Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2024)

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (1)

One of the most unique characters in MapleStory is finally coming to the Reboot world! The long awaited Child of God, Zero class can be made, giving you the chance to have a tag team type class with Alpha and Beta.

What To Know Before Making a Zero

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2)

Take advantage of the new update and make yourself a Zero! But, should you definitely make a Zero even if you’re not maining it? The answer is, Yes. Zero has an amazing Legion and Link skill that will greatly benefit any player.

The Zero class allows you to play 2 characters in 1. While playing Zero you can alternate between Alpha and Beta, male and female respectively, and they each have their own HP bar and unique skills. Basically, you have 2 lives and when one gets low just switch out and the other HP bar will passively regenerate.

Make sure that you complete the Zero Storyline because once you do, you’ll get your max Link skill. When doing the dungeons in the Mirror world you’ll be able to get the coins that you can use at the shop to get Mastery books or Emblem. When you get to chapter 2, you can leave for the Maple World and train there if you prefer. (remember to go back and finish the story) Zero Storyline is straightforward and easy so I suggest doing that till level 180.

When customizing your Zero with cash items, Alpha and Beta have separate cosmetic tabs so you can either match them or have them look different. Alpha is restricted to Male cosmetics and Beta is restricted to Female cosmetics. Also, the Zero class cannot get married.If the Cash item is Unisex, 1 item can be shared between Alpha and Beta. So you don’t have to buy 2 sets of Cash items.

Free Daily Trait Upgrades for Zero

Everyday you can click 3 times on the bookcase in your hometown and you’ll get 3 random instances of trait exp. Pretty great since traits help you with various stuff like EXP loss, and IED.

How To Obtain Time Coins

Time coins come from completing the dungeons and once you finish your storyline quests you’ll have a ton of them to use. Make sure you get the Emblem. Time coins are guaranteed to drop from the boss at the end of the dungeon and rarely drop from the mobs in the dungeon.

Also, do the quests in the mirror world that don’t pertain to the story as it will give you EXP and Time Coins.

Zero Primary and Secondary Weapons

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (3)
Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (4)

Zero’s primary and secondary weapon are split into Alpha and Beta.

Alpha’s primary weapon is Lazuli and secondary is Lapis.

Beta’s primary weapon is Lapis and secondary is Lazuli.

When playing Zero your primary and secondary depend on if you’re using Alpha or Beta.

Zero’s weapons will upgrade themselves every 10 levels up to 170, starting at 100. After that, you’ll be required to obtain Absolab Essence and Arcane Umbra Essence for further upgrades.

In order to reset flames and potential for Zero weapons, you’ll need to have and use Weapon Points.

How To Obtain Zero Class Weapon Points

Weapon points are obtained from Kritias Dungeon (Daily limit: 3) and defeating Bosses. Hard Kritias dungeon 3x a day will give you a ton of Weapon points so make sure to do that everyday along with your other bosses. Other dungeons give Weapon points but not as much.

In order to go to the Kritias dungeon you’ll need the token which costs 5 time coins. Normal and Hard Kritias each have a daily limit of 3. So, you can do 6 total.

Weapon points have a limit and can only bring your Weapon to Unique Potential. Legendary will require other cubes.

Zero Special Weapon System

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (5)

The Zero class has a special weapon system in which the Weapon and Secondary are identical and pretty much double what you get from 1. For example, if you have +35% Boss damage on your weapon, you’ll actually be getting +70% Boss damage since your secondary will be the same.

The weapon slot is also locked, and technically fits into any set. As long as you have the required stuff. Because your weapon is locked that also means that whenever your Weapon gets upgraded it will keep the potential lines, flames, and star force. Zero has the best and most cost efficient Weapon system in the game since you can tier it up at lower levels.

Zero Weapon Upgrade Guide

Zero’s weapon upgrading system is very unique and if you don’t know how to do it, it will cost you a ton of time and wasted effort.

First thing, Keep your weapon at level 140 and go for 17 or 22 Star force. Ideally, you want 22 but 17 stars is ok if you lack the mesos and want to get stronger. Because Zero’s weapon stats stay with you even after an upgrade, it is best to upgrade it is cheaper to do so. (check below if you destroyed/boomed your weapon)

After you get to 22 Starforce, go for the flames and potentials. Unique is the maximum when using Weapon points so don’t forget to have cubes ready. Take advantage of Zero’s unique weapon system and by doing it this way, you’ll save on a ton of Weapon points and effort.

What Happens If You Boom Your Zero Weapon?

If by chance you destroy/boom your item before getting to 22 Starforce, don’t worry since you will get your weapon right back at 12 Stars with the same flames and potential. If you boom your weapon and it has an Absolab or Arcane Umbra Essence attached to it, you’ll get the weapon back but without the essence attached. Basically, you’ll need to put another one in.

Once your Weapon is level 180 you don’t have to use the Absolab essence first, you can go directly into Arcane Umbra and skip Absolab as long as you have the required essence. (Join a good guild for this to even be possible)

Zero Shared Cash Shop

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (6)

When it comes to the Cash Shop, the characters that are of the same Race can share NX items and Cash Shop items with each other.

Zero is part of the Transcendent Race and shares a cash shop with only other Zero’s.

Zero Link Skill

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (7)

Zero’s link skill is Rhinne’s Blessing which reduces incoming damage and gives extra IED.

In order to level up your link skill you have to collect Goddess Teardrops from the Zero questline.

Skill LevelRequired LevelLink Effect
1118IED +2%, Damage Taken -3%
2128IED +4%, Damage Taken -6%
3138IED +6%, Damage Taken -9%
4158IED +8%, Damage Taken -12%
5178IED +10%, Damage Taken -15%

The link skill jumps from Level 3 to 5 upon completing Chapter 8, skipping Level 4.

Zero Legion Effect

Zero’s legion effect is bonus EXP %..

Bonus EXP

Rank BRank ARank SRank SSRank SSS

Rank SSS: Level 250

Rank SS: Level 200-249

Rank S: Level 140-199

Rank A: Level 100-139

Rank B: Level 60-99

Zero Best Inner Ability

Zero’s best inner abilities are,

Prime LineAttack Speed +1
Secondary Line21 Attack
Third LineCrit %

Zero really shines when you have Attack speed 0. The damage output becomes ridiculous and you will be using skills very quickly.

Another way to build is to get Cooldown Skip. This will allow you the chance to continuously bind a target with Shadow Rain.

Zero Skills

The Zero skills are very different from normal classes and that has to do with having both Alpha and Beta moves. Zero is also unique in the fact that they don’t have 1st and 2nd job specific skills. Skills are unlocked as you level.

Zero Beginner Skills

Most important Zero beginner skills are Divine Force, Divine Speed, and Burst Step.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (8)
  • Divine Force (Toggle)

Level 1: Time Force Cost: 20, increases Weapon ATT by 20, Magic ATT by 20, Weapon Defense by 500, Magic Defense by 500, all Elemental Resistance by 10%, and all Abnormal Status Resistance by 10%

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (9)
  • Divine Speed (Toggle)

Level 1: Time Force Cost: 20, increases Movement Speed by 20, Jump by 10, Avoidability by 300, Accuracy by 200, and Attack Speed by 1 level

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (10)
  • Burst Step (Active)

Level 1: Time Force Cost: 5, press arrow keys ↑, ↓, ←,→ and then use the skill to move in the corresponding direction Double-tap ↑↑, ↓↓, ←←, →→ to move in that direction. Can be used on a ladder or rope. Can be linked with Burst Jump

Zero can only have 1 aura going at a time and the best one to use is Divine Speed. Make sure to toggle this one on because extra movement speed and attack speed than just 20 weapon attack.. Burst Step is a movement skill and lets you teleport twice in any direction.

The rest of the beginner skills are passives and a flash jump.

Zero Skill Build Alpha/Beta

If you want the easy short answer, at level 180 you will be able to max out all skills. So, all you have to do is put a single point into all your active skills and learn how to use them. A lot of Zero’s skills chain combo on their own, you’ll just need to figure out which to use.

(Mobbing and Bossing Combos below)

Alpha Skill Order

Free SP from Level 100 Quest: Piercing Thrust (1)

  1. Long Sword Mastery (MAX), Moon Strike (1) Save SP until Level 110
  2. Time Generator (1), Flash Assault (MAX), SP Saved (19) Save SP until Level 115
  3. Spin Cutter (MAX), SP Saved (24) Save SP until Level 120
  4. Rolling Cross (MAX), SP Saved (19)
  5. Rolling Assault (MAX), Reinforce Body (MAX), SP Saved (9) Save SP until Level 140
  6. Wind Cutter (MAX), SP Saved (29) Save SP until Level 145
  7. Wind Striker (1), SP Saved (43) Save SP until Level 150
  8. Advanced Spin Cutter (MAX), Storm Break (18), Saved SP (20) Save SP until Level 160
  9. Grand Rolling Cross (MAX), Divine Leer (MAX)
  10. Advanced Rolling Assault (MAX)
  11. Storm Break (MAX)
  12. Advanced Storm Break (MAX)
  13. Wind Striker (MAX)
  14. Time Generator (MAX)
  15. Moon Strike (MAX)
  16. Piercing Thrust (MAX)
  17. Shadow Strike (Max)

Beta Skill Order

Free SP from Level 100 Quest: Air Raid (2)

  1. Heavy Sword Mastery (MAX), Rising Slash (1) Save SP until Level 105
  2. Flash Cut (MAX) Save SP until Level 110
  3. Solid Body (MAX)
  4. Rising Slash (MAX)
  5. Air Raid (5)
  6. Spin Driver (1)
  7. Air Raid (MAX) Save SP until Level 125
  8. Wheel Wind (MAX) Save SP until Level 130
  9. Armor Split (1) Save SP until Level 135
  10. Giga Crash (MAX) Save SP until Level 140
  11. Falling Star (MAX) Save SP until Level 145
  12. Earth Break (MAX) Save SP until Level 150
  13. Air Riot (MAX)
  14. Throwing Weapon (MAX)
  15. Advanced Throwing Weapon (MAX)
  16. Advanced Wheel Wind (1)
  17. Immune Barrier (MAX)
  18. Advanced Earth Break (MAX)
  19. Armor Split (16)
  20. Spin Driver (11)
  21. Critical Bind (MAX)
  22. Spin Driver (MAX)
  23. Armor Split (MAX)
  24. Advanced Wheel Wind (MAX)

Who To Use, Alpha Or Beta, For Leveling?

When it comes to using Zero you’ll notice that Alpha’s skills are fast and Beta skills are pretty slow. But, since you can use two characters, who should you use to level and play with?

If you only want to stick to one character, it is best to use Alpha since his moves bring you around the map quickly and the tornado can be sent to hit further mobs.

Generally, you’ll want to use both Alpha and Beta to weave skills together like Wind Cutter > Grand Rolling Cross > Spin Driver > Giga Crash.

Zero Hyper Skill

Zero’s hyper skill section is a bit unique and is given to you as soon as you hit the level requirement.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (11)

Doubletime (passive): gives you buffs for dealing damage and hitting the enemy. Make sure to tag to keep both buffs up since Alpha and Beta each have their own.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (12)

Time Distortion: creates an area where you and your party have status effects cancelled and increases enemies damage taken %. Great for stuff like Pink Bean.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (13)

Time Holding: Invincibility skill that lasts 15 seconds and resets all your cooldowns. (excludes 5th job skills)

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (14)

Rewind: Active that stays until consumed when you die. Basically, an Extra life. Long cooldown.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (15)

Shadow Rain: A bind skill that is not affected by bind cooldown. If you bind a target there is usually a cooldown before you can bind it again. This skill ignores that cooldown. So you can do back to back binds if you have it.

How To Animation Cancel Shadow Rain?

In order to animation cancel during shadow rain you first use the skill then tag to beta/alpha, depending on who you started the skill with, and hold down left or right.

Another way is to use burst steps upwards but in order to do this you need burst steps on a key binding.

Zero Perfect Trio Nodes

When it comes to Zero the skills that you will be using are,

  • Rolling Cross
  • Rolling Assault
  • Spin Cutter
  • Wind Cutter
  • Wind Striker
  • Storm Break
  • Flash Assault
  • Moon Strike
  • Piercing Thrust

*These nodes will also level up the Beta counterparts so you don’t have to worry about getting Beta nodes.

The most important sets are the first 2 with Rolling Cross and Wind Cutter. These will be used for mobbing and bossing so make sure these are on a high priority.

Zero Bossing V Matrix Nodes

When bossing you’ll need to have the Rolling Cross and Wind Cutter Trios for sure, Chrono Break, Ego Weapon, Shadow Flash, Decent Sharp Eyes, Twin Blades of Time, and Decent Speed Infusion. Getting your Attack speed to 0 is ideal for every class and Zero is no different. If you have Decent Speed Infusion on your glove you can save a slot.

Zero Mobbing and Bossing Combos

When it comes to Zero combos they are situational and certain combo chains should only be used with certain bosses. Each combo and when it’s best to be used will be down below. The reason we weave skills together with Alpha and Beta is because of the extra damage and buffs that are gained with the Tag system.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (16)

Start in Alpha and this combo is great for heavy damage on a single target. Note that you should use Rolling Cross twice to return to your initial position. Not good for places with short and low platforms.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (17)

This combo utilizes Throwing Weapon in order to reach mobs far left or right. Note that in order to use Throwing Weapon you should use the Flash Cut twice chain.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (18)

This combo is used when you don’t want to move from your position and still want to deal big damage.

Zero is very flexible and you can get very creative with how you want to use your skills. Test out your own combos and see what works best for you.

Zero Class Reboot Guide MapleStory | The Digital Crowns (2024)


Can you burn zero Maplestory? ›

Additionally, Zero characters cannot be selected as a "Burning" character on character creation, but can be selected as your Hyper Burning character upon reaching Lv. 200 and completing Story Act Quest 2.

What is a zero character in MapleStory? ›

Zero starts at Level 100 and does not use MP and instead use Time Force (TF) which quickly regenerates. With Zero, you control two characters Alpha and Beta. Both Alpha and Beta have their own HP and TF. Using attacks of the opposite character will swap you between Alpha and Beta.

What weapon does Zero use in MapleStory? ›

Long Swords are the exclusive weapons of Zero, and the true form of Lazuli.

What is the secret password in zero Maplestory? ›

After bringing them the key, the sisters told them where Phantom's hideout was, as well as the password to enter: 'Open Sesame'.

Can you hyperburn an existing character maplestory? ›

After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a 'Hyper Burning' effect. You cannot go back to give it a 'Burning' effect after refusing to do so during character creation. You can only 'Hyper Burn' 1 character per account during the event.

Is zero a good main MapleStory? ›

In terms of strengths and weaknesses, Zero is a strong class for players who enjoy versatility and teamwork.

What does a W mean in MapleStory? ›

A/w = Auto Win . S/b = Starting Bid.

What does J mean in MapleStory? ›

J>: Joining. KS: Kill Steal (A very rude act in Maple and almost every MMORPG) L> / LF> : Looking for [object] L/N/O: Leave Name and Offer.

Does zero count for Legion MapleStory? ›

Legion Basics

A minimum total level of 500 across all characters in their account of a particular world. Only the highest level Zero character will count towards the total level, and any other characters must be at least Level 60 with 2nd Job Advancement completed in order to count for a Legion.

What is zeros sword called? ›

Zero also started wielding his signature weapon, the Z-Saber, an energy-based sword that introduced melee combat to the Mega Man games.

What is the best weapon in MapleStory? ›

These are, in my opinion, the best weapon types for each class in Maplestory M:
  • Warrior: Jaihin weapons.
  • Archer: Briser Guns.
  • Mage: Jaihin.
  • Thief: Briser weapons.
  • Pirate: Briser.

How many burning characters can you have Maplestory? ›

Players can select only one Burning Character per account. If players were to delete their Burning Character, they can select another newly created character as the Burning Character.

Does zero count for Legion Maplestory? ›

Legion Basics

A minimum total level of 500 across all characters in their account of a particular world. Only the highest level Zero character will count towards the total level, and any other characters must be at least Level 60 with 2nd Job Advancement completed in order to count for a Legion.

How does Burning World work in MapleStory? ›

Burning World is a special world with special rules that will exist only for the duration of the Burning World event, filled with boosts to make it easier than ever to level up fast. While on Burning World, all characters will gain the special Burning skill, which grants the following bonuses: 1.5x EXP.

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