$750 when the loading is greater than 101% and less than or equal to 102% at each network constraint

$1,000 when the loading is greater than 102% and less than or equal to 103% at each network constraint

$1,250 when the loading is greater than 103% and less than or equal to 104% at each network constraint

$1,500 when the loading is greater than 104% at each network constraint

(1b)Operating Constraint subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s Real-Time contingency analysis.

MISO’s Shadow Price as further defined in Section 3.1 of Attachment 2 of the SPP-MISO JOA

(2)Regulation-up plus Spinning Reserve Constraint

A MW value representing the sum of the Regulation-Up requirement and Spinning Reserve requirement


Deleted: (1) Resource Capacity

Deleted: The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable output of a resource as indicated in a Resource Offer.

Deleted: 100,000

Deleted: (2) Global Power Balance

Deleted: Energy needed to balance resources and load.

Deleted: 50,000

Deleted: (3) Resource Ramp

Deleted: The ramp capability of a resource as indicated in the resource plan.

Deleted: 5,000

Deleted: (4a)

Deleted: (4b)

Deleted: (5)

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Page 26 of 26

SPP Operating Criteria

SPP Planning Criteria

SPP Business Practices

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Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 183 Date: 8/11/2016

RR Title: VRL Annual Update 2016


Name: Erin Cathey Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-590-8298


The revisions in this RR seek to update the operating constraint Violation Relaxation Limits (VRLs) based on the results of annual analysis performed by SPP staff. SPP staff found that with the changes suggested the SPP market will see less violations and the prices will more accurately reflect the needed redispatch.

All reviewing working groups have approved. Opposition was expressed by WR and Xcel. Explanation of WRs opposition is provided below.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the revisions as submitted in this Recommendation Report


Objectives of Revision Request: Describe the problem/issue this revision request will resolve.

Per Section of the Marketplace Protocols, by August 1st each year, SPP will provide analysis as well as a set of proposed VRLs and associated values to the ORWG and MWG. ORWG and MWG will then recommend a set of proposed VRLs and associated values to the MOPC.

This RR proposes to update the operating constraint VRL values based on the analysis provided by SPP.

Once the clearing engine reaches the VRL, it stops redispatching and moves on, but issues a violation. By adjusting increasing the VRL to a higher value, the clearing engine will provide additional redispatch to provide relief needed to solve the case with less violations.

Describe the benefits that will be realized from this revision.

There will be less violations and the prices will more accurately reflect the needed redispatch.


SPP staff and SPP MMU support this RR.


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Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:

SPP DOCUMENTS IMPACTED Market Protocols Section(s): 4.1.4 Protocol Version: 39a Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Addendum 1 to Attachment AE Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 8/23/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: GSEC

Opposed: WR

Reasons for Opposition:

Westar OPPOSES RR183. Westar’s opposition is based upon a concern that VRL relaxation of constraints should be minimized to avoid dampening price signals to Market Participants, Transmission Owners, and Transmission Developers.

Westar understands that RR183 is a modification of the current VRL relaxation thresholds, already existing in both the tariff and protocols. However, Westar has historically opposed VRL relaxation as constructed here, and our concerns have not changed. VRL relaxation, if used at all, should be limited to only to more extreme circ*mstances but not be a day-to-day muting of constraint valuation.

Relaxation should be the exception rather than a rule for dealing with binding transmission or ramping constraints. Unfettered relaxation of IROL and SOL constraints is not only bad economics, it may also impact network reliability. Based on the language in RR183, we could not determine if SPP allows for exceptions for relaxing IROL and SOL constraints.

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Secondary Working Group: ORWG

Date: 8/31/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

Secondary Working Group: RTWG

Date: 9/22/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Opposed: XCEL

Reasons for Opposition: None provided

Secondary Working Group: RCWG

Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: XCEL


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: GSEC

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Ron Thompson (NPPD)

Date Comments Submitted: 8/18/16

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Description of Comments: NPPD believes the resulting shadow pricing is too high. Higher shadow prices for violations of operating constraints will not correct the underlying issue of not having sufficient ramp capability to resolve the operating constraint. Prices that approach scarcity pricing seem to indicate that there is a long term issue that needs to be addressed for the long term. Most of the time when high shadow pricing is seen there is plenty of generation available and the issue seems to be more of a ramp issue. So is there something else that can be developed to manage constraints so the operating constraints are not violated to the point the market cannot dispatch out of the constraint?. For example do these constraints need be totally addressed in the next 5 minute run or can it be based on the level needed address in a longer time period thus reducing the shadow price spike. Another potential solution is not pushing the system to near or above 100% of the operating constraints. Would it be better to limit intentional dispatch to some lower level to provide margin for forecasting errors (especially with the amount of Renewables being projected). With the shadow prices spikes seen at times having commitment in the DA Market has larger risk especially when you would have an event. When at times the Hourly RT price on average could be 10 times higher than the DA price it raises concerns. So are there better ways to manage this other than the process used today?

Status: Reviewed


Comment Author: Nick Parker on behalf of SPP MMU

Date Comments Submitted: The Market Monitor is in support of raising the first block of VRL for Operating Constraints from $500 to $750 based on the SPP analysis. The Market Monitor supports the rigor of the analysis and the report. The “economic breach” analysis shows there are times when prices may be suppressed when relaxation occurs even when physical relief may be present. This tends to occur much more frequently on lower voltage constraints and trade-offs with impacts to occurrences to higher voltage constraints would be minimal. Sustained breaches can be an indication of economic relaxation which can lead to intervention (i.e. constraint limit changes) to achieve physical relief. The Market Monitor believes this update is consistent with appropriate scarcity pricing signals.

Description of Comments: 8/18/2016

Status: Not yet reviewed by MWG


Market Protocols

4.1.4 Violation Relaxation Limits

The DA Market, RUC processes and RTBM SCED enforce a number of operating constraints in developing the co-optimized market solution. In certain situations, attempting to enforce all constraints may result in a solution that is not feasible at a Shadow Price less than an appropriately priced Violation Relaxation Limit. In such cases, SPP must apply Violation Relaxation Limits (VRLs) in SCED.

There are five categories of constraints and associated VRLs: (1) Resource Capacity Constraints; (2) Resource Ramp Constraint; (3) Global Power Balance Constraint; (4) Operating Constraint (which include PNode, Manual, Watch List, flowgate and Real-Time Contingency Analysis (RTCA) Constraints) and (5) Spinning Reserve requirement constraint. A higher VRL value is an

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indication of the relative priority for enforcing the constraint type. For example, the VRL value assigned to a ramp rate limit exceeds that assigned to a flowgate limit indicating that the flowgate constraint should be relaxed before the ramp rate constraint. If the VRL with the lowest value will not allow SCED to balance the market’s energy obligations, a higher VRL will be applied. In the case of the Operating Constraint VRLs, the values limit the cost of the dispatch needed to balance system injections and withdrawals by capping the Shadow Price depending upon the level of the violation. Similarly, the Spinning Reserve Constraint VRL limits the costs of redispatch need to meet the Spinning Reserve requirement by capping the Spinning Reserve Shadow Price. Exhibit 4-1 provides a summary of the current VRL values by constraint type.

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Exhibit 4-1: VRL Values Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

(1) Resource Capacity The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable output of a Resource as indicated in a Resource Offer.


(2) Global Power Balance Energy needed to balance Resources and load. 50,000 (3) Resource Ramp The ramp capability of a Resource as indicated

in the Resource plan. 5,000

(4a) Operating Constraint not subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s real-time contingency analysis.

$750 when the loading is greater than 100% and less than or equal to 101% at each network constraint at each Operating Constraint.

$750 when the loading is greater than 101% and less than or equal to 102% at each network constraint

$1,000 when the loading is greater than 102% and less than or equal to 103% at each network constraint

$1,250 when the loading is greater than 103% and less than or equal to 104% at each network constraint

$1,500 when the loading is greater than 104% at each network constraint

(4b) Operating Constraint subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint

MISO’s Shadow Price as further defined in Section 3.1 of the SPP-MISO JOA

Deleted: $500

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Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

identified by SPP’s real-time contingency analysis.

(5) Spinning Reserve Constraint

A MW value representing the Spinning Reserve requirement


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VRLs and associated values are intended to achieve the following objectives: (1) Mitigate the occurrence of price excursions or other extreme prices; (2) Remove the portion of a loading violation attributed to market flow on a flowgate within 30 minutes of the start of a VRL violation; (3) Mitigate the regulation burden placed on the Resources providing regulation services; (4) Limit contribution to CPS violations; and (5) Minimize the need for OOMEs.

SPP Tariff (OATT)

Addendum 1 to Attachment AE Violation Relaxation Limit Values

This Addendum 1 to Attachment AE sets forth the VRL values to be used in conjunction with the operation of the SPP Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.

Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

(1) Resource Capacity

The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable output of a resource as indicated in a Resource Offer.


(2) Global Power Balance

Energy needed to balance resources and load.


(3) Resource Ramp The ramp capability of a resource as indicated in the resource plan.


(4a) Operating Constraint not subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s Real-Time contingency analysis.

$750 when the loading is greater than 100% and less than or equal to 101% at each network constraint at each Operating Constraint.

$750 when the loading is greater than 101% and less than or equal to 102% at each network constraint

$1,000 when the loading is greater than 102% and less than or equal to 103% at each network constraint

$1,250 when the loading is greater than 103% and less than or equal

Commented [RR145.1]: RR145 Awaiting FERC

Deleted: $500

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Constraint Type Description VRL [$/MW]

to 104% at each network constraint

$1,500 when the loading is greater than 104% at each network constraint

(4b) Operating Constraint subject to Market-to-Market coordination

A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to MW flow across a market node, a manually-identified transmission constraint, a Watch List transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a transmission constraint identified by SPP’s Real-Time contingency analysis.

MISO’s Shadow Price as further defined in Section 3.1 of Attachment 2 of the SPP-MISO JOA

(5) Regulation-up plus Spinning Reserve Constraint

A MW value representing the sum of the Regulation-Up requirement and Spinning Reserve requirement


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Page 10 of 10

SPP Operating Criteria


SPP Planning Criteria


SPP Business Practices


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Page 1 of 9

Revision Request Recommendation Report

RR #: 193 Date: 9/23/2016

RR Title: Solar Generation


Name: Erin Cathey Company: Southwest Power Pool

Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 501-590-8298


This Revision Request proposes the rules necessary for Solar-Powered Generation Resources (SGRs) where existing Market Protocol and Tariff language does not include them.

All reviewing working groups have reviewed and approved.

The MOPC requests the BOD move to approve the Revision Request as submitted in this Recommendation Report.


Objectives of Revision Request: This Revision Request proposes necessary rules for Solar-Powered Generation Resources (SGRs) where existing Market Protocol and Tariff language does not include them. These revisions will further facilitate the integration of solar generation via economic dispatch while maintaining the reliability of the Bulk Electric System.

Also, the addition of a solar forecast will enhance the accuracy of the Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) and Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED).

Specific changes include:

1. The addition of a description of a Solar-Powered Generation Resource (SGR) forecast for use in SPP forward studies,

2. solar-specific requirements to increase accuracy of a Solar-powered Generation Resource forecast, and

3. modification of the DVER registration requirement to include Solar Resources.


SPP staff supports this RR.


Will the revision result in system changes No Yes

Will the revision result in process changes? No Yes

Is an Impact Assessment required? No Yes

If no, explain:

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Page 2 of 9

Estimated Cost: $ Estimated Duration: months

Primary Working Group Score/Priority:


Market Protocols Section(s):New, New, 6.1.8 Protocol Version: 39a

Operating Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Planning Criteria Section(s): Criteria Date: Tariff (OATT) Section(s): Attachment AE section 5.4, Appendix 6 of Attachment V, Section 2.2(10) Business Practice Business Practice Number:

WORKING GROUP REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS List Primary and any Secondary/Impacted WG Recommendations as appropriate

Primary Working Group: MWG

Date: 9/20/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Opposed: NPPD

Reasons for Opposition:

NPPD: Revision Request 193 on Solar Generation states that any Variable energy Resource site (that is not PURPA Qualified) will have to Dis-patchable Variable Energy Resource (DVER) if injecting onto the SPP System (not Behind the meter generation). This would be the same for Windfarms after a set date as well. This would be any size so NPPD has a couple of concerns:

1. Any size is a concern – As per Tariff any injection onto the SPP results in the Resource not qualifying to be a “Behind the Meter” Generator. The load at some of Settlement locations are not very high during some parts of the season. This would result in having small resources having to have all the ICCP requirements that a DVER requires and be in front of the meter. Should there be a level like 5 to 10mws before having to be a DVER?

2. Potential event where the Resource was “Behind the Meter” and there was enough load where there was no injection into the SPP System. However a few years later loads change and the Resource did end up injecting into the System (even for just a short time) and is required to register into the market. The Unit was never designed to be able to be a DVER and was put into service before the cutoff dates in the protocols. However the Interconnection Agreement was with the local transmission provider due to being behind the meter. However RR 193 states it has to be a SPP Interconnection Agreement to use the cutoff timelines in the Protocols. There should be a way to use the Interconnection date with the local transmission provider for these situations.

Secondary Working Group: RTWG

Date: 9/22/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: TPS, WR, KCPL, Nextera

Opposed: NPPD

Reasons for Opposition: None provided

Secondary Working Group: TWG

Date: 9/23/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved

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Page 3 of 9

Secondary Working Group: RCWG

Date: 9/30/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: NPPD, WFEC, AEP

Secondary Working Group: ORWG

Date: 10/06/2016

Action Taken: Unanimously Approved


Date: 10/11/2016

Action Taken: Approved

Abstained: NextEra Energy Resources, NextEra Energy Transmission, NEET, NEER, SCMCN, OMPA

Opposed: NPPD

Reasons for Opposition:

BOD/Member Committee

Date: 10/25/2016

Action Taken:



Reasons for Opposition:


Comment Author: Carrie Dixon

Date Comments Submitted: 9/14/2016

Description of Comments: Additional language added to extend existing protocol language adopted for wind generators with GIAs executed before July 1, 2013 to solar generators that meet the same criteria. XES additions are indicated via that comments below. The changes are intended to establish consistent treatment across existing variable energy resource types.

Status: Reviewed, partially accepted. The MWG accepted modified version of the language suggested by XES to allow for grandfathering of Resources who have not previously been required to provide solar forecast data as outlined in the RR.


Comment Author:

Date Comments Submitted:

Description of Comments:



Market Protocols

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Page 4 of 9 Solar-Powered Generation Resource Output Forecasts

SPP shall produce an hourly Solar-powered Generation Resource (SGR) forecast that provides a rolling 48-hour forecast of energy from each SGR that is expected to exceed the SGR actual output 50% of the time. The SGR forecasts for each hour are used as inputs into the corresponding hour in the RUC process.

SPP shall produce an hourly SPP Total Solar Power Forecast (TSPF) providing a rolling 48-hour probability distribution of the hourly production potential from all SGRs in SPP for each of the next 48 hours.

SGRs with a Generation Interconnection Agreement effective prior to July 16, 2013 shall not be required to provide data as described in section

SPP shall make available the SGR forecasts to Market Participants and their designated agents for their specific SGRs, subject to any applicable confidentiality protections. In addition, SPP shall make available the TSPF to all Market Participants. Historical data shall be available for seven (7) calendar days. Solar-Powered Generation Resource Data Requirements

(A) A Generator Interconnection Customer for a Solar-powered Generation Resource (SGR) must provide the following static information to SPP using a spreadsheet based template provided by SPP. The Market Participant registering the Resource shall provide SPP with current contact information for SGR Owner and Operator through the Model Change Submission Tool (MCST). The Market Participant may submit the data on the Generator Interconnection Customer’s behalf. SGR static data must be updated at least once every five (5) years or as needed.

(1) Geographical Data – At least one set of latitude and longitude coordinates is required for the SGR site and the meteorological collection device station. The placement of the met station shall be within 10 miles from the SGR site. If more than one set of coordinates will be provided for the SGR and its met station, an email can be sent to [emailprotected].

(a) Solar-Powered Generation Resource

(i) Latitude – Latitude of the Resource location. The value should be entered in the decimal form of degrees. The value should be between 30 and 50 degrees and rounded to four digits. The value should represent the latitude at the mid-point of the SGR.


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(ii) Longitude – Longitude of the Resource location. The value should be entered in the decimal form of degrees. The value should be between -85 and -110 degrees and rounded to four digits. The value should represent the longitude at the mid-point of the SGR.

(b) Met Station

(i) Latitude – Latitude of the met station. The value should be entered in the decimal form of degrees. The value should be between 30 and 50 degrees and rounded to four digits.

(ii) Longitude – Longitude of the met station. The value should be entered in the decimal form of degrees. The value should be between -85 and -110 degrees and rounded to four digits.

(2) Solar-Powered Generation Resource Data – Data related to the SGR technology employed at the SGR. If there is more than one type, model, etc., provide the most dominant data among the SGR site.

(a) Manufacturer – Manufacturer of the SGR technology.

(b) Model – Model of the SGR devices. Provide any prefixes and suffixes if available.

(c) SGR Devices – The number of panels, mirrors, or thermal cells at the SGR

(d) Capacity – The nameplate capacity of each unit

(e) Tilt – Altitude angle or angle range for units

(f) Azimuth Angle– Azimuth angle or angle range for units

(g) Height – Elevation of panels above ground level

(3) Tracking Data – Details related to the tracking system if equipped.

(a) Type – Single or dual-axis tracking

(b) Manufacturer – Manufacturer of the tracker

(c) Model – Model of the tracker

(4) ICCP Object ID – The ICCP object IDs that the Generator Interconnection Customer will use to send ICCP data for a SGR

(a) Wind Speed

(b) Wind Direction

(c) Air Temperature


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(d) Pressure

(e) Relative Humidity

(f) Back Unit Temperature

(g) Irradiance

(i) Direct Irradiance

(ii) Global Horizontal Irradiance

(iii) Plane of Array/Global Irradiance

(5) Contact Information – 24x7 contact information

(a) SGR Owner

(b) SGR Operator

(B) A Generator Interconnection Customer for a SGR must provide Real-Time data through ICCP. The Market Participant may submit the data on the Generator Interconnection Customer’s behalf.

(1) Weather Data – A snapshot of the instantaneous value at the SGR site is requested at a periodicity of every 60 seconds or faster.

(a) Wind Speed – Telemetered wind speed measured in meters per second (m/s) taken directly from the specified met station.

(b) Wind Direction – Telemetered wind direction measured in compass heading degrees (1 – 360) taken directly from the specified met station.

(c) Air Temperature – Telemetered air temperature measured in degrees Celsius (C) taken directly from the specified met station.

(d) Pressure – Telemetered barometric pressure measured in kilopascals (kPa) taken directly from the specified met station/nacelle anemometer.

(e) Relative Humidity – Telemetered relative humidity measured in percent (%) taken directly from the specified met station/nacelle anemometer.

(f) Back Panel Temperature – Telemetered temperature measured in degrees Celsius (C) taken from a probe attached to the back of a unit.

(g) Irradiance – Telemetered irradiance measured in watt per square meter (W/m2) required for the type of SGR technology that the SGR employs. Irradiance requirements may be a combination of direct irradiance, global horizontal irradiance, or plane of array/global irradiance.

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(2) Real-Time Availability – Percentage of installed nameplate capacity of the SGR that is able to generate power. A snapshot of the instantaneous availability at the SGR site is requested at a periodicity of every 60 seconds or faster.

(C) A Generator Interconnection Customer for a SGR must provide Planned and Forced Outage and Availability data though the Control Room Operations Window (CROW). The Market Participant may submit the data on the Generator Interconnection Customer’s behalf.

(1) Outage – Any planned or forced outage, where the SGR is out of service or not operational, shall be added to CROW as an outage with the best approximation of the in-service date.

(2) Availability – Provide the planned hourly SGR MW capability due to maintenance and any known power curve de-rate for the next 7 days. The threshold to submit, or update, availability reduction from nameplate capacity is 10% or 10MW whichever is smaller.

6.1.8 Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource

All Variable Energy Resources must register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource except for (i) Wind powered Variable Energy Resources with an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to May 21, 2011 and that commenced Commercial Operation before October 15, 2012 or (ii) a Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility, or (iii) Non-wind Variable Energy Resources registered on or prior to January 1, 2017 and with an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to January 1, 2017. VERs included in (i) and (iii) above may register as Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources if they are capable of being incrementally dispatched by the Transmission Provider. A Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility may register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource if it is capable of being incrementally dispatched by the Transmission Provider and will be subject to the DVER market rules including Uninstructed Resource Deviation Charges. Any Resource that has previously registered as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource shall not subsequently register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources.

(1) A Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource is eligible to submit Offers for Regulation-Down if that Resource qualifies to provide Regulation-Down by passing the test described under Section

(2) A Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource is not eligible to submit Offers for Regulation-Up, Spinning Reserve or Supplemental Reserve;

Deleted: Wind-

Deleted: Non-wind (e.g. solar, run-of-the-river hydro, biomass) Variable Energy Resources shall not be required to register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources unless they choose to register as such.

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(3) Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources are committed and dispatched the same as any other Resource in the Day-Ahead Market.

(4) For the RUC and RTBM, special commitment and dispatch rules apply as defined under Section

(5) Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource data submittal requirements are defined in the SPP Criteria.

SPP Tariff (OATT)

Attachment AE

2.2 Application and Asset Registration

(10) All Variable Energy Resources must register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy

Resource except for (i) Wind powered Variable Energy Resources with an

interconnection agreement executed on or prior to May 21, 2011 and that

commenced Commercial Operation before October 15, 2012 or (ii) a Qualifying

Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility

or (iii) Non-wind powered Variable Energy Resources registered on or prior to

January 1, 2017 and with an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to

January 1, 2017. VERs included in (i) and (iii) above may register as Dispatchable

Variable Energy Resources if they are capable of being incrementally dispatched

by the Transmission Provider. A Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under

PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility may register as a Dispatchable

Variable Energy Resource if it is capable of being incrementally dispatched by the

Transmission Provider and will be subject to the DVER market rules including

Uninstructed Resource Deviation Charges. Any Resource that has previously

registered as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource shall not subsequently

register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources.

Deleted: A wind-powered Variable Energy Resource with (1) an interconnection agreement executed after May 21, 2011 or (2) an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to May 21, 2011 and that commenced Commercial Operation on or after October 15, 2012 must register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource. A wind-powered Variable Energy Resource with an interconnection agreement executed on or prior to May 21, 2011 may register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource if it is capable of being incrementally dispatched by the Transmission Provider. Variable Energy Resources with fuel sources other than wind may optionally register as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource. Otherwise, Variable Energy Resources must register as Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources. A Qualifying Facility exercising its rights under PURPA to deliver its net output to its host utility may register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource or a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource as described in the Market Protocols. Any Resource that has previously registered as a Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource shall not subsequently register as a Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource.

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Appendix 6 of Attachment V

Article 5. Interconnection Facilities Engineering, Procurement, and Construction

5.4 Power System Stabilizers.

The Interconnection Customer shall procure, install, maintain and operate Power System Stabilizers in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established by the Applicable Reliability Council. Transmission Provider reserves the right to reasonably establish minimum acceptable settings for any installed Power System Stabilizers, subject to the design and operating limitations of the Generating Facility. If the Generating Facility's Power System Stabilizers are removed from service or not capable of automatic operation, Interconnection Customer shall immediately notify Transmission Owner’s system operator, or its designated representative. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to non-synchronous generators.

Deleted: wind

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1. Direct the SPP staff to use for historical period the following interpretation of the Z2 language in the Tariff: For a transmission reservation to be assigned a transmission credit payment obligation under Attachment Z2 for an upgrade that adds capacity to the system, that upgrade must have been included in the original aggregate study model that was used to determine transmission service.

2. The executed transmission service agreement must explicitly include a directly assigned upgrade cost for payment of credits under Attachment Z2 in order to be directly assigned to the Transmission Customer.

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